The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 40. Tomahawk missile.

"Hello?" Asked Tet through his chess piece shaped phone.

"Is this Tet?"

"Hell yes, mister! How may I help you?" Tet cheered.

"I have a problem that needs solving," asked the phone.

"What kind? Is your chess board broken?"

"It will be soon. So can you add a special flavor to fix the board?"

"You got it!"


Tet hung up his phone smiling with glee. He was waiting for that call. To be invited to the game of absolute chaos and mischief. He wondered how he was going to interact with the world. He thought of many ideas before hand. From sending a sentient king piece to a talking book, but only one thing that came to mind. He knew of this game from a place he had interacted before. A game where death was important to the world. Tet manipulated a few hundred of the consoles to be portals so that the people who used them would be transported to Equestria, but with one twist. As the character of that game and if they die. They stay in Equestria forever.

"Let my game begin!" Tet cheered snapping his finger to activate his plan.

I sat in the cargo bay of my ship on top of a crate. I was taking a survey of all the people that came through the portal with me. From what I could tell there were at least one hundred and twenty-five people in all. There was; diamond dogs, dragons, griffins, ponies, changelings, zebras, and felines and all of them were no bigger than me. It looked like I kidnaped an entire school worth of kids.

Other than the fact I had freed a bunch of hell children, I have to make sure that they will listen to me. I didn't want to know what Hades would do to me if I didn't take responsibility for them. I'll start by changing them back into normal civilized beings If that's even possible. Once my chaos magic returns. But for know words will have to do.

"Hey listen up!" I shouted to the excited crowd that was practically jumping with joy for their freedom, but they didn't listen.

"Hey!" I shouted louder, but still no effect on the crowd. The first thing that came to mind to get the attention of the crowd was the Royal Canterlot Voice. I prepped the spell with what little magic I have and cast away.

"I SAID LISTEN TO ME!" The crowd stop in their chaos giving me their full attention.

"Thank you," I sighed with relief, but that thought didn't last.

"Fuck you cum twat!" shouted a zebra from somewhere in the center of the crowd.

"Drop dead," said a dragon in front of me and many more insults followed afterward.

My eye twitched in annoyance. I couldn't believe that they were treating me this way! I freed them from hell, how can they just give you a big fuck you to that! I wasn't going to take any of it. I checked to see how much of my chaos magic returned. Happy with how quickly it was regenerating, I summoned my lupus from my room and turning myself into my dragon form in my Ornstein armor.

The crowd was quick to shut up with their insults at the scary scythe wielding black dragon. Happy with the new found order, I made my superiority quite clear to them.

"You all have two options. 'A' I kill you, sending back to hell. Or 'B,' You all listen to me and I'll spare you. Is that understood?" The crowd collectively growled in response.

"Why should we!?" one shouted from the front.

"Why you ask?" I pondered. "Well, it's simple really. I can turn you into a form that can put you into heaven, or I can kill you. It's up to you to earn the gift of purification, but I won't it give that gift out so easily to just anyone."

The crowd gasped in disbelief, a response I wasn't expecting. I know I can purify the corruption in all of them. It just takes a bit of soul re-writing, but who deserves it?

"Anyone else that would like to add to that comment?" I asked the crowd. "No? Well then, let's start with some sort and file."

(Days later.)

"Tomahawk, what is our status on our food supply?" I asked my new second hand.

"One week left if we rationed it," Tomahawk replied.

"Damn, well I guess we should go far a resource run after we finish storing the treasury. How much long till that's done?"

"Three days," she quickly answered.

"Tsk . . . A little slow, but I can work around it. Thank you for the help. You can take a break for awhile. I have some of my things I have to work out on my own."

"As you wish," Tomahawk said bowing her head and leaving the bridge of my ship to do whatever she does on her down time.

After a few days since the arrival of my child crew, I quickly made use of all of those willing to listen to me willingly. Tomahawk was one of those who chose to follow. She was a changeling, though a very strange one. She didn't need to rely on love, she had a much more feminine figure compared to other changelings and her mane was a dark blue. Not the typical changeling that you would find elsewhere especially since she was more pony than anything. The only way I could tell she was a changeling was from her ability to disguise herself into anyone she wanted, that, and she had fangs. She seems to believe that I'm her new king of her hive, which is somewhat flattering, but I didn't believe it.

Tomahawk helped me with all the organization of my crew. Sorting out who goes where and who does what. Without her help, I would be greatly far behind on the tasks that I need to accomplish before my knightly coronation.

It didn't take long before my powers returned, but as mysteriously as they left. I couldn't understand why they were on the fritz, but at least I have control again. Since my magic returned, I turned those that followed me to a safe age, mostly the dragons and put them to work with what I needed to get done.

Aside from the whole windigo problem that ran away when I got back, many more raised. Most of my problems came from all those who chose to not follow me. Even though the number was small, like twenty or so. They still managed to take half of the food supply as kids. A minor inconvenience which will resolve itself when they run out of food.

The other problem was trying to find time to retrieve the moon presence for my plan. Without it, I can't get the other four devices that I need. I already have the pride of griffins which I took its power for my own and placed the empty husk of a statue back where I found it.

The power itself wasn't that special. The statue only gave me the power of a thousand warrior griffins. Which when I think about it, it wasn't much. The moon presence is what I need at the moment.

According to legend, the moon presence should allow me to walk into the dreams of others just like Luna. And I will be able to use it to time travel without spending an ungodly amount of magic to do so. But the presence is on the moon, with Luna.

Another problem for me to deal with, but it will have to wait until I can ensure the safety of my new crew.

I turned from my three-D map to check up on Lily and the others. I kept a safe distance from them as a just in case that my new followers felt betrayed. They knew why I was doing it, but now I feel like it's time to give them the rundown as to why over a hundred or so are living in the ship with us.

When I introduced my friends with the new additions, things didn't go so well. Especially when Zephyr and Lily got too close to each other. Let's just say they immediately fought like two rabid teenage wolves over a cute fuzzy rabbit. And that rabbit was me. I'm not sure why though, but I think it was because Zephyr made fun of Lily's height? I don't know. I could be the other way around.

I walked into the V.I.P crew deck where Lily and the others were staying. I had to move them once the additions were made to prevent another death match between Lily and Zephyr. The first time was bad enough, causing severe damage to the shower room by the exercise deck. Now those parts are a reminder not to get in between two crazy chicks and their prey.

I walked into the lounge wondering where Lily was. I must talk to her right away before I leave to buy a ship back in Equestria. For various reasons, but she wasn't there. Come to think of it, no one was in the lounge. Usually, there is one or two in the lounge talking about various things that go on during the day especially Iron maiden, but not even she was in here. Confused, I turned on my silver eye spell to find them without having to run throughout the ship.

I quickly found everyone, but not in a place that I was expecting. Azura, Iron, and Brim were all around the door to Lily's room trying to get her to come out, but with little success. Frustrated, I made my way there.

"Lily darling, please come out," Iron said to the door as I walked up to the three. Azura was quick to spot me telling the others that I was coming. All three turned my way giving each other worried glances, telling me that something was very wrong with this picture.

"Oh, Winter, what are you doing here. Shouldn't you be working on, whatever it is that you do?" stammered Iron.

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same question?" I replied walking up to the door.

"Well, we are just trying to get Lily up for, ah," Brim said jumping in front of the door, supported by Azura. "Training!" Azura added.

"Yes, training! That is what we are doing, hehe," Iron finished.

If that wasn't a big lie, then I don't know what is, but something must be wrong with Lily, but what?

"Right, and I'm pink! Now get out of the way so I can talk to Lily," I ordered. Just as I was about to place my hand on the door nob, Iron smacked it away. My eye twitched.

"Get out of the way before I start yelling," I growled not pleased with what they were hiding.

"You don't want to go in there," said Brimstone.

"I'll be the judge of that. Now leave," I said deepening my voice. All three did what I said. Once they were out of sight, I opened the door to Lilys room.

A lump underneath the white covers curled into a ball to the quiet slam of the door to her room. I knew it was Lily judging from the size of the lump on the bed. But why was she hiding? Was it me or. Something else. As I walked closer to the bed becoming more and more worried. The little lump began to tremble like it was afraid of something. I sat down beside the bed without saying a word and sat there quietly waiting for the trembling lump to stop.

I waited and waited for several hours in silence, but I couldn't wait for ages. My worry was growing to the point that I was about to rip off the blanket and shake her until she tells me, but that wouldn't be very helpful.


"Stop sighing so much!" the lump demanded. I cracked a smile to how adorable that was, but I shouldn't tease her right know for it.

"Then come out of the covers," I said.

"NO!" she whined.

"Why?" I asked.

No, answer.

"Lily what's wrong? Was it Zephyr again?"

Again, no answer. I used my silver eye as X-ray vision to see if it was a physical problem, which I quickly learned it was. She was human again. I sighed, knowing that she doesn't want to lose her friends for being something she is not. I can understand it, being a widely feared legend throughout the land. You have to be careful with who sees you like this, but why was she human again? Not to make her feel out of place I turned myself into human form for her in a simple black Kimono.

"Lily, how are you human again?" I asked.

"I don't know!" she cried. "Ever since last night I have been like this, and I don't know why!"

"Come out," I said sitting down on her bed beside her and rubbed what I assumed was her head gently.

"No," she said.

"If you don't I'm coming in."

"Go away," she sniffled.

"You are acting like a child," I pointed out.

"I don't care, just go away."


"I'm coming in," I said lifting up her blankets. She attempted to kick me out but with no success. I managed to tackle her underneath the covers until she stopped squirming and kicking in a hissy fit for solitude, but in the end I was stronger. Lily gave up after I got her into a tight hug to which she accepted with a little whimper. Her head rested on my chest silently sobbing away. She was clearly miserable and fearful for what was to come. Just be feeling how tight she was holding me, she didn't want to be left alone as an outcast because she was different. That I would leave her. Alone.

"Its ok," I said trying to calm her down. "I'm here, you know I'll be here."

"Why is this happening to me?" she begged.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"But you always know," she whispered.

"I know," I chuckled. "Maybe your sword ran out of energy and the spell was released? But for now I can use my magic to turn you back. Will that be alright?" I assured her. She nodded in my chest.

"Do you want to stay like this for awhile?" She nodded again.

"Okay," I said wrapping my arms around her and adjusting the blankets.

"By the way. Azura told me that she caught you playing with yourself. Care to explain?" I teased.

"What!" she shouted jumping out of my hold blushing like a fire hydrant.

"N-n-NO, I WASN'T!" Lilys blushed deepened. And her large breasts were showing.

"As much as I would like to play with them. Now wouldn't be the right time," I said covering my eyes.

"What do you mean by, them?" she asked confused.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed covering her breast by snuggling back to me.

"You didn't see anything!" she hissed.

"Too late," I coughed from her punch that she gave me into my side.


With Lily back to normal as her diamond dog self and everyone tucked into bed for the night. I teleported to Equestria just outside of Hoffington. The night was lovely, the snow was bright and there was a red sign the said; Invaded by dark spirit CaptainJizz3443 in front of me.

Wait . . . Invaded by dark spirit?

I looked around to see if this was a prank or something only to find a person come up out of the ground as a red phantom armed to the teeth in Havels gear.
