Chrysalis Always Wins!

by Garfield23

Prequel Chapter- Cadence Captured and so on

“Okay, Cadence there are only a few more things that need to be organised and once that’s done we can start to arrange your wedding” Celestia explained as she looked over a few documents “I can’t say how proud I am of you. All the trials you’ve been through”

“Thank you” Cadence said as she dreamt about her wedding day “I love, Shining so much”

“He is a fine Stallion and you should be able to enjoy many years together” Luna said as she walked in from behind Cadence “Hopefully, thou will be able to find out more about love, learning it from the time you can spend with him”

“Yes, Luna” Cadence said as she walked for the door “Thank you”

As she walked for her bedchambers, Cadence was in high spirits and the thought of being with Shining Armour was as exciting as one could imagine. She thought about how close they were and the wonderful proposal.
As she walked around the corner she said to herself “Life couldn’t be better”

“Prepare for it to get worse!” a voice said from behind her.

Suddenly a hand clasped a damp cloth over her muzzle and mouth as a voice murmured “Now princess be a dear and breath deep for me! Let the chemical work it’s magic” turning her head Cadence moans in protest as she sees herself! “Don’t worry there’ll be plenty of time to explain a bit later but for now sleep”

“MMMMMmmmm” cadence moans into the cloth as she began to feel her eyes growing heavy.

“That’s it shhh, sleep and soon you’ll be mine to do with as see fit” her imposter stated as Cadence fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later….

“Wakey, wakey princess” a strangely familiar voice called out as a hand gently pushed Cadence to her knees “You can’t sleep all day”

As Cadence opened her eyes she was aware of a few things, she was tied, naked and helpless “Why?” she mumbled weakly.

The fake Cadence cupped her face gently “Oh because I can!” she said as she stepped away and walked around her captive “I will say this for you, your fiancée has good taste. Tits like a cow, a round soft flank and your beautiful to a fault. Let’s see if that slutty tongue is as good as the rest of you looks”

As the fake Cadence placed a hand on Cadence’s head and pulled Cadence closer to the fake Cadence’s pussy, Cadence began to scream “NO! Please let me go!”

“Just accept it, slave” Fake Cadence said as she began to slowly morph changing from the light pink colour that was Cadence’s coat into a black colour as her legs her form took on a more insect like appearance “I take it the slave would like to know who her mistress is?”

“You’re…your…no…pony!” Cadence stuttered in fear “What are you?!”

“I’m Chrysalis, queen of the Changelings and you’ll do well to speak to your mistress with more respect than that” Chrysalis taunted as she stroked a hand through Cadence’s mane “I love it when my victims have got a bit of spirit though. It makes it so much more enjoyable when I break that spirit”

“Victims?!” Cadence said horrified as her head was turned to the right and she saw three ponies tied to the wall all with looks of defeat in their eyes “Wait!? They were going to be my bridesmaids”

“OH were they?!” Chrysalis cackled as she walked away from Cadence and cupping the face of one of the mares “They’re now my loyal sluts, well until I capture Canterlot and find better slaves” with the last word she slapped the mare across the face.

“Leave them alone!” Cadence snapped as she struggled against her ropes that tied her hands against her back “Why are you doing this?!”

“Oh isn’t that cute? You’re no match for the power of our master” Chrysalis taunted “We changelings will claim your kingdom for his glory”

Cadence groaned as the rope tied around her crotch dug in deeper “NO! STOP!” She screamed

Chrysalis smiled as she reached for the second mares and wrapped her arms around them “Stop what…oh this?” she taunted as she forced the mare to kiss her wrapping her tongue around the mare’s tongue “MMM, tastes like a cum drinking whore but we have little time for that” as she pulled away from the mare and reached the final mare “Now smile for the princess”

“Yes, Mistress” the mare said smiling as Chrysalis began to fondle her breasts “OOOHH mistress, please be gentle”

“As you can see, princess there’s no point resisting, all these mares tried to resist, at first but now they’re begging to pleasure me!” Chrysalis said as she gave the mare’s nipples a final twist. Walking closer to Cadence and grabbing hold of her mane pulled her to within an inch of her of her damp sex “Now Princess you’re going to lick my pussy till I cum and know that if you don’t I’ll kill those three!”

Cadence couldn’t help but let a few tears roll down her cheek as she mumbled “I’ll do it”

Chrysalis frowned as she said “I’ll do it, Mistress”

“I’ll do it mistress” Cadence said through gritted teeth.

“Excellent, now be a good slut and lick me. If you think of biting me I’ll make you suffer more” Chrysalis said as Cadence’s tongue took a tentative lick “Oh is that all the Princess of pussy licking can do?”

“MMM!” Cadence groaned struggling as Chrysalis forced her face deeper into her folds.

“That’s better!” Chrysalis moaned as she felt the vibrations of Cadence trying to pull away “I love that look in your eyes”

Cadence began to lick deeper trying to make the horrid experience end quicker. The taste was terrible, it was almost as if Chrysalis’s pure evil soured the taste but Cadence knew she didn’t have a choice.

“Oh….that’s what I call a good my little slut” Chrysalis cackled as her horn glowed and one of the mares was dragged over “Play with her tits, bitch!” forcing the mare to cup Cadence’s breasts “Well Princess you can’t say I’m not good to you!”

“MMM!” Cadence moaned helpless as her muzzle was forced ever deeper and the mare behind her groped her.

“AHHH!” Chrysalis moaned as she climaxed “Drink every drop!”

Cadence felt magic around her head force her back but also forcing her mouth open, so that she couldn’t help but drink Chrysalis’s cum. As the foul liquid was forced into her mouth Cadence groaned as she felt something begin to wrap around her neck.

“A slave collar, consider yourself lucky, you’re the first to test this but hopefully not the last” Chrysalis said as the collar clicked and the ropes were removed “Now let’s test the limits. Stand-up”

Suddenly Cadence felt her limbs move without permission as she stood up and she stated in shock “What the?!”

“Tell me the name of Celestia’s prized slut” Chrysalis ordered as she grabbed the mare that was standing idol and began to finger the mare’s vagina “NOW!” she then snapped.

“T…N…N…Never!” Cadence groaned as the magic of the collar forced her to give an answer but she was able to say what she wanted “I…I…con…control…what…I…I…say!”

Chrysalis smiled wickedly as she continued to play with the mare “Your fooling no pony, I can tell it’s a great strain but my master did say it depends on the will of the target” she said thinking over what to do next. Suddenly a horrible idea entered her head as she said “Lie down and spread your legs”

Cadence did as she was told as she lay down and she spread her legs “Now what?” she muttered embarrassed and ashamed at how humiliating the position was “Just geAAAAHHH!” she was interrupted by Chrysalis who had taken a testing lick of her.

“You taste perfect but I think it would be more fun to try something for the first time!” Chrysalis said as she focused her magic on herself and Cadence stared in horror as a massive black member began to grow from Chrysalis’s vagina “AAAHHH! Gods that hurt!”

“N…No!” Cadence screamed as she began to move away.

“Lie back down and stay still!” Chrysalis barked as she moved closer, until she staring Cadence in the face and smiled as she said “Now, let’s see if it hurts as much to push in as it does pushing it out. Then again as long as I cum what does it matter?”

“NO DON’T!” Cadence begged as the vile member forced its way past her vagina’s lips “AAAHHHH!” as a few drops of blood leaked onto the floor.

“OH! I wasn’t expecting this, a virgin and here I was expecting that colt toy of yours to have already taken it!” Chrysalis cackled as she thrust even deeper.

“N…..No!” Cadence moaned as she felt herself being stretched open wider as Chrysalis member was forced ever deeper.

As the minutes passed Chrysalis got closer to release “Well let’s make sure you can be used after I take over!” Chrysalis taunted as she pulled out and smiled as she stood up “Right, now princess suck me off!”

Cadence couldn’t resist as the collar forced her to her knees, slowly moving forward and wrapping her lips around Chrysalis’s member “MMMMM!” she moaned as she felt the vile cock twitch as her tongue wrapped itself around it.

“OH gods I’m going to cum!” Chrysalis screamed as she emptied herself down Cadence’s throat "That was better than I expected. You three chain this former Princess to that wall!" as Cadence was chained to the wall, Chrysalis finished by saying "Know this, I will take everything from you. Gag her" she finished turning to the nearest mare.

"You'll never get...MMMM!" Cadence tried to scream before a gag was wrapped around her head.

"Why does everypony always say that? I am getting away with it" Chrysalis cackled as she took her leave.

The following fortnight Cadence stayed deep within the Canterlot Caves chained to the wall of the cave wall, until one day Chrysalis removed the chains magically but only a few moments later Twilight burst through a wall and helped her out of those accursed caves. However the suffering continued after the failure to prevent Chrysalis from taking over Canterlot.