Defiled Princess

by RandomClopAccount


Celestia was forced through the doors leading the the Crystal Empire’s throne room. Two large stallions, clad in red and black armor, lead her to the newly constructed throne.

Gone was the beautiful throne that Princess Cadance once sat upon. Instead, a twisted throne of black crystal was in its place.

And on that throne was King Sombra himself.

A creature of shadow and pure evil apparently could not be extinguished so easily. With the threat believed gone the Crystal Empire had left itself vulnerable. And Sombra took advantage of it. Imprisoning its leadership and corrupting the Crystal Heart had allowed him to twist the residents of the Empire to his liking.

The common folk were sent back into their depression and fear. The guards were twisted into his loyal followers.

It wasn’t until Celestia had arrived with her sister and the Element Bearers at the supposed invitation of Princess Cadance that they learned of events. And by then it was too late.

They were ambushed by a dozen or so guards. Before they could even react, some of Twilight's friends had already been subdued. Celestia could more than easily have dealt with the guards and Sombra. Her sister and Twilight being present would just make it easier. But as she saw blades to the throats of Twilight's friends, she couldn't bring herself to make a move.

Sombra quickly planted magic inhibiting rings made of black crystal on the alicorns' horns. He then made of show of gathering the princesses' regalia and destroying them. They were subdued and carted off to the dungeons, the princesses with their own private cells and the others forced to share just one.

Word sent to Canterlot informed the Royal Guard of Celestia and the others’ extended stay in the Empire. Likely enough time for Sombra to find a more permanent solution to their disappearance.

Celestia was broken from her thoughts when she was roughly shoved to the ground by one of the guards. She tried to retaliate with magic, but the ring just wouldn't give.

It didn’t help matters that her wings were bound as well.

The guards stood at attention and Sombra spoke.

“You may leave us,” he said. The guards nodded and left. Celestia attempted to stand only to be forced back down by Sombra’s telekinesis.

“No need for you to stand, Celestia,” said Sombra. “I’m sure you’ll be far more comfortable on the floor below your new master. Where you belong.”

Celestia stayed calm. “Enjoy the throne while it lasts.”

He smirked. “Oh I intend to. For many years to come in fact.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “Why have you brought me here? And where are my sister and my friends.”

“They’ve been imprisoned and my guards are awaiting their orders,” said Sombra. “In fact, once I contact them they’ve been granted permission to do with the prisoners as they please.”

Celestia looked at him quizzically. “What do you mean?”

Sombra absently look at his hoof and spoke in a casual tone. “Oh, just that they’ve been told to use their bodies until their minds have left them.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. He couldn’t possibly mean what she thought he meant.

Sensing her doubts, Sombra clarified. “Once contacted my guards will fuck their brains out.”

“You monster!”

Celestia stood and charged at the stallion sitting on the throne. She fully intended to impale him with her horn.

Sombra just sat there with a smirk. His horn lit up and Celestia was stopped and once more forced down into a kneeling position.

“Now now Celestia, no need to be rude,” he said. “I wouldn’t have brought you here if I wasn’t willing to bargain.”

Celestia looked at him with pure malice. “What bargain?”

He smiled and levitated a small crystal that sat off to the side. “This crystal is a communication crystal. Once activated I can freely communicate with my guard. If you don’t comply with my demands then I will order them to violate your friends and sibling.”

Celestia knew not what Sombra wanted, but if it saved those ponies precious to her then it mattered not. She would do it.

“What do you want?” Celestia said.

His smile widened. “I want you to satisfy me.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. While she hoped that her thoughts were wrong, she knew that it was unlikely given the threat against the others.

“How so?” she said with apprehension in her voice.


Celestia looked down. He was truly a monster.

“I’m quite curious about an intriguing rumor about you, Celestia.”

She looked up at him. “And what is that?”

“I’ve heard that in all the years of your immortal life, you’ve yet to lay with another. I’m quite excited about the prospect of defiling a pure, virginal goddess.”

Celestia blushed and looked away. As much as she hated the idea of exciting that monster any more than he already was; she couldn’t deny that he was right.

“I thought so,” he said. “Now look here.”

Celestia looked back and noticed that Sombra had shifted his position. She could now see his cock fully released from his sheath. Though not erect she could easily tell that he was well endowed despite her inexperience with such things.

He set the communication crystal to the side and beckoned her with a hoof.

“Unless you wish me to sic my guards on your fellows then I suggest you get started.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes and tried once more to overpower the inhibitor ring to no avail.

Resigned to her fate she sighed and crawled over to Sombra. The stallion was now leaning back against the throne with his flaccid cock fully exposed.

Celestia was now eye level with with large member and could smell its musk. The smell clouded her mind for a moment. She opened her mouth, but hesitated and closed it once more.

“I’m waiting, princess.”

She shot a glare at the depraved stallion. She wanted so much to break him, to hurt him, but she knew it was futile. If she wanted to protect those she cared for she had to sacrifice herself no matter how disgusting the sacrifice was.

She nuzzled his cock before flicking her tongue out and giving it a testing lick. His cock twitched in response.

“Good little princess.”

Celestia reached a hoof up started to massage his cock; her strokes accompanied by the occasional lick. With each stroke Sombra’s member rose and hardened until it was at full mast.

Celestia stopped her ministrations and look at the shaft. It towered over her, imposing and no doubt larger than most other stallions. Her fears had been confirmed.

“Like what you see princess?”

She glared at him. “Not even a little,” she spat.

Sombra chuckled. “Oh don’t worry. Soon you’ll come to enjoy it, worship it even.”


He narrowed his eyes at her. “I believe you were in the middle of something.”

With an angry grunt Celestia returned her attention to the throbbing member.

She restarted her previous ministrations. She refrained from licking it and took to glaring at it; she hoped that if she wished hard enough that it’d burst into flames.

Sombra let out a quiet groan.

Celestia couldn’t help but smirk. If he was this easily pleased then maybe she could drain him before things progressed too far.

It wasn’t long before Celestia noticed a droplet of precum at the tip of his member. She had to admit that she was a tad curious. She raised her head until her mouth was level with his cock’s head and gave it a testing lick. It wasn’t as horrible tasting as she assumed. In fact, it wasn’t the worst thing she’d ever tasted before.

She gave his head another lick before she started lightly kissing his shaft to accompany her strokes. She trailed kisses down to his sack and inhaled his smell. It was intoxicating. Her slit started to moisten.

She expected this. Her body’s instincts were starting to take over; starting to get excited over the vile act. And she hated it.

She licked his sack and proceeded to take one of his balls in her mouth. She sucked on it for a moment before removing it from her mouth with a pop.

“I grow tired of this,” said Sombra. “Be a good little princess and take my cock in your mouth.”

Celestia stopped her strokes and sighed. She knew she couldn’t avoid this for long. She slowly raised her head until it once more was level with the tip of his cock.

She gulped. All or nothing now. She couldn’t back out.

She took the head of his cock in her mouth, but went no further. She instead opted to caress the tip with her tongue. She pulled her mouth from his cock with a pop, a trail of saliva still connecting her to him.

She dove in once more. She decided to get things over with and started to lower her head past his tip.

It was in this position that she came to realize just how large he was. She swore that if he was just a little thicker her jaw would have dislocated.

She pushed her head further and further down until she felt it near the back of her mouth.

Sombra groaned and bucked his hips. His cock moved forward bumped the back of her throat, causing her to gag. She quickly pulled back and turned away from him as she coughed.

He smirked down at her. “Well now, we must really tame that gag reflex of yours.”

She shot him a glare in between coughs.

As soon as she regained control over herself she moved back to his cock. She took it down to where it had been before and hesitated for a moment before she tried to move further down. As she went deeper she could feel the need to gag. Unlike before with Sombra’s unexpected thrust, she was able to fight her gag reflex and take it further down until she could feel the tip in her throat.

She swallowed and Sombra groaned. She closed her eyes before she started to bob her head up and down. She sucked his cock as hard as she could and stroked what was left exposed in an attempt to finish him as quickly as possible. But from Sombra’s soft and infrequent moans it seemed that this was insufficient

She knew she had likely taken only a fourth of his cock if even that much. She dared not take it further for fear of choking. But with his lack of any real reaction and doubts that she could finish him at this rate made her realize that she needed to take more of him.

The gagging feeling had subsided shortly after she started sucking in earnest and she now felt more assured that she could take him further. She stopped her bobbing and pulled off of his cock. She panted for a moment and steeled herself for what was to come.

She brought her mouth back to his cock and quickly took him as deep as she had previously. She could feel the pulsing cock on her tongue and the head at the entrance to her throat as she readied herself to take more of him.

She slowly moved her head further down. She could feel his cock move down her throat and she could not help but swallow as it went down. His groans of pleasure showed that taking it further was the right thing to do.

She made it halfway down his length and held her head there. After a moment of acclimating herself to her current depth she pulled her head from his cock and gasped for air.

She place her hooves on his thighs and quickly went back down; she started sucking in earnest. Maybe taking half of his cock would be enough to satisfy him.

Sombra disagreed.

She felt his hooves on the back of her head and was unprepared as he forced her further down his cock. She tried to pull back, but his hooves kept her in place. More than that they were pushing her further and further down.

Celestia could feel herself starting to choke. She was suffocating; the size of the cock and the abruptness at which it had been forced down her throat was preventing her from getting enough air.

And then she felt her chin touch his sack. She had taken him fully.

Sombra held her there for what felt like an eternity before he released his hold on her allowing her to quickly remove his cock from her throat and mouth.

She gasped for air and let out an occasional cough.

She glared up at him and he merely shrugged. He motioned for her to continue and she reluctantly retook the cock in her mouth.

She wasted little time in take the full length of his cock. She sucked and swallowed with all her might, bobbing her head as quickly as she could. She needed him to finish quickly before his musk caused her to lose it.

Sombra groaned in earnest. He placed his hooves at the back of her head once more and started thrusting to quicken his impending release.

It wasn’t long before Sombra forced her down to the base of his cock and held her there as he groaned loudly. Celestia was unprepared for his release. Her eyes widened as she felt a veritable torrent of cum flow down her throat. She could do nothing more than swallow and hope that she could contain it all.

How long he came she was unsure. He slowly pulled her off of his cock but kept the tip in her mouth as he shot a final load.

Celestia could finally taste his seed and like his precum she couldn’t hate the taste. It didn’t stop her from wanting to spit it up.

He didn’t remove his cock as he spoke. “Swallow it.”

Her eyes widened again and she looked up at him with a questioning look.

He smirked. “What’s the point of cumming down your throat if I can’t see you willingly swallow at least a bit of it.” He chuckled. “Well willingly enough at any rate.”

She averted her gaze before she started swallowing. She decided to go the extra mile to please, and stroked his cock while suckling his the tip in order to milk any cum that was left over.

He smiled at her actions. “When you finish I want you to open your mouth. I better not see any cum left over.”

She gave his head one final suck before complying. All trace of his cum was gone.

“Good girl,” he smirked. “For a virginal princess to give such amazing head, well, let’s just say I’m impressed my little princess.”

She looked up past his still hard cock. “I’m not your princess.”

He shrugged. “Maybe not now, but you will be.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “Now turn around. I wish to take my princess completely.”

She quickly got to her hooves. “I didn’t agree to this. I made you cum now let my sister and my friends go.”

He laughed. “I do believe I said that you were to satisfy me.” He pointed at his erect, throbbing member. “I don’t believe that I’m satisfied quite yet.”

Celestia took a step back. “No, I can’t do that. Please don’t.”

He shrugged. “Suit yourself. I’m certain that your loved ones will understand when my guards finish with them.”

His horn glowed and levitated the communication crystal.

Celestia held out a hoof. “No, wait. Please don’t. I’ll do it.”

Celestia quickly turned around and kneeled; her ass in the air, but her tail tucked. She looked back at him. “Please just take me. Not them.”

He tapped his chin. “Hmm I don’t know. Maybe if you begged for your new master to ravish you then I might be inclined to listen to my princess.”

She winced. She hated this, but she had no choice. She needed to protect the others from this madpony.

“Please take me.”

“What was that? I couldn’t quite understand you.”

“Please take me, Master.”

“Still not quite getting it.”

She thought for a moment on what to say before sighing. She looked back at him with a look of determination.

“Please fuck me with you huge cock, my Master.”

He laughed. “Now that’s better, my little cock slave.”

Sombra set the communication crystal off to the side and left his throne. His horn lit up and he removed his cape, setting it back on the throne.

He reached Celestia and smacked her flank, causing her to groan. “Move your tail. I want to gaze on my prize before I defile it.”

Tears started to flow from her eyes and she looked away from him. She slowly moved her tail to the side, fully exposing her glistening pussy.

“My my Celestia,” he said. “For someone claiming to be unwilling you certainly did enjoy servicing my cock.”

“Shut up.”

He smacked her again. “Ah ah ah. Is that anyway to speak to your master?”

She sniffled. “No. I’m sorry, Master. Please punish this slutty princess.”

Her eyes widened at her willingly calling herself a slutty.

“Getting into it are we? Or are we just resigned? No matter, as long as you know your place.”

He leaned his head down and gave her slit a test lick. Celestia couldn’t help but let out a quiet moan.

“Oh yes, you’re ready,” he said. “I don’t even need to prepare you.”

He lick her again and she moaned.

“Of course,” he started. “I am a gentlecolt. Besides,” he leaned over her and whispered in her ear, “I want you begging for my cock for real, like the slut you are deep down.”

His horn glowed and Celestia was lifted into the air. He flipped her over and set her down on the floor; this time on her back.

“Do enjoy this Celestia. I doubt I’ll be as gentle when I’m fucking you.”

Celestia blushed at how cavalier he was about taking her.

Sombra smirked and lay in front of her. He place his hooves at her thighs and spread her legs wide. He brought his face to her crotch and inhaled deeply.

“Oh you arousal smells divine, my princess,” he said. “Truly the smell of a mare in need.”

She looked away with a reddened face.

He wasted no time in teasing her and instead started to roughly lick her lower lips. Celestia couldn’t help but squeal. It wasn’t long before his tongue found her clit. He licked it, causing Celestia to moan. He chuckled before latching onto the exposed nub with his mouth.

Celestia moaned loudly and bucked her hips. She covered her eyes with a fetlock in shame.

Sombra suckled on her clit for a while longer before separating from it.

“How has it been my princess?”

She mumbled.

“I can’t hear you.”

She blushed. She was ashamed, but this time what she said was the truth. “I like it, Master.”

Her barked out a laugh. “Good princess. I’ll have you begging for more in no time.”

He licked her slit one more time before he slipped his tongue inside of her. Celestia gasped at the intrusion and bucked her hips once more. She hated to admit it, but she loved how it felt. His tongue swirled about and her pussy leaked it’s sweet nectar. He slurped at her, enjoying as much of her wetness as possible.

His tongue was as deep as he could reach and it bumped up against a particularly sensitive spot. Celestia gaspe. Her back arched from the shock of pleasure and as she came down she couldn’t help but buck her hips more and more.

She wanted this. She needed this.

It felt too good.

She felt herself nearing the edge. That she would orgasm from this fiend’s handiwork sickened her, but she wanted nothing more that to finally go over the edge.

It was then that Sombra removed himself from her pussy.

She knew what he wanted and what she wanted. Before Sombra could open his mouth to taunt her she spoke.

“Please don’t stop, Master I need it please!”

Sombra smirked and complied. He thrust his tongue in and found her sensitive spot once more. He stimulated that one spot over and over again. Celestia was thrashing under him.

“Yes, yes! Please more! Oh stars yes!”

It wasn’t long before Celestia’s inner walls closed around Sombra’s tongue. Her back arched and she came. She screamed in delight as her eyes rolled into the back of her head while her tongue lolled out of her mouth. She’d never felt such pleasure in her life.

Sombra slurped down her gushing juices as she continually bucked her hips, attempting to wring out as much pleasure as she could.

He had her.

After she came down from her high she felt nothing but shame. She had been putty in this monster’s hooves. But it felt so good. She couldn’t help it.

She heard him chuckle and she brought her head up to look at the now standing stallion. He licked his lips. Celestia blushed and averted her gaze, but it landed on his throbbing erection.

She saw the massive cock and couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like. She hated herself for that.

“I’m waiting,” said Sombra.

Celestia nodded. She knew what he wanted and she knew what she was to do.

She turned over and shifted her position. She raised her ass until she was sure it would be level with his hips.

She gulped and said what he wanted to here. “Please fuck me, Master. Make this slutty princess yours.”

He stood and wrapped his hooves around her waist. She could feel his large cock against her thighs and pussy. He rubbed it back and forth against her, lubing it up with her juices. After he was satisfied with how much of her was now coating his cock he pressed the tip against her entrance.

“Do you want it my slave?”

Celestia’s building tears fell. She gave an honest answer this time. “Yes.”



“I want to hear more.”

Celestia gulped. “Please fuck me! I need it! Please!”

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Good princess.”

And then he pushed forward.

Celestia gave a sharp intake of breath as she felt the first few inches penetrate her. She instinctively bucked back against him. She wanted more.

Sombra was happy to comply. He pulled out until only the tip remained and with a growl he thrust with all his might.

Celestia screamed. In contrast to his tongue and the first inches of his cock, this didn’t feel good. The pain was intense as her virgin snatch was forced to take such a monstrous cock in almost one go. Her soaking pussy did little to alleviate the pain.

“Oh come now Celestia, I’m only half in.”

Celestia’s eyes widened and her tears flowed. “Stop! Please stop!

He pulled back and thrust again. She dug her front hooves in to try to escape the stallion, but she saw a red glow surround her forelegs and they were roughly pulled back and held in place.

Sombra groaned. He was in pure bliss. “You really are a virgin. Ha, this is phenomenal!”

He pulled back and thrust again still only getting in half way. Her pussy clamped down tightly around his member and he couldn’t help but groan at the amazing tightness. He pulled back and thrust again, this time getting even deeper.

He started to thrust into her with a steady rhythm. Celestia soon felt the pain subsided and be replaced by pleasure. She started to moan with each thrust. She loved the feeling of being filled and felt a crushing emptiness each time he withdrew. She started to buck back when he pulled away, trying to keep as much inside of her as possible.

When this proved largely futile, she started to buck back and meet his thrusts; trying to get as deep as possible. Sombra groaned in response and started to thrust harder. His cock got deeper and deeper until Celestia felt it his a barrier. Her eyes widened at the realization that he had reached her cervix.

Sombra stayed buried within her, enjoying the feel of his cock against her deepest barrier. The entrance to the still fertile womb of an immortal goddess. He smiled a twisted smile. She would be his fully and completely.

“Please don’t stop!” Celestia moaned.

Sombra smirked. “Changed your mind, have you?”

“Stars yes! Fuck me!”

He laughed. He had won.

He pulled back and thrust once more, hitting her cervix once more and eliciting a loud moan. Celestia moved her forelegs, long since released from Sombra’s grasp, and dug in so that she had better leverage to thrust back against him.

Again and again he thrust into her. Her inner walls kept a vice grip on his cock, pulling at it in an attempt to keep him as close to her womb as possible.

And still it was not enough. Still some of Sombra’s cock remained outside of his now compliant princess. This had to be remedied.

He gripped her waist tightly and started pistoning inside of her. Celestia tried to match his speed with her hips but gave up and just allowed him to have his way. She could feel herself come close to the edge every time his cock’s head smashed into her cervix. If she didn’t know any better, and if her mind was clearer, she could have sworn he was trying to push past it.

Sombra pounded away at her cervix and slowly but surely felt it start to give way to his incessant thrusts. Only a few more rough thrusts of his cock and he finally felt his tip break through that last barrier.

Celestia tried to scream, but no sound came out. It hurt, but it hurt so good. Eventually she found her voice and let out a shrill moan as she climaxed. Her inner walls clenched around Sombra’s cock and it took all his willpower not to cum at that very moment.

Celestia rode out her orgasm before her front hooves gave out. She was spent and yet Sombra had yet to release his load.

The stayed there unmoving for several seconds as Sombra attempted to quell his coming release until he had finished with his princess. Once he felt settled enough he pulled back past the entrance to her womb, with quite a bit of effort as it refused to let him go. He pulled back until just the tip remained and thrust with all his might.

He finally bottomed out.

Celestia moaned. She could feel his hips finally pressed against her. He was all the way in and she loved it.

He pulled back but left the tip of his cock inside her fertile womb.

“This is it Celestia.”

And then he thrust.

He pounded away at her with blinding speed. Celestia moaned and groaned as he relentlessly fucked her. Her wings were straining against their bindings to a painful degree. Sombra lit up his horn and broke the bindings. Her wings exploded outward in all their glory. She squealed as he shifted his position and held on to the base of her now outstretched wings.

He eyes rolled into the back of her head and her tongue flopped around as he fucked her. Her mind was almost a complete blank, focused only on the pleasure his cock brought her. She weakly bucked back against him, but her energy was spent. Still, she powered through, doing all she could to take as much of his cock as possible and squeeze out every bit of pleasure she could.

Sombra felt her walls tighten around his throbbing cock. She was close and so was he. He thrust into her as fast as he possible could. He was going to fill her with every last drop of his cum.

Celestia could feel herself about to go over the edge when she heard Sombra speak.

“Tell me what you want princess!”

Celestia knew what he wanted her to say and she knew that she wanted it more than anything right now.

“Fill me! Unload it all inside your princess! I want you seed! Please fill me!”

He smirked. “Here it comes!”

He felt Celestia cum just before he gave one final thrust burying himself as deep as possible as the head of his cock flared.

Celestia felt it as his cock released a torrent of cum. Her pussy clenched and pulled on his cock, attempting to milk it for all its precious seed. Her womb was flooded and filled to the brim quickly. And yet he didn’t let up. As load after load entered her his flared head prevented even a drop from escaping her womb.

Celestia felt so full and looked beneath her out of curiosity. She could see her stomach distending from the sheer amount of seed he was depositing into her.

And she loved it.

After what felt like a wonderful eternity, Celestia felt Sombra let out one final load before pulling out.

She began to feel his seed leave her and she clenched herself in an attempt to keep as much of it inside as possible. She didn’t want any to leave her.

Sombra just looked down at the sight of the broken princess. A look of pure ecstasy written on her face, cum leaking from her pussy, and her wings stretch out painfully. He smiled

“Well, how was it?”

Celestia could only managed one word. “Amazing.”

He smirked. “Good princess.”

Sombra walked back to his throne and picked up the communication crystal in his magical grasp. He turned back to Celestia and levitated the crystal a short distance away from and above her.

“I’m afraid that I’m guilty of a little fib,” he said. “You see, this isn’t a communication crystal. It’s actually a... let’s call it a movie crystal. That seems more modern.”

The crystal glowed and a holographic image appeared in front of Celestia’s face.

In front of her was a large chamber, the wall that would have faced her was gone, and she could see that it was made of grey stone with no windows in sight. A torture chamber most likely.

This was reinforced as her mind became more focused as she noticed various objects of torture around the room. But they weren’t being used. At least not conventionally.

In the room she could see her sister and the Element Bearers each in various stages of rut.

Luna was strapped, belly down, to a torture rack with a large stallion atop her. The stallion was thrusting into her at a steady pace, obviously trying to enjoy her as long as possible. He was not her first partner as her cum covered body could attest. She had a dead look in her eyes

Pinkie Pie was in stocks with a stallion thrusting wildly into her. Attempting to finish quickly lest the short line of stallions behind him grow restless. Pinkie wore a blank expression and her mane was uncharacteristically straight

Fluttershy was bent over with her ass raised. She kept her head down and was covering her eyes with her hooves as she was being thrust into.

Applejack was being roughly fucked by a stallion that was pushing her up against a wall. Celestia could still see the look of defiance on her face. But just like her own she could see it slowly fading into one of pleasure.

Rarity wasn’t bound nor did she seem as reluctant as the others. She was dutifully sucking the cock of a reclining stallion while stroking two others with her fetlocks. There was a look of pure bliss on her face. Either she was a true slut or she had been broken early on.

Rainbow was not much different. She was currently riding a stallion that was laying on the ground. Her tongue was lolling out and she looked overjoyed. The stallion just had his forelegs behind the back of his head as he let her do her thing.

Cadance was busy servicing a group of stallions. Celestia counted five. She was being a dutiful princess of love. She gulped down cum as her holes were filled and two stallions showered her with their loads.

Twilight was currently being fucked by three stallions. She, quite enthusiastically, sucked on the cock in her mouth and bucked back against the cocks filling her two holes.

Celestia couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“Yes I’m afraid that I had my guards work on breaking them before I had you brought before me. I did enjoy our fuck and I know you did too. I do apologize that it was based on a lie.”

He laughed.

Celestia looked at the scene playing out in front of her and came to a conclusion that would have shocked her before.

She didn’t care.

She slowly got to her hooves; her legs wobbling as she did so. She could feel Sombra’s cum start leaking out of her.

She made her way to him with a look of determination; her wobbling legs and bloated belly made it difficult. As she reached him she looked down at his slowly softening cock.

She lowered herself in front of him and took the retreating member into her mouth. After a moment of her enthusiastic suckling she could feel it harden once more.

Celestia smiled up at him. “I want more of your cum, Master.”

Sombra smirked. “Good little princess.”