//------------------------------// // PART TWO // Story: DOCTOR WHOOF: Mawdryn Undead // by ElaineSpitzer343 //------------------------------// TWILIGHT SPARKLE RAINBOW DASH AND PINKIE PIE in My Little Pony DOCTOR WHOOF MADWRYN UNDEAD By Elaine Spitzer PART TWO The creature moved closer, its eyelids blank and unfocused. "Hmm... I don't know if this will work or not but... stand back everypony." The Doctor said, pulling out his sonic screwdriver. The device's green tip began to glow and emit a harsh buzzing noise. Suddenly, the blue mist which seemed to fill the pony's body dispersed out the window, the lifeless corpse collapsed before them. "What just happened?" said Edward, still fearfully cowering the corner of the room. "We were just attacked by a walking pony cadaver, reanimated by... something. I think it has something to do with that gas..." The Doctor said, inspecting the lifeless corpse on the ground. "Are we... still alive?" Pinkie said, hiding her face in fear. "Yes, Pinkie, we're still alive... for now I guess..." Dash said. "Doctor I don't know what's going on in here, but..." a phone rang nearby. "One moment Doctor..." Edward picked up the phone in his hoof and answered. After a brief moment of silence his gaze drifted across The Doctor and his companions. "Really... well... thank you for letting me know." Edward put the phone down. "Tell me Doctor, who are you really? Because you aren't Doctor Mint, I'm pretty sure..." "Look it's... it's too late for that now. All you need to know is I can help you." The Doctor said defiantly. Edward sighed. "Well... it's not like a medical doctor would be much help anyway. Still, you must tell me your name? Doctor... who?" "Just... The Doctor. Call me The Doctor. It's what everypony calls me." The Doctor said. "So you prefer to go incognito eh? You don't happen to work for the feds down in Canterlot do you?" Edward asked. "Oh no... it's just a personal preference." The Doctor replied. "Anyway getting back to business, I must ask you, were there any... meteor showers? Or... shooting stars? Or any form of atmospheric activity?" "Hmm... come to think of it there was a very peculiar meteor shower. Somewhere here... but... what does that have to do with all this?" Edward asked. "Meteor... blue mist... reanimated pony cadavers... that can only mean..." The Doctor's eyes shot open. "That's it! That mist you saw... it's actually a series of very small creatures called Madwryn. They must have been brought here by one of those meteors..." "Wait... are you saying this is the work of some... aliens from another planet?" Edward said. "Another galaxy! They're able to take over the neural functions of a dead pony... or a pony in a coma..." The Doctor explained. "What can we do?" Twilight said, looking out the window. "There's bound to be more somewhere..." "Indeed. If I can where that meteor landed... I may know what to do." The Doctor said. "I... I may know something..." the grey stallion from before poked his head around a corner. "I... I saw it when it landed but I couldn't believe my eyes. It was like a dream... in the morning I forgot about it. Now that you mention it... I saw it land somewhere on the north end of the island.' "You mean across the forest? In that direction?" Rainbow Dash said, looking out at the thick fog. "Well... we have no other choice. We'd better get moving." The Doctor said. " "It'll be just like old times!" Pinkie said. "Like... in the Everfree Forest!" "Though I'm pretty sure we'll need to do a lot more than just giggle at these ghosties..." Twilight said, hesitantly following The Doctor out the door. "Hmm... The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver, inspecting it carefully. The green diode blinked once then off again. "Blimey... I knew that would happen eventually... Dash, Twilight, do you mind going into the TARDIS and fetching me a spare one? Just catch up with me and Pinkie... you see that large hill waaay over there? That's where we'll be. We'll wait for you guys at the entrance now hurry!" The Doctor said. "Sure thing." Twilight said, rushing off to the train station with Dash. "Come on Pinkie..." The Doctor said. "Uh... Doctor, I've always wondered why Rainbow Dash ran off with you as well... is because... well you know... something going on between them?" Pinkie asked, a mischievous grin appearing on her face. "That... is for her to know... and you to find out." The Doctor said, giving her a knowing wink. "Oh..." Pinkie said as they ran off... "Here it is... right where we left it." Twilight said, pushing the key into the lock. "Aaaaah! Nice and warm in here..." Dash said, throwing off the jacket onto the nearby coat hanger. "So, where did the Doctor say his spare was?" "Hmm... actually... he didn't say..." Twilight said, looking around the control room. "Maybe he left it in the library?" Dash said. "Ugh... there are hundreds of rooms in the TARDIS, he could have at least told us where to look." Twilight said. "Hay what's that..." Dash said as the room began to shake. "Did you press something?" "No... I didn't..." the shaking started again. The two of them were silent, listening closely for whatever was making the noise. All of a sudden, the lights went out, leaving them completely in the dark. "I don't like this... I don't like this at all..." Twilight said. "It feels like we're not alone..." Dash said, her eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. "T-that's nonsense... nothing can get into the TARDIS..." Twilight said shakily. Soon, the light came back on, but the reassuring yellow lights changed to an eerie dim-green. "What the..." Dash said, looking around. "Ah, it seems I have caught my first victims..." came an unseen voice. "Who... who are you?" Dash said, her eyes darting all over the place. "Excuse me... for being so rude. I am Vakarios... of the Mawdryn..." the voice said. "What are you doing... how did you get in here!" said Twilight, backing away toward the door. "Not so fast!" cackled the voice, locking the doors. "By Celestia... he's in the system!" Twilight said. "I familiar with the technology of the Time Lords. A long time ago, during one of the first Great Time Wars, we were almost wiped out... we barely escaped with our lives. Our ship had been travelling thousands of years until we reached this planet..." the voice trailed off. "What are you planning on doing?" Dash said. "While you're here... I thought I might have some fun... and when the Time Lord comes back to look for you... I'll kill him as well!" the voice burst into mocking laughter. "You don't know The Doctor! He'll never let you get away with this!" Dash shouted defiantly. "He'll find us, and save us! He always does!" "Ahh... Rainbow Dash of Cloudsdale... always the brash one aren't you..." the voice said. "And Twilight Sparkle from... Canterlot. You met this... Doctor... when you were 8... and you spent the next 11 years hoping you'd see the strange pony in the blue box didn't you..." voice burst into another fit of laughter. "He's good pony, and while we may not always understand him... he understands us..." Dash said. "Hahahaha, well... let's see if he'll come and save you now!" green gas began to pour in from the floor and ceiling. "Come on, this way!" Dash said, grabbing Twilight's hoof. "Heheh, let the games begin my little ponies..." the voice said. "Are we there yet?" Pinkie said. "There it is!" said The Doctor, pointing toward a very large cave mouth. "Looks pretty empty..." Pinkie said, walking up to it. "Hmm... where is Dash and Twilight... they sure have been gone a long time. I left my hat on top of table in the third dining room..." The Doctor said looking mildly annoyed. "Oooh... maybe they're..." The Doctor put a hoof to Pinkie's mouth. "Spoilers!" he said, giving her a wink. Pinkie only nodded before let out a small snort of laughter. "Now... to find this... meteor..." The Doctor said, inspecting the area around it. "Doctor!" Pinkie said, motioning for him to come and look at something. "Could this be it?" Before them was a medium sized all-metal sphere with strange symbols plastered all over it. "I see... seared black... it must have been burnt up when it went through the atmosphere." The Doctor said. "Definitely of Mawdryn origin... though that reminds me... whatever are they doing on this planet?" "Maybe they got lonely... how did they fit into this anyway?" Pinkie said, circling the ship slowly. "They're like... shape shifters... though this planet's gravity, combined with its mixed air compound leaves them in that state of being a blue mist. Actually, they're normally a sickly kind of green colour... like those ghosts from Ghost Busters." The Doctor said. "Ghost... Busters?" Pinkie asked. "Yeah... Ghost... oh never mind, you wouldn't understand." The Doctor said. "Anyway, let's go inside and see what we can see... but move slowly." "Hokie..." she said, following The Doctor closely. The two of them moved slowly into the cave. As they went deeper, the path began to get more and more narrow, and the roof, lower. Eventually they reached a perfectly circular hole near what was the back of the cave. "I think... this is it." The Doctor said looking down into the blackness. "What's... down there..." Pinkie said nervously. "Hmm..." The Doctor reached into a pocket in his tweed jacket. "Oh wait... my spare one is right here... poor Dash and Twilight... huh..." Pinkie laughed and gave him a nudge. "I'm sure they're fine." she said. "I guess... as for what's down this hole... we'll have to find out." The Doctor said. "Ooh, I love surprises!" Pinkie said. "Alons-y!" The Doctor shouted, jumping into the hole. "Wha..." Pinkie asked, hesitating. "It's French... means let's go..." The Doctor said. "French? Never heard of it... sounds fascinating..." Pinkie said, smiling to herself. "I admire your curiosity, but now's not the time, let's go!" The Doctor said, pulling Pinkie down with him. "What should we do now?" said Dash, the two of them hiding behind a large bookshelf. "Uh... that's it! We need to find the Cloister Room." Twilight whispered. "Cloister Room?" Dash asked. "Yes, the Cloister Room. Inside is something called the Cloister Bell. It's like... an alarm that warns the pilot if the TARDIS gets into serious trouble, or the occupants are in danger." Twilight said. "Ok, but where is it? There are hundreds of rooms inside the TARDIS..." "Hmm... we'll check the TARDIS Index File, which we can access somewhere in here..." Twilight said, poking her head around the corner. "Over there!" She walked slowly toward the computer terminal, Dash looking around cautiously. "Ok... Cloister Room..." Twilight tapped the words out onto the keyboard. "Level B1, Room 87... according to the map there should be anti-gravity lift somewhere to take us to the lower level." "Wait... look at that!" Dash said, pointing toward a small opening in the ceiling. Out of it came a round glass object. The two of them overturned a table and hid behind it. "I think it's a security device..." Twilight said. "Only one way to find out..." Dash pulled out a book from a nearby shelf and tossed it in the middle of the room. Predictably, an arc of electricity incinerated the book almost instantly. "Hay!" Twilight said. "You ruined a perfectly good book on quantum physics..." she frowned. "Well, better the book than us! Anyway... look, over there's the power box for all the electricity in the room. I may not know as much about this place as you, but I'm sure if we shut off it's power supply we can get out of here." Dash said, looking rather smug. "Oh, you learn fast don't you." she smiled. "Ok, here's what we'll do. We're going to have to push this sideways, at an angle." Dash said, nudging the overturned table. "Ok, help me." slowly but surely, the two eased the table sideways, careful not to expose any limbs to the defence turret's scanner. "Ok, I'm going to throw my jacket out there, and you have to quickly hit that switch over there... the on in the middle..." Dash said, pointing toward the switch on the wall. "Ready? Three... Two... One..." Dash tossed the jacket over the table. Predictably, the turret fired upon, by which time Twilight had sprung to action, hitting the switch. "Clever ponies..." came the familiar deep voice... "Watch your step... it won't be as easy as you think..." the voice trailed off. "Don't worry Twilight, we can make it through this one..." Dash said, putting a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. Twilight could only smile at her friend's optimism. She wished she could be more liker her... brave... "Thanks Rainbow..." she said. The two of them took off down another corridor where a what appeared to be a elevator was located. Rainbow Dash hit the down button and immediately it opened, revealing a plain grey shaft, big enough for two ponies to fit comfortably. They stepped in carefully. "Ok... B1." Dash said, pushing the floor's respective button. A steady humming broke the silence, as the elevator began to slowly travel downwards. In a few short seconds, it stopped and the doors reopened, revealing an intersection. "Huh... well one of these has got to lead the Cloister Room... let's try... this one...." Dash said, pointing to the door on the right. "Come on..." Dash pressed a button the side of the door, opening it. The moment she had stepped through the other side however, the door closed before Twilight herself could get through it. "Dash!" she yelled, banging on the door. "Uh... I don't know, I can't open it from this side, wait there! I'll come back for you..." Dash said, her voicing trailing off as she sped down the corridor... "Hurry back..." Twilight said... "Look at this..." The Doctor said, pointing toward a massive crack in the cave. He had landed with Pinkie amongst a high crevice, overlooking a wide chamber. Green gases swirled inside the crack like a mass of clouds, circling and wafting through. "Gross..." Pinkie said, sniffing the air. "And it smells like a wet dog in here... and... rotten cheese or something..." "Sulphur... anyway, let's get down there and take a closer look..." "Not so fast..." boomed a voice from within the crack. A column of gas shot through the crack, forming into a vaguely humanoid being, with a featureless face. "How dare you enter into the land of the Mawdryn." "Land of the Mawdryn? This isn't your land!" The Doctor said defiantly. "This planet belongs to these equines!" "Our planet was laid to ruin by the Time Lords, and most of our kind wiped out... we are the last of the Mawdryn... and we will do WHATEVER it takes to survive." "Listen, I can help you! I can take you far away, to some similar gas giant planet... Jupiter perhaps, or maybe somewhere further away..." said The Doctor. "Indeed... a ship was found.... that was... not of this world..." a circle of gasses began to form nearby, showing an image the TARDIS. "No..." The Doctor said. "Twilight and Rainbow Dash are in the TARDIS!" Pinkie said, realising the grim implications. "You are now our prisoner... Time Lord... and we will have our revenge..." behind them, several ponies had dropped from the ceiling of the cave, covered in slime and with the tell-tale blue mist swirling around them. "Kill them!" cried the sentient mass of gasses. "Come on Pinkie, this way!" The Doctor cried, pulling Pinkie by the hoof. "But what are we going to do? They're like... ghosts!" Pinkie said, looking behind at the group of reanimate corpses. "Luckily I don't believe in ghosts..." The Doctor said. "Follow me, we need to get out of here and rescue Rainbow Dash and Twilight..." "Catch him!" cried the gaseous figure looming over them. "Pinkie, I suggest you go take cover behind those rocks over there. This isn't going to end well for them..." The Doctor said. "There he is, we have him now!" the undead nightmares began to circle The Doctor, inching closer and closer... "Oh well, you have me. But let me say one thing... Spectorax gas, right? A very volatile gas..." The Doctor said, slowly pulling out his sonic screwdriver. "Well known for being explosive when in contact with... a certain... frequency..." "It matters not what you know, you will be dead soon!" cried the spectre. "I think I'll take a miss!" The Doctor said, pointing the sonic screwdriver upwards. The gasses burst into flames, the undead too, became engulfed in the fire. The Doctor swiftly joined Pinkie behind the rock. In seconds it was all over, the creatures had all been burnt up. "That was awesome!" Pinkie said. "Do it again!" "Uh, I think we better get moving and finding a way topside, we need to get back to the TARDIS..." The Doctor said, ushering Pinkie along. "Twilight... Twilight..." Dash called out. It seemed as if she had been wandering the corridors for hours... "Poor Rainbow Dash is lost..." came the eerie voice of the Mawdryn. "Shut up, just shut up..." she said, trying her best to ignore the voice. She chanced upon another door, and another... seemingly going nowhere. "Twilight..." she called out again... "Twi..." she had suddenly found herself back at the start of the first intersection. But... how? She ran as fast as she could to the door where Twilight had been waiting. "Twilight? Are you..." Rainbow dash stopped dead in her tracks. She felt a lump in her throat as she took in the sight before her. "T...Twilight?" "Dash... how could you?" came the voice of Twilight... "I waited for you... for 80 years!" she lashed out at Dash weakly, her body thin and frail, her greyed... "But... that's impossible!" Dash said, her chest becoming heavier and heavier. "That's impossible! No, I don't believe it!" Dash cried, hitting the button on the side of the door and going through once again. "I don't believe it..." Dash said. Picking herself up, she walked off into the same direction as she did last time, following the path closely. She kept walking until she found herself in that same intersection again. Her heart began to pound... what would she find this time? She was scared... slowly she walked up the left branch, and... The tears were already streaming down her eyes. Now, it felt as if her heart had been forced through her ribcage. In front of her, no longer Twilight Sparkle... just a pile of dusty old bones... "No it can't be!" Dash wept, falling to her knees. "It can't be, it can't be, it CAN'T!!!" Dash's hold body went numb... the coldness of the TARDIS' corridors didn't even factor in to her emotions... "What are you doing?" "What?" she knew that voice... slowly she turned around... "Twilight??? But I thought... but..." Dash looked forward but... the skeleton was gone... "Dash... that... thing has been using the TARDIS to play tricks with your head... anyway no time to talk, I found the Cloister Room..." Twilight said, grabbing Dash by hoof. "Twilight wait..." Dash said, struggling to keep up. "I know this isn't the best time but..." "Go on, we don't have all day... what is it?" Twilight said, slowing down her pace. "Umm... look I just wanted to tell you something for a long time... and... in case we don't make it out of this alive, there's something you need to know." "Come on Dash, don't say that... what happened to all your optimism?" Twilight said, giving Dash a warm smile. "Yeah... anyway... I just wanted to say... " the two of them stopped in the middle of the corridor. "Well, go on! Say it!" Twilight said, impatiently. "I... I love you." Dash said... turning her face away a little. "Oh Dash... I know you do." Twilight said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Now, let's go!" "Uh..." "Let's go!" Twilight said, pulling her friend along. "It's this way let's go..." The Doctor said. "Come on Pinkie..." "Just... wait... I'm not used to all this running..." Pinkie said, panting. "Just a little further." "Hay, what's that noise?" a sound like a ringing gong could be heard, far off into the distance. "That's the Cloister Bell... oh no! Twilight and Rainbow Dash must be in danger..." "Alons-y!" Pinkie said, giggling. "Right, you catch on pretty fast Ms. Pie" The Doctor joked. "I do try!" the two of them ran off as fast as they could, passing small houses in the seemingly abandoned streets of the village. "There he goes..." came the voice of Edward, watching quietly as the duo ran off. "I always wondered how they got onto the island... the weather's been terrible on the coast..." The Doctor came to a stop in front of the TARDIS. "Key... key... ah yes..." he pulled out his own key and unlocked the door to the TARDIS. "My, my, my... the Mawdryn changed the color scheme... ugh, green is most certainly not my colour." The Doctor said, approaching the console. "Now, what has the bad alien done to you?" "Doctor... ah, the last of the Time Lords... finally you're here." came the voice of the Mawdryn. "Your friends were harder to kill than I imagined." "Ah, well I suppose they learn quickly. Anyway, what do you want?" The Doctor said, calling out to the invisible creature. "Well... for a start, I can go back in time and restore my ponies and destroy the Time Lords once and for all!" "Yes, a bit like what your companion said... you won't succeed." "You seem to forget Doctor, I'm in control of the mane systems... I can delete rooms at will... rearrange them, launch them into the time vortex..." suddenly the control room flashed and it was gone. "Doctor?" Twilight said, looking in surprise at the sudden appearance of The Doctor. "He deleted the control room..." "Hahahaha, exactly, and now I have all you in one place, now I can kill you all!" the Mawdryn cackled. "Well... you've got us fair and square... let's give the alien a round of applause." The Doctor said, slowly backing up. "What is this?" said the creature. "I'm just accepting my defeat. You've beaten me... woe is me..." The Doctor backed right up the mushroom-shaped pedestal in the centre of the room. He sneaked his hoof under it, feeling for a button. "What is this ruse!" demanded the Mawdryn. "You should be very careful who you let back into the TARDIS..." The Doctor said. "Especially if it's the pilot..." "What is that supposed to mean?" "Everypony, hold onto something tight..." The Doctor pressed the button. Suddenly, the whole roof of the Cloister Room disappeared. "We're in the Medusa Cascade, home to one of the most powerful black holes in the universe... and now... you're going to say goodbye..." The Doctor pushed another button underneath he pedestal. "Emergency Exhaust Purge, activated." came a scratchy metallic voice. "No!!!!!" cried the creature, as the green mist was sucked from the air vents and into the black hole. Pressing the button again, the ceiling reappeared. "Well everypony... danger's over." The Doctor said, brushing himself off. "What about the control room?" asked Twilight. "Don't worry about it, it's like... been AutoSaved. You know, like on Microsoft Word." The Doctor said. "What's... Microsoft Word?" Pinkie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, forget it! I need to stop making obscure references you'll never get... system, commence control room restore." The Doctor said. In a blink of an eye, they were all back in the control room, the green lights replaced with the regular warm, yellow ones. "What an adventure eh?" The Doctor said, pressing some buttons on the console. "Yeah!" Pinkie said, energetically. "It was..." Twilight looked up, thoughtfully. "It was pretty awesome." Dash said, putting a hoof around Twilight. "I see... “ The Doctor smiled. ”Hay, I was just curious... are you two a couple?" The Doctor gave Pinkie a wink. "Uh... we... haven't... really discussed that." Twilight said, blushing a little. "We just sorta... do things and that's it. But an actual romantic relationship? I dunno..." Dash said, nudging Twilight with her elbow. "Ahem... maybe." Twilight said, giving Pinkie and The Doctor a mysterious smile. "Well, I don't mind. Really. Love is such a fascinating emotion..." The Doctor said. "Haha, I think so too... haven't really gotten a chance to study it..." Twilight said. "We can study it... together." Dash said. "Dash!" Twilight said, looking embarrassed. The Doctor only laughed a bit as he exited the TARDIS. "Where are you going?" Twilight asked. "Doctor!" said Edward, watching The Doctor enter his office. "Your problems are solved. Don't worry about them! They're all gone... no more dead mares walking out of their funerals." The Doctor smiled. "Thanks Celestia! Doctor, you've done so much for us, why don't you stay, we'll have a reward ceremony and everything!" Edward said. "No thanks... I just wanted to say my goodbyes, and well... bid you good luck I guess." The Doctor gave Edward a curt, salute. "Goodbye." "But Doctor, however will you get back to the mainland? There aren't any boats travelling there at this hour..." "I have my ways and means." The Doctor said, exiting the door. "Doctor" Edward said, following him out the door. He watched as The Doctor entered into the TARDIS, closing the doors behind him. The grinding of the engines broke the night silence as Edward watched in fascination as the blue police box disappeared into the night. "I need to lie down..." Edward said, closing the door... "Well Pinkie, it was a pleasure having you." The Doctor said, shaking her hoof. "You were brilliant!" "Ah, it was nothing. I had heaps of fun though!" Pinkie said. "You know, why don't you come with us? See the stars, the universe, all of time and space... what do you say?" "Sounds tempting Doctor but... I'm real busy... tomorrow is the mayor's birthday! She's turning 64..." Pinkie said. "I'd never a miss a party! So, sorry guys." "Ahh... good old Sarah-Anne. Still as lively as ever, 43 years later..." The Doctor said to himself. "Anyway, goodbye Pinkie." "Bye, Pinkie!" Twilight said. "Yeah, bye Pinkie, tell Applejack I still need time to find the 50 bits I owe her..." "Will do, Dashie." Pinkie said. The doors of the TARDIS closed, and the blue police box began to fade away. "Boy, I'm hungry..." Pinkie said wearily, heading off to the fridge to find a snack... The crimson red stallion placed the last box in the top shelf. It was a hard day's work but he felt accomplished, fixing the roof and moving up Granny Smith's old belongings to the attic. "Big brother, it's time for dinner, hurry it up!" Applejack called, sounding quite annoyed. "Eeyup." he mumbled. Though, something in the corner of the shelf had caught his eye. He always saw it when he was cleaning up in the attic, but never had the motivation to check it out. It was a golden fob watch, probably one of his parents or great grandparents, it didn't concern him too much until now. The urge to pick it up and open it had been building these few days... he couldn't quite figure out why. Slowly, he reached for it... slowly, slowly... "Big Macintosh, hurry up! Food's gettin' cold..." Applejack cried. "I'mma comin'... jus' wait..." his hoof relented, and returned to his side. He left, closing the door behind him. What he didn't see though, was the wisps of golden energy which came from it... and danced like flames in the darknes... THE END