
by Dragonfire2lm

Hi Nightmare Moon!

Author's notes: this will have Surprise coming in during certain episodes of season one and two, so to kick things off, let's have a little fun with Nightmare moon!

if you have any requests on which episodes you'd like to see my version of Surprise in let me know via the comments section. please expect bad grammar and the occasional typo due to my fast typing, I can often skip entire words because of that so just point stuff out I'll edit it.

Oh and this is told entirely from Surprise's POV

"Wow! it sure is dark!" I giggled looking around the town square of Ponyville, all the ponies were gone....where was everypony?

I mean there should be ponies here this was the one thousandth summer sun celebration festival wasn't it?

Aw don't tell me I got my times mixed up again!

"I wonder where the sun went?" I asked myself, using my magic to 'poof' a clock into existence. "It is sunrise..or it's supposed to be...Maybe the sun went on a vacation?"

"Didn't somepony get the memo?" I heard a voice behind me. "Night is eternal, all thanks to me!"

"Hi Princess Luna!" I chirped, she was way taller though...maybe I'm in the future! but I am from the future....GASP! maybe this is my future..or something...

"Luna?" the alicorn-I-thought-was-Princess-Luna repeated. "You dare believe me to be that weakling of a pony!"

Did this mare have a pole shoved up her butt or something? I mean Princess Luna is Awesome! with a capital 'A'

"Are you sure you're not Luna?" I asked.

"I am Nightmare Moon! Queen of the night, and you Dare insult me with talk of that pitiful princess?".

Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Woopsie...

"Oh so you're Nightmare moon....NIGHTMARE MOON?!" I couldn't believe it! This sourpony was Nightmare Moon, the pony that tried to make it endless night.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha! Boy are you dumb!" I crowed, rolling onto my back as I continued laughing.

"Just wha-WHO DARES TO INSULT THE RULER OF THE NIGHT!" Nightmare screeched.

I leapt to my hooves.

"I do!" I exclaimed excitedly, raising a hoof into the air.

"And pray tell little pony why do you wish to insult your new ruler" the-big-evil-but-dumb-alicorn seethed.

"Uuummmm because you're an idiot that's why" I retorted.

Seriously did I have to spell it out for her?

"WHY?" she yelled.

My usually poofy mane and tail went not only flat but kinda billowy, like princess Celestia's.

No more mister nice pony.

"Well for starters by covering the world in endless night, you will undoubtedly be upsetting the natural sleep patterns of all kinds of creatures, the natural ebb and flow of the tides, Equestria will cease to exist in a matter of months due to the entire pony population starving to death, dying from the effects of sleep deprivation, noctunal predators, complete econonmic collapse...I mean really if your plan was to doom Equestria and every living thing in it then by all means make it last eternal night" I explained as fluidly as possible.

"Huh?" Nightmre moon replied.

"Well that is what happens when you mess with the natural order of night and day" I concluded.

My mane and tail pofed back into shape and I gave her a cheery smile.

"Well nice meeting you miss sourpony, but gotta go home, bye!" I waved at her as I used my magic and with a 'pop' noise I left.

Author's notes: I normally don't do first person but since this was the 'pilot' chapter I thought I'd give it a crack, further chapters will be in third person, focusing on whatever character Surprise chooses to meet.

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