//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Change in Friendship? // Story: The Real McCoys // by JusSonic //------------------------------// Chapter 7: Change in Friendship? Shadow Dragon, his team and all of his friends were walking through the hallway of White House. Someone is going to answer for the mysterious events that occurred. Upon entering the White House, they saw both a white man in his adulthood dressed in his white formal uniform with a black vest and black pants chatting with a man at his late 50s dressed in his cyanish suit and pants. The two stop their conversation as they saw the new arrivals. Shadow Dragon growls angrily, "Strikespell..." The white man, known as Strikespell, spoke as if he knew that he was coming, "Ah... Shadow Dragon... Nice to see you here. I was discussing with my minister of our government affairs and situation. I hope that you had rescue our family. Isn't that right, Cunning?" Cunning Fury smirked as he spoke, "Indeed. I hope that illegitimate son is fine and safe from his injuries, especially our little aliens' allies." "Yes... I did... There's one thing I need to know. Why was I not inform of this?" Shadow Dragon demands furiously. The others are upset by Trixie's unknown spyhood. "About what?" Strikespell ask as if not knowing what Shadow Dragon was on about. Then he smirks, adding, "Aw... Yes, now I remember. I require a spy to achieve it, so that we can learn more about our enemies. Rumors spread that Dark Curse is building an invasion in order to destroy his enemies. They said that he has a very powerful weapon to destroy us." "That's not about it. You didn't inform me or my team about Trixie's mission. She was supposed to help my team, not go off to get the information without my knowledge! We're a team, not individuals." "It's your team, not ours. There's a difference between soldiers and spies." Cunning scoffs as if dismissing what Strikespell just said. "Soldiers were meant to distract and defeat the enemies while the spy seek and bring the important information for us." "But my family and team were supposed to be informed of this! Why?" Shadow Dragon demands furiously. He and the others felt like they were stabbed in the back by those that they are supposed to trust. "You want to know. Can I trust you on this?" Strikespell ask, though he doesn't need an answer. The so-called ally knew what the answer is going to be. "Okay, enough already!" Twilight snaps angrily to Strikespell. "It's great that Trixie helped us and all, but keeping her mission a secret?" "Yeah, I thought she did it out of the changeness in her heart!" Pinkie exclaims upset. "Yew know 'dat isn't a word, right?" Applejack ask Pinkie dryly, pointing out that 'changeness' isn't really a word. "Yeah, but still..." "I want to know is, why keep us in the dark?" Nyx ask Strikespell with a frown. "I thought we were friends!' "Not me, I never like him!" Ben exclaims to Nyx bitterly, giving an annoyed look to his so-called brother on Azure's side. "Because you disobeyed direct order from my father." Strikespell snaps at Shadow Dragon, reminding him of how he refused to destroy the Dazzlings back when they were close to victory during the last time that pony Twilight and her group came to this world. "And it proves that you were not willing to make a sacrifice to save the world. Therefore, I rely the ones who are loyal to the Cao Family, not to the intruders." "What?!" Most of the group exclaims angrily and shocked. "'Dat's 'de most dumbest thing we had heard!" Apple Bloom exclaims, outraged. "Look, I know Shadow Dragon disobey an order but he got a good reason to do so!" Rarity protests angrily to Strikespell. "With all due respect, they saved us. They saved everyone." Shadow Dragon said, reminding Strikespell that Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends saved the world. "If it weren't for them, the sirens and enemies would have taken advantages of destroying us!" "Is that so? Yes... You did make a valid point. But question remains - can they be trusted in the future? Will they help us or betray us?" Strikespell ask, challenging the group of the fact whatever or not that Princess Twilight and her universe group can be trusted in the near future. "Now hang on! You're comparing them to Sentinel Prime!" Fluttershy protests, shocked by what Strikespell is implying. "Right, that is another matter or story!" Pinkamena complains, upset by this. "We can trust them, we made a treaty to not invade their world." Ben explains clearly to Strikespell. "What gave you the idea otherwise?" Twilight demands to Strikespell with a deep frown. "What gave you the right?" "In order to protect our world, we must make the world unite as one while decreasing the crimes. To do so, we will go back to our ancestors' way. Executing anyone who break the laws and peace. And to find and defeat our enemies, Cunning and I built a special project called 'Project: Avenging Ship'." Strikespell said, explaining clearly, so to speak. Cunning opened his computer and revealed the scenes of a giant metallic yet Cybertronian Battleship-like ship. He explains what it does to the shocked group, "This is our latest invention. Built by both KSI and the Jin Intelligent Company, we have built the most powerful weapon to defend the lives from danger while destroying the invaders for good." "You can't go and do that!" The CMC cries out in shock and denial. "Yeah, this isn't right or a good idea!" Pinkie exclaims furiously. "Even I wouldn't make a party involving around that!" "You built that thing and you're breaking the treaty between all parties involved." Twilight said in agreement, shocked of how far Strikespell would go and what lengths he would pull. "They're right. This is not justice or freedom, this is fear and war. If you do that, the world will fear us. They'll think us no better than Dark Curse and his minions." Shadow Dragon said angrily, pointing out that the world would not trust the heroes if they even pull this stunt. "True... It's better than letting imbeciles rule the world and destroying them. For generations for both mine and the rest, there were lots of them trying to prove that they're better but being stupid and useless when they never realize their weakness and limits. That is why the Wei Dynasty from Three Kingdoms lost its power to the Sima Clan." Strikespell said cruelly. Cunning nods as he continues, "Indeed... And there were more of them who unwilling to take responsibility or even notice what they're trying to achieve. And even they were extremely stupid to do something foolish. Therefore, dynasties or kingdoms had fall so easily by some imbeciles. So today, we have survive and United. For who knows how long will our unity stands." "That is why we cannot let this happen..." "'Dis is insane." Applejack groans a bit, slapping her forehead in disgust. "What yer're trying 'ta do, borders on acting like tyrants!" "Yeah, we don't need that, no one does!" Nyx exclaims in agreement. "I want to live in a world where we can have fun, do things together, and have a bright future. Not like this." "Yeah, I mean, seriously? With guys like you in charge, who needs enemies?" Scootaloo ask angrily to Strikespell. She and her friends are shocked and appalled by this. "This... I won't accept it. You can forget it. If I was to be involved of your project, I would chose my family over this." Shadow Dragon said in suggestion. Everyone nods and cheers in agreement. They are not going to be involved in something that will make people trade in their security for freedom! "Very well then." Strikespell said as if expecting this. It doesn't matter, he doesn't need them. "Before you leave, I want to thank our special spy for achieving the goal so well, especially Twilight's reluctance loyalty and Ben's betrayal and disobedience to my father." "And what are you talking about?" Sweetie demands as everyone got shocked and concerned. "Why spy?!" Rarity ask, looking at the others, looking suspicious. "Are you talking about Trixie?" "Nyx Sparkle... You've done so well..." Cunning said suddenly. "What?!" Most of the group, especially ask in shock, alarm and confusion. "What 'de hay are yew saying?!" Applejack demands angrily to Cunning. "Nyx would never spy for you creeps!" Twilight protests in alarm and worry. "She's only a little girl." "My little bug called Spy Seeker has been with Nyx Sparkle from the start. You were too distracted with your friends while it surveyed the area for the moment." Cunning explains clearly. Everyone is stunned. All this time, Cunning and Strikespell has been using Nyx to spy for them...and not one of them even know about it until now! "I know and saw everything. I left it in Nyx's hair from the start." Strikespell said with a shrug, angering the others some more. "Why do you think I purposely let the school give you and her siblings away to Canterlot High? Because Twilight Sparkle is still useful to me while the rest have uplift their usefulness." "It is true. Twilight's intellect cannot be thrown for the sake of friendship. She is vital to our projects and mission. We cannot let her go." "Well, forget it! Twilight isn't going to continue being used for your evil and cruel ways!" Ben exclaims furiously. There's no way that he would allow Twilight to be used for whatever projects and mission that Strikespell has in mind. "He's right. I am not your slave or anyone else's!" Twilight exclaims in defiance to Strikespell. She isn't going to be used as some slave to someone against her own will. "In fact, I quit!" "And we will go against you if you even continue trying to use Twilight like this!" Rainbow exclaims as the others yells in agreement. "If you dare to defy me, then you are against the world." Strikespell points out, saying that their actions will border on treason. "I'll make sure that none are against us. Because if they do, they will die. Starting with my useless half-sister..." "You son of a jerk! I'm gonna kill you!" Ben exclaims in fury. How dare he insults Iris Crystal like this! The others held Ben back quickly. Rarity yelps, "Ben, darling, no! He isn't worth it!" "Right, I will only make things worst!" Golden Heart exclaims in agreement. Although he also wanted to slug Strikespell for his words, not is not the time to do so." "Don't give up your freedom now, Ben, please!" Twilight pleads to Ben. The boy groans but calms down a bit. "What, didn't you tell my father off? I don't need you because you're not my family. Therefore, you're not mine as well because you'll always be a pawn to me and USA. You and your father will always be the pawns to the world. And therefore, I'm thankful of that." Strikespell said emotionlessly. As far as he's concerned, Ben is no family of his if he is against him and what he and his forces are doing. "One day... You'll know that my brother - No! Our brother is a hero! You'll regret it." Shadow Dragon snaps furiously to Strikespell. The traitor will regret what he said and did today. "I believe it's time for you to leave..." Cunning said, dismissing the group before he is forced to call security. The heroes glared as they leave the room. This isn't over yet, not by a long shot. Strikespell is about to go back to what he's doing when he saw that Ben hasn't left yet, he is glaring at him. "What? Didn't Cunning said to leave?" Strikespell ask Ben cruelly, not in the mood for any more of his outbursts and treacherous attempt. "I will make things clear: although I wish to slug you one, I won't because you aren't worth it. You never are. One of these days, your so-called strategy will blow up in your face, and when it does, you will regret even turning into a monster and a tyrant." Ben said angrily to Strikespell, getting into his face. "And finally, stay away from my friends, my family, my school, my town, and my life!!!! As far as I'm concerned, you are no hero, you are no family at all!" Ben then storms out, leaving Strikespell and Cunning speechless. They may have underestimated him. --------------- Azure Phoenix was playing Chinese Chess with Jack Silver while the two principals watched the event. Jack lost the game to Azure Phoenix for five times. And trust me, he is getting frustrated each time. "Darn it! I still don't get it. How did you know about this?!" Jack ask with a groan of frustration. Azure just smirks as he explains, "Generations have passed down since Cao Cao's Time for both strategy in chess and skills in martial arts. That is why the Cao Family still lives in for my ancestors' legacy. And your legacy came from the troublemaking and drunken Captain Jack Sparrow. "Not funny..." Celestia giggled as she admits, "Azure's right. It is funny." "No it isn't, Tia!" Jack snaps to his wife in annoyance, making Celestia shrugs. "Okay, it isn't funny." Twilight and her friends arrives on the scene to join the party. Applejack waves, saying, "Howdy, y'all!" "Hey, a party and I wasn't told?" Pinkie ask, a bit crushed. "I wanted to join in." "Everyone, it's good to see you." Celestia said, hugging her son, relieved that he's all right. The woman notices the upset look on Ben and the others' faces. "Ben?" "Is there any problem?" Luna ask in concern, she has a feeling that something has happened. "We just came back from visiting that stupid jerk Strikespell." Rainbow scoffs as she crosses her arms. "He and Cunning had made a stupid battleship and is going to turn the world in a Soviet state!" "Is that what he's doing?" Celestia ask in shock and concern. She can't believe that Strikespell would do this. Then again, the principal always suspect that he is not to be trusted. "What he's doing is going against the treaty that was made when we defeated the Dazzlings and their allies." Fluttershy said worried. "Azure Phoenix? You got to go back to your station." "Right, I had quit my spying thing already. I can't do it anymore!" Twilight pleads to Azure in worry. "You got to put a stop to it." Azure sighs, shaking his head as he said, "I told you before. I am no longer involved in government affair or military, except for some. My son is now. And he's indeed the right heir to fulfill it. It's like Cao Cao whom passed his position to Cao Pi. My son was right about one thing. We are repeating history. There was one thing it never change - war and the fall of kingdoms. Because if that continues, we'll be reduced into nothingness." "But he's becoming a tyrant!" Nyx protests in concern to Azure. "I don't want to live the rest of my life in fear!" "Come on, Azure, y'all. Do 'de right thing an' come back!" Apple Bloom exclaims in sadness. "Right, you can't let this go on." Ben said to Azure, trying to reason with his mother's former husband. "Otherwise, the whole world will be against everyone else!" "Why? Why did you want me return to my position? I thought you hated me a lot for using you as my pawns. I treat Iris Crystal as equal as you for being part of my family. I still always have loved your mother. But your father was a perfect match for her since he has a heart while mine... I'm like Cao Cao..." Azure said bitterly to the group. "But this is crazy! You only quit because you felt bad for how you reacted during the Dazzlings incident!" Twilight points out in worry to Azure and former boss. "Yeah, you aren't like Cao Cao, at least the bad parts." Fluttershy said in sadness and worry. "Is it about Ben telling you off?" Sunset ask with a frown, suspecting that Ben telling Azure off is the reason why he quit. "And you think he hated you?" "Azure, I never hated you. I just wish you stop choosing my life. I am a man of my own. But I'm also have to be grateful too. Because if you hadn't come and help me and my dad, we would have ended up as poor. And not to mention, I wouldn't have met Twilight." Ben said in concern, pointing out that he never hated Azure. He just want him to stop trying to control his life. "So please... Come back. Be secretary for once..." "I appreciate it. But my answer is no. I retired to be Military Commanding Officer." Azure said in sadness. The others look worried, he isn't going to do the right thing. "After all, I'm too old and weak. And I cannot interfere in affairs. My son is in that position for now..." "But Mr. Azure..." Fluttershy said in sadness. "Please..." "If this keeps up, Strikespell will be worst as Dark Curse and his pals." Pinkie said in concern, feeling like her hair deflating a bit. "Don't let him get away with this." "If you respect me so much, I want you to leave me alone. I'm retired. But I'll help you if you have doubts and in some cases, but not in government." Azure said with a sigh, turning around as to now wanting to resume this conversation. "Now leave me... Rhino and Anger, take my guests away." Rhino and Anger nods as they lead the new guests away. Celestia and Luna looks disappointed, but in Azure for simply giving up and not doing the right thing. The two women follows the group as did Jack who doesn’t want to be in the same room as his wife’s former husband right now. Azure sighs, looking down. All he's doing is turning his loved ones away. Schemetrick in concern points out, "You're getting rude and aggressive these days, sir..." Azure sighed, "I know... But sometimes I asked myself - am I worthy to Cao Cao? Am I a hero or villain? People these days used the story and history to make him as villainous character than hero." "All I can say is that decision and choice is yours to make. Your decision is mostly firm and understandable. You and your son are worthy to Cao Cao and Cao Pi from Wei Dynasty." "Perhaps... Or perhaps not, it matters nothing because in the end, it's whether the world can live for the next day. Extinction is not far from behind." Schemetrick nods as he adds, "You're right once again. It's not far from behind..." --------------------------- Trixie sees the price tag for the really cool guitar that she and Rainbow were competing for and silently think to herself, "There is NO way I could afford this without robbing my father and there is NO way I would be stupid enough to rob my father just to try to pay for a twelve thousand dollar guitar. I might not like him much, but he leaves me alone as long as I keep my nose out of his business and I have enough interest in my own health to KEEP IT that way." The girl looks to see the Rainbooms, sitting outside a café. Trixie nods as she comes over to join them. "Oh great, come to gloat some more?" Rainbow ask Trixie in irritation. "We know about your spyhood now, Trixie." "No, Trixie came to mingle. I am shocked when I overheard your conversation with that jerk Strikespell. He told me to help out just to save Boris...I didn't know he would make a battleship that would turn the world into a Soviet Union like state!" Trixie exclaims, insisting innocence. "So Trixie told him that I quit." "Well good for you." Rarity said with a sigh, checking out her Ipad. "The world is turning into a scary place." "Well, we will have to make it unscary!" Pinkie exclaims, hanging upside down. "We will just continue having fun and stop the baddies like Strikespell and the Dark Terrorists meanies!" "Trixie, yew can join us if yew want." Applejack said to Trixie, much to her surprise. "After what Tr...I mean, I did to you before?" Trixie ask Applejack in amazement. "Well, yew did helped out in 'de ticket sales...an' if we could give Sunset another chance, we shall fer yew." Trixie pauses, then smiles as she sat down at the table with the Rainbooms. It begins a new beautiful friendship. And who knows? Someday, Trixie will see Boris again when he gets out or become human. Give or take. ---------------- By next morning, the students greeted and treated Sunset well. They even talk with each other, study together and play together. The girl smiles, at least most of the school is no longer hostile towards her. She is doing better than ever! "You girls go on ahead... There's something I need to see." Sunset said to her friends with a smile. "Well, whatever you got planned, we can respect it." Rainbow remarks with a shrug, suspecting that Sunset got a reason for wanting to see for a moment. "Not sure what it is, but okay." Applejack said with a nod of agreement. "I understand. Don't forget tomorrow rehearsal, and then five days later - the event." Twilight said, reminding her friend of an important event that is happening: a big concert for the Rainbooms' fans. Despite the unpleasantness by Strikespell, life moves on. "Got it." Sunset said as she heads off, leaving her friends to wonder. What is she going to be seeing? ------------------------ On the rooftop, Sunset was looking at the beautiful sky and sun. She smiled at it, it's great to have a nice day without all that trouble to be dealing with. Wheelie rolls in, spotting Sunset standing there. He rolls up, asking, "What are you smiling at?" Sunset smiled as she answers her robot friend, "Do you know how happy I really am? I really do. Flare Tiger was right. If I did make some friends, everything's okay. I saved the world and my friends. I even got my boyfriend back. This is my happiest moment. My past is not today because tomorrow is a new day..." The scene begins to open up in where we find Sunset Shimmer on the roof of Canterlot High at the dusk part of dawn. She was apparently alone, as she stares at the sun that was before her. Without knowing it, a musical beat began to be played, and at that moment, it made Sunset feel something…an urge to say something; or in this case, sing it! Sunset Shimmer: Power Was all I desired (I desired, I desired) But all that grew inside me Was the darkness I acquired Sunset moves away from the edge of the roof to gaze at the glass dome to stare at it with a frown…as if recalling events from what happened to her. As the pastor the Fall Formal are reflected of when the girl obtain the Element Of Magic from Twilight’s crown When I began to fall And I lost the path ahead That's when your friendship found me And it lifted me instead Scene events of the Past show Sunset groaning from the negative power of the element, morphing her into what she became; Demonic Sunset Shimmer. But in the end, that new evil was stop by the rainbow power from the magic of friendship, leaving the girl in a deep crater & reverted to her human form. But as if having suffered a lost, a hand was reached out to Susnet, it was Pony Twilight in her human form along with the rest of the Mane Five humans that wish to help the girl. Sunset took their hand, which started the fallen girl on the right path. Like a phoenix burning bright In the sky I'll show there's another side to me You can't deny Sunset raced around the glass dome of the roof top of the school, & reached out her hand…as if wanting to reach a shooting star that burn like a phoenix in the sky. Sunset clutch her fist to her, stating off that she’ll show many that there is another side to her…more than what she was in the past. I may not know what the future holds But hear me when I say That my past does not define me 'Cause my past is not today Sunset turns to look at the school’s clock tower, wanting to proclaim something, before she turns to look at the glass dome. That’s when she glared at an illusion reflection of her evil Demonic She-Demon self that smirked at her, as if that little evil still existed in Sunset Shimmer. But Sunset instead made a firm motion to brush off her evil self in the reflection as it vanished with a shock face of what has happened to cause a change. Sunset approached the glass dome to touch her hand to it, expressing herself to which she showed a little smile forming…feeling her first step towards redemption is near. Now the scene changes to what was likely inside the school where photos of Sunset Shimmer of the past was crown Princess of the Fall Formal; back when she was evil… Ambition Is what I believed Would be the only way To set me free We find Sunset looking over the photos of what she USED to be, likely touching them which makes her feel…sorrow in how that was what she used to be, a bully who controlled the school. But then she got serious, took down her three photos of the past 3 Fall Formals, then thrown them into the trash can which she let off a big sigh…feeling like some relief to put the past of such things behind her. But when it disappeared And I found myself alone That's when you came and got me And it felt like I was home The scene shows a blurry flashback of where Sunset was trying to smile & greet her class mates, but many of them showed frown expressions or looked away. Making Sunset feel a bit sad in knowing they have not forgotten what she did during the Fall Formal, soon the girl looked down in feeling that she was all alone now. Or was she? For then Pony Twilight & the Main Five reach out their hands to help relieve Sunset in saying she was not alone, she had a place to be with them…which made her smile. The flashback of the memory faded to show a smiling Sunset on the roof, feeling herself motivated now… Like a phoenix burning bright In the sky I'll show there's another side to me You can't deny Sunset felt so motivated, that she ran a bit before throwing off her leather jacket into the air to be blown away by the wind. And as she ran, she did not noticed that her body began to glow with pure yellow magical aura force as she stretched herself upwards to express her desire to show another side of herself to all. I may not know what the future holds But hear me when I say That my past does not define me 'Cause my past is not today Sunset looks down over the roof top of the school, seeing the sun slowly set, but the girl felt herself feeling something good inside she wanted to express outwards. Then without warning, Sunset began to rise up from the ground as she proudly expressed her inner emotion….The magic aura took form in making her hair stand up straight like wild fire, and an aura form of wings & a tail are seen; it’s like the girls taken on a phoenix-form to feel she has become a rising phoenix. As the song was coming to a close, Sunset felt within herself, that at long last…she has risen anew like a phoenix, to start life anew….this time, for the better…. As the song is over, Sunset turns back to normal. A familiar voice spoke up, "Amazing voice of singing. You're truly like a bird of song. No wonder she chose you in her place." Sunset is startled to see Schemetrick and Flash nearby, smiling in approval. The girl exclaims, "Minister Schemetrick! Flash, what are you both doing here?" "Check on you. But never thought that you're singing about how happy you are." Flash said to his girl with a chuckle. "In truth, I'm also happy. To see you smile is important to me." Sunset smiled, commenting, "Thanks. But Schemtrick, why Lord Azure won't return to his place?" Azure should've done the right thing and return to his post. So why not now? Schemetrick gave a serious look to the former villainess. He explains the reason why, "Power... Do you know how frighten yet great the power is? If one is not careful with it, it will lead to disaster or peace. Since last year event, Azure has questioned himself of whether he should make a better world or leave it to someone capable to bring forth the peace. Because if any decision he decides, there will always be serious consequences." "If you choose to continue, you'll be corrupted. If you choose not, then you'll be freed and do what is right, I know that well because I've been there before in my life." "You understand well. Now you know why he never returns but hope that his son do what is right for himself and the world." Sunset sighed, "I hope so." The girl however is worried as to how far Strikespell would go to try to save the world. His plan may blow up in his face someday. Wheelie whistled, "She is one sexy and good looking lady, even if she's a wise woman. I wish Mikaela was like her, if I want to see her body. That'd be awesome and great." Flash whacked Wheelie's head, annoyed by the comment. He scowls, "Don't even think about it! I'm keeping an eye on you." "Great... Just what I need - another Witwicky Boy..." "Come on, Sunset. We'd better get going." Sunset smiled as she takes Flash by the hand, saying, "Right. Let's do it." ------------------ In Prison, Sombra is upset and angry, but not about the defeat at the hands of his enemies, but something else. "How could they....Crimson Skull.....the Dark Terrorists......traitors! They left me to be captured and even my colleague Chrysalis can't help me now..............I've been betrayed & abandoned.............." During the moment, he slams his right fist on the floor in raged while he yells and he pants faintly. "It’s hard to take when one is betrayed & abandoned by ones he followed to the end and only to be rejected, when it was your own desires that lead you here." Spoke a female's voice during Sombra's emotion temper. "You better leave, female, or you will be sorry.......uh..." Sombra was about to snap off at who he heard until he turns looking at the one who spoke to him and he is surprised seeing who it is it. A girl who is an adult female. Her skin is blue and her hair is purple and it faintly glittered from the light outside, her eyes were blue and they lightly sparkle. She was wearing a simple outfit like most girls wear and a picture of a grain of wheat is seen on the right side of her smooth skirt. "Either it is an effect from the light, but you seem to sparkle like a Crystal." Sombra stares at her puzzled in stating what he sees. "You sure seem to not act like what I am told." The girl was faintly surprised as a little red spreads on her cheeks while having made this calm to look at him. "As you see, I can't, I am chained to the floor." Sombra held up his hands in showing that he's chained to the ground. "Because it is how you really feel in your heart." The girl responded off to mention this. "What are you talking about & what is your name?" Sombra narrow his eyes in wanting to ask of this. "Well, my name is Autumn Gem. Assigned as a therapist, I was sent here to change your ways and rehabilitated you." The girl introduced herself now. "I am not an animal, you know." Sombra narrow his sights at the girl as if uninterested. "Have to admit, it can be confusing because you’re right, but how would reformed sound?" Autumn Gem stated off in saying this part. "Fine, I guess." Sombra looked away in scuffing that change fact. Sometime goes by and as the two talked, something was stirring within. The two seem to be making progress while it seem like Sombra felt closer to the girl's mind & acts. "Um Sombra, I been meaning to ask your eyes....why do I see a tint of red but green and purple as if they would put fear into others souls?" Autumn Gem asked off of something she thought. "You know......my eyes were once red once, I wasn't evil back then." That made Sombra lower his head while letting out a long sigh. "R-really...?" Autumn Gem slowly asked in being intrigued. "No one would even care they all fear me because of what I am and what I have done, no one will care about my fate." As Sombra spoke this off in grief, he feels a right hand on his shoulder before he sees Autumn Gem giving a innocent look along with a smile. "I am here to help you. Tell me your story.” Autumn Gem kindly stated this off to say. Sombra felt silent when he heard this, but soon gave in after he asked if the girl would listen to which she nodded. Then Sombra told his tale of when before he grew up to be a man, he wanted to make friends, but found out that life may bring joy or bring pain. Time went by as he explain when he was a teen, of how his eyes use to be while he always picked on and some teasing, pretending to be scared, some even trying to scare him while no one even cared that he was alone, no family. Treated unfairly by those who were cruel, hateful & relentless, made him so angry that he wanted them to feel how I felt, but when he did get what he wanted, it was not as one hoped. Eventually the story came up to when he was to be given aid by strangers that saw much more to him than meets the eye, they were Chrysalis & those connected to the Dark Terrorists. They help set Sombra down the wrong path & he's been down the wrong path letting negative & dark emotions cloud his judgments all this time. "Oh Sombra, that all sounds terrible!" Autumn Gem stated in feeling like there was a loose tear escaping her eye. "Yes, but even still, I rip what I sow...now my own allies won't get me out of this, and Azure Phoenix probably wants me to rot like some beast." Sombra sighs to say this in admitting this matter. "That is not true, you are no monster." Autumn Gem shook her head to state this. "Then what do you see then, tell me." Sombra narrow his eyes to ask this off. "A poor man who's suffering eternal pain trapped alone within the darkness alone, no one did anything to help you, but only used you." Autumn Gem explained this with a firm tone. "And with that, I'm alone." Sombra rolled his eyes to look away to sulk. "No, not alone...I'm here with you." Autumn Gem wrapped her arms around Sombra by surprise to issue this off gently, making the guy sigh faintly. "Only because you’re a therapist, that is the only reason your here. If you were not, you would be like the rest." To Sombra, this girl would be just like anyone else trying to help mend his ways." Sombra issued this off in knowing it's just the girl's job, nothing else. "Maybe together, we can make something happen...maybe...go a little deeper in our understanding." When Autumn Gem said this to hold Sombra's hand, his cheeks were faintly red in realizing what the girl whose face was also red was saying. "Oh, pardon me...but...it sounds like you...care more than you let on." Sombra asked off in feeling surprised, not even Chrysalis was this nice to him, or...as lovely as the one here. "I suppose strange occurrences happen in the strangest of places." Autumn Gem issued this off to say. "Even in prison?" Sombra raised an eyebrow to ask this strange question. "Especially, you never know...what lies waiting to be a light in the dark?" Autumn stated this to say with an honest smile. "And, will that light guide me?" Sombra looked down in feeling uncertain until... "I think, she might just." Autumn Gem places her hand on Sombra's cheek to smile in happily stating this. Sombra doesn't know what is going on, but something stirs up inside he never felt as he shut his eyes to let loose tears, as he sniffs before Autumn Gem hugs him as he hugs back to embrace the feeling of being understood. Meanwhile in a room with cameras watching what was going on, Azure Phoenix was watching on a monitor as a worker comes to him to state of the report of Sombra's little rehabilitation at hand. "Um, sir, should I remove the girl?" A worker asked the one in charge about Autumn Gem. "No." Azure Phoenix stated this off without blinking an eye. "But sir, he's hostile." The worker pointed out about Sombra. "If he was, he would of harmed Autumn Gem the moment she got close." Azure Phoenix stated off with a firm tone in noticing how things were going. "So, what do we do about him now?" The worker asked off in what they do next here. "Let her do the job she's paid to do, if she can fix this mess, then we won't have to keep him here long before he rejoins society." Azure Phoenix sternly explained that if the girl can change Sombra, then he'll be one less threat to be handling. "For the most, he was basically nothing more than a pawn in Crimson Skull's Game of Chess, and any piece that can't return to the board...is useless." "It's still is strange why that pink girl named Pinkamena requested this therapist be assigned to help Sombra, why would she bother?" The worker stated in finding how this came to be was from that one random girl from Canterlot High. "I heard she clash with him and noticed something. Otherwise, as I have dealt with Laxtinct's random actions, Pinkamena is just another random being that likes to do some unorthodox means of actions? Just let those two be & report further developments." Azure Phoenix explained in how from the final battle before Chrysalis was caught along with Sombra, Pinkamena clash to notice something off with Sombra which could have led to this. "Yes sir!" The worker saluted to the commander who was leaving the scene. Things begin to fad out while the scene shows one last time of Sombra & Autumn Gem in a hug embrace moment. As for what happens next with the two, is anyone's guess within the future... --------------------- Iris Crystal smiled, "Alright, everyone. Let's get started. Remember the lyrics and moves too. This is very important. And I want the world to see it. Instead of violence, anger and fear to win the war, we have to try to use our hearts, reasons and love of friendship to break through it. Alright then, let's do it. Action!" With the word has been given, the cameramen shoot their camera at the scenes with some lights lighting on it and microphones held high to retrieve the sound. Iris Crystal had her eyes glowed in white as everything slowly turned into European's Palace-like. The scene begins to open up on a certain musical stage for a classical theme, where pain music can be heard. There we find what looks like Twilight dressed up to be playing the piano while Sunset was seen sitting on the top. Everything was going good, nothing was wrong, they were just enjoying themselves. Then suddenly, the music began to be turn into a song right about now… Twilight Sparkle: Nothin' stays the same for long But when it changes doesn't mean it's gone Time will always get away As it leaves behind another day Twilight sang this out before she stood up to look with a smiling face towards a smiling Sunset. Twilight exclaimed this statement towards Sunset Shimmer before moving off on the stage to sign this off. As Sunset watched, the scenery changes to where Fluttershy was seen running through a hilly field with her animal friends. Fluttershy: Things may come and things may go Some go fast and some go slow Few things last, that's all I know But friendship carries on through the ages As Fluttershy sang out, birds flew fast & she look down to see dandelions o the ground before picking one. The girl held the dandelion out for Sunset to blow as the seeds are seen blown off across the wind to scatter all over…just like how friendship can be spread out all over. Then the scenery changes to where we see Rarity in her Sgt. Pepper-esque outfit in a psychedelic background. Rarity and Fluttershy: Things may come and things may go Some go fast and some go slow Few things last, that's all I know But friendship carries on through the ages As the song was being heard, Rarity walked across & even step on growing giant flowers to reach a new bud that opens up to reveal Sunset inside. Sunset yelps from almost losing balance, but Rarity help her to her flower as they saw that flower shrank down. But Rarity held Sunset’s hand to claim this with assurance about their friendship, as they smile to where their plant soars up high to carry them on. Then the background changes to a metal-style verse, with Rainbow Dash rocking it out with a rock band behind her. Rainbow Dash: Been around for a long time Rockin' out hard 'cause I'm in my prime Maybe it'll change further down the line But my friendship carries on through the ages As Rainbow Dash Dash sang this off, she was talking about friendship been around through the rocking ages. And as she sang, & held up a fist to cheer, Sunset Shimmer was being happily carried off by the crowd and was liking this. As Rainbow Dash finished off making her point, she did what any rocker does on stage, held up her electric guitar, and SMASH IT on stage, breaking it off (hey, it’s a classy rocker tradition that some do or don’t do to excite a crowd). That’s when the background changes to a country-style verse on a farm, where Applejack is seen on the fence playing her instrument. Applejack: Every single style has somethin' Different it can say There's nothin' wrong with being unique And special in your own way Applejack sings this off mighty fine & proudly, Sunset was seen riding what is an ACTUAL Human World Horse, Blade Dragoon's crimson warhorse Red Hare, to AJ who feeds the said horse an apple. Next shows the two girls doing a ‘Ho-Down’ dance step in which Sunset was doing hers in her own way. Then without warning, the scene became all polygon & pixel related, before scattering to replace it with, glam-pop style verse with Pinkie Pie taking over. Pinkie Pie: Maybe you wanna be a pop star Get your fifteen minutes of fame, wha, ah! Ah, oh! That won't last forever But friendship remains the same, ah-oh, oh! Pinkie Pie sang this off to ski down an electric keyboard like they were a walkway or pole rod or something, then was on a spot to get pictures taken. The next scene shows her & Sunset on a strange yellow circle with them acting as if they are clock hands as Pinkie Pie waved off on the ‘ah, oh’, the next scene shows a virtual Sunset Shimmer on a vector grid, pulled her out to become dimensional, as Pinkie’s face was like a mine scatter puzzle to which it replace it’s self with the form of a smiling Sunset. That’s where things went dark for a bit while a group of shadows are seen… The Rainbooms sans Sunset Shimmer: Things may come and things may go Some go fast and some go slow Few things last, that's all I know But friendship carries on through the ages Slowly showing themselves were Rarity on bottom left, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie above from left to right, then at the bottom with Applejack on the right to Twilight in the middle. Then afterwards, a slid board shows up on screen to show each of the Rainbooms in their own verse style. The Rainbooms: Things may come and things may go Some go fast and some go slow Few things last, that's all I know But friendship carries on through the ages Ooohhh, oh, carries on...... Pinkie squealed happily, "One more time! Encore for the fans!" "Yeah!" Rainboom exclaimed proudly. Everything transformed into the school's music stage where the crowd cheered wildly and happily. Ben, Flash, Shadow Dragon, Iris Crystal and others were standing behind the stage. "One, two, three! GO!" Pinkie exclaimed happily. The Rainbooms played with their own instruments, danced and sang wildly and happily, along with the crowds to sing together. Rainbooms: Things may come and things may go Some go fast and some go slow Few things last, that's all I know But friendship carries on through the ages Things may come and things may go Some go fast and some go slow Few things last, that's all I know But friendship carries on through the ages Things may come and things may go Some go fast and some go slow Few things last, that's all I know But friendship carries on through the ages Ooohhh, oh, carries on...... With song ended, the crowd went wild. The Rainbooms take the bow before the cheering crowds. The girls are singing & expressing their own thoughts & feelings that all share one thing in common. They each look to the other in singing this off with smiles, as then appearing on a record that spin pass them was a smiling Sunset who sings along. Now Sunset was seen in her on skid board in the middle of her friends, as the board background of style verse themes vanish, as the seven girls sang this off in a stretching note moment. At that final part of the song, everyone gathers near Sunset Shimmer to perform a group hug in showing the vail of friendship they carry on throughout any ages…That was the closure of the song, showing that no matter the age, no matter how fast or slow things go, friendship will carry on…. Iris Crystal got on stage, calling out to the crowd, "Always remember! Friendship always be there no matter what ages you'll always have friends to be there for you. No matter what species we are, we'll always be best friends till the end. And one day, someday - the world can finally peace. So let's give applause to our performance - the Rainbooms!" The Main Six and Sunset smiles, enjoying the words of wisdom. They are so true there. Ben smiles as he turns to Flash and Shadow Dragon, saying, "You know...Iris should be the one to be Secretary. She's way better." Flash nods in agreement, "Yeah... I wonder why." Shadow Dragon sighed, "You should know that. She wants to teach the students to be better and good citizens, not bad. That's her main reason and concern." "Yeah... I hope everything is okay..." Ben said in concern, wondering what the future holds for everyone. "Are you going to do something about Strikespell?" Flash ask Ben in concern. The heroes can't just stand there and allow Strikespell to do what he's planning on doing. It isn't right! "No. We will just move on with our lives. Strikespell's strategy will blow up in his face, and when it does...well, we will have to bail him out, most likely." ------------ Speaking of the idea, Strikespell is trying his best to crack the drive's code. Despite the opposition from the Rainbooms, the Shadow Strike Force, their forces, etc. as well as Twilight and Trixie quitting their spying job, he is determined to continue on with his POV. Of course, he tried to crack into the drive's code but failed. Strikespell notice something odd: the name on the drive belongs to him. He mumbles, "Why would the drive have my name? These belong to Guildenstern. Why? What are you up to, you mad scientist?" "Sir." A soldier came into the room, looking worried. "Those items we confiscated from Chrysalis and Sombra? They're missing." "What?! How the heck could they be missing?!' "We don't know, sir. They up and vanish! It's as if someone took them without us noticing!" Now this is a mystery. Who stole the potions, technology, etc. that belonged to the two new prisoners? And for what purpose? -------------- Dark Curse looks pleased as things are getting set up. He was lucky that his inside informant inside his enemies had got the paws on the stuff that was confiscated from Chrysalis and Sombra. Those two outlived their usefulness and now? Their items are given to two individuals that Dark Curse knew he would trust. "It's a good thing that none learn of Project End. And now, we can finally proceed it." Dark Curse said cruelly. "Both within and outside are progressing well. We shall slowly weaken the great dynasty and empire to nothingness. Our enemies know nothing. History shall repeat again. It goes so well. It's all thanks to you, Guildenstern..." The screen turned on and revealed a skeleton yet demonically pinkish figure with serpent's head. He chuckled insanely, "Thank you... My liege... They have no idea of what happens next." "Send word to Smaug, Galvatron and Cobra Commander that our destiny will come true..." ------------- In an unknown place, Sombra's telekinesis helmet and his last few canisters of fear gas was delivered to a man Smaug, who looks on with interest. Sombra made foolish choices and now? His stuff belongs to Smaug. Smaug comment, "This is some interesting technology. Too bad Sombra wasted the genius that allowed him to build this impressive gear on extorting a SCHOOL. The brains of a super-genius stuck in a body ruled by teenaged hormones. Somebody with MY ambition could put it to FAR better use." -------------------- In a laboratory, a figure known as Doctor Lizardo receive a delivery of the same gadgets and potions Chrysalis stole from Sombra to give herself super-powers. Yes, these items will be of use to him in the near future... ---------------- "Okay, we should be ready." Twilight said as she and Sunset, along with Pinkie are finished with a gadget. "Are you okay, Twilight?" Sunset ask in concern. "Now that you are out of the spy business, what?" "Well, I am still attending Crystal Prep, but I will be darned if I will continue being some slave to someone who wants to use fear and mistrust to his advantage." "Right. We will move on, and hope for the best." "Got things ready, Twiley!" Pinkie exclaims happily to her friend. Twilight nods as she press a button, getting the gadget activated. Ever since she heard so much of her pony self and Equestria, the girl wanted to make this, to communicate with beings from other universes, maybe herself one day. Soon an image appears as a power-ring-wearing unicorn in a super-hero costume appears, saying, "Hello. This is the Purple Magic Horn. Who is this?" Human Twilight smiles in triumph. Looks like she will be having a great conversation tonight! ------------- Within Tartarus from within the palace, Grimmore is seen upon his thrown. From there, two portals of Dark Curse & the Superior are viewing something that was a orbital sphere showing events that have happened within the Human Realm. The Rainbooms event with Sombra & Chrysalis to even the aftermath of seeing a Cybertronain battleship looking structure made from Human Strikespell. The Three Lords observe this with some peek of interest... "Even in another world, Strikespell still acts as he does in this one." Dark Curse spoke off in seeing someone from the Mystics was acting the same even as a different creature from another world. "It would appear that such events of our two worlds has cause such matters." Superior stated to say in seeing how such things have turnabout. "Yes, fear is motivation, the power to which either it consumes all or destroys everything in sight." Grimmore smiled off in being intrigue by how things have developed when the weak fear the strong. "Still, with this Project: Avenging Ship, it may pose some challenge. I shall go & quickly end it." Superior stated to say in knowing that he'll go into the Human World, & end the secret project before it begins. "No need, after all...it will be amusing. They will strive to put such hopes that this will end the war, only to watch as their greatest victory...crumbles beneath unknown might." Grimmore spoke forth in stopping the Superior with a more sinister thought in mind; let the so-called government of the human world put hope in their powerful weapon...before watching that hope die. "I quite frankly agree, even those humans with their best at making technology or using alien tech to even mutation for superpowers...will not be enough." Dark Curse stated to say in agreeing with the Demon God, the human world has only so little achievements compared to what they possess. "Indeed, they could barely do much when Fafnir was there, & he prove to be outside their league. Yet still, he is still beneath the rank of the Three Lords." Superior nods off to agree that even when they saw such strong humans fight Fafnir to even his Dragon form, both the military & the alien Transformers known as Autobots were not even close to stopping such a powerful foe that was also below the Three Lords of Equestria. "Which is why, when the time comes...they shall learn that no matter their struggle to survive..." Grimmore spoke forth to say this, before an evil expression is see that could frighten all eyes. "There will be those, one cannot reach even if it takes a millennia. And when we invade...their world shall fall into a dark abyss..." Grimmore issue this off darkly in which from a wicked grin, they will invade & nothing the human world can do will stop them. With that, the Superior & Dark Curse began to let off evil laughter that were joined by Grimmore as everything begins to go dark now. For to the greatest forces of evil in all of Equestria Prime, the humans from another world or any dimension, will be nothing before the might of that which will bring an end to all things. How will things go when such a time comes, that...is a mystery left for another day....and another time to be told... The End