When Universes Collide

by StarPony123

Who and what are you?

In Canterlot

Princess Celestia was sitting in her throne with a cup of morning coffee in the middle of ending day court with the nobility when her younger sister princess Luna burst through the two main doors at high speeds knocking over the leaving nobles. " TIA you need to come with me to the balcony NOW!!" Luna said in a semi-Royal Canterlot voice. When the two sisters reached the balcony some guards and maids were already present watching in horror at what looked to be like a landing of three ships. As Celestia and Luna and a hand full of other ponies that worked in the castle all talked among themselves , as if on cue one of the guards ran in as fast as he could stooped in front of the two royals took a deep breath. " Your majesties news from ponyville three big strange looking crafts have landed on the outskirts of ponyville near the everfree forest princess Twilight, spike and the rest of the elements have set off to investigate the three craft, we haven't header from them sense" The guard finished speaking with his head down not looking the princesses in the eyes.
Tia then proceeded to walk fully onto the balcony with her sister in hoof." I'm going down there will you come with little sister" Luna nodded in agreement. " Also call the generals and mobilize the equestrian army and air force i don't want to resort to war but I will defend my pony's if necessary" Celestia said leaving with her sister to the princesses royal armory to get suited up for the worst.

Back on the hills next to the Republic/ Star Fleet landing site

Masters Windu and Kenobi were having difficulty grasping there situation of where they were and what species they were talking to at the time. "So let me get this strait this world is not only inhabited but inhabited by techno colored ponies that are myths on the planet that i am from and that's a dragon over there am I correct" Windu asked with a raised eyebrow . " Yes" Twilight said in a matter a fact way that seemed to move onto Twilight own questions. " If i may ask how are you, where did you come from and why are you here and are you here in the name of peace" she finished without shifting her eyes. both masters looked at each other then to the star fleet team that were taking tree and dirt samples " My apologies we are Masters Obi Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu of the Jedi order and sent here by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to investigate this world and our friends over there are from Star Fleet and they are Captains Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, and Kathryn Janeway" Kenobi finished as Windu took of his Jedi robes when he realized it was too hot to have it on.

Time laps of one hour

As Kenobi continued his conversation with the princess of friendship and her friends while Windu went to go calm the angry dragon down they had not noticed a unicorn solar guard who was stunned as to how many there are then he spotted the princess her friends and Spike. In his stunned state he didn't noticed he had been spotted by a mobile scout on his AT-RT " HEY DON'T MOVE!!" he said as he moved the walker closer to the guard. The guard panicked and fired a single shot of raw energy from his horn that missed by a few inches the AT-RT driver fired two rounds from is mounted cannon , that struck the guard in the leg making him yell in pain while also making him teleport back to ponyville where the princesses had just arrived. The AT-RT driver was pleased that he didn't have a hole in his head but the side of the walker was scorched black" I need to report this to the generals these pony's might not be as friendly as we thought" he thought to himself as he turned and headed back to the landing site for some explaining and a new paint job.

In ponyville

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both arrived on there solar/ night guard pulled chariots where the inhabitants of ponyville gathered in anticipation of there princesses arrival as rumor had it. " Greetings my little pony's I know everyone in town probably saw the three objects that landed in the fields outside of town but be assured there is nothing to fear" she said in her best regal toned voice.
But in a flash of light a solar guard scout with an extremely bloody back leg appeared in front of the princesses and the rest of the civilians that went into a state of confusion or panic running back to there respective homes and shops locking windows and doors. As the towns people that had't ran home started asking princess Celestia what happened to the stallion, princess Luna call for a medic and a stretcher but before they could take him to a nearby hospital he stooped and reported what he found. " your highness there were thousands of them and they had these strange machines I was spotted by one of them and it shoot and hit me I teleported away before it could finish me they also have captured the elements and princess Twilight and her dragon, they are being interrogated I think, I couldn't make out what they were saying " he said in a drowsy voice from the amount of blood he lost. Princess Luna nodded in approval a they took the stretcher away to the hospital she walked over to her sister and told her what the scout told her, Celestia with a stern face that many pony's never saw garbed her helmet and looked at her sister" assemble the 1st unicorn battalion and the 25th Pegasus air squadron and wait for my orders" she said in a general like tone that told everyone around she was above serious.