The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 4: See the Rainbow, Love the Rainbow.

Canterlot – Castle – Dining Room -

Celestia sighed once again as she brought the mug of her morning tea up to take a sip, looking at the empty spot in front of her in sadness while eating alone as Luna was already in her bed to rest from her Night Job as Moon Princess and Guardian of Dreams and Maelstrom Knight probably was already in Ponyville to help the Element Bearers as he had promised them as this time he had even skipped breakfast altogether.

Auntie?” a far-away echo of past memories rang in the back of her head as the spectral image of a young colt momentarily appeared sitting in front of her.

Yes, Meally?” the Sun Alicorn heard herself answer.

Don't call me like that! It's embarrassing!” the very young Maelstrom answered pouting making Past-Celestia laugh a little.

What did you want to ask?” she remembered herself say with a gentle smile.

When I'll get older...will you teach me how to rise the sun like you do?” Celestia 'saw' the young pony ask shyly.

Only if you are a good colt...” the echo of the Princess' past answered.

As the memories faded away the Alicorn found herself alone again in the empty room filled only by the dull noise of a near clock.

“What happened? What drove us apart? He just eats in silence and then leaves to either train with the guards or study and spend time with Luna...can't he spend some time with me like he used to? He is ignoring my existence altogether.” she asked to the empty seat sighing, she hoped that once back the blond stallion would have returned to be part of her life, instead he still treated her coldly, detached; showing his old 'Warmth' only to Luna and his friends...even the guards were treated in a more friendly way than Celestia, and that was tearing her apart inside.

“He won't be able to hold a grudge forever, he will forgive me sooner or later. I just have to be patient,” she muttered before hurrying to finish her breakfast so to start her duties as Princess.

“You know he will understand eventually, give him time. We are talking a lot and he has told me of his life as an human and his dreams and hopes, he will warm-up to you as well.” Luna answered as she walked into the room.

“Why are you awake? You should rest,” Celestia said.

“Nature was calling, Celly. Princess or not, I too need relief from time to time,” the other answered smirking.

“Then I won't keep you,” the Sun Alicorn answered smiling.

“I am trying to talk him into forgiving you, but is not easy. Try to talk to him again yourself, he is not one to actually hold a grudge that long, I can assure you.” the Moon Princess answered before returning to her room.

Meanwhile – Konoha – Uchiha Compound -

Ignoring whatever issue the Sun Alicorn was having in that moment, Sasuke was having other problems, because he just knew things were about to go so south to go full-circle the moment a winged horse with a spiky blond mane crashed through his door with a terrorized expression.

“Why are you here? And why without an Henge? You know people may panic at seeing a flying horse going around, it was a miracle people didn't notice Luna-san and Celestia-san last time they came here to take you...” Sasuke had said annoyed before freezing at seeing the horrified light in Naruto's eyes.

“I need help! I need help! I don't know what to do!” the distressed Alicorn kept saying while walking in circles, his horn flaring without apparent control making the whole room shock.

Curiously, while the Elemental Nations may have 'jumped over' some inventions technologically speaking during its populace's evolution, the Uchiha heir was still having the same feeling a “normal” human would have at knowing that at few feet in front of him there was a Nuclear Bomb ready to go BOOM! At the slightest provocation.

The Dobe used to be a powerhouse when in an Human he is a magical horse that can do Magic with his horn, that means adding even MORE power to what he already had...and he is now panicking enough to lose the middle of Konoha. This is not good.” the young man thought in dismay.

“What kind of problem?” he asked trying to sound calm and not panicking himself.

“A big one! An HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO RESOLVE!” Naruto, or Maelstrom or whatever Sasuke thought, answered shrieking.

“C-can I ask to the others to join us?” Sasuke asked back.


I don't want to die alone if you blow-up...I think more heads will find a solution more easily,” the Uchiha said with his most convincing tone while not voicing his concerns about a solitary demise should the other completely lose control.

“Oh! Okay...try to see if the girls too can join, a female point of view would be good...very good...absolutely good.” the stallion answered as the floor gave-in under his body out of sheer magical pressure forming a crater.

“Do not demolish my house, I'll be back soon.” Sasuke answered; as soon as he had calmly closed the door behind himself he sprinted forward, running faster than he ever had in his whole life, even faster than when he had fought Kaguya and Naruto himself.

His old Teammate was a step-close at vaporizing the Village because unable to think straight, so he felt justified to simply grab his 'Targets' without stopping his run or explain; making Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Chouji, Shikamaru, Kiba and Akamaru, Shino and even Rock Lee disappear in what seemed, from an outsider's point of view, a barely-seen blur before returning home with a long chain of human rag-dolls flaying behind him.

“You. me. Dobe. Help. Now!” Sasuke said launching those people inside the room before slamming closed the door and sealing it into full-privacy mode.

“Why the room is spinning?” Kiba asked with spinning eyes from his face-down position on the floor.

Hiraishin?” an equally confused Sakura asked dumbfounded.

“No, fear that the idiot will blow-up my house no jutsu. Now stop asking and start helping!” Sasuke answered.

“Let's calm down. What's happening, Naruto?” Shikamaru asked with a groan.

“I...didn't expect all of you to be here, even just Sakura and Ino would have been enough.” the stallion answered.

“I was in an hurry and forgot to ask what the problem was so I took everything I could put my hands on to cover every possible angle,” Sasuke answered huffing.

“Spit it out, why are you here?” Ino asked frowning.

“I...I need help in a matter of, well, Heart.” Maelstrom whispered while looking down.

“Heart? You are in love with someone?” Sakura asked as she and Ino eagerly sat at both sides of the Alicorn with an interested expression on their faces.

“Still talking about Hinata?” Chouji asked confused.

“...” the muttered answer was too low even for Kiba to hear.

“Can you speak louder? I think Akamaru too failed at hearing you,” Kiba said annoyed.

“Rainbow Dash...” Maelstrom replied.

“Isn't she that girl you said help managing the weather in the small town where she lives?” Ino asked in surprise.

“Yes.” he answered nodding.

“You are in love with an horse?!” Kiba yelled in shock.

“Kiba, he IS an horse himself.” Shino answered calmly.

“Oh! Yeah, keep forgetting that the Henge is the human body and the horse is the real one, it's kind of hard to get used to it.” the Inuzuka boy said nodding.

“How did that happen?” Tenten asked curious.

“I am taking flying lessons from her, since it's kind of different using wings than just flying with chakra...Luna-kaasan is fine and all and I just LOVE to spend time with her when she teaches me or when she tells me stories of my past or about hers and my father's time together, but she tends to be overly-cautious when we go through flying exercises so it's kind of boring.” Naruto answered.

“And knowing you if it isn't at least a tiny bit dangerous you get bored easily,” Sasuke said sighing.

“It's just because even in a different body his spirit is that of pure Youth!” Lee said smirking.

“In a sense, but with Dash it was better. She is funny, cool and pretty much an adrenaline-junkie! She doesn't beat around the bush when dealing with someone or something and always push herself to the limit to get better, and those eyes and her wings and...and her fur that is the colour of the sky and..” the stallion answered.

“Okay, you got it bad! But what is the problem?” Sakura asked smirking.

“I don't know what to do! I happened to blurt-out a compliment or two and she seemed to like them, apparently for the others she is a pony-version of a tom-boy, but then...then...What if she doesn't like me enough to be my girlfriend? or if she says yes, then how should I act? I never was in a relationship! Will I fuck-up everything? I bet I will...take me out of a fighting situation and I am hopeless.” he answered with a depressed tone of voice.

“Calm down, the most important thing here is being rational...and please Ino, stop petting him!” Shikamaru said before glaring at the blond Yamanaka girl.

“Uh? AH! Sorry! But he is just so fluffy and adorable!” she answered in embarrassment.

“He kind of is, I heard that Kurenai-san actually squealed when she saw his Pegasus form for the first time,” Sakura added.

“It's Alicorn,” Naruto said.

“Isn't that the same thing? You are a winged horse,”

“Apparently not, there is a difference.”

“Can we return to the matter at hand, please?” Sasuke asked just as the door was kicked down by a furious Tsunade.

“You have five seconds to tell me why you kidnapped those shinobi before I...Naruto?” Tsunade roared as she and Kakashi barged inside but stopping once they saw the stallion in the middle of the room.

“He was asking us for help since he has fell in love with one of his friends, Shishou.” Sakura answered.

“Fell in love? Okay I'll handle this.” the Sannin woman said while Kakashi simply gestured to someone outside to leave, probably ANBU that had followed them.

Said that the masked Hokage leaned on the door while the woman moved to sit on the floor near Maelstrom before grabbing him and setting him on her lap, daring with a glare any of the present to comment her petting and hugging him.

“Baa-chan! The fuck are you doing?!” Maelstrom said.

“Silence! It will calm the two of us. Now...who is this bitch that seduced you exactly?” Tsunade asked.

“Dash is not a bitch! For God's sake, Baa-chan! I didn't tell Luna-kaasan for this reason alone! She too would have blown a gasket about it, what's wrong with me liking someone?” Naruto said in dismay.

“She is just worried to see an hussy corrupt you, just like me! Now start from the beginning and tell me how this happened and what had you go in full panic.” the Sannin asked.

“Sigh! Okay, it all happened during our last flying session this morning; we usually go through some warming fly at dawn before moving towards more complex exercises later, the problem is what happened after that...”

Ponyville – skies – not so long ago -

Two streams of light could be seen soar above Ponyville at ludicrous speed with the golden-yellow one closely following the rainbow-coloured one with barely a split second difference, copying each manoeuvre the rainbow went through no matter if simple as a loop-de-loop or more complicated like a corkscrew spiral upward or downward.

Both streams then separated and started flying side-by-side spinning and turning before falling all the way to street level dodging every pony they came across an instant before impact and startling the poor 'victims' of their daring flight.

The mad race came to a stop when a rather huge cloud appeared in front of them, making the two lights rapidly spin around it until it took a shape more similar to that of a pillow where a blond Alicorn and a rainbow-haired Pegasus then collapsed onto on their backs, laughing while just happy to stay there to rest.

“Oh Boy! That was fast! And funny too!” Maelstrom said between fits of laughter.

“Hahahaha! Yeah, gotta say that it's rare for me to find another flying enthusiast, I mean many would see me as a blindly boasting foal or...” Dash answered with a small smile.

“Or an ass that just can't help but boast loudly as she talks about her dream? I know the feeling, I used to yell to the world how I would have become Hokage and protect everyone, but let's say that my Academic results at the time were not encouraging...but I never quit nor admitted defeat, and I don't think you should either.” Maelstrom answered encouragingly.

“And then tell me, Mister Prince...why don't you find me a pain to talk to like many others usually do? Even Rarity and Twilight sometimes admit to find my talking about the Wonderbolts annoying,” she asked back while inching a little closer to him.

“As I said, I was (and pretty much I still am) just as loud and boasting as you are now, so I actually admire how hard you work to get always better. Sure you still have that slightly inflated ego problem, but who am I to judge?” the stallion answered smirking.

“Ego Problem? Oh, do shut-up mister 'Super Ninja'! You are the very last one that should talk about ego!” Dash said giving him a playful bump on the shoulder with her hoof.

“Hoy! You can get away with that at least contrary to us others! you have good looks on your side too, so their arguments would be invalid in front of pure Awesomeness!” Maelstrom answered.

“Come on...enough compliments. It's not like I am all girly-girly like Rarity or a shy-cutie like Fluttershy...” she muttered with an humourless voice as she looked away.

“I really think that you are a pretty girl, the ones treating you like a 'feminine' stallion are just plain idiots.” He answered seriously.

Pfeh!...” Dash huffed in disinterest.

“...People didn't use to treat me like a person back in Konoha, you know? It was always like they expected me to sprout fangs and attack them, this in the worst case; otherwise they just liked to think that failure was the only outcome of everything I wanted to do. Even when I became a Genin, the lowest-level of Ninja barely out of our Academy, in their eyes I could always see a total lack of trust or are a wonderful Pegasus that flies like no other, an incredible friend and a mare that everyone with even just a spark of common-sense would kill to talk to, let alone date...” he said as this time he was the one to move closer to her.

“...Really?” Dash muttered while turning to once again look at him.

“Really.” he answered.

“And what about you? You really find me that cute?” she asked.

The following silence lasted only the smallest of instants, and yet it it seemed to prolong to years as she looked in his cerulean eyes and he back at her, unblinking as both committed to memory every detail of the other's face before he lunged forward covering her lips with his.

Warm, smooth flesh covered her mouth for a second before those foreign lips got pulled away, eyes once again open and looking at each other.

“Wha-wha...” a very embarrassed Dash spluttered as Maelstrom slowly moved closer for another kiss.

“Please?” he whispered almost too low to be heard.

She didn't know why she caved-in, but she moved forward herself in a new kiss, when she felt his mouth open though she grew slightly surprise until something else, his tongue (!) as a small part of her brain not focused on kissing said, tentatively and tenderly caressed her own lips; and so, curious about what he wanted to do, she slowly left the admittedly tasty intruder slowly part her lips and meet her own tongue...

Heat, heat exploded in her mind blowing away every thought as the stallion she was kissing moved through a shy exploring of her mouth, and she did the same, tasting every inch of him as his hooves circled her neck in a fierce hug deepening the experience.

The same heat then moved to spread all over her body as instinct took over making her more daring, more hungry as she forcefully pushed back his tongue to gain even more from the kiss, and as soon as he responded with his own force she found herself drowning, forgetting everything and everyone, and he doing the same, until only them existed at all; ignoring even the need to breath just to not interrupt the moment of bliss.

When they eventually managed to stop both Alicorn and Pegasus stood lying down hugging each-other with her forehead pressed on his while both panted from the lack of oxygen.

“I...I know it's-pant-late to ask...b-but would you marefriend?” Maelstrom muttered.

“I-I think that I can do that...b-but what was that?” A flustered Dash answered meekly.

“Well, i-it started like a normal kiss...then it went down into a bit of French Kissing...t-t-then I don't know, I kind of went into auto-pilot at a certain didn't like that?” he asked back.

In answer the rainbow-maned Pegasus just pounced on him to repeat the kiss until once again the need to breath pretended attention.

“I don't know what this French-whatever is...but Celestia if you know how to kiss...” Dash said while giving little kisses to the stallion.

“It was my first time actually,” he admitted blushing.

“Lucky me then, I got a coltfriend that is a natural in this sort of things!” she answered smirking, making the other laugh happily and hug her tightly.

Their cuddling though went interrupted by a new voice calling for Dash to show-up.

“DASH! There is a certain Gilda looking for you! Do something before one of the guys punch that griffin into next week! She managed to anger even Placid Cloud!” the male Pegasus yelled with an annoyed voice.

Sigh! Gotta go, meet you at Sugarcube Corner?” Dash said sighing.

“I'll be there, Dashy-chan!” Maelstrom answered smirking.

“Got to remember that the '-chan' suffix you use is a sort of compliment...” the mare muttered before joining her friend to talk with this Gilda.

As soon as the girl disappeared from view though the placid smile Maelstrom was sporting dropped to leave room to the horrified expression that the stallion was barely holding back to not scare Dash.

“I have a girlfriend...FUUUUUCK!” he said before disappearing in a burst of speed that blew away half the clouds covering Ponyville, he needed help in understanding what to do and he planned to reach Konoha and ask someone; too bad his panic-induced hysteria had him crash in Sasuke's place instead of Tsunade's.

Present time – Uchiha Clan Compound – Konoha -

“You French-kissed an horse...” Kiba muttered.

“Hoy! Once I wrapped my head around this horse thing, I started noticing the differences between the mares there, and is not bestiality since I am 'by default' an horse myself,” Naruto answered.

“The fact that she doesn't know what that kiss was it's surprising,” Tsunade said.

“Their world is...well, Equestria is pretty much “Kid-friendly” if I have to say, they don't curse, like to sing and such; even when they fight the worst they do to each other is knocking-down or transform the other into something harmless, the worst kind of wounds are black eyes, bruises and the like with rarely some broken bones...they risk more during incidents than in proper fights. They are 'Pure' in a sense,” Naruto answered.

“Makes me wonder what would happen should you eat her out,” Kiba muttered.

“Shino?” Kakashi asked.

“OUCH!” the Inuzuka boy yelped as Shino slapped the back of his neck.

“Thank you, Shino.” Kakashi said smiling.

“No problems, Hokage-sama.”

“Listen, the thing is easy, BE YOURSELF. She accepted your proposal because it was something not planned, you were acting like yourself just like you were doing before that happened; it means that she likes YOU, just the way you are, it's a good start,” Ino said with a little smile.

“Luckily Hinata is not here...she would go ballistic over this,” Sasuke said sighing.

“Okay, okay! Just for this time we are going to give you a little advice on heart matters, see to remember everything but also know that we are giving you just simple suggestions, as Ino said she likes you, meaning the person or pony you usually are.” Sakura said reassuringly.

“Okay, I think I can do this,” the stallion said nodding.

An hour later – Ponyville -

Maelstrom was once again back in Equestria with a more calm attitude towards the whole girlfriend business when a strange sense of uneasiness took him over as soon as he stepped inside Ponyville territory, hurrying into a small trot he started looking for Dash as for some reason he had the impression that something had happened.

When he reached Twilight's place he could hear a muffled-out sobbing coming from inside, thing that had him pretty much open the door with enough force to almost tear it off of its hinges.

“What's happening? DASH!” he yelled before running at the crying mare's side in an instant.

“Ma-Maelstrom? I-I-I...Waaaaah!” Dash said before erupting in a new fit of desperate wailing as she threw her arms around his neck.

“What happened?” he asked again while hugging her back.

“An old friend of her, Gilda. The two had a discussion and pretty much had their friendship...Sigh! Crumble to dust,” Twilight answered with a sad tone.

“And where is this mare?” Maelstrom asked.

“A griffin, she is a griffin and probably already returning home.” Dash muttered between hiccups.

“She had not been exactly nice with us, and Dash defended us instead of siding with her.” Rarity said.

“So she acted like a bit...” the stallion tried saying.

“Yes, but please contain yourself. This is no time to lose control, we need to console her.” Twilight answered.

“Console her, yes...” Maelstrom muttered mechanically while nodding.

Kit, I know you...and I am of the same advice, there is an ass that needs a good kicking, she needs that Gilda if she is this devastated at losing her, and I can feel your anger at seeing her cry, so I'll make you an offer I haven't done you ever since you were a Gennin...” Kurama said with narrowed eyes and a growling voice.

“...I don't like to see her crying, to see her suffer...I am listening,” Maelstrom answered after a short pause.

“Don't...don't tell them we are together...I'll explain later,” Dash muttered in his ear.

“Want me to talk with Gilda? I can help her resonate and see that you two can still be friends,” the stallion offered.

“It's useless, she hates the fact that I have friends here and is too stubborn to listen to others,” Dash answered.

“Don't you trust me?” Maelstrom asked with an hurt expression.

“You would really do that?” Pinkie asked.

“I consider you all friends, and I hate to see my friends suffer like this,” he answered.

“Thank you, it won't work...but I do appreciate the gesture.” Dash said grateful.

“There is no problem,” Maelstrom answered with a kind smile before going out of the library.

As soon as he was outside the smile dropped and a snarl took its place, scaring the ones passing by as the stallion's muscles seemed to harden and grow in size while a strange bubbling aura of energy covered his body, making the whiskers-like markings on his face get thicker, his eyes turn red with slit pupils and his mouth gain enough fangs to shame a pack of timberwolves.

“Gilda...I swear that I will either talk you into seeing reason or eat you for dinner...” Maelstrom growled before opening his wings wide, those too now somehow even bigger than before.

Uh-ho...I think I overdid...” Kurama thought in alarm as the Alicorn took-off with enough speed to 'leave behind' even his own sonic boom.

The Biju just hoped that by the time they found that griffin he would manage to 're-absorb' some of the malicious intent Maelstrom was now oozing-out in waves.

With Gilda – not too far away -

“Stupid Dash, stupid Unicorns and stupid Earth Ponies...wasting her time with those losers...Sniff! W-What was wrong in being just the two of us, I wonder? We were the coolest ones...the others were just an hindrance!” the female Griffin muttered while oscillating between anger and sadness.

“Whatever! I don't need her...I don't need ANYBODY! I am better alone than surrounded by losers!” she then said while biting down a new 'uncool' sob.

It was in that moment that pure RAGE surged from behind her as a bullet of reddish-gold energy flew pass her before taking the shape of an Alicorn that then moved to stand on a cloud to glare at her with blood-coloured eyes.

“Gilda?” he asked sneering.

“And you are?” she asked back while sub-consciously preparing her talons for battle.

“Dash' coltfriend, the one that hates with a passion to see her suffer and cry,” Maelstrom answered growling.

“Eh! You seem different from those weaklings Dash had the stupid idea to be friends with, it means that she is still redeemable,” Gilda said smirking.

Calm down, that girl wouldn't want to see you like this, nor for her best friend to become your dinner,” Kurama said from the Seal.

Taking-in an huge breath the stallion slowly calmed himself down until the bubbling aura disappeared inside his body to look at the griffin with once-again blue eyes.

“Does that mean you calmed down?” Gilda asked.

“Yes, I was about to tear off your wings, I should pay attention when using the Biju Cloak, it tends to make instincts go high-wire,” he answered.

“Your tone. You are not joking about hurting are a warrior, but not a 'normal one', you are different from those guards I saw, why?” Gilda asked as she too relaxed a little, still showing her willingness to fight though.

“Got a trying up-bring. Why have you argued with Dash? Just because she made new friends?” Maelstrom asked.

“She made UNCOOL friends, pathetic that spineless Fluttershy or the Bookworm...I can't believe that of all the ponies that she could chose to befriend those ones had to take her away,” she answered bitterly.

To her surprise the last anger she could see in his eyes just evaporated as he sat on that cloud to look at her in sadness.

“I can see it now, you are lonely, do you? How many friends do you have other than Dash, exactly?”

“Lonely? Don't make me laugh! I am swarmed by people wishing to have a little of my attention!” Gilda answered as she too joined him on the same cloud with a theatrical flare of her wings.

“Hey, there is no need to lie...” he answered with a kind smile.

“I am not telling lies!” she answered indignant.

“You are, you are doing the same thing I used to do back there in Konoha, boasting and loudly proclaiming my awesomeness, filling my mouth with empty words and smiles to hide the are feeling alone, just like I used to.” the stallion continued

“Don't talk as if you know me!” Gilda hissed with narrowed eyes.

“No I don't know you, but I know you care about Dash enough to be happy for her finding new friends, I bet you were secretly elated to see that she had found someone else other than you...and for some reason you are afraid that she may leave you behind because of that as well.” Maelstrom answered, still with a sad smile on his face; once understood what her problem was he simply could no longer be angry at her.

“She will waste her time with those ponies! They are not good enough for her! Not as good as I have always been!” Gilda yelled back.

“You don't believe in that yourself, you are just scared to be left alone, and guess what, Dash still wants you in her life! She still wants her dear friend Gilda to talk to, to have the griffin girl she had knew since forever to be her friend just like with Twilight and the others,” he said, unrelenting as he walked closer to her.

“ doesn't matter...I have already made my choice, whatever friendship I had with Dash is over and that's final.” the griffin said shaking her head.

“Then you are a liar! And you know that you are telling lies because Dash' happiness will ALWAYS matter to you! And deep inside you know this is true.” Maelstrom said.

“Stop...” she muttered with cracking voice.

“You still care about her. About your friendship, don't you? You will never stop worrying about her well-being nor stop treasuring any memory you two share no matter what happens.”

“I said stop!”

“That is why you acted like that, am I right? You may be happy for her, but deep inside you were also jealous because you feared that she would no longer have enough time to spend with you, you were convinced that Dash had somehow forgot completely about you...and so you lashed-out, insulting every one of her friends in the hope she would choose you over them in order to save your friendship. so to still be important to her.”

“Please! Just stop talking! I beg you...”

“But Dash didn't bulge, so failed that strategy, since loving Dash was now making you preferred arguing with her. You thought that if there wasn't any friendship between you two then the Pain would just fade away, that's what you were hoping for, right? Cutting-off that bridge in the hopes to no longer suffer like that is not working.”

“I SAID SHUT UP!” Gilda screamed in anger as her claw moved on its own piercing the stallion's side, making her scream in horror.

“Noo! I am sorry! I...I...” the griffin said with wide eyes at watching the red stream flowing down the deep wound.

“You know that it won't work, right? You can't just throw away a life-worth of friendship just like that, you griffin may be prideful creatures, valuing strength above everthing else, but you too recognize the value of what you and Dash used and STILL share.” Maelstrom said as the bubbling aura briefly returned to cover his wound and closing it in a subtle sizzling until nothing remained, not even the faintest of scars.

“S-stop...” she said taking few steps back “I-If you don't I'll attack again!”

“I don't think so, because you know that I am right. Let's go back, if you want you can stay friends with Dash, she still wants you, she needs you just as much as you need her, her friends too are ready to offer their friendship. Do you understand? they don't want to take your place, but to have you join the group.” Maelstrom answered smiling.

“And what about you?” Gilda asked while relaxing even more.

“We can be friends too if you want, I don't want Dash to think she has to choose between me, you and the others; I just want her to be happy.” he answered nodding.

“...Fight me...” the griffin muttered.


“Fight with me, if you win...I-I'll give a try to this, but if I win you will let me go and never bother me again,” Gilda said.

“You need to play the bad-ass woman until the end? So be it...just don't expect me to play nice just because you are Dash' friend.”

“I won't play nice either! You want to impress me enough to have me listen to what you say? Then show me how good you are in actions too other than words!”

“Ooh! You can bet I will do my best, Ready?” Maelstrom asked smirking.

“Bring it on! I'll show ya-WHAM!” Gilda had barely the time to say that, because as soon the fight started the right hoof of the stallion impacted with her face in a very human-style punch.

Half an hour later – Ponyville -

“You sure you will be okay, Dash?” Twilight asked.

Sniff! I'll be, Maelstrom must have failed talking to her...I am not surprised, she had always had an head as hard as stones,” the Pegasus answered sadly.

“...Yeah, but the guy here hits hard enough to crack rocks.” Gilda muttered as both she and the Stallion landed near the group, she had various bruises and a swelling eye while he was sporting an huge smile and several clawing marks on his side.

“She insisted to have us resolve it 'in the griffin way' namely fighting until the other drops down and admit defeat.” Maelstrom said grinning.

“It doesn't work like that, I think?” Twilight said uncertain.

“She said it did instead...” the stallion said shrugging.

“Dash...I...look I am not good at this sort of things...let's say that I am not happy about how I acted before, okay!?” Gilda said in forced annoyance.

“It means that she is sorry!” Pinkie Pie said smiling.

“We know that, Pinkie.” Rarity answered sighing.

Sigh !...okay, I am sorry...I just couldn't accept that you could leave me behind, how are we supposed to keep in touch now?” the griffin said sighing.

“Stay here in Ponyville,” Maelstrom offered.

“WHAT!?” the other mares plus griffin yelled.

“Celestia always wonders how to show that between ponies and griffins there can be peace, having one openly joining Ponyville and even help with the weather would show that the two races can co-exist pacifically...granted that the griffin guest will stop being an ass.” the stallion said.

“Okay, I think I can accept talking with some ponies...I'll need to lower my standards, but I'll survive.” Gilda said, yelping when Maelstrom stomped on her claw with a scowl.

“What did I say about that?” he asked.

“To keep the boasting to a minimum, but give me some time though, I am trying!” Gilda answered.

“Where should she live then?” Applejack asked.

“Considering that anypony else other than Dash would just go mad at her attitude until it gets fixed, I say that both should share an apartment...or better, the one I bought here when I decided that I needed a place to crash-in when coming here, as long as they leave me sleep on the couch I am fine.” Maelstrom answered.

“I can't accept that offer,” Gilda answered barely moving fast enough to grab a key the Alicorn threw her.

“There! Two bedrooms, a bathroom, big living room, a nice balcony to use to watch the clouds and a spacious kitchen, just pay attention to the parquet.” the stallion answered smirking.

“T-thanks...” Dash said hugging him.

“No problem, now you and Gilda have a chance to be friends once again and help that stubborn parrot to be a more likeable girl.” he said winking.

“Sorry if I want to keep our relationship secret, but for now I don't want to get too much attention on us,” Dash said whispering.

“It's because I am a Prince? I don't care about that!” he whispered back.

“It's not that, just have patience for now; part of the reason is that I just don't want people giving you troubles because you have a 'non-noble' marefriend.” she asked.

“Okay. I'll keep my mouth shut, but only because you asked. Because know that I don't like this.” the stallion answered.

“Can you show us where is the place? We have...lots to talk about.” Dash asked.

“Follow the clone, he will take you there,” Maelstrom answered as a shadow clone signalled them to follow.

Once far away the stallion turned towards the Mane Six and sighed.

“Can I ask you to give her a chance?”

“We already decided to, dear. Don't worry.” Rarity said smiling.

“Thank you.”

“Okey-dokey, we resolved this finally! I'll need to prepare a cake for Gilda's welcome party then!” Pinkie said happily.

“Eh! Cake sounds good, do you mind if I help?” Maelstrom answered smirking.

“You know how to cook? Cool!” the pink pony said with a wide smile.

“Used to live by myself before coming here, I am no Chef, but I don't lack imagination!” he said.

“We will leave you two chefs alone then, I still got a boutique to take care of.” Rarity said laughing as she left for her shop.

“I...Uhm! I need to go too, sorry, but I still need to check on my animals.” Fluttershy muttered blushing before leaving.

“I'll go too, I still need to see where Spike has gone since somepony suggested him to have some fun without warning me,” Twilight said while glaring at Maelstrom.

“Hoy! That guy needs to have fun too! He is not your slave!” he answered.

“I know...I am just worried about him,” the Unicorn muttered as she walked away.

“Sorry,” Maelstrom said.

“No, it's okay. Maybe I am making him over-work after all,” she answered.

“COME ON! Our super pie won't prepare itself!” Pinkie said before dragging the stallion behind her by his tail.

“Okay, okay! I am coming!” he answered laughing.

Sometime later – Rock Farm -

Igneous Rock, Pinkie's father, knew something was bad when a stallion of every pony living in Ponyville came visiting their home.
He was not exactly and over-protective father by any means, mind you, but just like every other father he was still feeling kind of queasy at the idea of any male figure not family-tied spending too much time alone with his daughter.

“My dear, he is just helping with a 'secret project' of Pinkie...I don't think there is anything to worry about, they are just friends, that's all.” the stallion's wife said for what must have been the tenth time in the last thirty minutes.

“I am not exactly worried, mind you...I am just...keeping my ears open and my senses sharp as my rocks,” Igneous answered even too much casually as he stalked closer to the kitchen door trying to appear as nonchalant as somepony just passing by.

“Look, I trust you AND I trust my daughter, and I will show you that there is nothing to be worried about, now listen.” the mare said huffing as both moved closer to the door to eavesdrop.

Wow...that's huge...” they heard Pinkie say in wonder making her father splutter.

You think?” Maelstrom answered uncertain.

“Hu-uh! I had always seen way smaller ones...or at least I never saw something like this in person, only on pictures.” she answered giggling.

“In pictures?! Where?!” Igneous mouthed with an horrified expression.

“Sssh!” Quartz hissed to silence him.

Do you think it will fit inside?” Maelstrom asked, unknowingly making both parents go green in their face.

Maybe cramming it in? You can try pushing hard until it enters all the way,” Pinkie answered.

“I am going to be sick,” Igneous muttered between gagging sounds while his wife was too shocked to even breath.

It would make a mess, Pinkie! Stuff would splatter everywhere and make things too sticky!” the stallion said in disgust from inside.

That may be, but it still taste good!

About that, I just can't believe how much of that you can actually gobble down, doesn't all that stuff make you sick?” he asked.

What can I say? I am a glutton!” she answered with a new giggle.

“Oh Celestia!” Quartz said while sitting on the floor in shock.

You know what? Whatever! Open wide so we can start and...” Maelstrom was about to say when Igneous broke down the door in his haste to enter.

“WHAT ARE YOUuuuu...Oh! You are making a pie...Hehehe! Just a pie...” the girl's father yelled before rapidly dropping everything once saw Maelstrom and Pinkie covered from head to tail in flour with various splotches of chocolate here and there and an huge pie near them.

“Uh-hu! I wanted to see if I could make the most biggest chocolate pie ever and Maelstrom helped me!” Pinkie answered with a wide smile.

“The problem is that we got so caught-up in preparing it that we never considered how to actually have it fit in the least in the meantime I got some clones to clean-up, like that you won't have a mess for a kitchen,” the Prince answered nodding.

“Ah! Okay! I doesn't matter, but thank you for cleaning up everything, your Highness! There was no need...” Igneous said with a forced smile while trying to pretend he had never burst inside.

“Try cutting the thing in half and cook it like that, you can put it back together once done.” Quartz added from outside with a relieved expression.

“OKAY, MUM!” Pinkie said smiling and waving at her parents as they left the room.

“Nice ponies,” Maelstrom muttered, shivering when Pinkie licked his cheek.

“Uuhm! it needs more sugar...still good though.” the pink pony said seriously.

“Please don't do that,” the Stallion said blushing.

“Yes please, don't.” Quartz muttered gagging while Igneous kept hammering his head on a big rock to erase the images he had conjured in his head by himself during his spying.

“Pinkie?” Maelstrom said.

“Yes?” she answered, surprised to watch him lick her cheek.

“Yep! You taste better than chocolate, I was right.” the stallion said smirking before walking outside to use the garden hose to clean himself.

Are you sure this won't back-fire?” Kurama asked.

“Like what? I was joking, she licked me and I licked her back.” Maelstrom asked.

Bah! Whatever...your left wing, you still have some orange crust on that.” the Biju answered.

Behind them, unseen, Pinkie Pie had just momentarily turned into 'Tomato Pie' as her whole body had took a deep-red colour out of embarrassment, shaking her head strongly she joined the stallion for a throughout cleaning.
Done that the young stallion offered himself as an helper in the shop the Element of Laughter worked in, as a way to spend some time while waiting for Dash to resolve her issues with Gilda.

“I was wondering...” he said during a moment of quiet after the last client left.

“Yes?” Pinkie asked back.

“Your it made of cotton candy? I swear it looks exactly like that!” Maelstrom asked while pointing at her mane and then at the small 'cloud' of pink sugar resting in a corner of the counter.

“No, Silly! Otherwise people would always try to eat it,” she answered giggling.

“You sure?” he asked with narrowed eyes.

“Uh-hu! This is all natural mane, but I do love making look like cotton candy, it's all fluffy and sweet!”

“I don't believe you, come on! Let me taste it!” the stallion said smirking while trying to catch her.

“NEVER! My Cotton-I mean mane is mine alone!” Pinkie said dramatically.

“I knew it! It IS made of sugar! Come on, just a morsel!” he asked while still chasing the giggling mare.

“Nu-uuuh! It's all mine!” she answered smiling while dodging him.

Both kept chasing each other in the small shop until a very amused Miss Cake came out from the back.

“Sorry if I interrupt your oh-so-important game, but I need a cool, strong stallion to take out of storage some sacks of sugar since my 'beloved' husband this time has managed to find a believable excuse to not do that himself and leave.” the mare asked smirking.

“I am coming, Cake-san! Where should I put them? And how many?” Maelstrom asked.

“Two sacks would be wonderful if you don't mind, just take those out and put them on the table,” she answered.

“I'll do that,” he answered nodding before leaving the two alone.

“So?” Miss cake asked.

“So?” Pinkie replied.

“To when the wedding? I'll make you a nice price on the cake.” the elder mare said smirking deviously.

Eeep! Is not like that! We are just friends!” Pinkie answered immediately.

“Me and my husband too have been 'just friends' years ago; you two look so cute together and seem to both enjoy playing and have fun...and he is also a Prince that for some reason Celestia only knows (no pun intended) is not a stuck-up foal, so why not?” Miss Cake asked.

“I don't need a coltfriend! We are just friend and I am happy like that!” Pinkie answered smiling.

“You sure?”


“Really, really?” the mare pressed with a knowing smile.

“...Okay I like to play with him, so what?” Pinkie admitted.

“Only playing?”


“That's not very convincing, and you yourself know that,” Miss Cake said laughing at the girl's flustered face.

“Hoy! Something wrong?” Maesltrom asked once rejoined the two on the front of the store.

“Just a little friendly teasing about Pinkie's love life, she fears that her Target won't take her seriously,” Miss Cake answered.

“I never said that!” Pinkie replied shocked.

“But you were thinking it,” the other said.

“That is not true!” Pinkie answered pouting.

D'aaaaw! Don't listen to her, she is doing this on purpose just to get a reaction from you,” Maelstrom said as he moved one of his wings to cover her in a friendly hug.

“People used to do the same to me and never listen to what I said...sure maybe my perennial smiling and pranking wasn't helping, but hey! At least I was trying making others happy. Just like you.” he then said smiling.


“And who else? Never had so much fun at a party like when taking part to one of yours, you are simply amazing in bringing-out smiles. You are one of the kindest and most caring girls I have ever met...especially with cotton-candy mane sweetening the deal.” the stallion answered.

“Again with the cotton-candy, enough with that, you meanie!” Pinkie answered with her biggest smile.

“Enough pleasantries, I need help putting the new orders in the oven, mind helping me, Pinkie? My husband should FINALLY be back any moment so we will be able to release our pour hostage.” Miss Cake said, sounding strangely proud to Maelstrom's ears.

“I was happy to help you, Cake-san. Please ask me again if you ever need help.” the stallion said with a little bow of his head.

“May as well, saying that a Prince baked our biscuits kind of help selling them, HAHAHAHA!” the mare said making the stallion chuckle in answer.

“If you say so. See you around, Pinkie?” he asked.

“Okay! Until next time!” the pink mare answered waving at his retreating form.

“See? He enjoys your parties and YOU'll thank me the next time,” Miss Cake said proudly once sure Maelstrom was not at hearing distance.

“I won't answer to that provocation...” Pinkie muttered while moving on the back of the shop, trying to suppress 'certain ideas' about turning one of her friends into something more.

I have a strange feeling of dread...I just hope that it is not something I am the cause for, the brat can mess around all he wants, but I would prefer remain 'clean', thank you very much.” Kurama thought while in the Seal before curling into a tighter ball to try to ignore the uneasiness tickling at the back of his head.

Omake – Love the Rainbow, TASTE the Rainbow -

It was a new day in Ponyville, the sky was clear, birds were chirping happily and the warm rays of the sun seemed to do their worst to make the various ponies struggle with the idea of just lying down on the grass to do nothing.

Mmmmmmh!” and it was also a new day of 'flying lessons' between Maelstrom Knight and Rainbow Dash.

Mmmmmmh!” lesson that as usual finished with the two resting on a lonely cloud to catch their breath before moving to a more interesting, from their point of view, round of 'face-sucking', also known as kissing.

Uuuuhm! I don't think I will ever stop enjoying this,” Dash muttered as she snuggled closer to the stallion with a content smile.

“Me neither, but why keeping everything a secret?” he answered.

“I want to be selfish, and keep my colt-friend all to myself,” she answered smirking.

“You are a bad girl, you know?” the stallion said chuckling.

“So what? I may be the Element of Loyalty, but this doesn't mean I have to always share the goods,”

“If you say so...hey...ehm...I was wondering...” Maelstrom said uncertain.


“There is...something I wish to try...can we?”

“Try something? And what is it?” Dash asked.

“Apparently something cooler even than that kind of kissing...if I have to listen to the rumours.” he said blushing.

“DO TELL!” she answered eagerly.

“You sure?”

“Do it! If it's another awesome thing like that then I am VERY willing to try!” Dash said with a furious nod.

“Okay...brace yourself,” Maelstrom said before flipping the girl on her back.

"What are you doing?" she asked confused.

“In my old world they would jokingly call this 'Tasting the Rainbow'...should make you feel good.” the stallion answered while trailing small kisses down her neck, on her chest and stomach and then continuing always lower; making the Pegasus grow red-faced once understood where he was going.

"WAIT! Under there there is my...I don't under-" she said in alarm until he started, making her eyes go wider and wider until...until...UNTIL...

- Elemental Nations – Konoha - Hokage Tower -

It was a new day in Konoha, the sky was clear, birds were chirping happily and the warm rays of the sun seemed to do their worst to make the various shinobi struggle with the idea of just lying down on the grass to do nothing. Especially their dear Hokage Kakashi Hatake, naturally-born lazy-ass, until...


That quiet moment of Peace went drastically interrupted when a far-away sound shocked the whole Village breaking every form of glass present in there. Same thing also happening in every other Village of the Elemental Nations.

" What the fuck was that?!" Kakashi yelled with wide eyes while looking out the window in confusion.

- Back in Equestria -

Back in Ponyville Maelstrom was silently looking with horrified eyes the result of his work...while unconsciously still licking his lips.

"Oh, God!...I think I killed her..." he muttered with wide eyes.

"Ughblblblblb..." Dash moaned with vacant eyes while drooling, mumbling incoherently and trembling in micro shocks of pleasure.

Luckily the former shinobi still had Kurama in the Seal ready to disperse his wisdom coming from his being a Biju created by the Sage of the Six Paths himself Hagoromo.

"...Try poking her with a stick." the Biju said uncertain.

One hour later – Sugarcube Corner – after a short visit to a doctor paid handsomely to keep everything secret-

"Hoy Dash! how went with your flying lessons?" Applejack asked curious at seeing the Pegasus stumble inside with a dumb smile literally frozen on her face.

"Good! it went good! a lot of nice things went very, very good!" Dash answered with a very excited tone.

"You okay? you sound...kind of like in overdrive." Twilight asked curious.

" Who? Me? I am fine...a bit overwhelmed...but I am fine! Just tried something new," she answered immediately.

“Cool-down, girl! You look like a filly in a sugar-rush!” Gilda said smirking.

“O-okay,” Dash said taking a deep breath and literally deflating to take a seat.

“You are all wobbly now! Hihi! you look like jelly." Pinkie said giggling.

"Just a little weak on the legs," the rainbow-maned Pegasus said sighing longingly.

"Uhm! This is strange, did Maelstrom do something strange?" Twilight asked with narrowed eyes.

"Maelstrom?...MINE! I mean, no, we have just tried some new tricks...some new, awesome tricks...of the kind that blows the mind...and makes you wonder what heaven tastes like." Dash answered before walking away in a zombie-like fashion.

“Wow, that was unexpected,” Twilight said surprised.

“She probably just needs some rest, nothing to worry about.” Rarity answered with a calm smile.

“I'll go ask instead, that sounded like something interesting!” Gilda said smirking before hurrying out.

Tch! Griffins, never knowing when minding their own businesses.” Rarity said sighing dramatically.

“Talks the biggest gossiper o' Ponyville...” Applejack muttered.

“What was that dear?”


It wouldn't be the last or only time Dash would appear in Ponyville with a similar expression, but even stranger would be see BOTH Maelstrom and Dash walk around the small town with a look of total bliss etched on the faces, when asked neither would give more details than an off-hoof comment about their new-found appreciation for numbers.

Especially the sixty-nine for some reason, all for other ponies confusion.

Omake 2 – Hinata VS The Marem (Mare-Harem) – Takes place after the Naru/Main 6 (Trixie in place of Rarity) pairing is confirmed -

Elemental Countries - Konoha -

“Wait, let me see if I got this, you want to Challenge us.” Twilight Sparkle said with narrowed eyes, nor she or the other Element Bearers hiding their being ponies just like Maelstrom.

“Yes,” Hinata growled in answer.

“Why?” Applejack asked dumbfounded.

“He should have been mine! EVERYONE KNOWS HOW THE MANGA ENDS! Why you six had to change things!?” the Hyuuga woman said enraged.

“Not everyone was happy about it, so I guess at least those are okay about us staying with him,” Dash answered with a smug grin while nuzzling the embarrassed stallion.

“SCREW THE NARUHINA HATERS! I challenge you six! For the right to stay with him!” Hinata said crossing her arms.

“He is an Alicorn and you an human, I don't think it will work between you two.” Rarity said with a raised eyebrow.

“You can't change me into a pony? You did it with him.” the human woman asked bitterly.

“Princess Celestia could do that because he was a pony at the beginning, we just returned him to his true body; we can't do that with you, who do you think we are? A Conversion Bureau?” Twilight asked annoyed.

“I DON'T CARE! I still want to challenge you, even just to know who's best between us!” Hinata answered.

“Ya know what? The hay if I am going tha listen to another whining, ya have a challenge, girl!” Applejack said with narrowed eyes.

“Good! In what do you want us to face-off?” the Hyuuga woman asked.

“...Eating Contest, he likes that Ramen stuff? Then I bet I can eat more than ya, but Vegetarian if ya don't mind.” the earth pony answered.

“Ah! I am the only one that can out-eat Naruto-kun, you have already lost!” Hinata said proudly.

“We'll see, sugarcube...we'll see.” AJ said smirking.

Two minutes later -

“Se-seventy-five...” Kakashi said in awe once the contest was over.

“Eeyup! That was darn good, now ah see why ya love this stuff! Taste awesome,” Applejack said while daintily cleaning her mouth with an handkerchief before joining the cheering group of mares to kiss Maelstrom's cheek.

“I-I-I...BUUURP! I am not defeated yet!” Hinata moaned from her place at the counter, her sixty bowls looking almost ashamed themselves at the defeat.

“Who's next?” Twilight asked.

“Fluttershy! I think she is one hundred times more cute than her when doing her shy thing,” Dash said smirking.

Umph! As if! People adores me when I poke my fingers and mutter 'Naruto-kun', I get an increase in popularity just from that in every episode!” Hinata said.

Uuhm! Uuuuhm! P-please don't pull me into this...I-I don't like being in the centre of attention,” Fluttershy muttered as she tried to hide her heavily blushing face behind her own mane.

The effect was instantaneous as even the most battle-hardened, sadistic mean bastard shinobi of Konoha squealed in answer at the IMPOSSIBLY CUTE image, fuck! even Sasuke had left out a stricken “D'aaaw! That's cute.” after a mere three seconds of exposure.

“Nope! I guess this counts as a victory for the shy one, and us by reflex.” Trixie said smirking while adding another point to the Pony Team counter.

“GUH!” Hinata groaned in disbelief as he fell on all four with an aura of despair around her.

“You can still do this, onee-sama.” Hanabi said trying to cheer-up her big sister.

“I am next then if you don't mind!” Twilight said.

“I can do this...what's the challenge?” Hinata asked.

“A simple Quiz, beauty is not everything you know? being smart too can be sexy...and he likes when we play Teacher and Student, if you catch my drift.” the Unicorn said smirking.

“ be it! Choose what we will have our Quiz about!” the Hyuuga woman said seething in anger.

“I'll help you, we'll answer questions about this World AND its Shinobi Villages,” Twilight answered as Shikamaru Nara moved between them to act as referee.

Ten Minutes later -

“BUUUUUU-HUUUUUUU!” Hinata wailed while getting consoled by Ino and Sakura, the score board above them not helping in the woman's despair.

'Hinata: -120. Twilight Sparkle: 12527.'

“I didn't know someone could go into negative numbers,” Tsunade muttered.

“Me neither...” Kakashi answered.

“THAT'S IT! IF I CAN'T HAVE HIM, NO-ONE WILL! YANDERE ASSAULT NO JUTSU!” Hinata screamed in rage as she pulled the cord of a devilish chainsaw she took out of thin air.

“RUUUUUUN!” Maelstrom yelled as he and the others escaped the madly laughing Hyuuga while other shinobi tried to stop the snapped Clan Heiress.

“But I didn't get to compete!” Pinkie said with a whine.

“Just shut-up and run!” Dash yelled as they managed to enter the portal Celestia created for them just in time to escape.