Game Theory Revamped: Universes Collide

by TheRevampStudios

I have resigned... the explanation for my piss-poor work.

Hello, all of you. I am the RevampStudios, formerly known as BronyBrutality. I will try to explain the horrid work that I have concieved. When I first started this series, I just got into MLP. I also had a natural love for video games, and I had the idea of combining them, into a fully fledged out story with all neccesary elements that a story should have. Now that it has been a solid 2 years, allow to explain what has happened to me within them. First of all, I had broke up with my girlfriend. This is minor compared to the other incidents soon to be brought up, but worth mentioning. I was distraught, not knowing what to do, and not wanting to further chase love. Secondly, my father
had a heart attack. He is alive to tell the tale, but I was more happy than he was. That made me very emotionally flustered, so that happened. Third, I had to et my appendix removed. During a skiing trip, I had stomach pains, but did not feel like a virus. Every time a object slightly touched my abdomen, I would have extreme pain. All of these things happened during school and extra-curricular activities, leaving me with little to no time to write. And as my english started to improve I wanted to write again. But seeing the overwelming majority of people telling me stop, I will. I understand you expect nothing less from a site dedicated to fanfiction based around your favorite fandom, but leeway for mistakes it neccesary for success to be found. And trying to gather encouragement to write after being told so many things... I feel now is the best time to do so. If I ever return, I hope whatever I make can satisfy the needs of this community, and maybe even surpass it. It has been a journey, farewell my friends.