//------------------------------// // The Ones with the Pieces // Story: The Ones who were Left Behind // by weirdjed //------------------------------// You know the saying " It feels like im floating on air?" Well floating on air sucks and it does it's job excellently when the world is spinning around you. Oh, did I forget the other fact that it decides to do that when all of tartarus breaks lose? Yeah, life is kinda funny that way.     I groaned as i pulled myself out of my blackout. Shadow was standing over me and looked relieved when i seemed to be waking up. Great friend you got there pixel, I said to myself, you can always count on him to cower while your knocking on death's door for a refund. I stared up at the skies and tried to concentrate on something other than the ringing pain in my head. Flowers, those were nice. Especially the ones that were purple and if you got to close they messed with your body. Or was it blue? I honestly can't remember since the last time I used said flower it made my head swell to twice its size before I could prank my friend.  I looked over at Shadow since he had lent me his hoof to get up with. Was he speaking to me, or is he just too quiet to hear.  I tried listening some more and soon the world snapped back into reality.   RiiiiiiiiNNNNNNGGGGG.........the world came back into focus as my ears started registering new sounds. "Pixel! Are you okay?" he shouted next to me in as if being louder helped my case. I shook off the pain that still remained and grabbed his hoof. With a heave he managed to pull me off the ground and I got up the rest of the way. The world took a dip to my right and  I tried to counter it by leaning to the left. I failed and i stumbled back into a crouch.  Come on pixel, get up! I forced my bones to work in my favor and stabilized myself in one point. Eventually the world stopped going in different directions like a clown house and decided to settle back into place.    " Alright Shadow, I think im good. Lets get going. Who knows how fast those things are and if they will pursue us. We need to get out of here, now." i said with emphasis on the word now and Shadow's eyes went wide.   " But my stuff! My grandma's lamp!" He said in  desperation.   I pressed my hoof hard against him and he stumbled into the wall of the alley. " 2 things! One, I have no idea what in luna's name is going on around here! People that were once ponies are eating each other and then coming after those that are still alive! It's not natural and I plan to live instead of becoming one of those.....THINGS! And second of all, your lamp was thrown into the barrier and im pretty sure it broke since it was right next to the door hinge. I'm sorry but you need to adapt faster or I will, leave you behind. Do you understand?" I finished with a resounding challenge. All the color disapearred from his face and he meekly nodded. " Good. Now first, before we make it to the edge of the city, i'm going to the gun store so that I have a bit of strength against whatever this thing is. You coming?" I said.   "Y-yes....." he managed to choke out before practically galloping up to my heels as I walked down the alleyway.   Nervously I poked my head out and looked for danger. Nothing  seemed out of place except for the occasional bump in the night. The moon cast light down on the street and I looked for the road sign. Hoofington and winnypenny read across both sides and I walked out into the open to try and get my bearings. The city was layed out like an oval since the mine took up alot of the interior. Shadow lived near the outskirts but was deep enough in that it took him 10 miles to get to the very edge. Believe me we counted since we had to walk that distance multiple times during one of our escapades with a friend near the very edge. The gun store I had in mind was run by a nice pony with the biggest biceps biceps you have ever seen. Ironically that was also his name, bulking biceps usually read on his badge, but i was never sure since he kept changing it to rogers or Hi my name is bob. It looked like we were gonna have to trot about a hour to get to him. I told Shadow about this and he nodded. With the plan set, we headed in the direction of the shop.   The streets were cold and barren, save for the occasional taxi cart which looked ridiculous when you stop and contemplate there color scheme. it was quiet except for our footsteps, almost tranquil. I half expected the streets to be filled with those, things, but apperantly they weren't.    "So, your grandmother's lamp,what was she like?" I said trying to strike up a conversation.   He looked at me with a bit of frustration . "She isn't dead!" he said in a cross tone.   "Then why were you willing to risk life and limb for it?"   With that he stopped and pulled to a stop in front of him. I turned and I could see tears streaming down his face. "It's just, I can't take it anymore! What in celestia's mane(say what?) is causing all of this!? First we have to evacuate and then my house is raided by things I barely saw. AND I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" he said as he layed down and started sobbing on his hooves. I honestly don't know what to do with him anymore, i thought sarcastically. I trotted over to him and picked his head up. A warm smile should've greeted him but apperantly he saw something else and shrugged my hoof off. "It's fine. Let's just go." he said in anger and got up. With that he started forward at a fast trot.I tried catching up with him and settled on falling a bit behind him. Man, what could've happened to make him like this? I wondered through different situations as my body went into auto-pilot. Maybe he was raised up on a rock farm near the  coast of ponyville. Also I wonder how those ponies are doing there. Not the rock farm but the ones in ponyville. Supposedly they have a group called the mane six that keeps different monsters away from that city. Hmmf, well they missed all the other cities that need help. I kept dreaming about different things even to the point of a giant donut eating everything (that was a weird daydream.) and soon we found ourselves at the shop. A loud crack like gunfire echoed through the air and my reality became a whole lot sharper. I looked around for the source and low and behold, Bulking Biceps hung out the window with a sniper rifle.   "Hey there big guy! Were still alive down here! Mind if we come in?" I shouted up to him.   He looked around for us and when he did he instantly lit up. I could tell he was happy by the amount of fluttering his tiny wings did. It looked absurd but i've come to not question it. He immediatly nodded excitedly and pulled himself out of the window with a bonk to his head. From there i heard a set of crashed before he opened the door to the shop."Dude, pixel! I thought you were a gonner man!"he said in a surfer accent. His girl friend poked her head out from behind him. Her grey mane and derped eyes always gave a smile to my heart and I was glad that she Nor he was dead. He came in for the hug and I found myself in one of his famous bear hugs. I felt the air queeze out me and I managed to squeak out " air, I need air." He realeased me with a timid smile and derpy made her way forward.I haven't seen her in years and  yet she seemed to have never grown. She looked at biceps and motioned for him to get out of the way.   "Come in guys! I have some stew that we were goinbg to eat soon. In fact i accidently made a lot more than i should've but i guess it's ok since your here!" She said and proceeded to sshove us inside. Good ol' derrpy, I thought. You can count on her to mess up but she always makes it seem better. I guess she is like a destructive angel, I thought with a chuckle. "Thank you for your hospitality, I got a lot of stuff to tell you guys." I said as I nudged Shadow to say thanks as well. He seemed a bit annoyed but it disapeared quickly as he timidly said thanks.   As we walked inside the smell of cabbage and cauliflower stew warmed our nostrils. The wooden floor seemed to be infused with the smell of charcoal and the walls had countless guns on it. The main register sat on a extension from the left wall and a piece of wood completed the bond to the other wall. The glass interior revealed many gun holders that seemed to have been vacated recently. I don't blame him honestly but it kinda looked odd with guns everywhere but where it mattered. He led us pass the register and picked up a piece of wood that was attached by a hinge. He led derpy through first and then motioned for us to come in. We walked through a curtain and into their living room. It was warm but not too hot. A shag carpet was layed out near their couch in the corner and a table was put near the middle. A chandelier hung from the ceiling and cast light over the table. It sat really close to the table so I had to duck when we passed it. He pulled up a chair and sat in it. His cotton shirt ruffled and looked like it was going to rip apart with his every movement. It was a miracle he even got it on. I pulled up beside him and Shadow followed suit. Derpy disapeared into the kitchen and returned with a pot of stew. She was wobbling under its weight, so I decided to help her. I got up and levitated it to the table. She slipped a pad under it and I set it down.   "So how have  you guys been? I said inquistively.   "Fine! Never better." He said as he served himself and Derpy. "Want some?" He said motioning to the stew. Both of us nodded greedily and a bowl of warm soup was sent down towards us. They seemed to be rather close, almost like they....no. Did they?   "Are you guys married?" I said jokingly.   " As a matter of fact we are! We got married near april." Derpy spoke up with excited glee and accidently knocked her spoon off the table. "oops, i'll get that." She ducked under the table and shot back up with rejoice as she held the spoon like a prize. We all laughed as derpy swung it around like it was a cherished possesion. This is why I missed her so much, I thought mildly.   "So what brings you here at 8 in the morning my friends? I barely got to finish my target practice. You know how I like to do that when the police abandon the city!" He said with a laugh. I remembered that he usually didn't leave the city when it had to be abandoned. He was weird like that, but I didn't know he practiced in the streets. I guess thats what he was doing when we found him.   "We actually just came from Shadow's  apartments.We had to leave because of something that caused this evacuation. There are....things wandering the streets and I think all of us are in danger. I came here to get some weapons and try and get us out of town." I said seriously.   He looked at me with humor on his face but I quickly killed it as I hit the table. " oh, your not joking. Well, what are these things that are so dangerous? Surely it can't be that bad if it has to do with the mine."   " At this point im not sure anymore. All I do know is that Shadow and I  have been running from ponies that aren't dead. They.....are incredibly strong, can survive the worst of blows, and they don't stop. Even now I dont think guns will make much of a difference for our survival." I said, leaving everyone in silence.  The meal suddenly didn't seem as jolly as it once did and Shadow stopped stuffing his face to sit in silence with the rest of us.