The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 39 Welcome to hell.

"Who's there?!" I ordered to the unknown voice that came from the darkness. I wasn't in the mood to be fucked around with, especially after falling several thousand miles from the surface.

"No one special. I'm just here to heal you up and then give you the rundown of how your personal heaven works," the voice chuckled.

"What do you mean? Aren't I supposed to be in hell?"

"I'll explain later once you're all healed up," she said.

It took a second after her proclamation for the pain to stop, and I could stand up. I looked around to see where the voice was coming from, but nothing was there in the rotting meadow. Though, it didn't take long before the thing appeared before me.

"Having fun?" said the all gray alicorn.

"Not really. Falling several thousand feet into hell, waking up in agony, then meeting a grey alicorn with a toxic miasma for a mane, isn't my kind of fun," I gulped taking in her terrifying presence. "But where are my manor's, I'm Winter, and you are?"

The alicorn raised her brow in amusement at my blatant attempts to become friends.

"I don't have a name, but everyone around here calls me Warden. Thank you for your politeness. It is quite rare down here," she smiled.

"I bet, so, not to be rude at the moment, but can you tell me where I am?" I asked.

"Of course," Warden bowed. "As I said a moment ago, you are in hell. Your hell, but it looks pretty tame for you. While others would go insane at first glance. This place Is called the garden of corruption, a place for those so impure that regular torment wouldn't work as a punishment for their deeds. You will spend you time here for all eternity and don't try to break out. You can't."

I looked around having a much more appreciation for my temporary cell. I know I would quickly figure out how to break out with little effort. This place, just like the other areas of Tartarus was built by Latin magic. And I know everything about Latin magic. Al's I have to do is find the main magical circle and break it or warp it to my desire.

"Is there anyone else here other than me?" I asked.

"A few, but they spend their time killing each other or fucking. It depends on their mood."

"Okay. Anything else before I break out with possibly the most fucked up people of Equestria?" Warden game me an incredulous look not happy with what I just said.

"And how to you plan on breaking out?" She raised her brown not impressed.

"Simple," I said getting ready to fuck with her head. "I'm Deus sĒ½culum. I know everything about the magic used to make this prison," I laughed a laugh that would upset the purest of souls.

"Riiiiiight. And I like pink fluffy unicorns that dance's on rainbows," she denied. Her denial gave me an idea. An evil musical idea.

"Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows," I sang jumping on the spot.

"Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows." The Warden started to back away in annoyance of my song. "Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows," I continued till she left.

I walked for what it seemed like hours through the meadow. The soft field was rather comforting despite it was mostly rotting grass and unknown flowers. The air was fairly nice against my fur. I was surprised when it picked up. You would think that being in hell would be all fire and burning alive, but this is not the case. I was not expecting to have a leisurely stroll just like any average day.

Then again, this is just an average day for me.

There wasn't a day since I arrived in Equestria that was normal. Today was no different. When I have a normal day, I would be trying to figure out how Latin magic works. Mostly to try and figure out how Tartarus works. The enchantments used to create my current prison was curious to say the least, but now that I'm here, I can finally finish my research on this matter.

When I find the end to this black sunned dome, and hopefully with a few more insane friends. I shall attempt to break out. Since Warden said that there were others here with me. I should bring them over to my side, but I have to be careful. If they are as smart as I think they are. They would try to use me for their own benefit.

I wonder if Starlight glimmer would end up here? The question makes some sense in my mind. She is trying to release a super demon from this place in the hope of controlling it and then using it as a weapon. Meh, a question for another day. I wonder if Warden was a human at one point? I thought.

"Then maybe you should ask her?" said a rather cute person from behind. I turned around lazily to see a cute little diamond dog. Judging from her white and black appearance she was a Siberian husky with a hair dew similar to a bad hair day. She was small, maybe around three feet high, just half a head taller than me. And apparently she can read my mind.

"The was the idea, but I'm currently trying to leave this place. Yeah, know, things I got to do, places I want to see," I said, turning back around to continue my walk through hell.

"Oh..." the girl sighed. "I wish I could see the outside world again too."

"I know!" she proclaimed catching up to me.

"We can play a game, a really awesome game. Do you wanna play with me?"

I didn't have time to deal with her. I need to get out of her before I go insane. Well, more insane.

"Sorry, not happening."

"What?" She growled.

"I said. Not happening." The girl grabbed my tail and yanked me to the ground straight into a pin. It was at this moment I realized that I just made a terrible mistake.

"You are going to play with me," she giggled with a bit of crazy in her eye as she holds me down by the throat.

"And we are going to have fun! Hehehehe," she lifted a paw and dropped it down on my face knocking me out cold.

"Lot's of fun."

I woke up to a feeling that I something was amiss. It was like I was bound still in an uncomfortable position was the scent of death that hung in the air. I fearfully opened my eye's to a slit, hoping that this was all just a dream, but alas it wasn't.

I was sitting at a table in a small room made of the bones of dead people. The sight wasn't what upset me in the slightest. It was the rotting corpses and the makeshift utensils also made of bones that were unsettling. I spotted a door to my right as well as a window just beside it, but from where I was sitting, it was locked by a skull shaped deadbolt.

At least the girl wasn't around, but I knew that thought wouldn't last.

The girl would return soon, and I didn't want to find out what she is going to do to me. I made an attempt to move from my position but was stopped by something binding my wrists. I looked down to figure what was holding me back and was quickly disheartened from the chains holding me in place. And that I was in a dress made of dead black flowers.

"Fuck me," I muttered trying to move my hands. I didn't want to be in this tea part of hell, which was quite literal.

I struggled to break out of my binding, but after just a moments had past. I heard something come up to the door. I stopped at what I was doing and decided to play possum till the event was over. The door opened with a subtle rustle of the ground under it and from the size of the footsteps coming in. It was the little girl.

"Griffin, I'm home!" she called like I was her dead crossdressing housewife. I didn't dare respond. I was more concerned with my safety.

"Hmm, I think we should have some fun before our guest arrive. Wouldn't you agree?" she asked walking up to the base of where I was sitting. I felt her stop just short of stepping on my tail and rested her paw on my head.

"Yes honey, I would love to have some fun with you," she said deepening her voice and shaking my head, treating me like her puppet.

Oh god! What the hell does she mean by fun?!

"You are so dirty Mr. Griffin, but I think we should start things a little bit slow. This is our first time after all. And I want it to be special," she purred. She got up on the chair and rested her crotch against mine and wrapped her arms around my head for support.

Thank god it's not torture!

"You now how to treat a lady," she said, beginning to rub the place I don't want to talk about. In my mind, I knew she was over a hundred years old, but if it weren't for our current bodies being no older than a six-year-old. I would be somewhat fine with this. Even though it feels like I'm being raped. But I got to stop this before it gets too far I don't want to know what else she was going to do to me.

I opened my eyes, making her neck my target. While she was looking the other way, I bit down on her neck hoping that the pain would pull her off of me. The react that the girl gave me was not what I was hoping to receive.

"Ah~" the girl moaned in delight from my bite. "Bite harder Griffin, it feels so good!"

Shit she likes it! I have to get away from her before thigs get worse.

I quickly pulled off from my failed attempt of freedom and prepped out a new strategy. If I was going to break out, I'm going to do whatever this girl whats me to do, that or I could trick her into helping me but it's worth a shot. Even though she is batshit crazy!

"Get off me!" I demanded. The girl stopped her naughty movements and gave me a pouty face.

"Why? Aren't we having fun?"

"You are, but I'm NOT!"

"That's not fair to me ya' know. If I get off what are you going to give me in return?"

"I can give you freedom from this place, but only if you help me by NOT raping me," I quickly thought.

"Freedom?" she stared at me in disbelief. "What do you mean by freedom?"

"I know how to break out of this place and go to the outside world, but I can't do if I'm here now can I?" She pondered this for a moment which means that my plan is working.

"How?" she asked.

"Simple, this place was built by a magic created by my people. I know how to break every single spell that binds this place. All I have to do is get to the entrance, say a word, and get thrown out of Tartarus to wherever I want to," I explained.

"How can I believe you?"

"You don't, but if you come with me I can assure you that you can continue our little game, but as adults."


"Hmm, Ok, but if you fail epically than you are mine for the rest of eternity. Deal?" she demanded.

"Deal," I replied.

Zephyr, the girl that kidnaped me and attempted to rape freed me from my bindings. She also let me take off the dress and gave me back all my things, including the statue of Boreous. I was somewhat thankful to her, even though how she acted towards me was akin to a crazy stalker. I gave her a half-hearted thanks and then she began to lead me to the magic circle for my freedom.

Zephyr led me out of her house made of bones to the city of the garden of corruption. According to her as we walked through the meadow, the city was built out of the bones of everyone that lives here. It was a little morbid, even for me to handle, but I could care less on how these guys lived down here. I was more concerned on how I was going to break and reverse the spell that blocks anyone from escaping this prison.

Since I knew that Tartarus was built a long time ago by humans and ponies alike, using a far more ancient form of the Latin language. I can assume that I'll be able to break the spell by only speaking just a few words. The spell itself is being powered by all the entities around it, which would allow me to break it without using my magic since it's non-existent at the moment.

Though, I'm going to need to study it for awhile before I attempt the spell. I don't know how it will effect me if I fail.

As we walked into the city made of bones, I couldn't help but feel confused. Every single person here was no bigger than I or Zephyr. It was like a demented playground of the most insane people imaginable all gathered in one place as kids. I didn't want to think about why they were all tiny.

"I can tell you are wondering as to why everyone is a child in the city," Zephyr said in front of me. I really didn't want to know.

"Not really," I replied.

"Well, I'm going to tell you. Everyone down here is small because of a rule that was made a hundred years ago. That rule is that no one is allowed to grow up. Let's just say that no one wants to be ripped apart down there. It's not a very pleasant death to experience," she chuckled. "It's also a bit messy."

I could only imagine what ripped apart down there means. And it's horrifying,

"I really didn't want to know that," I winced.

"I know," she giggled.

We continued to walk in silence through the city. Mostly because I had nothing to say or ask about this place. The expressions of the various faces were what all I need to know. A hell for the most corrupt of beings to rot for all eternity. That and everyone here didn't care about me. Not that I mind.

We came up to the town square with a little group following us. The very center of the town square was a hole. Around the hole was a fence and around the fence was a few shops that sold god knows what. I could only assume that the hole was the way out. I began to study it as we approached the hole. Judging from how no one was trying to escape back through the hole. I can safely predict that the hole was guarded by a protective spell.

Another inconvenience for me to overcome.

I looked over the fence made of bones of various types down the hole. Aside from the pure darkness lighting the hole there was no definitive way that anyone could come up unless they were thrown up like a bad meal. That and if anyone was to jump back down bad things would happen.

"So mister smarty pants, how are you going to escape?" Zephyr asks smugly.

"Welp, Once I figure out how to bypass the protective barrier, I can speak out the release spell and add the teleport spell once the magic circle is down, but the window to cast is significantly small for me to pull off. So I suggest that you stay back and watch the light show," I smirked. Once Zephyr was out of the way and a group of people gathered around me out of curiosity. I began to release the spell.

"Protector immortuorum," I chanted. The magic circle revealed itself to me just over the hole.

"Da mihi virtutem aditus custodia remittat vobiscum."

"So far so good. All the runes are lighting up they way they should. Even though this circle is extremely simple." I thought.

"Ego sum dignus ascensio." The circle changed from the color of black to purple singling me that I have control over it.

"Meum consilium rape tenebrarum." Everyone around was becoming tenser. At least my spell was beginning to take effect.

"Uero miles moreris," I finished.

The magic circle erupted to life, changing from a pitch black hole to a giant mirror. In the reflect of the mirror was where I left my own magic circle on my island. Happy with my work, I looked back towards the giant crowd with a mischievous smile on my face.

"Anyone who wants to leave this place jump into the mirror, because when I leave, the spell will end and freedom will be lost. You have two minutes to decide. That's when the portal will close by itself from lack of magical power. Your choice!" I called out.

Every person in the immediate area rushed for the portal in a maniacal frenzy for freedom. Over a hundred or so manage to jump into the portal in less than thirty seconds while others to their time to do so. Zephyr walked up to me with a flabbergasted expression on her face. But she was speechless. She didn't know what to say or how to respond to what I just did. Well I know what I did, I just used my vast knowledge given to me by a goddess to break the laws of hell and release all the worse demons in the world back to the world.

Fuck me I'm stupid. At least I also know how to re-write souls, so I didn't just damn the world to shit.

Just as I was bout to jump in myself, I saw Warden come into view. And she was pissed! I motioned for Zephyr to jump on in which she did without hesitation Now I can deal with the alicorn grim reaper without a problem. I had all of Tartarus to use as one of my weapons. Thank you, Deus. You are my favorite goddess of all time.

"What have you done!" The Warden bellowed. She landed in front of me with a scythe made of bones on her back.

"Sakihodo mo iimashita. Baka!" I mocked with glee.

"What did you just say!" she boomed, pointing her scythe at me.

"I said; I told you stupid!"

"What is this that you told me?!"

Time to add salt to the wound.

"That this is the day that you almost caught Captain Winter Octavia Solstice!" And with that I jumped into the portal flipping her off with both hands, closing the portal so that no one else could follow.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" was the last words she said to me.

Warden walked into a simple office knowing that what she is about to tell Hades would greatly upset him. Hades sat behind a simple desk with an organized assortment of papers on the right corner of the desk. On the other left corner was a steaming cup of tea. Hades soothing drink of choice. Warden knew from the smell of the tea that her master was more than just pissed. He was ballistic. We didn't dare meet his burning gaze as she walked up to the desk and prepared for the worst.

"Tell me Warden. What has happened in the garden of corruption?" Hades said rather calmly.

"A breakout, sir," Warden gulped. It was hard for her to speak. It was like a bag of rocks was stuffed down her throat making it hard for any smooth conversation.

"A..." he paused for a moment,"...Breakout."

"Ye-yes," Warden shuddered.

"Well that's fine, only a hundred of so S' class demons to round up, but there is just one problem. Care to ask?"

"Yes," Warden nodded.


"Well I-I,"

"I WHAT!" Hades demanded leaning over his desk.

"I didn't think Winter would actually escape!"

"You didn't think he would escape?" Hades asked sitting back down on his throne.

"Yes," Warden said hanging her head in shame.

"Very well then. What's done is done there is no bringing him back now." Hades growled.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Yeah, you'll be sorry alright. Now get bend over my desk," Hades said getting off of his chair to walk over to Warden.

"Yes sir," Warden sighed turning around to receive her punishment.

"I'm so tired of you," Hades said from behind.