The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 41. Battlefield Las Pegasus.

[Invaded by dark spirit Jesus0n7herun.]

"Son of a bitch they're everywhere!" I screamed in frustration.

After my quick encounter with the Havel spell caster outside of Hoffington. I teleported to Las Pegasus in the hope that such an encounter with a red phantom would not happen again. But I was wrong. Wave after wave of red invaders popped out of the ground like a daisy in the middle of winter! And what's worse is that when I attempt to banish them back from whence they came. They turn into either; a diamond dog, dragon, griffin or pony right in front of me. After which before they woke up I teleported them to my island for safe keeping. But they just won't stop coming!

I bolted through the flying casino city as my griffin-self in my dragon armor searching for the next invader. I spotted him on top of one of the casinos nearby. I wanted to get to him before he starts setting the city on fire with whatever spells he can use, but with the Royal guard showing up without notice to my every location. Didn't make things any easier to fight the invaders.

I flew to the top of The Rainbow mile casino with my scythe at the ready. The red invader stood by the skyline window for the casino. She was waiting for me just like the others before her. The invader was wearing a black witch armor set. In her right hand was a black katana and in her left hand was a white chime. A typical dexterity miracle class. I landed by the ventilation on my hind legs using my scythe for support. Making a game plan to beat this girl without having to blow up another section of the city. The last five invaders were all that way.

At least she isn't another Havel.

I bowed politely to her signaling to her that I was going to play fair in our duel. The witch did the same then she crouched down into a battle stance ready for our fight. Just as I was about to walk over to her, she strafed to the right onto the window and fell through.

"Gravity," I facepalmed.

Disappointed, I sat down on a vent to wait for the next invader to pop up out of the ground like daisies in the middle of winter. During these quick down times, I try to figure out why all these invaders were popping into this world, but, of course, the logical explanation would be that a god is sending all these invaders at me. Probably with some sick for of reward if they beat me, but that can't be right. If they lose they end up on my island. So what do they get if one of the beats me?

"Sir Winter!" shouted a voice from afar. I turned my attention to the voice to see that Captain Midnight Thunder and his group was coming to me for some unknown reason other to ask a million questions.

Midnight landed in front of me with his matching groupies in unison. Midnight was the captain of the Las Pegasus guard and probably the edgiest pony in all of Equestria. He was a fairly big station, probably as big as Shinning armor, but there was just one problem. He had a red and black anime style mane, dark gray coat, amber eyes and a cutie mark of two scythes creating a shield behind a thunderhead.

God, I hate edgy ponies. At least I'm recognized as a knight without my title being official yet.

"Yeah," I said lamely.

"Sir Winter where is the enemy?" he asked pulling out his moon shaped battle ax.

"Dead," I pointed to the hole in the window to the casino.

"Celestia damn it," he grunted putting his thing away.

[Invaded by dark spirit Sunset Kitten69.]

"Well, are there anymore? I've heard that Las Pegasus was the last place where these things were showing up."


"Yeah. The boys from all over the place having been saying that the red guys were popping up everywhere! Seriously, man, I heard that over a hundred were taken down in Manehattan alone! Our reports say that two hundred plus popped up all over and Las Pegasus was the last place to get them." Midnight explained.

"God damn it," I grunted realizing that I have two hundred more mouths to feed, which means I'm going to have to buy two ships full of rations for everybody.

"Oh well," I sighed catching a javelin sized arrow with one hand nonchalantly from the red invader across the street.

"There's one over there," I pointed. Just before the group left for the fight, I snapped my fingers killing the invader with the javelin he shot at me.

[Invader banished.]

"Opps, never mind," I mocked for how slow they were.

"You're an ass."

"I know."

[Final wave.]

"What the fuck?" I said in the confusion of the sudden new hovering words in front of me.

"What do ya mean?" asked Midnight, but before I could reply. A hundred invaders popped into existence all around us.

"Never mind," the captain said watching all the invaders pop up around us on the roof.

The four of us went into formation creating a circle to cover all openings. All the invaders directed their attention to our group and rushed us like maniacs. This was no longer a joke anymore with the amount of absurdity. Whoever this god is that is bringing the invaders to this world, really doesn't like me.

"Sir, any plans?" Midnight asked.

"Don't die," I replied breaking the formation to my first target.

"Works for me!" he shouted taking down one invader with a single slash of his over sized battle ax.

I spun Lupus around my neck then around my waist to gather momentum, then with a swift uppercut, I drawn and quartered a havel with ease. The I back stepped doing a jump attack from a greatsword wielding ninja, but straight into a backstab from behind. Thankfully my armor is almost impenetrable so no damage was taken.

I kicked my backstabber off of the roof then I blocked a spell with my wings flowing back into my momentum taking down several more invaders.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Midnight and his followers taking down all the invaders with as much ease as I. These guys were much more skilled than your average guard.

Well, I guess not all of Celestia's storm troopers are useless.

I summoned my newest addition to my arsenal of weapons. My limo sized railgun that I fashioned awhile ago, but with some improvements. I made it lighter so that I could use it with one hand and added a clip for auto reload. And shaped it into a dragon head and neck with the skull of a dragon that I had lying around. I jumped up into the air with it, aimed down and pulled the trigger.

The building and all the invaders on it died from the blast. Midnight and his crew barely got off of the roof before I collapsed into a million pieces, but there were still fifty invaders left standing. I aimed the railgun at them and fired killing the rest of them in an instant.

"Holy shit this thing is awesome!" I cheered lifting my giant metal arm in the air for everyone to see.

[Final boss.]


Midnight and his crew flew up to me never taking their gaze off of the railgun. Not that I blamed them. I did just destroyed two buildings with it.

"Sir what the fuck is that?" Midnight gasped, but not to my weapon. I followed his gaze to a dragon that popped up on another building, but it was big and in a full suit of armor and not alone. The dragon that Midnight was looking at was in Artorias's armor. The dragon's I was looking at was in Orenstein's and Smoughs armor. And to make things worse. Brume, Velstadt, Alonne, The four kings, The Mirror knight, and Gwyn showed up as dragons.

"What the fuck is up with this Dark soul obsessed god," I groaned.

"Sir what do we do?" asked the rather calm Midnight.

"Praise the sun, evacuate the city, run like hell, cheat?"

"Sir, they noticed us," Midnight said gripping his ax with shaking hooves. "Now's not the time to wait around."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going with a cheat."

"And what would that be?"

"Simple; Run behind them and butt poke them!"

"Not helping!" Midnight said as I shot a bullet at Alonne, knocking him off the roof he was on killing him instantly.

"Better?" I mocked.

"I see! Knock them off of the buildings!" he ordered to his lackeys.

"There ya go," I deadpanned.

"Well let's go!"

Midnight and his crew bolted down to Gywn as their first target while I aimed my last bullet at Brume. With my last shot, it missed and Brume lunged at me with his black great sword. I easily dodged in the air and watched him fall to his death.

"Two down, three to go," I sighed while sending my railgun back home.

I looked over to Midnight and his crew and saw them finish of Gywn. Happy with how things were going, I charged for the dragonslayer duo. I landed in front of Smough on my hind's, but he didn't leave any openings. He smashed his hammer down on me, barely giving me enough time to block with my scythe. The impact caused me to drop to one knee in a struggle to hold my ground.

Time to see if the statute did anything to me.

I pushed up with all my might causing Smough to stumble back.

"Holy shit," I gasped. "Hulk got nothing me now!"

I smirked at me new found strength and charged for a second barrage. Orenstein trusted his spear at me. I blocked and scrapped my scythe down the shaft, then halfway down, I jumped and uppercut the dragonslayer, pushing him to the edge along with Smough. I twisted my body midflight towards them and flipped my scythe around and golf swinging them off of the roof.

"One left," I said flying towards the last foe along with Midnight.

We both positioned our weapons for a unison fatally. Once the range of Velstadt. We swung our weapons towards each other like a pair of scissors, connecting against the neck and with one final push. We decapitated him, then landed behind him and did the same thing as before. This time cutting him in half, finishing him off in a bloody mess.

Ryoko matoi would be proud.

[Boss defeated. ]

"That was fun," I said sitting down on the roof and looked out to the burning city.

"Yep," Midnight said sitting beside me. "Hey, we make a pretty good team."

"Yep," I agreed.

"So, do you think Celestia will get mad at us for destroying a city?"

"Nah," I said snapping my fingers, instantly repairing the city and also draining all of my magic.

"You are such a cheater."

"I know."

I couldn't believe how many dark soul style invaders ended up in Equestria. I thought such a thing would be impossible, or at least very difficult to pull off. Then again, a god decided he was going to have his own pawn join this game of impossibility, but not two hundred! Seriously, what a drag.

In much less armor, I walk to the shipping yards in Hoffington. This time with less Havel's trying to be friends with you. With four hundred mouths to feed, I had to buy a couple of ships to supply my island with the necessities I require. I am sure that Tomahawk can handle organizing all the humans turned whatever before I get back. The worst she'll have to deal with is the fact that most of them are probably bronies like me because a lot of the souls community are just that.

"Poor tomahawk," I chuckled.

I wondered why a god would send so many, it's not like they would be much use for him to bring them here, or anywhere for that matter. I'm sure that he would probably give them the same skills as the character they created to give them some advantage, but not much. Other than that, I think they were sent as a prank. Poor bastards, especially the one's that got their genders switched.

I walked slightly sore from the battle to the main office in the shipping yards to buy a few ships. I didn't pay much attention to the spite I was getting from the other sailors packing up for an early morning hull. I was more curious about Captain Midnight Thunder. The much more useful guard of Equestria. He didn't seem too bothered that I repaired an entire city with just the snap of my fingers. It was like a normal occurrence to him, but why? Also, what is up with his ax? He was way too skilled to be just a regular guard. Or maybe I'm just overthinking things again?

"Whatever. I should get out of here before Celestia finds me."

"Too late," said a woman from behind.

Fuck me with a giant pole.

"How do you now where I am all the time?" I said turning to face Celestia and her storm troopers.

"That's a secret."

"Tsk . . . Anyway, can I help you?"

"You may."

"Okay, what is it? I'm kind of in a hurry."

"What were those red things?"

"A god's way of pranking the world," I said walking into the dealership with Celestia.

"A prank? By whom."

"Probably a god that plays way too many games."


"That's all I got,"

"Very well. May I help you with something?" she asked not giving a damn.

"Sure," I said walking up to the main desk. "She is buying me three super carriers," I said to the Secretary.

"That's quite an order sir!" the mare gasped. "What are they for?"

"Supply runs mostly."

"It's fine, give him what he needs. All expenses are on me for his service in Las Pegasus."

"You heard about that?" I said receiving the paperwork from the mare.

"Indeed. Captain Midnight told me you were quite the help."

"That's good," I yawned.

"Here you are sir. Your carriers will be flight ready in an hour," the mare said.

"Thank you. Anything else Tia?"

"Not at the moment. I am here to make sure that no more of those invaders show up."

"Well that's good, but I need something from you."

"What is it now?"

"Your power."

Once I told Celestia what I wanted from her, she went into a defensive state of mind. Celestia teleported us to the roof of the building where we wouldn't be disturbed.

"What do you mean by you want my power?" Tia growled.

"Not all of it," I defended. "Only like ten percent."

"Why. Do you have any Idea what would happen to me?"

"Yes, I do. You'll gradually become weaker, but that fate is unavoidable. As much as I don't want to, I need to for a certain spell for . . . later."

"Is that fate you speak of necessary and what sort of spell. Well, answer me!" she yelled.

"One word Tia. Malice."

Celestia's eyes went wide in terror to that name. She clearly didn't like the fact that I know of him either, but why was she freaking out all of a sudden? Did she meet the guy in person or something?

"No," she shook her head in denial. "That can't be."

Welp, time to tell her a bit of what I know.

"It is and will be if I don't stop it first. I have already started the spell and I just need four more things. A portion of your power is one of them and . . ."

"I'll do it," she cut me off.

". . . What?"

"I'll give you the power in which you speak of. You need the power of the sun," she said teleporting something to us.

"Here. Take it and leave. I don't want to see you until the ceremony. Now go," she ordered giving me an stare shape shield.

"Why so submissive?" I asked confused.

"I rather not talk about it. Just leave."

"Okay, erm. . . bye?"

More confused than ever, I took my new ships, filled them up with supplies and flew back to my island.