The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 42. Dream walker.

Guiding all three ships wasn't an easy task. Especially since there was only one person flying all three. Me. The solitude was alright. The quiet environment gave me time to figure out why the events from yesterday happened the way they did. From Celestia's freak out to the god with a sense of humor and Captain edgy being too calm. Many questions enveloped my mind, causing some grief for my to deal with and what I got out of it was a freaking shield.

I sat down in the bridge on a cushion, settling in for the three days trip back to my island with the shield beside me. I smiled weakly knowing that I'm just one step closer from my goal. I turned on the eye of greed to study the power that the shield is holding. I touched the shield with my magic and collapsed into unconsciousness.


"Hmm . . . what do we have here?" said a voice.

"Another wishing to take my power."

Who is that, and why can't I move?

"Let's see. How should I kill him?"

What? Kill?!

"Hmm . . . Talk about a trainwreck. This one is more jumbled up than a lego factory gone wrong."

Who are you! And where am I?

"No matter, it's over for you. Time to die demon."

No! I will not die!

"AH! What the hell are you!" the voice screamed. "I can't even touch you! How? Wake up you demon and tell me!"

My eyes open opened up to see a fire encased mare as beautiful as the sun with all its blazing glory. I stared in awe to the creature. I was unsure of what to make of it. Was it even a pony? Or was it something else entirely. I sat up not taking my eyes off of the creature in fear that this was all a dream.

"What are you demon! Tell me!" it shouted burning my ears with scorching heat, but I wasn't going to let it get to me.

"Be quiet," I said holding my ground.

"What!" she fumed. "Did you just silence me, you demon?"

"Yes, I did, By the way, I'm not a demon. Not yet," I replied. "So you are the power of the sun. I kinda was hoping for something . . . more. And why were you trying to kill me?"

"How dare you, you filthy demon!"

"I said Silence!" I yelled back not liking that I was called filth by a shield. She cringed causing the heat around her to wither.

"How dare you! I'm trying to prevent the worse demon in existence from escaping its prison, and this is what I have to deal with! A stuck up shield phantom with a hate for everything!" I boomed.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I said I'm sorry," she repeated.

"I-it's okay," I stuttered rubbing my neck feeling bad that I made a shield cry.

"What are you?" she asked.

"A person that's trying to save the world from himself."

"Why did you yell at me? Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, I know who you are. You're the power of the sun and sorry about yelling. I just don't like being called something I lived as."

"What do you want with me," she growled at me.

"Well, for help mostly. Other than that, to be friends cause you know. You're sentient."

"Hmpf," she noised turning her flaming head away from me. "Trying to be nice after your meanie yelling, you demon. I don't believe you."

"Why you little," my eye twitched. I prepared a spell to turn her into a less flaming being into something more fitting.

"You are nothing more than a nuisance, now take me home. I am unsure why you won't die, but I assure you. Celestia will make quick work of you!"

"Is that so," I said snapping my fingers, turning her into a human girl for shits and giggles.

"What did you . . ." she said looking down to her new, naked body. "AHHHHHHHH!" she screeched covering herself up with her new hands.

"What did you do to me!"

"I turned you into a real girl," I said turning myself into my human form.

"A human! That's worse than a demon! Celestia help me!"

"She isn't coming to save you," I said giving her my jacket.

"What do you mean!" she demanded covering herself up.

"She gave you to me."

"What?" she gasped. "Celestia wouldn't . . . you're lying!"

"Why would I lie when I'm showing you my old form?"

"No," she denied losing the fire in her red eyes. "She wouldn't. Why
would she just throw me away to a human?"

"She wouldn't, not unless she didn't trust me, but right now. I'm her only chance at saving her empire, but not without your strength. She doesn't know that I'm human, well, not yet anyways. So please be reasonable. I'm not your enemy."

"How can I now you won't just use me and throw me away if Celestia gave me to you?" she glared.

"Simple," I smiled. "Luna and I are best friends and I'm sure you want to see you sister again."

"My, sister? How do you..."

"Know about the moon presence?" I cut her off.

"...Yes," she nodded.

"I'll tell you if you can help me."


"Good, cause that's where we're going next."

"And where would that be?"

"The Moon!" I declared tapping into her power then teleporting us to the moon, leaving my ships on auto pilot.

Tomahawk was sitting in the cargo bay of the Aria, waiting for the new arrivals to wake up from their slumber. She didn't understand where all the new arrivals came from, only that they just appeared. She understood that if they were here. Then her master wants them alive and welcome in their new home. Nevertheless, Tomahawk was very annoyed at how many they are, and how well they were armed.

"Idiot," Tomahawk in a monotone tone.

Tomahawk waited patiently for the arrivals top wake up. During her wait, she collected every weapon she could find and safely store them for safe keeping.

"Last one," she said to herself as she spotted a simple rapier held by a diamond dog.

Just as she was about to grab it, she heard a sound from behind. Tomahawk turned her attention to the scuffle grasping the rapier with her magic. She was quick to notice that one of the two hundred passengers had woken up from her natural sense of detecting fear. The diamond dog was quick to fall silent when tomahawk took notice of him, but it was too late for the diamond dog to play possum.

"Get up," Tomahawk ordered, tapping the diamond dog onto of his head.

The dog lifted his hands in surrender and followed her orders. He was a fairly built diamond dog. More so than what she has seen since her return to the surface, but something was off about him. Just like all the other passengers around her, he had a scent that was strange like the land he hailed from was dank and filthy. Tomahawk didn't like his scent because of its strangeness, but she love Winters scent. It reminded her of something pure yet warm. She feared that she won't get to have that peace with all these newcomers around.

"Hey, hey take it ease," the dog said. "Do you know where I am?"

"That is none of your concern," Tomahawk replied moving towards the defensive. To her, this diamond dog was clearly not right in the head. He was too calm for his situation. A dangerous mindset that causes more problems in any given situation.

"Are you sure? Cause," He paused to take a quick look around. "They're others that would want to know the same thing when they wake up."

"Then you should wait till they wake up then."

"Umm, no," the diamond dog said casting a strange spell. Tomahawk quickly dodged the azure blue spear and knocked him back out with the butt of the rapier she was holding. The spear dissipated before it hit anything, but the reaction the dog gave her was very worrying. If all of the new arrivals were to act this way, then a full out battle could ensue.

"Lord Winter, please return with haste. These new blood's will cause trouble without your guidance," Tomahawk prayed.

Brimstone walk casually through the ship without a care in the world. Mostly because he had nothing to do or didn't care to find something to do. Brimstone knew that Winter ---- His kidnapper. Would be gone for a while, giving him time to snoop around.

Strolling down an empty corridor towards the armory of the ship, brimstone caught a glimpse of something moving in the shadows.

"Who's there?" he called, but there was no reply.

Brimstone hesitantly continued his stride for the weapons depot, hoping that whatever was following him in the shadows. Wouldn't become a problem with a weapon in his hoof.

"Finally," Brimstone said coming up to the door with a big sign the says; Armory.

"Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump."

"Who's there!" ordered Brimstone hearing the heavy sound of hoof steps from behind.

Brimstone didn't like what was lurking in the dark. He didn't like being prey like before. What made it worse was that this was Winters ship. A thing of both beauty, and horrifying power. Ever since Brimstone came to the ship, he felt this place was too unnatural. He slowly backed up to the door, checking down the hall to make sure the steps don't get too close to him.

He back up straight into the door and quickly turned to try and open it as fast as he could.

"Thump. Thump. Thump."

"Ah shit! What is up with this ship?" grunted Brimstone as he struggled to open the locked door.

"Thump. Thump."

"Twinkle, twinkle little star," a female voice sang. Brimstone jumped back around to the voice, and to the lights of the ship turning off.

"How I wonder what you are," it continued to sing.

"Who are you!" pleaded Brimstone feeling his heart beginning to race.

"Up above the world so high." Two pure white eyes lit up the hall in front of the hyperventilating Brimstone.

"Stay away!"

"Like a diamond in the sky," it slowly walked closer. Brimstone couldn't see nor move.

"When the blazing sun is gone," the girl giggled.

"When the nothing shines upon," it was mere feet away from Brimstone. Glaring at him with its unholy eyes.

"Then you show your little light. Twinkle, twinkle all the night."


"Then the traveler in the dark. Thanks for your tiny spark. He could not see which way to go. If you did not twinkle so." the girls eyes were getting brighter, trapping Brimstone.

"When the blazing sun is gone. When the nothing shines upon. Though I no not what you are. Twinkle, twinkle little star." The voice finished her song just a foot away from Brimstones face. Staring endlessly into his terrified eyes.

Brimstone felt something grab his legs. He looked down for a moment then back up to see that that eye's had vanished. Then he felt a slight tug. His heart sank.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Brimstone screamed as he was dragged into the abyss

"Ahhh,!" a male voice screamed from somewhere in the ship. Tomahawk, Lily, and Reaver turned their attention away from the waking crowd to see where the scream came from.

"Reaver, go check it out," ordered Lily.

"Why do I have to?" Whined Reaver.

"Are you strong enough to fight two hundred magic users if they wanted to fight?"

"Good point, but once I find the little girl. I'm gonna make fun of him for the rest of his life."

"Just get going," face palmed Lily.

"See you later then."

As Reaver walked out of the cargo bay, Lily could hear several people in the crowd begin to cry. Many of the waking captives freaked out when they first woke up from their slumber, but others just froze like the world around was trapped in time. Others, however, kept their cool and help keep order amongst the trouble makers in the crowd.

"Tsk . . . Winter when you get back you are so going to get a beating."

"What was that?" Tomahawk asked in her monotone voice.

"Nothing, let's just get everyone sorted out before a riot happens."

"Very well, but if you harm my hive king then I'll make sure you don't live to talk about it."

"Why would I kill my lord? Bat bug," Lily growled.

"What did you just call me?" Tomahawk said breaking from her monotone voice.

"A bat bug. What are you def of something?"

"Take that back you bitch," ordered Toma butting heads with Lily.

"Make me you fluffy changeling reject!" Lily growled back.

Lily and Toma butted heads with each other while the ver increasing crowd stared in bewilderment. Many of them didn't understand how they were acting like children during their confusing experience.

"Hey, Yuki. Do you think we should stop them?" Jet said to his friend.

"Nah, I see someone coming up to them. Probably to stop them from their fight." He replied.

"That's good."

Zephyr walked up to her two most favorite couple bickering again about something new. She was happy with her little prank with Brimstone e decided to help out with sorting out the new recruits.

"WHORE!" Lily screamed.

"MUTT!" Toma screamed back.

"Hey guy's!" cheered Zephyr. Lily and Toma punched Zephyr in unison causing her to fly across the bay like a ragdoll. She landed hard against the wall and slowly slid of like an old scab.

"What was that for!" cried Zephyr, but her friends kept shouting many profane words at each other.

"Never mind," sighed Yuki.


"So Luna, I was wondering. What do you know about the moon presence?" I asked sipping a cup of moon tea.

"The moon presence? We don't understand," Lulu replied.

"Well, this girl beside me is the power of the sun, and Tia gave her to me, but I am missing her sister for a spell I need," I said pointing to the girl across the table.

"Hmm, We can understand what you are asking for, but I am afraid that is no longer possible."

"Why?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Well, you see, she is currently locked in time a thousand years ago."

Great, the piece I came to the moon for was trapped behind a time lock a thousand years ago! How in hell am I suppose to retrieve the girl? Magic, a police box, a time gate?!

"We can see your frustration growing Winter. So please stop frowning. It's very disturbing."

"Sorry," I sighed. "But without that girl, I can't stop you know who from being free if I can prevent it."

"Hmmm, We can understand."

"But there is a way to retrieve the device."

"Really!" I cheered. "How?"

"It's a one-way trip though,"

One-way trip? That means that she can send me back in time with her powers, but she can't return me. That's a problem in of itself, but as smart as I am, I think I can figure out how to return without waiting a thousand years, but how?

"Alright then, send me away. I'm sure I can make it back in time to save the world," I chuckled.

"Aren't you afraid that you might not return? Or that you might die?" Luna said with a lot more concern than I thought she would show me.

"I am sure I'll be fine, but first I'll need to prepare myself before I leave. I don't want to be without a few weapons during the war that went on centuries ago."

Luna frowned unsurely of what to make of my disregard for my own safety. Though, I like the fact that she was genuinely worried for me, but feelings aside. I need to do this. Not because I want to, but because I need too.

"Very well then, but are you sure you can't use the spell without her? Knowing you, you can figure it out."

"I know, but I don't have that sort of time on my hands right now."

"Well, get prepared. We'll meet again at midnight. Please, bring only a few items with you."

"Okay mom," I smiled.

"Bye," Lulu smirked.


We returned to the island with my ships in record time by using a simple wind spell. It was evening when we made it to my island, and surprisingly the blizzard had ended. I guided the ships to the port and parked them beside the Aria with little effort.

"So this is The Land Of Snow?" asked Blaze my new companion.

"Yep," I said guiding her through the port. I turned us into griffins so not to freak out everyone when I walk in the front door.

"And that's your battleship?" Blaze said pointing to the Aria.

"Yep," I smirked opening the main cargo bay door with my magic.

"So where is everyone?"

"Probably keeping warm in the ship."

"But it's not cold out."


The doors opened up to the bay to the sound of shattering ice. Blaze stayed quiet for the most part during our trip home. Not that I mind, she was very annoying with her constant glaring and calling me a demon. Other than that, my new ships bought by Celestia were fairly decent. Once I returned from the past, I will begin outfitting them for war yet to come.

The door landed at my feet and soon after, two familiar girls were thrown out of the bay by something. That something was my scary stalker Zephyr. The girls that were thrown out of the ship was; Lily and Tomahawk.

"You'll pay for that Zephyr!" Lily and Toma declared.

The three girls ran at each other like crazed psychos and began to fight in the snow shouting rather raunchy words at each other.

"Um, Winter. Who are they?" asked Blaze.

"The white one is Lily. The black one is Zephyr, and the bat pony is Tomahawk," I sighed rubbing my eyes.

"Why are they fighting?"

"Because they hate each other for some fuck of a reason."

"Should you stop them?"

"That's what I was going to do," I said leaving Blaze at the door.

I walked up to the three girls fighting like rabid dogs. Frankly, I didn't like them fighting. They don't stop till everyone is passed out. Even then they still fight in their sleep! I grabbed all three with a spell I learned from the Windigo Grimoire called the hand of shadows. It was a simple spell that lets me use a giant demonic hand to grab things.

I grabbed the girls, separating them with ease Then I slammed all three of them together like ragdolls until they stopped trying to rip each others throats out. Once they called down, I let them go and dispelled my spell. The girls looked at my with wide eyes and quickly bowed their heads in shame and in pain.

I walked up to them. "So why are you three fighting?" I said smacking the three upside the head.

"They started it," Zephyr pointed to Lily and Toma.

"Why?" I glared.

"She!" Toma started.

"No one is pointing fingers!" I shouted cause the three to wince. "I gave the three of you simple tasks to complete. I didn't get any sleep last night. And I get very pissy when I'm tired. So you three can do what I asked you to, plus you can start cleaning the entire port of snow once you're done. Is that understood?"

"Yes my king," Yoma said.
"Yes my lord," Lily said.
"Yes husband," Zephyr said.

"Now get to it."

The three got up in unison and walked with their tails between their legs back to the ship. I followed behind them eyes twitching.

I walked with Blaze to the smithy to finish a project before I get sent back a thousands of years happy that the girls are doing what I asked them to do. This time without fighting. Knowing how fast they can go, they should be done by morning. I found Iron Maiden and Brimstone in the smithy working together on something. Curious as always, I check it out.

"Hey!" I said walking up to them. Brimstone jumped like a scaredy cat onto the anvil where Iron slammed down on his hoof.

"FUUUCK!" he screamed falling off of the anvil holding his hoof only to land face first on the ground knocking him out cold.

"Hehehe!" I laughed.

"That's not funny!" Iron said throwing a hammer at me.


"Son of a!" grunted holding my head from the pain of the hammer hitting my face.

"What was that for!" I demanded.

"You being an ass," she huffed.

"Whatever." I moaned teleporting an ice pack for my face. "Do you know where I left Crimson Eclipse?"

"She is on the table over there?" She pointed to the far end of the room while checking up on Brimstone.


I grabbed Crimson from the table and began to work on her. She was going to be my new scythe since my swords at a little overpowered to use in combat in any situation, and Lupus needed a sister to fight beside him. Crimson was a sniper scythe. A very steampunk sniper scythe made out of the same materials as her brother. The only thing missing were her clips, which shouldn't take too long.

"So where have you been?" asked Iron as I prepped the main mold for the clips.

"Equestria, why?"

"What for?"

"Supplies mostly. I also bought a couple of S class carrier ships," I said finishing one clip then moving onto the next one.

"Do you know what is going on around here?" she asked continuing her work.

"The girls were fighting, a bunch of people showed up, Brimstone was pranked in a very cruel way, the renegades were spotted and a bunch of other things. Why?"

"Nevermind, you already know everything," she shooked her head.

"That's my job, ya know," I said finishing another clip.

"Get back to work you," she growled ending any further conversation.

I leaned over the observation deck, feeling the cool evening breeze lapse through my fur. Eve though it was in early winter, the cold didn't bother me that much, but I think that's because I was wearing my armor. I was waiting to be teleported to the moon along with Blaze, my new hate filled friend.

I wondered what Blaze was thinking. For being a magical sentient shield, she sure didn't have the heart of one. She stayed close by while I got things sorted out with all the new recruits, finished my new weapon, checked on my three waifu girls to make sure that they were behaving. Then I put on my armor and getting some simple supplies for the road. During this time, she didn't speak a word unless spoken to, which was me most day's.

As curious as I was, I didn't bother to read her mind. It was my place to do so. But during the day when I was talking to Yuki one of my new recruits, she got very frustrated. I don't blame her. We were using jargon that only we could understand. Words like 'Yolo' and '42' really must have made us look like strangers. The others got somewhat concerned with us, but I just told them it was just words from my home, which they believed for the most part.

At least no one asked where I was going. There would have been some serious problem. Thankfully time travel would make sure that I am home by morning.

"Hey Winter," asked Blaze.

"Yeah?" I replied catching a snowflake on my tongue.

"What is going to happen when we arrive in the past?"

"I don't know. Probably we will end up in the middle of the final battle between Celestia and Nightmare Moon," I shrugged.

"Won't we be in danger if that happens?"

"Hardly," I assured her. "But if things get rocky, I'll protect you."

"Why would a demon protect something?" she snarked.

"Well, I care about though's who are crazy enough to be around me. Plus, I have a family I love."

"Demon with a family. Now I have heard it all!"

"You really don't like me at all?" I smirked.


"No matter, because we are leaving," I said feeling magic wrap around me.

"Why do I have to go again?"

"Because you are cute," I smiled.

"What?!" she blushed as the spell took effect.

My opened up slowly to the sound of fighting off in the distance. It was a sound like no other. I could hear shouts, planes, airships, and spells firing off in quick succession of each other like clockwork.

"There's one passed out of there!" shouted someone close by, and it didn't sound too friendly.

I got up as quick as I could realizing that we were possibly in grave danger.

"Hey, he's getting up!" another voice shouted.

"Get him!" the first ordered.

I shook my head and flexed my wings quickly from my soreness from the teleportation spell, just in time to swing Lupus from my back to catch an ax before it hit my face. I pushed the pony off with a grunt and unsheathed Crimson and equipped her in my left hand while standing on my hind legs. The pony in golden armor took a step back, realizing that he just made a horrible mistake. I spun my two scythes around my waist, neck wings and arms like an elf, ending the rotation with the main blades pointed outwards below my hips.

The pony shit himself.

"Winter! Where are you?!" Cried Blaze from afar.

"Over here!" I called back, not taking my gaze off of the trembling pony.

Blaze quickly found me and regrouped. She was a little shaken, but she was okay. She glanced at the petrified pony and saw the pile of poop under him.

"What are you going to do with him?" Blaze asked.

"I want to know what day is it," I growled.

"I-i-it's the final battle of Canterlot. Sir," the pony gulped.

"Shit, we best get going," I said sheathing my scythes.

"What for?" Blaze asked.

"I got to stop Celestia from fighting Nightmare Moon. She will never win."