//------------------------------// // Chapter II // Story: Conquered: The Betrayal of Twilight Sparkle // by CrimsonStar //------------------------------// CHAPTER II Winter Wrap-Up was completed a week ago, a ritual that not even Princess Twilight Sparkle in her recently acquired position of royalty would pass on. She was just as majestic as ever as she helped usher in the warmer weather into Ponyville, even going so far as to fly side-by-side her sometimes egotistical but always loyal Pegasus companion as her multicolored tail cleared the skies. Despite her tougher personality, Twilight was always grateful to have Rainbow Dash as her friend and wouldn't have it any other way. Though Twilight was confident and comfortable in her own talents and abilities, she still admired her friend's stellar confidence and athleticism. Twilight listened to her friend rant on about the Wonderbolts once again as they flew through the clear sky to Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes were celebrating the anniversary of their bakery and were having a giant sale. Naturally, Pinkie Pie made sure all her friends were attending by creating one of her more elaborate invitation skits. It involved cutting the power supply to Ponyville and ripping the sky open with detailed fireworks with the invitations and advertisement within the burning streamers one night. The towns ponies were more impressed with the display than they were pissed. The fireworks even included the faces of all her friends in the explosions, though making them shy away initially from the embarrassment. Still, this was another pony Twilight couldn't help but thank Celestia for to have in her life. So many times things looked their darkest in the adventures Twilight has been on with her friends, and when things seemed hopeless and they weren't going to make it out alive, all the alicorn had to do was remember to laugh. Every time she would laugh with Pinkie in her heart and mind, everything somehow always seemed to work out. Twilight could already see the large crowd ahead circling around the bakery as she and Rainbow Dash began to descend from the sky. They didn't even land when they saw Pinkie Pie donning an overzealous clown suit complete with makeup, a red nose, and burning bright suit. Upon closer inspection, the suit itself was printed with different types of candy and instead of balls, cupcakes made their circular rounds as they were juggled. She did however balance herself on a large red ball with one hoof. Rainbow Dash laughed when they landed while Twilight only giggled and sighed as they approached the front of the crowd. The Cakes were getting ready to make an announcement as the customers lined up to take advantage of the blowout sale that was about to take place. "Oh there you are, darling. I say we were beginning to worry you wouldn't make it." A feminine voice caught Twilight's ears, making her turn and see Rarity with Fluttershy in tow approach them. "Hi girls," Twilight said with a smile. "Sorry we're late. Rainbow Dash and I ran into Soarin on the way here and she couldn't help but show off some of her newest moves." "Well that does sound like our Rainbow Dash now doesn't it." Rarity cited as she watched Rainbow Dash laugh at the performing Pinkie Pie. "Um...excuse me...but I was just wondering if, maybe, you knew where Applejack was." Fluttershy murmured. Twilight's smiled faded. "You mean she isn't here? That's strange. She said she was going to be here. That's not like her to be late for anything." Before they could speculate further, the booming country voice of their friend announced, "Ah'm here, Ah'm here, y'all!" They turned and saw Applejack running towards them, her head bent low to keep her stetson from flying off. She stopped before her friends and was clearly out of breath. "Applejack, what's wrong?" Twilight asked. "Sorry for bein' late, Twi, but Winona's been actin' mighty strange lately." Applejack said. "Ah was gettin' ready to come here when Winona started barkin' and howlin' up a storm like it's the end of the world or somethin' and then she took off runnin'." "Oh my, is she okay?" Fluttershy asked with deep concern for the animal. "Yeah she's fine, but it was the darnedest thing though. She ran off and stopped at the border of the Everfree Forest and just kept barkin' away like she was spooked by somethin'. Ah swear she's never acted this way before." Applejack added, though presented a clear worried expression. As Twilight was about to reassure her friend, the commencement for the anniversary sale began. Mr. and Mrs. Cake approached their podium in front of their bakery before the crowd and the latter cleared her throat. "Good afternoon, Ponyville! First of all, I know I can speak for my husband when I say thank you all for coming out today to celebrate our anniversary. It has been a wonderful ten years for us in Ponyville and we couldn't be happier." Mrs. Cake said happily and was received with applause. Mr. Cake stepped forward. "My wife and I cannot even begin to express our happiness and gratitude to all the mares and gentlecolts of Ponyville who have helped make us feel at home since we first took up roots in this wonderful town. We consider all of you to be our family and we look forward to many more years of business and friendship here, as well as raising our foals here. Thank you all!" The crowd once again opened up in applause and the Cakes opened their front door as Pinkie once again resumed her routine. As Twilight and her friends got into line to grab their own slice of the tasty history, a purple and green dot caught the purple alicorn's eyes. She smiled when she saw her number one assistant in Spike sprinting towards her. He said earlier that he wasn't going to divulge in sweets, thinking it would make him fat and unattractive for a certain white unicorn he has had his eyes on for some time now but Twilight knew the temptation for the gem cupcakes would be too much for him. This was her initial belief when she saw him. When she saw a look of haste and even panic, she stopped and tilted her head as Spike approached. He came to a grinding halt, his scaly feet even digging trenches into the ground as he stopped. It took a moment for him to catch his breath but when he did, he held up a message and panted, "Twilight...for you...emergency...Princess Celestia." Using her magic, Twilight opened the message and began to read. She didn't even have to scroll to the second paragraph of the letter to feel the urgency in Celestia's words. Twilight's heart sped up when she realized this message was with regards to the company of soldiers sent to that familiar village. The heart within her body that thumped rapidly suddenly sank and her heart swelled with guilt when she read that the company she encouraged her brother to send to check on that village was no more. While they were there, a tragedy unlike anything Equestria has suffered in recent history unfolded and left only one pony alive. The company had come under swift attack from enemies unknown and the soldiers were massacred and the village was gone. That's all Princess Celestia could say on the matter. It was just gone. The message informed her that her presence was requested along with her friends in Canterlot. The last survivor was at a hospital there, as was her brother and sister-in-law. An emergency meeting was being called. That was it. No word on who was responsible for the massacre or who the lone survivor was but at the end of the message, Princess Celestia once again added Twilight's presence was imperative. Twilight didn't know how to break the news to her friends. Not even they knew about the situation in that village. The purple alicorn remembered hearing about the strange phenomena at the village and encouraged her brother to investigate, which he did. Twilight honestly didn't think there was anything to be concerned about but still being the princess of friendship that she was, she thought it was her responsibility to lend a helping hand to the village. She didn't say much to them, except they needed to attend a meeting in Canterlot. For Rarity and Pinkie Pie, that was all they needed to hear to visit such a grand place full of royalty and social activity. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were curious about the reason behind their visit but didn't question it, assuming it was regarding official business. Applejack on the other hand was always different. Known for her dedication highlighted by her honesty to her friends, she was a mare that seemed to be a cut above the average. On top of that, her country lifestyle made her more connected with the subtleties of life, her friends not being an exception to this so Applejack was the first to realize something was wrong with her friend. She would later realize this with her sister's abrupt change in personality on the night her world would begin to collapse around her along with Equestria (the first clue being provided for her tonight). Applejack approached Twilight as the princess sat alone in one corner of the train car as they rode to Canterlot. It was a spitting image of their ride to Canterlot to attend her brother's wedding. The same aurora of uncertainty and even fear for what the future held cast its rays down on her like a spotlight on a stage. "You all right, sugar cube?" She asked. Twilight, who held her focus outside her window, turned back to her friend and showed her a look that truly concerned Applejack. Twilight quickly reformed her smile but Applejack could still see that strange face about her friend. "Yes, I'm fine, Applejack. I was just thinking...what the princess wants." Twilight said. "Now hun, ah can tell somethin's eatin' at ya." Applejack sat next to Twilight. "You look more depressed than a vampire fruit bat after apple season." Twilight sighed, knowing she wasn't going to be able to get anything past her friend. She took a deep breath and confessed. She told her about the strange happenings in the village and her desire for her brother to send a company of soldiers to investigate, including the grisly details that left only one soldier alive. Ultimately, she divulged to Applejack that she felt that one of her first major decisions as a leader came back to haunt her and she felt guilty for the loss of all those soldiers. Naturally, Applejack was surprised by the secret mission and even more horrified by its outcome. Twilight still didn't know all the details and asked Applejack to keep it between them and not let it out until they were all brought up to speed by Princess Celestia. Applejack agreed but did have to ask Twilight one question. "Do you think we're all in any danger?" Twilight searched herself. She was a royal alicorn capable of powerful magic and her title of the princess of friendship gave her confidence in her leadership abilities despite this seemingly heartbreaking setback. The smile that she gave to Applejack as she responded convinced the Earth pony dedicated to the country ways that everything was going to be fine. That whatever happened in that desert was a freak occurrence and that Equestria wasn't in danger. That none of them were in danger. That everything and every pony they ever loved and everything they built together wasn't the target of a massive, bloodthirsty enemy seeking revenge against a kingdom and a ruler who betrayed and banished them many moons ago. "Of course not. I promise." The train continued to take them to the royal kingdom but as soon as the friends saw the activity as they entered the gates, it was a vintage throwback to Shining Armor's wedding. The capital of Equestria seemed to be a city under siege as columns of soldiers marched in formations patrolling the streets while others talked to local ponies. There were guards at the front gate as the train entered the city limits and some buildings seemed to be serving as observation posts for lookouts. When Twilight saw the massive influx of security, she couldn't help but gulp, hoping she hadn't just lied to her honest friend. She shot a quick look at Applejack and saw she too was expressing topical concern over this strange setting. "Oh boy, oh boy! Look at all the security! Are we having another wedding, Twilight?!" Pinkie beamed as she bounced in the train car as it slowed to a stop. "Uh...I don't think so, Pinkie..." Twilight murmured. When the train stopped and the ponies stepped off, Twilight's looming nerves were suddenly shelved when she saw a familiar face in Cadance waiting to greet them. The purple alicorn's gloomy aurora disappeared as she rushed over to her beloved sister-in-law and they didn't have to say hello, at least in a traditional sense. They greeted each other in their own way. "Sunshine, sunshine, lady bugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They sang together and laughed at the end until Cadance pulled Twilight into a hug. "It's so good to see you again, sis." "You too, Cadance. I'm surprised to see you here. Is my brother around?" Twilight asked. Cadance's cheerful and happy exterior was short-lived when Twilight got down to business. "He's...he's at the hospital right now. That soldier in Celestia's letter is recovering from surgery and Shining Armor wants to talk to him when he wakes up." "Soldier? What soldier?" Rainbow Dash interjected as she hovered by her flapping wings. Twilight turned to her friends, her ominous look back on her face. "I...there's some things I need to bring you all up to speed on. Something's happened and...I share in the responsibility. I'll explain it on the way." Darker subjects of war and death were over the heads of simpler ponies like Pinkie Pie and innocent mares like Fluttershy, as well as too sordid to comprehend for the more sophisticated like Rarity. For Applejack, death was an all too familiar subject in her family and aside from their competitive edges, Rainbow Dash also shared this dark trait with her countryside friend. It was almost instinctive for them but the cold discourses needed to be broken down for the other three, only bringing tears to Fluttershy, looks of disgust from Rarity, and overall confusion from Pinkie Pie. It was clear to them that her mindset was too locked on the happiness and beauty of life that such issues were about as distant as a foreign language. Twilight wanted to believe that she was still on the same level as all her friends but could still see this dark subject of death was dividing them and keeping them from being on the same page with each other. It was a painful reminder for Twilight that despite how close they were with each other, there were simply a few subjects and experiences in life that they wouldn't be able to share with each other for better or worse. When they arrived at the hospital, they saw it too was being patrolled by soldiers. Shining Armor was waiting outside the operating room with several guards, holding a grim look of his own. "Shining Armor?" Twilight said. He looked at her and smiled faintly. "Twily. How you doing, sis?" "I'm fine but what about this soldier? This...this...um..." she couldn't recollect his name. "His name is Private Bishop. He was wounded but survived and I think he was able to get a good look at who did this to us." Shining Armor said. "Don't worry, Twily. We'll get whoever did this." "Any ideas?" She asked, not noticing a new soldier rounded the corner but was in possession of no weapon but rather, a mop and dragging it across the floor with a bitter scowl on his face. "Not yet but if I had to guess, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the work of Queen Chrysalis and her changelings." Shining Armor speculated, not knowing his speculation drew the attention of the mopping soldier, prompting him to give the Crystal Empire ruler a dirty look. "We've been theorizing about her return ever since her plan to take over Canterlot during our wedding failed." Before Twilight could add anything, his voice spoke: "That's quite a theory, sir, if this was in fact the changelings that did it." The mares turned and gave him a confused look but Shining Armor stepped forward, his patients already at an end. "Blade, I'm not going to warn you again. You're already on extra duty for that stupid crap you pulled last week in Fillydelphia." "Yes, sir, my apologies for being me again, sir." The soldier replied rudely and resumed mopping while Twilight tilted her head at the white pony with a black flank and a cutie mark of a sword with a red blade. Shining Armor squinted at him and turned back to his sister and her friends. "Anyway, like I said, it doesn't matter who is responsible because we will hunt them down and bring them to justice. More soldiers will be sent to recon the area and report back to us." "That's very strategic of you, sir, however, I believe that sending a mass number of ponies to their deaths would be a very unwise decision at this juncture in your career, sir." The same mopping pony sneered with more condescension in his tone. Shining Armor turned again, only showed anger as he approached the mopping pony. "You know what, you just bought yourself another week of extra duty, Blade." Fluttershy began to cower from the escalating tension while the rest of her friends watched with awkward silence. The strange soldier however didn't seem fazed as he dipped the mop back in the bucket and started dragging it across the floor while adding, "Oh the pain is killing me, sir. What will I ever do now? It's just too bad I don't have a brown, scaly hide with a jagged body." "Enough! Go take out the garbage or something!" Shining Armor yelled in the soldier's face, making Fluttershy hide behind Rainbow Dash and the rest gawk at Twilight's brother. "Can I say one thing, sir?" "What?!" "Your mouthwash ain't cutting it, sir." The pony stated, turned, and walked away with the mop. Shining Armor glared again and turned back to his sister and her friends. Twilight stepped forward and asked, "What was that all about?" He rolled his eyes. "Nothing, sis. He's just a garbage soldier. Don't worry, we're kicking him out of the army next week." The hospital room door suddenly opened and a nurse stepped out, a clipboard in her hoof. "Sir, Private Bishop is awake now." "Thank you. Is he going to be okay?" He replied. "It looks so, but he did suffer a rather strange wound. The wound to his chest appeared to be from a pointed weapon like a spear, but the weapon appeared to be hollow and circular, as if he was stabbed with a giant booster shot needle." The nurse speculated, clearly confused by the wound. "Anyway, he's awake so you can talk to him." "Thank you, nurse." He said and turned back to his sister and her friends, as well as his wife. "I'll be a minute. After this, we'll go see Princess Celestia." Shining Armor entered the hospital room and saw the lone soldier in his bed, his chest heavily bandaged. He smiled when the soldier saw him. "Private Bishop? How are you feeling, son?" The pony was clearly weak from the surgery but he was awake and looked drained of energy but he still tried to pull himself to show respect for the officer. "I'm...I'm fine, sir...ow..." "Relax, son. I want you to know how proud I am of you. That was a truly horrific ordeal you had to go through, but I need you to be brave for me once again." Shining Armor said, not noticing his sister entered the room out of curiosity of the growing situation. "I need you to think hard and tell me...who did this to you? Take your time and try to remember. Were they changelings? Were they other ponies? What did they look like?" Still clearly traumatized by the event, Private Bishop tried to recollect the horror. After a few false starts, he replied, "I don't remember much, sir, but I do remember seeing them on two legs...and they were fast. They used a sandstorm to hide themselves but...they were so fast. Half of us were gone before we knew what was happening. Before I passed out...I remember seeing one of them but only its feet. It had a brown, scaly hide with two jagged toes with razor claws." Twilight's eyelids lifted. She thought to herself, That soldier...that's what he said. Brown, scaly hides with jagged bodies... "I see. Well, I want you to rest easy, Private Bishop. Get better and I'll send you on a nice vacation home for awhile." Shining Armor said. "Thank you, sir." Private Bishop said and rested again. Shining Armor left the hospital room and led the way to the royal castle where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were already awaiting their arrival. They exited the hospital and as they walked together, Twilight caught the sight of that soldier, the one only identified as Blade. He was trimming a hedge around the hospital, still with a disdain look on his face. She stared at him with analytical look. He suddenly looked up and locked stares with Twilight until he nodded once to her and resumed his trimming duties. Twilight kept staring until she slowly looked away and hummed with curiosity to herself. He knows something, she thought to herself again.