//------------------------------// // Part I, Chapter III - Unanswered Questions // Story: A Queen & You // by Lord of Nothing //------------------------------// You stand in the kitchen eating your second sandwich of the night. Chrysalis, however, is just staring at you with half-lidded eyes, the green in them, once practically glowing and very prominent, now dull and lifeless. You had offered her something to eat, but she refused, and now, five minutes later, she's just staring, and things are starting to get weird. You swallow your current bite, place the sandwich down on the counter, and stare right back at the changeling, hoping to guilt her into stopping. A moment and a sigh later, you see her eyes move up from where they were locked (somewhere around your stomach you guess) to look straight into yours. You are finally able to get a good look, and are somewhat surprised to discover they almost look like a cat's eyes, a discovery which confuses you even more in regards as to whatever the hell a changeling really is. The two of you fall into a staring contest of sorts, and, although you put up a real good fight, Chrysalis beats you seemingly without even having to try. Her small victory pushes you over the edge; you know in your heart that you have got to do something, and fast. Unfortunately, your brain apparently forgets how to do anything between now and a few minutes ago, and the way you end up standing a whole countertop away from a creature of Chrysalis' stature with an open-wide mouth and one hand on a hip looks quite foolish. This, of course, is all made even worse by the state of disarray the rest of you is in after the other events that have occured over this completely crazy night. Luckily though, your silly antics pay off, managing to get you somewhere without you even having to try. Chrysalis, not looking any better herself after her own crazy night, cracks a very small smile and lets it rest upon her face for a few short seconds. The sight of a smile through all of her apparent misery seems like it would be warm enough to melt all of the snow outside, but it isn't very long before the changeling closes back up and looks once more towards the countertop, forcing you to resort back to your incredibly quick thinking and wit. Now, if this were another human, male or female, you are almost one-hundred percent sure that the conversation would be off the chain, and you and your acquaintance would be almost instantaneous friends, but all of that flies out the window with the advent of Chrysalis being a creature that does not happen to exist within your universe. This unfortunately gives you virtually nothing that could even begin to pass as a "common experience", which basically means that you are up a very long and treacherous creek without even the slightest thought of a paddle. Still, you have to try something, if not for her sake, then for yours. "So..." you shakily begin, thinking that you had had something pretty outstanding to say, but instead end up trailing off almost instantly. The idea of carrying a steady conversation with Chrysalis is really a very simple one, even actually kind of pleasant, provided she is not still the bitch she was for most of her time spent in your bedroom, but for some reason, nothing comes to mind to say. You mentally take note of the fact that it is apparently extremely difficult to have something incredibly strange and out of the ordinary happen without explanation, and then just carry on with life as if said thing had never happened; you then make sure to put extra emphasis towards the fact that it is even worse when the previously mentioned thing ends up staying at your place. Chrysalis glances back up, and you figure you have got a very small window of opportunity to take the most advantage of before losing her again, and that is something you don't intend to do... at least, not until you can coax out a few answers. "Yeah", you chuckle, beginning again, this time with more confidence. "So, are you sure you don't want anything to eat? I know I don't have much, but it's better than nothing, you know?" The Changeling Queen sighs, then slowly answers, "No, Creature, for your Queen has already told you, She is doing quite all ri - " She is interrupted by a low grumbling from her gut. If the circumstances had been literally anything other than what they were now, you would have considered letting out a little chuckle at how Chrysalis was acting, but you hold yourself back, thinking instead that something like that would be just a tad bit inappropriate for the time being. "Come on, are you sure you don't want even a little nibble of something?" you ask, subtly pushing the sandwich closer towards your guest. She notices your action almost instantly, so it probably was not really all that subtle, but it at least looks like she might actually be considering it. In that same instant though, another rumble from her gut looks like it finally makes her want to accept your help, as much as she no doubt does not want to. However, Chrysalis herself still takes another second before finally coming around and accepting your help; apparently, a ruthless figure such as herself is not allowed to take anything from anybody, even if that something meant the difference between eventual life and death. She rolls her eyes, and, despite being in a weakened state, the bitchiness of the act still hits you full-force. "Very well. Your Queen will partake of your offerings." Finally. You reach for the loaf of bread and a knife, but then it hits you: you have no idea what something like her eats. You have seen that she has obviously got the teeth and makeup of a carnivore, but the show she was a part of, itself mostly full of herbivores, never had a scene of the Queen eating anything. Your hand has already touched the loaf by the time the realization hit though, and you do not want to risk anything and make everything even weirder, so you resort back to your special set of people skills. You quickly reach in and grab a slice, and then, without missing a beat, stab the knife right in to the center of said slice; not repeatedly, and not so much as to destroy the poor thing, just one single stab straight in the center. The whole apartment falls silent, save for the howling of the winds outside. You, feeling quite proud of your work, smile like an idiot and look back up at Chrysalis, who looks just as unamused as ever, though maybe even more so now. She stares at you for a moment; not in any particular place, mind you, just at you, in your general direction. Then she looks down at the knifed slice of bread for just as long before looking back up at you, no doubt trying her best to comprehend what possessed you to do something like that. Now it is your turn to admire your work. You notice rather quickly that Chrysalis is not emoting anything, so you look down at the bread and instantly become just as unamused as she. You scramble to remove the knife from the bread, feeling your face grow warmer as a blush spreads across your face while you chuckle nervously and mutter something about how you are a dumbass and totally know how to cook. This misery of yours goes on though, for in a last ditch effort to apparently make yourself seem like the most normal person in the history of the world, you slam the knife back down on the countertop and shove half of the slice in to your mouth, chewing and swallowing it faster than you thought possible of yourself. As the mushy substance slides down your throat, you realize you have made a mistake, and move to grip the counter and begin trying to counteract the sudden onset hiccups that begin to barrage your being as a result of you eating too fast. The spasming of your diaphragm shakes you to your core, and it is beginning to hurt a little bit, seeing as to how you cannot seem to go for more than about four seconds before another hiccup rocks your world. And, just to add some sprinkles to the shit cake that is your evening, you can feel Chrysalis' glare cutting through you, almost like a knife would through, say, a slice of bread. The hiccups end as suddenly as they began, only to be replaced by a short fit of coughs while you try to regain your breath and lose some unnecessary color from your face. After making sure you were absolutely, one-hundred percent finished dying, you still find yourself taking a second before finally looking back up at your guest, but in all honesty, the way she's looking at you is not too much better than what just occurred. You can just tell from a quick glance that she thought you were stupid. Hell, you really would have had to have been the stupidest person in the world to not think you looked even just a little bit stupid. You then start to feel even stupider because you are certain that all of the progress you thought you were making back over in your bedroom was now all for naught, but then Chrysalis pulls a complete one-eighty and does something that surprises you for what you're sure won't be the last time: She begins to laugh. And it is not just a coy smile and a hand - or a hoof, in her case - over the mouth either; it is a full-on, honest-to-goodness laugh. For the first time since you had met her, she is finally showing some explicit kind of emotion, and the simple fact that the first real thing she exhibits is happiness almost manages to make up for the crumby day you've been having thus far. Still, instead of being a big grouch, you decide to just let her have her moment and rejoice in a small victory while the sounds of laughter fill up your living space. After about half a minute, Chrysalis comes back down to your level, and the place quiets back down with her. She takes a deep breath and recomposes herself as best she can before resuming quietly staring at you. It takes a moment, but you finally throw out an earnest, "Well, do you at least feel a bit better now?" She takes her own time to respond, almost as if she were trying to see how long you would be willing to wait before saying something else. Finally though, she replies with a rather smart-ass reply: "I do not believe that that's quite how such a thing works, Creature." Wow, awesome! Through some grace of a higher being, not only did you happen to find a Changeling Queen on your balcony, you found a damn Changeling Comedian, too! The urge to simply walk away from the situation continues to be incredibly strong, but no matter how much your mind wanders towards suggesting leaving, you cannot help but feel that this thing in your home is now your responsibility, and that means you will actually have to take care of it, as tragic as it sounds. If she were a dog or something, you feel one-hundred percent sure that everything would be hunky-dory all the time, but instead, you have found yourself holed up with a rather judgemental and randomly emotional creature from another universe, so it looks like things for you are just going to have to suck for a bit. You take a quick breath, pinching the bridge of your nose as you do so. Well, you think, if you're going to be stuck, you might as well be stuck with someone - or something - you know. With that simple thought, it is as if a switch somewhere in your brain is finally switched in some direction, whether on or off, because all of the things you could not think to say earlier finally come flowing out. "So, what exactly are you?" Once again, she takes her time to respond, though this time it seems like she is doing so more to let herself think of an answer than to mess with you. Then she puts a holed hoof on her chest and speaks as if she has had to explain this very thing several times before. "I, as you so obviously seem to not be aware, am a changeling, a highly-advanced race of shape-shifting beings capable of becoming almost any other living being that we so desire." And that was all she said. Luckily for you though, you had previously read just a little bit more about the changelings somewhere on the Internet a day or so ago, so you are not left completely in the dark. Besides, as nice as it would be to get just a little bit extra from the source herself, you are currently more than happy to simply take any little bits you can and run with them; at least you are getting something out of her. Anyway, you feel that it is now time to move on and get to things that you already kind of know, yet still want to hear out loud just so you can talk about them a little bit more. "Where are you changelings from?" Again, she does not answer immediately, which is apparently an appropriate thing to do where she is from, or at least that is the best you can figure. Still, it comes out, just after a wee bit longer wait than the first time. "I am from a far away land, one that someone the likes of you would never understand, could never even hope to." Yeah, a world full of ponies and vibrant colors; real incomprehensible, jerk, you think to yourself. After the disappointment of her seeming unwilling to answer a question in anything more than short, vague responses, you quickly decide to start hitting the real questions, the ones that matter, so just like that, you jump right in. "Tell me, does Her Highness have a name?" Without missing a beat though, Chrysalis very quickly asks back, "What do you care, Creature?" The questioning catches you off-guard, and it is as if that switch that let you think clearly for the past few minutes was suddenly switched back in the opposite direction. And what does that even mean, 'What do you care?' You care because you are more than likely going to have to live with this thing for a while, and it would be kind of nice to not have it be a total stranger, especially since she is obviously already just going to be a huge bitch. Still, you are once again thrust into a position of not knowing how to handle what could be a very simple situation had it been previously handled just about any other way, and that almost managed to worry you more than the impossible event occuring within your home. You begin tripping over your reply almost immediately, somehow still managing to sputter out something that sounds like, "Because I'm need to know where you is from, maybe?" Chrysalis just rolls her eyes and huffs, her shoulders drooping as her eyes gaze over and away from the kitchen to who knows where. She gives herself a second, taking a deep breath, sighing, and shuddering before standing up and quickly heading off to somewhere else, apparently tired of listening to you trying to save what little conversation there was. You hold yourself back, briefly fighting with yourself over whether or not you should say something else, but once again, it ultimately does not matter what you might have eventually picked, for the stupid side of you beats out everything else. "Stop," you call out, taking a step forward, one foot now out of the kitchen and in to the living room. Chrysalis freezes before turning around, which is when you see the first few tears of another round begin rolling their way down her face. Does she ever do anything other than cry and be sad? No matter how she may or may not act, though, you realize that you have obviously screwed up once again, but also now know in your gut that you are going to be in this thing for the long haul; no matter what, you are not going to back down again until you get answers to all of your questions. However, instead of jumping straight in to the actual demanding, your first step on the journey towards discovery apparently involves some damage control. Though you know with absolute certainty that you did nothing wrong just now, or at least cannot think of anything you did, something in the back of your head is still nagging at you to apologize, so you do. "Hey, sorry, I'm sorry. I've just got a lot of things on my mind right now, and you being here isn't helping all that much. I mean, like..." Dammit. That probably just made it worse, or something real close to "worse". You are not quite exactly sure what on earth would have told you that telling an obviously distressed creature that its arrival was only helping to make everything worse would be a good idea, but it seems to get a reaction anyway, though it is one you would have never expected. Wiping a tear from her face, Chrysalis squeaks out, "No, Creature, your Queen is the one that should be apologizing right now." "What the fuck do you mean?" The question hangs in the air for a moment before it registers that you actually said it aloud and not inside your head. You open your mouth to try and patch things up once again, but Chrysalis cuts you off, straightening a bit as she does so. "What Your Highness means, Creature, is that she is trying apologize before heading back to her chambers. If you would not appreciate the gesture, I will gladly leave and come back sometime in the morning." You cannot believe your ears. Chrysalis apologizing to you for something that was not even anybody's fault? This whole thing has only been going on for about two hours or so, from discovery to right now, but Chrysalis has already topped her little surprise from earlier. You are not really even sure how to respond to her, so you do not bother with such a thing, instead choosing to just stand exactly where you are and watch her eyes, themselves continuing to glisten as they watch you for any reaction. However, neither of you seem to see anything in the other, so Chrysalis makes the first move and continues back to your bedroom without so much as another glance in your direction. You eventually do move, too, sometime shortly after hearing the door to your bedroom slam shut, yet still manage to remain just as flabbergasted at the Queen's actions as you had been. First of all, "her chambers"? It's your room! Just because she is all big and powerful does not mean she can just take whatever she wants from you! Well, you know, it does, in a way, but that is beside the point. Second, seriously, what the hell is going on with her? You have nothing to compare this behavior to aside from two episodes of a television show, but you are almost one-hundred percent certain that the way Chrysalis is acting is not normal in any way, shape, or form. Maybe it is the change of scenery, you think, but it might also be the fact that it's freezing cold outside, which, just by looking at Chrysalis, doesn't seem to be her kind of weather. Hell, it could really be anythig, but you still doubt that you would be able to guess it on your own without getting at least one part of it wrong. Now you stand alone once again, wondering if you should try and get after Chrysalis to see what was wrong with her, or just to go get your bedroom back. You look back to see all the ingredients from earlier out, so you make it your mission to first put all of them away, that way they won't go bad and leave you without food for a little bit. Then you rinse off the two knives that were used, quickly drying and placing them back in their rightful drawer. Finally, with the place looking a bit more presentable once again, you steel your nerves and head towards your bedroom. *** Almost two whole minutes pass before you realize that you have been doing nothing more than standing in front of the bedroom door. Not knocking or anything, no, just kind of standing there, minding your own business, like you were just waiting for things to suddenly change on their own. Unfortunately though, you know deep down that none of this will change on its own, no matter how hard you really hope it would. So, after mustering up whatever courage you could, you give your bedroom door three soft knocks, waiting a moment before proceeding; you did still have manners, after all. Then, although a bit muffled, you hear a quick reply: nothing more than an allowance to enter. You take it, snatching up the offer and throwing open the door before literally thrusting yourself head-first in to the room. Upon entering, you are relieved to find that nothing is too out of the ordinary, aside from the obvious, and that really helps to calm one or two of your bigger worries right now. However, you have bigger fish to fry than whatever state your room may or may not currently be in; you want answers, and you want them now. Suddenly feeling more confident in yourself, you cut the shit and jump straight in to things. "Alright, changeling, the time has come. I'm sure you know why I'm in here, yes?" Her only response is a simple look of confusion, which kind of kills your vibe, but you press on. "Very well, I guess I'll just tell you, then. I'm here for you to tell me everything I need to know about whatever the hell it is that you are, and I'm not leaving until you - " You are cut-off just a bit more forcefully than you would have expected, though you honestly should have seen it coming. Chrysalis' horn lights up and glows green, same as your body as she magically lifts you up off the ground. The stage is obviously hers now, and you are not even going to do much as breathe a single breath of non-agreement. "Let me make one thing clear for you, Creature: I will not bend to your every pathetic whim, no matter what you may or may not be hoping to achieve with each one. However, seeing as to how your Queen is certainly not a fool and the predicament that we two have found ourselves in is extremely odd, I will allow you to ask me a few of your silly little questions. However, should I say that we're finished - " She pauses, both for dramatic effect and to allow herself a brief moment to tighten the grip she has over your entire being; it certainly sent a message, and it sent it well. " - should I say we're finished, know now that I am being completely serious." You manage a nod despite her magical grip, and then she releases you, not taking her eyes off of you as you drop the short distance back to the ground, the somewhat loud sound no doubt making your neighbors downstairs just a little bit mad, especially at such a late hour. You straighten back up, then fix your sights on Chrysalis. "So, I guess that, since I've already asked your where it is you're from and what you are, do you think it would be too far outside the realm of possibility for me to finally get your name?" And at the asking of your first question, Chrysalis' mind seems to go completely blank, as she does nothing more than just stare at you, though "through you" seems to be a more apt description of how hard her gaze is. What could she possibly be thinking? Is she concocting some elaborate lie? As soon as you think the thought though, you realize you are not entirely sure why she would suddenly feel the need to lie to you, as everything else that has come out tonight, no matter how strange, has appeared to be pretty sincere, especially the rude stuff. In the end, you simply decide not to rush anything, no matter what might really be happening in her head, and that seems to be the best route to take, as Chrysalis comes back moments later with an answer. "Your Queen has decided that such a thing is still irrelevant at this time.You may continue, but do not attempt such a thing again. Do you understand, Creature?" You have to try hard to bite your tongue down hard enough to keep yourself from questioning her. If she didn't want her name out, yet was fine disclosing some information about her race, where was the line drawn? As with the rest of the night, not much was making all that much sense, and you cannot say you are really enjoying it. You take a brief moment to plot the rest of your current course of action, then move on to your next question. "Would you mind telling me how you got here?" It is blunt, yes, but you see no other way of getting the information you want without being explicit and straightforward. Chrysalis is obviously confused by the question, and makes no attempt to hide that fact when she asks, "What ever do you mean?" You are not all that certain why, yet you feel as if you are in a position of some kind of power right now. There is a part of you that is sure this is because you are currently better at masking your confusion, but it helps to boost your self-esteem a bit to just think you are simply the better party in this current situation. A smug smirk comes out of nowhere and plants itself on your face while you watch Chrysalis try and interpret your question. Waiting though, at least in this instance, does not seem to be what your brain wants to do, so you launch in to some kind of ramble against her. "I think you know exactly what I mean, and now you're just trying to play dumb or cute or something to try and make me forget about it." If Chrysalis was not confused before, she definitely is now. Words try and fail to leave her mouth, while your brain has apparently gotten itself stuck on automatic and will not shut up. "Yeah, I think you know exactly how and why you ended up here in my apartment: you chose me! You somehow knew about everything I had going on here, and so you - " Instantly, you are once again enveloped in Chrysalis' magic and slammed in to the wall opposite your bed much harder than before. Your head seems to absorb the majority of the impact, which sends your vision swimming. You feel lightheaded, and wish to be back on solid ground so as to just lie down and recover, but Chrysalis keeps you firmly against the wall. You know that you have obviously struck a chord, and should have just stopped as soon as Chrysalis could not think of anything to say, but now you are just going to have to face the consequences of your actions, whatever those "consequences" may end up being. In a flash, Chrysalis herself is upon you, too, vicious snarl plastered on her face, and the tip of her gnarled horn, still glowing green, poised to stab you straight through the neck. For a moment, all you can hear is the hum of her magic and your combined heavy breaths. She pushes her horn up against your throat, the surprisingly cold appendage cooling your otherwise warm flesh. You assume Chrysalis wants you looking at her while she puts on this display, but you simply will not. Really the last thing you want to do is give her any kind of opening. "Your Queen is very disapproving of your tone, Creature!" she snarls, tightening her grip. "And she does not care for your insinuations, either! How dare you assume that she would ever intentionally want to be banished to a wretched place such as this!" Banished? Well there is a word that has not been thrown around too much tonight. Just like that, the conversation is becoming interesting again; the only thing to figure out now was how to get her to keep talking about it without getting yourself hurt anymore. It takes you a few seconds, but you eventually manage to work out a good enough plan in your head, then kick everything you have in to high-gear. However, just as soon as you open your mouth to initiate Phase One of your brilliant plan, Chrysalis releases you, without warning, from her magical grip, then turns back to the bed. As you drop, every part of the plan you had just constructed is quickly forgotten while another one takes its place, and you carefully probe the back of your head to make sure that there is not any damage. After feeling certain that there indeed is not anything wrong, you return the majority of your attention to the changeling; you also briefly think that maybe now was not the best time to go looking for serious answers. "You know," you say, watching as she hops on to the bed and curls up, likely trying to make herself as small as possible so as to fit on the mattress, "you could've just explained some of that stuff to me earlier, and then everything here could've gone down a lot smoother." It was bullshit, of course, and you knew it, making sure to remember that she did not disclose anything to you. This was actually the second plan that you had come up with: a (hopefully) quick way to remove yourself from the situation before the emotionally-unstable Changeling Queen really went off on you. And, as expected, instead of offering up anything else in response to what you had said, Chrysalis simply falls silent for the umpteenth time tonight, turning her head so you cannot see anything but the back of it. It is also at that moment that you realize that whatever conversation you might have had going has finally stopped dead in its tracks. Honestly, all you really want to do now is just give Chrysalis some space and time to work through all of her feelings on her own. You are also pretty glad that things seemed to have calmed back down between the two of you, though it seems like a thing such as random peace would be kind of a given thing to be thankful for. And so it is, that with those thoughts, you make up your mind and turn to leave, managing to get one foot out the door before she suddenly calls your name, surprising you enough to draw your attention fully back to her. She turns her head back towards you, takes a deep breath, then quietly asks, "Tell me, Creature, what do you a queen is without any of her subjects? Without her glorious kingdom? What could she possibly be, other than a failure?" The question makes you pause. Nothing you can think to say sounds good enough in your head to say out loud, especially when you still are not entirely sure what it is she is talking about. Finally though, it hits you: a nice little sentiment that you do not think could possibly come back to bite you in the future in any way. "I'm not sure... but you can always be the queen of this apartment, I guess." She looks as if she is totally taken aback by the suggestion, but then, for the briefest moment, literally half a blink of an eye, you swear you see Chrysalis crack a small smile. However, it disappears again just as quickly, and then she reverts back to being her usual stone-cold self. "Well then, I suppose this is where we shall part for the night," she says. "Yeah," you say back, "I suppose so." As you turn again to leave, for real this time, you linger, feeling as though you should say something else to her, just to get it out in the open, but you have no idea what. You focus hard on Chrysalis, who is just laying there, staring back at you with those dark green eyes of hers, and you think about how, since she first woke up earlier, you have not been able to get a real precise read on her emotions, other than her little bout of laughter earlier; everything else was pure guess work, though that seemed to be mostly correct anyway. This thought that you have no real idea of what Chrysalis is thinking at any given point in your interactions certainly troubles you on some deeper level, but not enough right now to warrant you to do anything drastic to change things. Still though, - "Go to sleep, Creature... " You hear Chrysalis' voice, loud and clear enough to make it seem that she had said it out loud, yet you swear you did not see her lips move, so that should not have been possible. Perhaps it was just the way the room was lit though, something real small like that that really doesn't end up being anything. Either way, you quickly shrug the event off and turn back towards the doorway, also thinking you could see Chrysalis give a sly wink or something just before she leaves your field of vision, but shrug that off just as quickly, too. The door clicks, signaling its full closing, but stil, you keep a hand on the handle. Like with apparently everything else you do, you are not entirely sure why you stick by the door; it is almost like there is something keeping you hanging around, like the door to your bedroom has suddenly become the most important thing in your life. And then, just like that, the feeling is gone, disappearing without explanation as quickly as it appeared. You give your head a good shake, momentarily rattling your vision and clearing your thoughts, then make quick for the couch, where you toss one of the many blankets laying around just up on to the piece of furniture before heading to turn out the kitchen lights. You flick the switches and the room is instantly cloaked in darkness, with only the faint glow of the apartment complex's streetlights just barely managing to shine in through both the thick fall of the snowstorm and your window's blinds. You take the few steps back to the couch and throw yourself under a blanket, propping your head up comfortably enough on one of the couch's stiff arm-rests. It definitely will not be one of the best sleeps of your life, but it will no doubt be one of the most well-deserved. As you settle down for sleep, feeling your eyelids rapidly growing heavier and heavier, you briefly wonder what Chrysalis could possibly be thinking about this whole situation, about you. Is she confident in her abilities, perhaps? Or is she just as worried as you? What will be her next move? Whatever she may be feeling, you know exactly how you feel right now: tomorrow is when you are finally going to buckle down and get in to the question asking, and not wuss out like you did earlier. You guess that you will also figure out how to actually do such a thing tomorrow, too. After that final definitive thought, stray questions and other things flitter about in your head, trying desperately to make themselves known before being washed away by waves of sleep, but even those that you manage to latch on to are soon pushed to the wayside. Everything really will just have to wait until later, you think, and then, just like that, you are off and dreaming about some poor bloke with their life changed drastically by the appearance of a strange creature from another dimension. Funny; almost sounds like your life right about now, you know. ***** Out from the darkness, the sound of a door slowly creaking open slices through the usual silence like a knife, though you are currently far too removed from the waking world to even begin to take notice of the event taking place. A somewhat tall and thin figure slips through the shadows, itself practically being one in situations such as this. It then stands still, taking in the surroundings through a more green-tinted version of night-vision, seeing everything with considerably less detail than in the light, though still being able to have enough common sense to assume what something or someone is. Chrysalis moves after a moment of this silent surveillance and takes up residence in front of the couch where you currently sleep. She has plenty on her mind that she needs to think through at the moment, and, unfortunately, most of the answers she needs seem to be lying within you. Still though, she does nothing, instead choosing to simply sit and observe tonight, needing to make absolute certain her plan will eventually go in to action with zero possible chance for failure waiting for her at any point along the way. This will be, without a doubt, one of the longest nights of both Chrysalis' unnaturally long life and your own slightly more normal one.