Hive Alive

by BlackWater

45 - Propensity is Fateful

Are you as worried as I am? Maybe we shouldn't go,” Shining Armor spoke to his wife while the two of them got ready for the evening's public address to their subjects.
“Don't let it bother you,” Cadance replied without taking her attention from her reflection in their bedroom mirror. Her mane had already been completed in an intricate fashion by the royal hairdresser. “Have you forgotten how much our own subjects love Spike? In their minds it's as if we're a pair of old tired royals and Spike is the young hero freshly back from war. I've heard there's even a small cult for him in the northern district.”
Even now she could hear the Crystal Orchestra making tranquil music outside in the castle's courtyard. The public assembly continued to grow and all were in high expectation. The crystal ponies adored their rulers and hung on their every word. Cadance had tried to let them see their own power through the Crystal Heart, but they remained fixated on their two royal ponies even more.
“I'm not worried about them accepting Spike in our place,” the white stallion let a nervous tick out into his voice. He remained honest when alone with his wife. Political charades could wait for public appearances. “Or even Spike being ready for it. I'm worried about Celestia and Luna leaving as well. Discord too for that matter. I only trust him as far as I could throw him, but I'd still feel better if at least he was around. Twilight ruling Equestria alone-”
“She has her friends,” Cadance interjected. “They are the Elements of Harmony, after all. And that's not to mention Chrysalis.”
A silence from Shining on the other side of the room.
“Sorry, dear,” Cadance lost her smile as she turned around to face him. “I know you've never thought much of her, but she loves your sister more than you know.”
“And...?” Shining softened a little when Cadance got to him and gave him a reassuring hug. He knew she had more to say.
“Twilight sends us letters regularly. I've noticed something interesting about the last few regarding Chrysalis.”
Shining leaned out of the hug. “Her theory about a former changeling queen feeding directly from the Elements of Harmony via a hive connection?”
“Little Twily has always been bright, hasn't she?”
The stallion smiled big. He was proud of his sister. “Chrysalis may be fueled by the most powerful source and be able to protect my sister but that doesn't mean I trust her any more than I have before.”
“Then what about love?” Cadance countered.
Shining bit his bottom lip and hesitated. She sure knew how to corner him with that. He couldn't very well deny the power of love to the Princess of Love herself – his own wife!
“Well...?” Cadance batted her eyes playfully at him.
Shining Armor avoided his eyes and tried moving to the side but soon found himself trapped against their ornate bed.
“Gotcha!” Cadance giggled as she pounced upon him and sent them both toppling onto the silky sheets.
“Fine,” Shining relented with a sigh. His wife was holding him down from above. “I'll give you this one.”
The royal mare leaned down until their faces were a breath apart. “I love you more than the rising sun, my prince.”
“That's an old saying,” Shining responded with a hint of defiance left in him.
“We'll be together even longer than the saying has been around,” she grinned and then touched her lips to his in a warm kiss. Although her husband had no idea yet, her words had a depth to them beyond mortal understanding. Shining would live forever with her. She would see to that.

“That was stupid,” Twilight told Discord with a straight face.
The draconequus squinted. “I thought Applepack was the brutally honest one.”
“It's Applejack,” the pony queen frowned with her reply, “and I've learned a few things from her. Namely: getting straight to the point.”
Discord rolled his eyes and then hovered to one of the library's tightly packed bookshelves. “I was just trying to be a good friend,” he tried to conclude their conversation.
“Teaching me another lesson I needed to learn?” Twilight became slightly more agitated. “I understand the intention, but friends don't go about it this way.”
Discord took out a book from the shelf and gave it to Twilight. She read the title.
Psychology of Romance.”
“Just admit it, Twily,” Discord smirked as he leaned down to Twilight's eye level. “You're not annoyed at what happened. No, you're jealous that your adorable if somewhat oversized changeling hid something from you. But we both know that it takes two to tango. You've been hiding things from her as well.”
Twilight's face went from expressing annoyance to rage to fear in a very short period of time. “What would you know?”
“Little old me?” the chaos creature chuckled, stuck his tongue out, and tried to summon something. When his low charge of magic failed to be sufficient he made a disappointed face and settled for the nearest chair to sit on. “Well, here I thought we were talking about how I was trying to teach you something.”
“Don't change the subject,” Twilight stomped her hoof.
“I wasn't. You were,” Discord countered. He hadn't lost his aloof attitude yet.
“No, I wasn't.”
Sure,” he came back with an infuriating smirk.
“Sometimes I just want”
“Yes? I'm sure Fluttershy would like to know. She can hear everything over your hivemind, right?” the crafty old Master of Chaos grinned wide.
“Shy understands my frustrations with you,” Twilight breathed through her teeth. “Now tell me what's going through that thick skull of yours.”
“It just feels all too familiar – this conversation of ours. And besides, wouldn't Chrysy be bothered by my telling? She can hear as well, after all.”
“Not right now,” Twilight quickly responded and stepped up to him. “I can filter.”
“See? That's the problem,” Discord looked down at Twilight due to his naturally larger size.
“This idea of yours was to sharpen my hive for the absence of Celestia and Luna. Am I wrong?”
Discord's lion paw stroked his goatee. “I really don't know why you even need me here,” he chuckled lightly this time.
“To confirm so that I don't feel so bad when I beat you to a pulp!” Twilight raged.
“Now now,” Discord leaned back and put his arms in front of him. “No need to get physical. That's not the soft-hearted bookworm I know and love.”
Twilight's temper cooled by a degree. “Oh really?”
“Oh yes indeed,” the draconequus leaned forward again, seeing his chance for another bit of fun. “If your heart was not taken thrice already then I'd elope with you. If you don't mind me saying, you're quite the catch.”
As the mare's mouth opened for comment, Discord plucked a rose from behind her ear. A simple trick even his low reserves could handle. He took the rose in his mouth and made a growling noise. This was, of course, the moment that Chrysalis chose to burst through the library door.
It might have been awkward for a moment if Chrysalis hadn't caught on to what a jester Discord could be.
“I...” the changeling had a hard time speaking because of the suppression in her mind. Twilight's use of her power was not yet as refined as it could be compared to her own. “I couldn't feel our mind...”
Twilight groaned, pushed Discord away from her, and rolled her eyes at him. He fell on his back chuckling even while she traded one irritation for another. “You should know what it feels like, Chrysalis. You keep doing it to me. Only you're more subtle with it.”
A look of pain and regret crossed the changeling's face. It was clear the words stung. Twilight had called her by her full name, scolded her, and seemed cold overall. Chrysalis lowered her head in shame.
“Get upstairs and stay in the ring until I come to see you,” Twilight ordered with steel in her tone.
Chrysalis felt her legs shake in reaction to her queen's commanding voice. She quickly obeyed and avoided eye contact. All of the certainty and conviction she had about her earlier plan had evaporated. In the end, she still wanted and needed Twilight's approval and love. She didn't want to ever jeopardize that.
With the changeling gone again, Twilight turned back to Discord. Her eyes were alight with a crackle of green lightning. She yanked him towards her with a flash of her powerful magic. “One more time. What do you know?”
Discord shrugged and played casual. “Just that you're beginning to love your power. The painful memories from bug-brain have taken their toll on your own conscious. You would never let your friends know because you're supposed to be the Princess of Friendship, not the Queen of Vengeance. The Tree of Harmony was hinting at the dark magic you've been building within you, the lust for power, and inevitable collapse of Equestrian society. But maybe I'm just lying to teach you another lesson, right?”
Twilight squinted at him, none of her frustration ebbing. “Should I even care about what comes out of your mouth?”
“Touchy. And so soon after I saved all of you.” The Master of Chaos slithered out of her magic grip and pretended to dust off his shoulders. “You'll be the only leader left in Equestria soon. At least for a while. I'm just doing my duty as a good friend to make sure you are in the right frame of mind for it.”
Twilight's eye twitched in disbelief. “A draconequus wanting order and stability?”
“Compared to you, I'm the poster foal of it,” Discord stuck his tongue out. “The hivemind is making you unstable. Mood swings. Power swings. You're not even sure of your own morals anymore.”
“I'm in control,” Twilight finally fought her voice back to an even temper. She took a deep breath and straightened her posture. “This is all just another test. You like playing around with me but I can see past it. You won't get to me again like this.”
Discord pretended to be in shock for only a moment. He was a terrible actor. “Who said I ever got to you? Now get up to that bug-thing of yours and tell her how much you love her. Changelings are like newborn foals. They can die if they don't feel loved.”
“What-” Twilight began to respond but Discord blinked out of existence with a snap of his fingers. “I didn't give him permission to leave,” she then muttered to herself.
Twilight made her way up the stairs, passively acknowledging that the other members of her hive had dispersed to their own places in town or were elsewhere as ordered for the moment. Only her guards were at the door and the maids were waiting to be called from the kitchen.
When the alicorn entered her own familiar dark bedroom, she beheld a nervous Chrysalis laying in the soft glow of the sleeping ring. The fact that Twilight wielded so much influence over this former villain and changeling queen hit her anew. But amidst this influence, Twilight was aware of the responsibility. Chrysalis was hers to take care of and she needed to look after her no matter what. That meant calming and reassuring her.
“Dispense with any notion that I'm upset,” Twilight began as she walked into her ring and laid next to her changeling. “I'm just frustrated with myself. I thought having this incredible hivemind would mean I would no longer have weaknesses like anger or spite. I should have learned from your own past that hives don't work that way.”
Chrysalis listened but said nothing. She welcomed her queen's closeness and enjoyed the soft glow of her jagged horn, which was absorbing Twilight's affection.
More time passed and Twilight knew that her changeling had heard her and was fully understanding. If she didn't know it through the hivemind then she knew it through the warm smile on Chrysalis' face. Spike was coming back to the library, so the purple mare quickly got in another comment before he arrived.
“We're fully capable of handling Equestria while Celestia and Luna are gone,” she self-assured. “I'm ready to lead.”
“And I'm ready for marriage,” Chrysalis gave a fang-filled grin. “Maybe we could do the ceremony and your coronation at the same time. Two birds, one stone.”
That's terrible, Fluttershy whimpered over the hivemind at the awful expression.
Twilight shook her head but smiled. She flicked Chrysalis' horn playfully. “No violence towards animals, Chrysy. I thought I told you to stop using that saying. And you're going to have to wait-”
“But I love you,” she buzzed.
“I know,” Twilight said with a hint of her own grin. “All in good time.”
Just when the queen expected, Spike walked into the bedroom. “Looking forward to the coronation?” he asked as he stepped into the ring and tested the plush floor with a large claw.
“Actually, I'm thinking of what I'm going to do while I have the throne, so to speak,” Twilight blushed.
Oh my gosh! Pinkie Pie added in from Sugar Cube Corner. It's like the biggest question ever, right? What would you do if you ruled Equestria?! Free cake for everypony! Let them eat cake!!!
“Pinkie...” Twilight facehoofed.

It was business as usual in Canterlot. Rumors had spread of major changes in the royalty, but few actually believed them. Even more time had passed since the reports of a scorpony in Ponyville, which was nothing short of a joke to those in the big cities. Only the royal sisters knew better and, besides, it had been nearly a week since it actually happened.
“Nervous?” Celestia asked her sister, who was standing next to her and looking outward.
They were both on her bedroom's balcony, which meant the morning sunlight was bathing them and the inner-castle garden that they overlooked. The fountain in the middle of the garden was pouring its crystal water as usual. Only the sound of construction in the devastated east wing of the castle was any disturbance to the tranquil scene.
“About what?” Luna replied with denial and a slight taint of irritation.
The elder sister walked up beside her sibling and wrapped her wing around her. “I am too.”
They kept looking out at the peaceful garden. Eventually, Luna lowered her head and leaned into her sister's sideways embrace. “What have we done, Tia?”
Celestia frowned. “Built a civilization. Planted the seed of Harmony. Gave millions a life that was taken from us. Ran from our past.”
“The dragon, Spike,” Luna sighed, “reminded me when I was overseeing his dreams.”
“He told you something?”
“No,” the dark alicorn shook her head. “I never let him know I was there. The way he acted reminded me of ourselves. He was afraid of moving on in life because of what the others would think. How much different are we really?”
“But he doesn't lead a civilization,” Celestia noted.
“He will lead the Crystal Empire,” Luna countered.
The Mare of the Sun shifted on her hooves. Her own star was warming both their coats. “Ponies like portraits and masks, not reality.”
Luna leaned back from her sister and gave her an incredulous look. “When did my big sister become so poetically pessimistic?”
“It's just the stress talking,” Celestia lowered her head in weariness. “I'm afraid having Discord with us is not as much assurance as I would prefer. But then I'm afraid there is none other that could give us more help – not with what we must face.”
This time it was Luna who put her wing up around her sister. Her wings were smaller so it did not cover the larger mare like Celestia's did with her. “Perhaps we should take the day off court and relax together,” Luna suggested. “It seems we both need it.”
Celestia beamed at that and gripped her little sister tight in her forehooves. “I'd love that! But what about your sleep? Aren't you tired?”
Luna coughed from the too-tight hug, so her sister loosened up enough for there to be an intelligible response. “I can sleep on your back if I pass out.”
Both sisters giggled at that and began contemplating the agenda for the court-free day. However, they were soon interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door. Celestia tilted her head in curiosity and called for the pony to come in.
Centurion entered. He had new scars on his shoulders but was otherwise looking as fit as a warm sunny day. “Ready for duty!” he saluted to his former charges after approaching the balcony.
Luna raised a brow. “Your princess is in another castle, Centurion.”
“I am aware, your highness,” Centurion lowered his hoof but remained at attention. “I had a question before returning to Ponyville. Regarding a significant concern of rank.”
“Yes?” Celestia prompted him.
“Is is true that Storm Sword will be promoted to Captain of the Royal Guard?” he cut right to the quick.
“Storm Sword is the most logical choice,” Luna spoke up, unsure of the guard's question.
An uneasiness wafted through the air, as if Centurion didn't want to disagree with the princesses even though he clearly did.
“Speak your mind, Centurion,” Celestia encouraged him. She tried to be accepting and soothing in her tone. “If you have an objection, I would gladly hear it. You have full permission to speak freely.”
“Storm Sword is a bully, your highness. She was in a northern sector military tribunal only three months ago for damaging actions against her own unit. I would think that absurdity alone would be enough to dismiss even the idea of electing her as Captain – a position as honorary as it is functional.”
Celestia sighed and turned back to look out at the morning sky. Luna took the hint and spoke to the guard in her place. “I see the talk has spread even here to Canterlot,” the Mare of the Night frowned. “We have been informed by our sources that the events leading to that court case were manufactured by other guardsponies hoping the incident would put her out of the picture for promotion and give them a shot instead.”
“Informed by who?” Centurion looked intense. Clearly the idea of being monitored secretly had disturbed him whether or not it was justified.
“That is not for you to ever know,” Luna responded tartly. “That you don't know is precisely why we know what we do. Contrary to popular belief, I don't care much for cloak and dagger. However, it still has its uses. My sister is aware that issues within the ranks have been becoming more intense since Shining Armor was discharged to see to the Crystal Empire. Storm Sword is just the kind of pony to fill the void he left.”
“By destroying the guard's traditions?” Centurion pursed his lips.
Luna straightened herself. She was not as tall as her sister but she still matched the massive guardpony in height. “What traditions do you speak of specifically?”
“The marches, the line formations, the straight-forward fighting methodology,” he began to list. “I've heard of her unit history. She would have the entire Royal Guard crawling in mud and hitting from strewn cover rather than march in formation and fight in ranks.”
“Centurion,” Luna began, “the Royal Guard has not had any major fight in over a thousand years, correct? Storm Sword was chosen partly because of her experience with the tribes past Equestria's northern border. Her unit is the only one to see engagement outside of the Canterlot Invasion. She developed her methods after traditional ones failed to cope with enemy tactics. Twilight is the one that will have the final say in this in any case. You should bring it up with her. My sister plans to finalize the paperwork along with the coronation so that the court won't lock it up in procedure.”
“Then you already know that the legislators wouldn't allow her appointment,” Centurion highlighted the issue.
“Politics are one thing I won't miss while we're gone,” Luna rolled her eyes.
Centurion backed up towards the door. “I will bring my concerns to Twilight. Thank you for hearing me out, your highness.”
Luna hardly voiced an official dismissal before he disappeared out of the room. Feeling somewhat off balance, Luna rejoined her sister against the balcony's railing.
“Do you ever get the feeling Equestria would fall apart if we left?” Luna asked to the open air and kept frowning.
“Now who's the pessimist?” Celestia giggled beside her.
The dark alicorn stuck her tongue out.
“Blueblood won't take this well,” the elder sister commented after they had enjoyed the sightseeing for a while longer.
“I never understood why you didn't just appoint him to the southern sector for a while. It would have taught him a valuable lesson. He's too entitled.”
“I was worried he would just make matters worse,” Celestia admitted. “Besides, his friends on the nobles' side have less power than they think they do. They have only a few actual connections in the Royal Guard and Storm Sword can eliminate those. In fact, I can trust from her record that she'll put a priority on it. She knows more than any other that political maneuvering has no place in the Guard.”
Luna leaned closer to her sister even though she felt their more intimate moment had passed. She kept talking in the hope that Celestia wouldn't notice and she could get away with it. “It's almost as if you expect trouble after we leave.”
“Trouble has been brewing since before your imprisonment, Lulu,” Celestia waved innocently to the gardener that was now tending to the garden plants below. “I've written a letter to Twilight regarding the finer points of it. She's probably making a hundred contingencies already.”

“Contingency one-hundred,” Spike groaned as his claw cramped. He was nearly out of ink, the quill was about to snap, and the scroll had barely any room left on it. “Can we take a break?”
Twilight Sparkle paced back and forth in the ground-floor room of the library, almost forgetful of her hive gathered with her. Chrysalis followed her around like a faithful servant. The four maids did likewise but kept a safe distance from the changeling.
“Celestia sent me this information herself!” Twilight bit her bottom lip. “Given the subject material, it's only a matter of time until a societal rift significant enough to cause public disorder occurs! Did you see the numbers from Cloudsdale? Over sixty-three percent of privately surveyed pegasi were in favor of deep functional reforms regarding Royal Guard appropriation from select Canterlot legislatures. There's now a nintey-two percent chance of a landslide push-through of Bill Ten Twenty-Four now that Las Pegasus backs the proposal!”
“I'm just pretending to know what's coming out of your mouth,” Spike deadpanned.
“Isn't being a dictator better than being a pandering princess?” Chrysalis giggled.
“Not funny,” Twilight turned on her changeling. “Celestia and Luna are giving me the most important position in Equestria and I have to be fair and just in my decisions. The balance of power between the legislatures and the throne must be carefully considered.”
“That's not what you said a week ago,” Spike remarked. “You kept going on and on about how fun it would be to-”
“Not helping,” Rarity put a hoof on his shoulder.
“The Wonderbolts were officially decommissioned centuries ago when Celestia consolidated the various Equestrian Forces into the Royal Guard. This bill would re-instate the Wonderbolts as a military organization instead of a stunt team with honorary heritage.”
“Sweet!” Rainbow Dash squealed in joy.
Everypony looked up to her. She didn't blush or stop hovering around. Instead, she raised a brow.
“What?” Rainbow defended. “Spitfire would be a general! That's awesome!”
“So some ponies get some fancy shmancy titles,” Applejack frowned and repositioned a twig of grain sticking out of her mouth. “Who cares?”
“Don't you get it?” Twilight pushed her thoughts out harder so they might grasp the gravity of the idea in the hive. “Cloudsdale and Canterlot legislatures have been opposed practically since Equestria was formed! Celestia fused the Wonderbolts and the Canterlot Guard into the Royal Guard to de-escalate tension. That's not even to mention the Earth Rangers, the Night Militant, and other Forces that were combined. Splitting them back up would only fuel old fires and with Celestia and Luna gone, I'll be the only one trying to get them to hold hooves again.”
“Oh my,” Fluttershy became concerned from where she lay in the corner.
“Sucks to be you,” Applejack remarked.
Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash gave her a disapproving glare.
“Just the truth,” the farm pony shrugged.
“The only silver lining in this,” Twilight pushed her unbrushed mane out of her eyes, “is that Celestia is forcing through Storm Sword's appointment as Captain of the Royal Guard along with the legal work for my coronation. She assured me that Storm will be on my side and as a unicorn Captain, she can keep the Canterlot side of the Guard from siding with the nobles, who want a confrontation as bad as Cloudsdale.”
“You're from Cloudsdale,” Spike said to Rainbow Dash. “And you're a reserve in the Wonderbolts. What are the pegasi thinking?”
“I don't know,” Rainbow shrugged. “That high-society unicorns are snobs that don't care about the rest of us?”
“Pardon?” Rarity frowned at the blue mare.
“It's like Hearth's Warming Eve all over again,” Fluttershy whispered to herself. "Except without the warming part.”
Pinkie Pie spoke up for a different line of thought, though she took the faster route of the hivemind. Why is Las Pegasus siding with Cloudsdale?
While Twilight focused on the contingencies, Chrysalis passed the information. Las Pegasus is over half pegasi residents and the majority of others share their way of thinking – even the unicorns.
“If this is the difference between being a royal of Ponyville and a royal of Equestria, I can tell you right now which I'd prefer,” Twilight deadpanned.
Spike grabbed Celestia's earlier letter and read the bottom. “P.S. Ruling Equestria is great, right?”
The dragon tried a weak smile. “Well, at least she hasn't lost her sense of humor.”
“We're doomed!” Pinkie threw her hooves up and faceplanted.
Rarity rolled her eyes. “I recall you said that about this morning's breakfast menu. You just like saying it.”
Pinkie smiled big after picking her face back up from the floor. “Got that right, sugarcube.”
Applejack raised a brow at that. She then shook her head and tapped her chin as she reassembled her thoughts. “I don't see the big deal. Just get this here Storm Sword to back you up. No court ponies can tell a Captain of the Guard what to do, right?”
“That won't stop Cloudsdale from splitting up the Guard based on what the nobles have been doing with it for over a decade now,” Twilight bit her lip again. “There's no changing the fact that the Guard has been moved into questionable situations multiple times that served only the interests of the nobles. They barely have any direct connections in the Guard so the nobles used the legislators to move supply and staging grounds through lands laws stapled into essential funding bills. It's incredibly complex court manipulation and I don't have the right kind of experience to fight it. I can only draw on Chrysalis' experience with her hive and that's not at all comparable.”
Spike rubbed his sore claw and offered his two bits while glancing to Rarity, who was still glaring at Rainbow Dash. “Worst case scenario: the Royal Guard splits, Spitfire leads the Wonderbolts and Storm Sword leads the Canterlot Guard. Both would be loyal to you. Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus are obviously on your side by the sound of it, which leaves only the Canterlot nobles against. And you are the final voice in the court as Queen of Equestria. Checkmate.”
“That's what bothers me,” Twilight worried even more. “There's no way they would make all of these complex plans and not see that eventuality. They have something else in mind that would give them the control they want to have over Equestrian affairs. There needs to be a one-hundred and first contingency, but for what?”