Battlefield: Equestria Online

by AngryPenguin

Trolling the System

True cracked his neck as the lobby loaded. He surveyed the area. Half of the field was nothing but swamp and brush. It was the perfect place to hide! The other side was a few buildings. Alley appeared to be on his team, the criminals, again. This time, Unit and Ghost had joined them. Unit grinned as he spun his assault rifle on his hoof, then stopping it with his other.

“Get ready.” Ghost said, quietly.

The four stallions took cover in the muddy waters. Gunfire exploded into disarray. True aimed his Scout Elite at a guard, who had yet to notice him ducking below a bush. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the guard flew backwards with several holes in his torso. He darted his eyes beside him. Ghost grinned and reloaded his weapon. True stared in bemusement.

“What? I felt needed over here!” He chuckled.

“I’m not helpless, you know! I’m sure Unit is gonna be jealous of you helping me instead of you.” True told him.

They shared a laugh, only to have it ended by Unit swearing and yelling at a random guard.

“Mother fucker!”

Mareio joined the party

“Who the hell invited this foal?” Unit screamed.

“Who’s a foal? I think I’m a grown buck.” An unknown voice asked.

Knowing it was Mareio, True scoffed. “Then why do you sound like one?”

Unit spawned next to Alley under a concrete awning. He grunted as the recoil from his sniper rifle kicked back. A guard in a tower stumbled back, dead.

“You guys are terrible.” Mareio laughed out loud.

“Nobody asked you. Ghost, you invited this fool, didn’t you?” Unit asked Ghost, who was still hiding by True.

“Look, I’m not a fool. I was actually in the Royal Guard.” Mareio gloated.

“Battlefield isn’t considered the real Royal Guard.” True argued.

Throughout the argument, True couldn’t even concentrate on playing. He hopped on a motorcycle and just rode around. Eventually, Mareio left the party. Unit broke out into laughter.“I guess he couldn’t handle the heat.” He said through his laughter.

Suddenly, bullets pounded the ground beside Ghost and True. They swore and looked around, trying to find the source of fire. True spotted Mareio taking cover behind a charred vehicle.

“Ghost, over there!” He pointed.

“This idiot doesn’t know when to quit!” Unit exclaimed.

“Well, stop arguing and play the fucking game!” Fake raged.

True threw a grenade towards Mareio. He rolled out of the way, only slightly injured. The earth buck unloaded an entire clip into True, then rounded on Unit. In a split second, he had took them out. True and Unit spawned in different areas, but were still visible to each other. Unit signaled True to remain unseen and go behind the car.

“You think I don’t see you?” Mareio planted a trip mind next to the car. He didn’t know that True had seen him.

“Yeah, but you don’t see him.” True pointed behind him.

Mareio turned to see the barrel of a large gun in his face. He gulped. Unit grinned and pulled the trigger, peppering him with more rounds. “Bitch!” Mareio yelled. Unit teabagged his enemy’s body, shooting wildly into the air. While he was distracted, a grenade exploded nearby, sending him tumbling back. He smirked as he lay, dead, in the dirt.

“Worth it.”

True rushed to him. “We’re winning!”

“Yeah, because I’m awesome!” Unit bragged.

They snuck towards another hiding spot. A helicopter exploded just over them, making the small group of stallions nervous. Suddenly, Ghost went down. True glanced around, trying to find out what had happened. Unit fell, dead, beside him. He was getting frustrated! Rustling was heard behind him, making him spin around and aim. Just as he focused, he was stabbed in his torso.

“Mareio.” He grunted as he fell.

Mareio sheathed his blade and stood. He then rolled out of the way before anypony else seen him. Alley had watched the entire scene through his rifle scope. He swore, quickly pulling the trigger. Missed! He took another shot. Mareio hid behind a tree.

“Guys, I think this guy’s a troll.” He mumbled.

Taking aim again, he lost sight of the guard. Frantic, he searched the surrounding area. Mareio was gone!

True, Unit, and Ghost spawned inside the small office building just outside the swamp. They looked at one another, knowing what was going on. Mareio had trolled them. Being a medic, Unit planted a medical bag next to them. Not much time was left. True knew they weren’t going to win, but he wanted to make sure Mareio knew who not to mess with!

“Alley, come this way with me. Unit and Ghost, you go around the warehouse. I think Mareio is camping there, now.” True whispered.

“Locked and loaded!” Ghost yelled.

The stallions took their places and waited for Mareio to turn away from them. When he did, Alley signaled Unit and Ghost. As one, the four stallions threw their grenades. Mareio looked up just in time to see the rain of explosives. He rolled out of the way. True aimed his Elite Scope and smirked. It was the perfect opportunity for a headshot!

“Pull the trigger before he recovers, damn.” Alley complained.

“I’m savoring the moment!” True yelled.

He rolled his eyes and squeezed the trigger with his forehoof. The round hit Mareio right between the eyes.

“Booyah!” True screamed at the dead body.

The last second ran out as the game ended. True’s stats didn’t go up like he wanted, but at least they had their revenge.

“Next game, I hope I’m not on your team. You’re too conceited.” Alley facehoofed.

“Maybe he rage quit.” Ghost shrugged.

“He was annoying as FUCK! I’ll be ready, next time.” Unit snorted.

The stallions waited for the next round to start. Losing was not acceptable! They laughed and joked some more about the trolls and hackers that “filled” the game. The gamer-tag screen popped up, making them gasp. Staring in horror, they saw who had started out on the other team.
