//------------------------------// // Reunion Of Treasured Friends // Story: You Hold The Only Key To My Heart // by ~Desire~ //------------------------------// Soul Symphony’s Point Of View Not only did I gain my cutie mark that day, I also became a part of a family for the first time in a long while. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna adopted me into the family as a sister, although I do not have an important task like either of them. I was simply there to take care of the broken hearts, timid fillies, hateful rivals, and to be a friend to Celestia and Luna. A pony who preferred to work behind the curtains, out of sight, but still there, helpful as ever. I can't remember how I became an alicorn though, every time I would try to remember I'd get a migraine, and neither Princess Celestia or Princess Luna would answer my relentless questions. So, I left it, it must be too complicated or strange for me to remember as a young filly. Brushing away my deep thoughts, I turned toward the doorway of my bedroom and trotted out, finding my way downstairs and out into the fresh air. My wings fluttered on my back, desperate to be unfurled so that I could soar through the sky. Pausing, I turned to examine them, the magenta jewels swirling with magic that I had stored in them from a young age. Blinking, the surface of the gems bent and twisted my eye at odd angles, making a giggle rise in my throat at how ridiculous it looked. Wait. Was that...? Looking out of the window, I suddenly realized what else had changed out of the usual today. Eyes as wide as the moon, I gaped at the thick blanket of snow coating the world like icing on a cake, sparkling as though each snowflake was made of diamond. Sighing in awe, I stood in the blissful silence, before trotting back inside to grab my fluffy cloak. Rushing upstairs, I threw the doors to my cupboard open and I grabbed my winter outfit. A long, thick, soft silver white cloak lined with a fluffy, dazzling white fur that had been studded with small blue and cherry gems. A matching set of snow boots designed to fit under my bracelets snugly clung to my hooves, warming them splendidly. I had asked a young designer by the name of Rarity to create something comfortable, but suitable for a royal. Laughing, I recalled how excited she had sounded in the letter I had received back. I must stop getting so distracted, I thought in mild annoyance, before I left for the second time that day. This time, I will be ready for anything! I thought with delight, excited to face the fresh winter day. Oh? I haven’t explained to you what I meant by that? Well, today is my first day living in Pony Ville, a community of ponies in which Twilight Sparkle resides. Smiling fondly at the thought of making my first friend, I remembered the reason why I was here. I was here to take a break from the royal life, Princess Luna had told her, before 'banishing' me to Pony Ville. 'It's not as though you can send some pony away to somewhere that is quaint and peaceful. It's too...nice' I snorted in laughter, my heart feeling lighter already. With a sigh, I decided to quit stalling and leave already. Sitting on the edge of Pony Ville, my house was close enough for a five minutes’ walk but far enough for some decent peace and quiet. The snow crunched softly beneath my boots, and snowflake’s caught on my eyelashes, fluttering to the ground when I blinked hurriedly. Twittering madly, a few birds swooped to the safety of their warm homes, nestled deep in the trees’ canopies. Rabbits darting into burrows, I wished I had brought Tamara with me, she would have loved this. However, it is winter, and she’d enjoy nothing more than to sleep beside the blazing fireplace. “I’m just glad that I vaguely know somepony here…” I whispered shyly, afraid to be ambushed by some strange ponies. Shaking my head frantically, I buried myself deep into thought and stared at the ground, my wings held tightly to my body and my tail swishing nervously as I spotted a few buildings come into view. Picking my head up, I made the most of this first impression and forced myself to be confident, although butterflies soared around in my stomach like dragons in the sky. Eyeing the buildings, I looked for the library, hoping to see the mare I could just remember from my filly hood. There. She stood by an apple stall, talking happily to a soft tan pony with a blonde mane and bright emerald eyes. Beaming, I could feel my horn glow happily as I approached, unable to hold in my excitement. I hadn't seen her in such a long time that it took me a while to recognize her. Pausing, I focused on sending my magic flowing through my mane and tail, a very weak wind waving it slightly. If you are a royal, you must be sure to at least show your heritage, Princess Luna had reprimanded me when I was reluctant to learn the flashy move. Twilight must have felt my surge of magic, because she immediately turned and smiled politely, bowing as though it were one of the Day and Night Princesses. I rolled my eyes, "I will have none of that, Twilight Sparkle, I have no crown upon my head, I am just another pony for now." I joked, hoping to break the ice with her. Luckily it worked, and this time she lightly smiled in amusement, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Soul Symphony."