//------------------------------// // The Hellhound Howls At Midnight // Story: Supernatural Ponies 1: Welcome to Equestria: Here's a Case // by SwiftStroke //------------------------------// "Bobby, are you ready?" Castiel asked. "Course I am." "What about you girls? Are you ready?" "If it involves blood, no. It doesn't does it?" Rarity asked. "No promises." Bobby told her. "Okey Dokey Lokey!" "Oh,um. I suppose." "Good. Let's move." With this command, the ponies set off to Midnight's apartment. Luckily, Bit Butt gave them a map to her and Midnight's place. The second five-pony group raced to Midnight Sky's home. It wasn't that long of a trip to the apartment building he lived in, buuuuuut . . . "Come on!" Bobby exclaimed. "Why does this 'Midnight Sky' have to live so damn high?! Fer God's sake! He's a famous astrologist, and he couldn't afford a nice spot on the first floor?" "You seem to be complaining a lot lately." Castiel pointed out. "Is everything alright?" "Hell no it ain't! I'm on a job, as a pony, which means no fingers or thumbs! Not ta mention we're stuck here! Why, the hell, are you so calm?!" "Well, I try to keep a positive attitude. It seems there is no heaven here. I like it. No angels. I like it. Bobby, our world is filled with so many horrible things. This world, it appears to have less. Less panic, less monsters, less "end of the world" deals, less bad. This is a place, that I would love to stay behind in. Live in. Die in. We may not have fingers or thumbs, but there is no need to grasp at whatever you hold onto. The world holds it, so you don't have to. *sigh* "Yer right Cass. This place is so much better than our place. I'd happily spend mah life here. Get a home, a job. Maybe a wife. Maybe kids. The life I've been lookin' and dreamin' for fer far too long. The life I always wanted." At this, Pinkie shed a tear. Well, more than a tear( more like a fountain). And Rarity and Fluttershy felt touched by this. They could clearly tell that these ponies, had gone through tough times, and just wanted to settle down. Of course, they were overdramatic. Especially Rarity. "I'm glad you see it my way Bobby. Now, let's go up those stairs. There may be many, but there are worse things." "You got it Cass." With this, Bobby, Castiel, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy began their trek up 40 flights of stairs. It was dark by the time they reached the top. The group took many breaks on their way towards Midnight's apartment. When everypony came up to MIdnight Sky's door, they checked their equipment. "Hey, Cass. You got the knife?" "Yes. It's right here." "Darling, whatever would you need that for?" Rarity asked. "It's to kill the hellhound." Castiel replied. "KILL IT?!" Fluttershy yelled. Everypony stumbled back; nopony would've expected that out of Fluttershy. "Yeah. We're gonna kill the damn thing." Bobby said. "Why would you kill it?!" Flutters asked. "Because it's existence endangers the lives of many." Castiel replied. "You only need to show it a little kindness!" "Kindness wouldn't do it. These creatures are nothing but ruthless killing machines. They're hardly even alive. Hellhounds are demon pets; they have no soul." "Well, I bet-" "No!" Castiel interrupted. "We have to kill it! Otherwise, Midnight Sky WILL die! I'm sorry Fluttershy but we have to do it!" "Oh . . . okay . . ." Fluttershy lightly sobbed. "I guess it's alright. Considering it doesn't have a soul, and is a ruthless killing machine, and probably could change if somepony were just kind to it!" Her light sobbing was getting a little louder." "Don't worry Fluttershy." Pinkie Pie said in a comforting voice. "This is just part of the job I guess. You can look away." "Okay. Thank you Pink-" "Excuse me?" Interrupted a strange pony that came through the door. "I heard voices out here. Can I help you with anything?" Everyone was dormant. The stallion in front of them staring at them; confused. "Well, if you five are just here to stand here gawking at me, I'm just going to go back inside. Oh, by the way, if you guys aren't out of here in five minutes, I'm calling the Baltimare Police Department." "Wait a second." Bobby broke the silence. "We need to talk to you about somethin'." "Aaaaand you didn't think of telling me this when I opened the door?" "We were surprised you weren't . . . nervous." "Why would I be nervous, and why are you surprised I'm not?" "AH!" Midnight jumped. Bobby gave Castiel a glare. That glare when you know what's going on. "Are you alright?" "Yeah. I'm fine. Just, the neighbor's dog." "I heard no dog." Castiel said. "Uuuummmm. Just, just, answer my questions." Midnight gave a nervous smile. "Not too subtle is he?" Bobby whispered to Castiel. "We can explain. You're this Midnight Sky pony right?" "Yeeeeessss." "Well, we need to talk about something very important. Very, very important. As in, yer life depends on this shit." "Umm, alright." Midnight said, very unsure about the situation. "Come right in. Let's . . . talk." At this command, Midnight Sky showed the five strangers into his house. Unsure of what could happen he got a paralyzation spell ready. " Alrighty then. What is SO important that you needed to interrupt me during my important constellation mapping? Well, first, I need to ask you who you are." "My name is Castiel, the stallion next to me is Bobby, the pink one is Pinkie Pie, the yellow one is Fluttershy, and the white one is Rarity." "The white one?!" Rarity exclaimed, clearly offended. "Fine. The white one with purple mane." Castiel said. "And we're here to discuss a little something that happened ten years ago." Midnight's eyes widened. "If we're not mistaken, you made a deal back then. A certain deal that, oh . . . I dunno, helped you fall in love with Shiny Coin?" "Uuuuuuuuhhhh." "A certain deal that guaranteed your untimely death that's supposed to come at, hmm, I dunnnooooo, mid . . . night?" "Uuuuuuuuhhhh." "Ring any bells?" "Fine. I'll tell yo-" GONG GONG GONG GONG GONG GONG GONG GONG "That was the grandfather clock." MIdnight said in a horrified tone. "It struck twelve." OOOOOOOOOOOWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO The hellhound howled.