Beneath a Silver Sky

by David Silver

37 - Land Ho

It was later the same day that an eagle-eyed pegasus spotted the hint of the target land ahead. The ship was in high spirits, but it would be about a day before any docking took place. Silver felt a little ambivalent about it, glad to end the sea voyage, but he didn't call Saddle Arabia home, only a potential source of new intrigue that he was not especially looking forward to.

He wandered back to his room and collapsed onto the bed, deciding a nap couldn't hurt anypony.

He opened his eyes in the dream world to behold a tired-looking Luna. "Ah, you return. Pray tell the news?"

Silver tilted his head. "You look awful. Are you alright?"

Luna waved off the comment. "Your presence summoned me, and we intend to return to sleep once this discussion is complete. But I'm well, and eager. Please, update us."

Silver felt a tickle of amusement at her pronoun usage slipping haphazardly, but nodded. "The pirates are now merchants, converted to the cause. Their mares, minus one elder, bear foals, the stallionfolk are now husbands and friends, not pirates, even the one with a cutie mark in skull injuries."

Luna nodded, brightening. "You claimed that captain that seemed to rate highly in your mind?"

Silver sighed softly. "I did, but she is a filly fooler and barely looks at me with anything but ill-concealed scorn. You should have seen her expression when she heard I was a princess first. If she could, she'd return me to that without hesitation."

Luna raised a brow. "Maybe she has the wrong master? Have you discussed with Tia the possibility of gifting the captain to her? You have little need for servants that undermine you."

Silver shook his head. "No, I think she's a good influence. I need somepony or two around that isn't eager to do what I tell them to, that I have to work to get anything with. I'll master her." He paused. "Wow, that sounded wrong."

Luna snorted softly. "Then why did it feel so right? There is no error in royalty taking control of the situation. Anything else we should know of?"

Silver considered a moment before conjuring a replica of Bottom Rung. "I have a new servant, besides the captain."

Luna circled the three dimensional copy of Bottom curiously. "Soft and effeminate, but male. He appears to be undernourished. His eyes... Why did you take this one?"

Silver let out a little sigh. "He was being abused by everyone. He was put on public display as a colt cuddler, then kidnapped by pirates who used him as a communal outlet for years. He deserves better than that."

Luna tilted her head. "You've never reacted well around colt cuddlers, despite your kind words toward them. Is this another challenge, like the captain?"

Silver frowned at that. "He's a victim. I want to see some justice be done for him. He deserves to know what happiness is, besides a temporary absence of misery."

Luna reached to poke Silver in the chest with a silver-covered hoof. "I will accept your word and wish you luck. We are glad you've healed, and proud to see you taking charge so decisively." She spread her wings wide. "We will demonstrate our pride more keenly when you return. My prince of the night, know my wishes travel with you."

Silver felt warmed by Luna's words and moved in on her, rubbing snouts quietly before she vanished. He felt something gently tugging at him. Something was disturbing his sleeping form. He awoke to pleasure, and glanced down to see Bottom Rung had inhaled his stiff length and was working over it quite diligently. His arousal flagged with surprise. "Bottom! What, why?"

Bottom slipped from the member and began nuzzling at Silver's heavy balls. "I was hungry. I... don't know how to explain it, but you taste really really good, sir."

Silver flipped his ears back. He did want Bottom to eat more, but this was far from what he had in mind. He reached a hoof to rub over the top of Bottom's head gently. "Please don't do that while I'm sleeping."

Bottom warmed a little. "Sorry, sir. I'll wait until you're awake, sir." He slipped the cock between his lips and got right back to his gentle suckling. Silver grunted a little and trembled at the delightful sensations of skilled tongue and eager bobbing. He was quickly growing to enjoy the stallion's attention, but conflicting emotions warred. Was it right to take advantage of such a conditioned stallion?

"Bottom... Do you understand that I'd take care of you even if you stopped doing that altogether? You don't have to pleasure anypony ever again if you don't want to, and no one would be upset."

His response was a firm suck that sent tingles through Silver's body. Silver sagged, enjoying the attention with little trembles of his hips, resisting the urge to thrust. Male or not, Silver could not deny that it felt great. His curiosity got the better of him, and he began collecting his power, pooling it all in his ready orbs. The sucking doubled in intensity as the musk got into Bottom's nose.

Silver couldn't hold back any longer, and didn't. He let the power and masculine energy flow as thickly as he could, unsure of its effects when consumed as opposed to used to sire foals, but Bottom's nursing implied it wasn't an unpleasant injection. The stallion pressed in to the hilt, kissing the sheath and letting his belly be almost directly squirted into. When the peak passed, Bottom drew back, licking slowly up along the shaft to the flattened head, cleaning it off diligently and sending spikes of pleasure through Silver. "Do you need to sleep more, sir?"

Silver gave a little sigh when the licking stopped, allowing him to sink onto the bed and start to relax. "I meant what I said. You don't have to do that anymore, ever."

Bottom nuzzled into Silver's fuzzy balls. "It is a pleasure, sir, to do this with you. You're so kind, and powerful, and... uh... stallion-y. Did you really put foals in the entire crew?"

Silver flicked an ear upwards. "Minus one that was too old, why?"

Bottom shivered softly before he rubbed his snout along the softening shaft, making it firm back up again with the tickles of his snout. "I've never even been with one mare, sir, and you claimed over a dozen in a few days."

Silver became curious. "Did you want a mare?"

Bottom squirmed a little. "They're scary, sir, and I don't understand them."

Silver smiled a little. "It is not a stallion's lot to understand a mare, but that doesn't make them not worth chasing. You've seen them with stallions before, right? You know how it works?"

Bottom tilted his head a little. "Yes, sir. I just never did it myself, sir." He kissed the tip of Silver's flattened cock. "I'm too weak..."

Silver sat up suddenly to his haunches. "Forget that line of thinking. If you're curious, then I'm getting you a mare, and you're going to have fun with her, as a stallion."

Bottom's face lit up with embarrassment. "But I'll... I'm not sure I'm ready, sir. I know stallions sir, like you, sir."

Silver reached for Bottom, rubbing him between the ears. "I'll pick a gentle one. Just relax. No one will grade you."

Silver wasn't sure exactly when it happened, but he ended up drifting back to sleep with a worried but anxious Bottom in his grip.

Sleep didn't last long, the door opening to admit Shei as she slipped in and looked around. Her eyes settled on Silver and Bottom and her ears flipped back. "Am I interrupting?"

Silver sat up, shaking his head. "Actually, you're just in time. Shei, I have a personal favor to ask, and you are welcome to decline it."

Shei perked an ear. "I will hear it and decide."

Bottom went red swiftly. "She is your concubine! Your foal is in her! I couldn't!"

Shei flushed. "We never mated at the right time."

Silver pointed at Bottom. "This one is sexually experienced, but not with a mare. I would like you to give him a good time."

Shei's blush only grew worse as she looked over Bottom. "I-if that's what you want?"

Silver frowned. "Don't do it to appease me. You will lose nothing if you say no."

Shei advanced and gave Bottom a little nuzzle. "Come, we should meet each other, for real, before we talk about these things."

Bottom smiled timidly, but looked interested. He slid down from the bed. "Lead the way, ma'am."

Silver watched the two walk off side-by-side and wondered if things would be resolved that easily, though he doubted that would be the case. With the room emptied, he surrendered to the siren call of sleep. He was awoken by the presence of a pony that quickly turned out to be Shei. She rubbed noses with him gently. "Master, you are a heel."

Silver flipped his ears back, but before he could ask, she continued, "You asked me to be your prostitute. The fact that you did so with pure intentions still amazes me. I understand what you're doing." She licked his nose. "The poor boy doesn't know what it means to stand on his own hooves. He is timid and afraid around mares. He doesn't need a quick tryst, he needs care, love, and attention. I didn't want to say no, as I should have for such an audacious request, for fear of breaking him."

Silver nodded slowly. "You handled it well, even if I was a bit of a doofus for asking in front of him."

"Or at all." she added with a frown, nipping at his chin. "I don't want to be your property."

Silver lifted an ear at her. "Oh... What do you want to be?"

Shei huffed. "Is it not clear?"

Silver poked her in the chest. "Is it not clear that I am married in a large herd?"

She nipped at one of his ears. "And yet I will court you regardless. At least until your wives have a chance to deny me directly." She slipped to the floor and stretched. "He was a perfect gentlecolt, eager to please and serve, too eager. It was as if he was afraid I would have him lashed at the slightest mistake. I think I got him to relax, just a little. There is a sweet pony hiding in there, afraid to show his snout."

Silver followed her to the ground and stretched his wings wide. "Did he seem... comfortable? I mean, was he alright being around a mare?"

Shei raised a brow. "Are you asking if he can be 'cured' of his colt cuddling? I doubt it. Most ponies are fairly set in their ways, towards or against. He may learn to enjoy the company of a mare, but he will likely seek out a stallion given the choice. He favors your presence, for instance. I had to threaten him to get him to leave you alone while you slumbered."

Silver leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Nothing too terrible, I hope? I don't think he means any harm."

"I know he doesn't." Shei shook herself out lightly. "But I wanted a turn for once. He can wait."