//------------------------------// // The Constellation... // Story: Is Love Worth It? // by Aura Zero //------------------------------// Spike feels like he is taking the walk of shame as he heads back home to the Library. He notices a few ponies look at him in pity, which confuses him slightly, however it's overshadowed by the intense pain he feels from being rejected by the one mare he ever really loved. As he walks by the marketplace, a voice calls out to him. "Uh, Spike?" Spike looks up slightly and sees Big Mac looking at him with a frown. "How are ya little buddy?" Spike sighs. "Could be better..." "Didn't work out?" Big Mac asks. "Eenope." Spike replies sadly. "Heads up Spike." Spike looks and sees a golden delicious coming his way. He catches it and looks at it. "Figured ya might want one.." Spike smiles slightly. "Thanks, Big Mac." "No problem." Spike then proceeds to walk home once more enjoying the apple along the way. Once he sees his home he pauses at the door. He notices the sun setting and realizes that it's close to the time Twilight would be getting ready for the Constellation. He sighs, knowing that Twilight would be waiting for him. Just like the last few days, he opens the door and the first words she says is... "Welcome back Spike! Did you finally confess?" Spike looks and sees Twilight with the equipment already packed and ready to go. She is smiling happily at him, which suddenly makes all the pain come back full force. "Y-Yeah, I did." Spike says sadly. Twilight is surprised to hear this and Spike knows why. For the past two weeks, Spike has been trying to confess and every time he comes home, too shy or afraid to admit his feelings to the mare. To hear that he finally did it, naturally she is surprised. However, that surprise turns to worry when she notices that he isn't happy at all. "...how did it-" "I'd rather not talk about it right now." Spike interrupts, but speaks up again. "Sorry for cutting you off." Twilight merely walks over to him and pulls him into a hug. "It's alright." She pulls away and looks at his saddened expression. "Do you want to skip the constellations and go to bed?" Spike takes a moment before he looks at Twilight. She smiles slightly at him, whick makes him smile slightly before he speaks up. "Nah, I think I still wanna go do that." Twilight's smile grows as she levitates the gear and Spike on her back. "Alright then. Ready to go?" "Ready as I'll ever be I guess." He shrugs with a frown. Twilight sighs quietly at that and the duo heads out to their pre-arranged spot for stargazing. As they walk, Spike decides to ask something. "Hey Twilight?" Twilight looks back at him as they leave the rural area of town. "Yes Spike?" "Do you think a pony and dragon could ever be together?" Twilight stops immediately at that. She looks at him in surprise. "Why do you think... Rarity didn't say that, did she?" Spike looks down. "Yeah. She said it would never work out. You don't think that too, do you?" Twilight lifts his face to look at her. "Of course not Spike. I think it could definitely happen. Rarity is just one mare. She's just missing out on an awesome drake as a coltfriend. Well in your case, drakefriend." Spike smiles slightly. "Thanks Twilight." Twilight smiles and continues walking. "Anything for my number one assistant." As they get to the hill, Twilight uses her magic and sets up the spot in a matter of seconds. They sit on the blanket and look up at the sky. It's already dark and the stars show much brighter today because of the full moon. Spike admires the darkened sky for a moment. He takes notice of Twilight as she sets up the telescope. After she finishes, she waves Spike over to join her and they look at a few constellations. As Spike looks through the telescope, he sees quite a few star patterns like puppis, Ursa Major and a few others. "They are just as amazing every time I see them..." Spike says quietly, however, Twilight hears and nods in agreement. "You always did love the stars." She comments. An hour passes as they continue watching the stars. At this time, Spike decides he's calm enough. "I never had a chance, you know." Twilight turns from the telescope and looks at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" "With Rarity. Even if I wasn't a dragon. She already had her eyes on somepony else." Spike says dejectedly. Twilight grows concerned. "What exactly happened Spike, if you don't mind telling me that is." Spike takes a deep breath. "I found Rarity...kissing Fluttershy." "What?!" Twilight almost yells. Spike looks and sees the dumbfounded look on her face. Seeing it makes him chuckle slightly. "Yeah, I was surprised too. Hurt mostly, but the surprise was there." "But she...and Fluttershy...mares." Twilight mumbles in shock. "To be honest, I am a little mad about the whole thing, being beaten by a shy mare like Fluttershy is kinda humiliating when I think about it." He says with a shrug. "I never knew Rarity or Fluttershy...well, swung that way." Twilight points out, still utterly surprised. "You and me both Twi." Spike says as he leans back and gazes at the stars. Twilight joins him and they both relax on the hill, enjoying the stars once more. "Ya know, even if I can't be with a mare, at least I know I can still enjoy moments like this with my best friend." Spike says with a small smile. "Aww, Spike." Twilight says as she nuzzles him happily. "You know I'll always be here no matter what." Twilight then notices a shooting star. "Spike look!" He notices it as well. "Guess we get a free wish huh?" They both close their eyes as they think of their wish. I hope to find the right mare that will appreciate me as much as Twilight. I hope Spike will find somepony to make him happy and love him as much as I do. The duo opens their eyes simultaneously and look at each other with a smile. Spike suddenly yawns, feeling a wave of exhaustion hit him. "Alright sleepy-head. Time to head back." Twilight says as her magic is already packing things up. After she says that, a yawn escapes her muzzle. Spike chuckles. "Speak for yourself." As the equipment is finally packed up, Spike hops on Twilight's back and they head home. It isn't long before the drake falls asleep, snuggled comfortably on her back. Twilight smiles at this. "Don't worry Spike, you'll find your special somepony soon.." Twilight trots home, ready to head to bed along with her assistant.