The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 38. To the library!

After my freak out at the train station, I re-adjusted my equipment to fit my new size and began to walk to Griffinstone. As a five-year-old. First the day terrors, the no chaos magic and now I'm five again. I'm seriously losing my greatest weapons fast, and it's not even noon yet. Though being turned back to my original self was a bit of a nuisance, I made the best of it, but if I get into a real problem then my only means of defense, is running.

"At least the day terrors are gone," I sighed happily.

I walked through the high jagged mountains. Careful not to fall in one of the many ravines that you can't see the bottom of. But as a three-foot high fuzzball, didn't make it an easy task.The strong, cold wind. The rough terrain and the narrow paths to walk on were a challenge of their own. With the pace I'm going, I wouldn't make it to Griffinstone for a few hours. At least I get some time to work my problems out.

After an hour had past of walking non-stop. I took a break along the road to rest my tired legs and to piece together my day terror problem. I couldn't understand why they appeared, but ever since I left my island, they didn't return. I thought about it for a moment. They started after Lusts hate practically erupted like a volcano filling the land in a cold blizzard.

"Wait... Blizzard, hate?" I said trying to remember what follows with that combination. From what I could remember, hate leads to snow, snow leads to a storm and a storm leads to Windigo's.

"Great, I'm being haunted by a windigo!" I grunted from my conclusion.
I made a plan to find a book on how to remove my windigo problem for later. I figured I could find one in the Canterlot archives, but that won't be for a while.

Just as I was about to continue walking to Griffinstone, I heard a strange sound coming from the ravine. I looked over the edge to find three diamond dogs climbing the mountain. They spotted me and hastened their pace towards me with ravenous eyes.

"There's one, get him!" The big one in the middle ordered. I decided that a tactical retreat was in order. I didn't want to find out how weak I right now. I turned from the edge and ran as fast as I could to Griffinstone.

I got about one mile between me and the dog's, but they quickly caught up. After running a mile, It was hard to breath and my legs were shaking from exhaustion. If I don't make it to Griffinstone soon, then I'm going to be in trouble. I looked at my destination of in the distance. I could tell I was only a mile away, but my body was beginning to give up. I pushed myself further, going back into a full sprint for the safety of the city.

"You are not getting away griffin!" said a diamond dog from behind.

"Try and stop me!" I shouted back while jumping over a crevasse.

I was only one hill away from getting to the Griffinstone, but one of the diamond dogs cut me off, blocking my escape. I looked back to see the other three catch up, and two more come up from behind. All of them were wearing mountain climbing gear with simple weapons holstered over their backs. These guys were trappers, and I was the prey. I looked for a way out, to get away from them, but there was none. The only way I could think of was to fight my way out.

"This one has some bits. I can smell em." A brown diamond dog spoke. I gripped my dagger with my wings ready to fight. I made a quick plan to take them all down with little effort, taking notice of the wind to help me out.

"He'll make a good price for alpha," one plotted from behind. I made the one in front my first target.

"Well, get him!" The big one in the middle ordered.

The four diamond dogs rushed for my capture, but I was faster. Using my little size, I quickly killed the four attackers with little effort. After the deed was done. I cleaned the blood off of my dagger on my blood soaked fur, disgusted that it had to end this way. I also cleaned the blood-drenched mountain side with my wings careful not to stain them.

"At least I can still fight without getting hurt," I thought out loud.

It took me some more time to finally make it to Griffinstone, but at least I made it without another diamond dog encounter. Tired and drained of energy from the escapade with the diamond dogs, I slumped my way through the gate into Griffinstone. I knew how bad this city declined into decay. I didn't need to know how bad the rundown houses looked, how the civilians were depressed even though they didn't show it. Everyone here was holding onto their pride for what once was a glorious city Griffinstone used to be.

From what I could tell; Griffinstone was the wealthiest city in the Griffin Dominion but after the fall of Red Wing and the loss of the statue of Boreous the city fell into utter decay. Thankfully, this city didn't end up as a slave town with all the diamond dogs roaming around. Though I suppose it's from the geography in which Griffinstone was stationed. The winds are too strong for dragons to enter by flight, and the hundreds of ravines surrounding the city prevent a land raid from going smoothly. Griffinstone was indeed the last safe city for the griffin race.

I walk through the decrepit streets, careful not to bump into anyone. Despite my small size and my weapon, no one took notice of me. Probably because everyone was too concerned with themselves, which I didn't mind, my own concern was the Abysmal abyss and some food.
I came up to a stand that sell's griffin scones. The stand was a bit ugly here and there, nothing that a quick fix up wouldn't solve. And it was being worked by none other than, Gilda. I let my curiosity get the better of me. I wanted to know why she was doing here. Was she here because she had no money? or was it something else entirely? I'll figure it out eventually.

"Hey, can I have a scone?" I asked tapping her from behind. She turned around slightly confused when she saw me, but her confusion subsided to annoyance.

"Sure, but for some bit's," she demanded holding out her hand. I reached into my satchel and pulled out a couple and gave them to her.
"Thanks now eat up squirt," she said handing me a scone. I took one bite and nearly died for how hard this scone was, but I soldiered on through the pain. I barely managed to eat the rock with my little mouth, thinking that I might need a dentist appointment afterward.

"Well? Was it good? It's my special recipe." I wasn't going to hurt her feelings for how bad it was, it's the gentleman's way.

"It was the best scone ever!" I proclaimed. "Can I have another one?" I asked handing her some more bit's.

"Another one?" she gasped. "Erm... Sure squirt." I ate that scone to, trying my best not to cry from my self-torture. I thanked her again afterward, buying a few more to use as weapons for later. As I was walking away with a skip in my step, I was stopped by Gilda.

"Hey, kid?! Come here for a sec," she asked and I obliged.

"Yes?" I said with a smile.

"You aren't from around here are you?"
"How can you tell?"

She pointed to my dagger. "That thing on your back. It's way too fancy to be from around here."

"You got that right, but why do you want to know?" I inquired.

"Where'd ya get it?"

"I made it from my forge back home, but it's a bit far away. Why? Do you want one?"

"Wait. Are you telling me that you made that?"

"Yep," I smiled taking a seat on the cold dirt.

She shook her head. "Whatever. Forget I asked."
"Why? Need some bit's to see a friend?" She turned back around towards me giving me full attention and slightly more angry than from we started from.

"How'd ya now? Tell me dweeb!" she ordered. "Was it Gretta? It was wasn't it, that freaking bitch."

"What? No, no it wasn't Gretta. I just know about Rainbowdash, the number one flier in all of Equestria. But what's it to ya. Gilda? You a fan?"

"I'm not a fan!" she defended. " I just know about her, that's all."

"You want to see her again, don't you?" I said walking closer to her taking off my cash satchel laying it on her feet. "Take it, I have plenty at home, but I should warn you about the road. It's a bit dangerous right now, so you should wait till late spring or early summer," I said walking away for a few feet then I turned my head, winked and continued to the abyss. I heard a quiet, "Thankyou dweeb," from behind telling me that I did well.

I leaned over the edge to the abyss wondering how I'm going to get down to the statue. I am sure that I could get some rope, but I didn't want to know how much it would cost. I suppose I could teleport, but with my magic not wanting to cooperate with me. I decided to buy the rope instead after I at least try once.

I thought of the location where the statue was located and prepped my spell. Once ready. I cast the spell, teleporting me right beside the statue without a problem.

"Thank god I made it," I said looking up to where I used to be. I grabbed the statue and just as I was about to teleport back up. I tripped.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!" I screamed while falling to the bottom of the abyss with the statue.


Lily laid on her bed content with the world. She knew Lord Winter wouldn't be back for a while, giving her some private time to herself. Lily Liked her bed, it wasn't as hard as the one she used to lay on. It was too hard and dusty. Often causing both back pain and an accumulation of dirt in her hair that was hard to wash out, but this bed wasn't like that. It was; soft, warm, comfortable and best of all gentle on her fur. Lily wrapped her silky blankets around her, pretending that it was Winter holding her in a warm embrace.

Lily played with the blanket's, acting out a passionate scuffle with her lord. But before long, her desires would take effect, bring back the urges she wanted to relieve. These urges would plague her every now and again. Even before she met Winter, but now they were more frequent and, distracting when he was around.

But since Winter wasn't going to be back for a while, Lily would have the time to relieve them they way she knows how. She moved one hand down her body pretending it was Winter's to her nethers gradually getting more excited and hot. Lily closed her eyes to her fantasy starting out with one finger to begin the mood. Lily squeaked with delight with each pulse of her middle finger.

"Winter...." Lily moaned biting her lip.

Lily threw off the blankets exposing herself to the world of her lustful desires. The blankets quickly became unbearable making her pant cool off, but it wouldn't matter. Before long, one finger wasn't enough causing Lily to add another. She moved fast constantly begging a Winter that wasn't there to not stop, but just as she was about to finish the door opened.

"Hey, Lily can you help. Me. With." Azura slowly said while walking into the room, but what she found wasn't the help she wanted. They both froze in paralytic horror. Lily for being caught red-handed and Azura for seeing Lily put her fingers in places where they don't belong.

"I'll, ask, you, later," Azura said slowly backing out of the room to stunned to avert her gaze from Lily's soaking pussy. Azura closed the door behind her and ran as far away as possible screaming "Sorry!" down the halls of the ship for Lily to hear.

Lily didn't dare move from her position, for she was too embarrassed to do so. Lily knew that when Winter returned, she would have to explain way there was a traumatized Azura huddled in the corner of his room.

"I don't want to die," Lily cried cleaning herself and the bed up from her juices.

The air was cold and lifeless. There was no wind, but only a stagnant smell that loomed through the air. Poisoning those who dare breath its toxicity. I tried to open my eyes to see where I was, but they felt heavy. It was like they were glued shut by an unknown force preventing me from my sight of the area. They eventually opened, but what came after it. Confused me. I was in a field of dead grass and rotting flowers that when on for days. The sky was everlasting twilight with a black sun lighting the meadow in a dark crimson glow.

"Where am I?"

I tried to get up to find out but was stopped by an ungodly pain in my; right leg, my left arm, and both of my wings. I quickly learned that they were broken and that I wasn't moving anytime soon. I tried to recall how I got here. Once I know that, then maybe I could follow my steps to get back home from this nightmare. This first thing that came to mind was nothing. I couldn't remember how I got here! I remember everything about myself and more, but not how I got here!

"Where the hell am I?" I moaned through my pain.

"You're in hell Winter," purred the darkness.