From a Sparkle to a Spark

by Infernity Zero

Another Lost Light


She was so hot. Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead and into her eyes, stinging them. Her throat was dry and parched from the heat, but the light beaming down on her offered no respite.

Where am I?

She didn't recognize her surroundings. The walls and floor were bright white, only adding to the harsh glare from the overhead light. She shifted, trying to shield her eyes, and made another discovery.

What happened to my clothes?

Her skirt and vest had been replaced by a blueish white gown that pressed lightly against her body. She tried to sit up for a better view...only for a dizzy spell to force her right back down.

Rubbing her eyes, she took another look around. There was a sink on one wall and a door marked "Bathroom" next to it. On another wall was another door without any markings.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

And someone was knocking on it.

"Hello?" She grimaced at how hoarse she sounded, cleared her throat, and tried again. "Hello?"

"You're awake?" The muffled voice on the other side quickly turned into a shout. "You're awake!"

A few seconds later, the door opened, and Rarity burst into the room with tears in her eyes.

"Twilight! Thank the Lord, you're all right!"

"Rarity? What happened? Where am I?"

The other girl's voice was choked with sobs. "Y-you're in the hospital. After you passed out, we didn't know what to do. So, we ended up calling 911. An ambulance brought you here."

"Why are you so worked up? How long was I out?"

"It's Tuesday now, so about two days. We were worried sick."

Oh great. As if I didn't give them enough to worry about already.

"Are you all right now? Do you need anything?"

"Where are the others?" She tried to sit up again and again dizziness forced her back down.

"They're at school. I got an excuse note in case you woke up."

"Y-you didn't need to do that."

"Of course we did. Rainbow Dash came yesterday; I came today; and if you were still out tomorrow, it would have been Applejack's turn. All of us were hoping and praying you'd get better."

"I'll bet you were." Twilight slumped down in the bed, giving up on standing up. "Ever loyal companions holding out for their wounded friend."

The sarcastic tone in her voice didn't go unnoticed by the other girl. And just like before, she pressed forward. "Darling, are you all right?"

"Yes...No. Melancholia has taken over me."

"Oh Twilight."

"Look at me, Rarity. I'm completely out of my depth in this world. I had to relearn how to walk, figure out how to use the most basic technology, and I still don't understand how the sun and moon can move by themselves. I just don't belong here."

"But you saved us, remember? If you hadn't come to our world, then Sunset would have won the Fall Formal unopposed. And then we'd have had no way to stop her when she turned into Searing; that raging she-demon would have brainwashed us along with the rest of the school. Don't you see? It's only thanks to you that we're having this conversation at all."

The response was a weary sigh. "Yeah, I helped stop Searing. But then came the sirens. And how did I help then?"

"You took Adagio off balance long enough for Sunset to smash her pendant."

"That was Sunset's idea. A last-second gambit to exploit the siren's ego. Any of you could have easily done the same thing."

"But we didn't. You did. And let's not forget, you fared longer against that creature than any of us did."

"Except Sunset, you mean."

"So is she the reason you're upset?"

Twilight's eyes shot down. Rarity didn't miss it.

"That's not the only reason."

With nothing to do but lie down and heal, all of her problems were rising to the surface. She told Rarity everything: her recurring nightmares, how helpless she felt without her horn, and the confrontation she had with the shadow.

"Well, you've certainly had quite the ordeal." Not knowing what to say, Rarity began rubbing her arm.

Another sigh. "The worst part about this is that that thing was right. Unless the school's in crisis again, you girls really don't need me anymore."

"You don't know that. Just because we're not seconds away from the end of the world, doesn't mean we're not needed. You're thinking too big, Twilight."

"What do you mean?"

"Let me use myself as an example. When I'm not in school, I spend my spare time working at the Carousel Boutique. It's my job to help customers find the best possible outfits to wear. Do you know why I do that?"

"Because you want everyone to look good?"

Rarity shook her head. "No. It's more than that. A good outfit is more than just a fashion statement. What you wear acts as a first impression to everyone around you. Someone dressed sharply and in good colors shows the world that they're confident and proud of themselves."

"Clothes can do all that?"

"Absolutely. Why I remember just the other day when Lyra came the store. She told me she was too embarrassed to start conversations, because she felt like no one really noticed her. It was plain to see why. The shirt and skirt she most frequently wore were a dingy pink and faded robin's egg blue. So to help her stand out more, I gave her a shimmering amber orange. Just bright enough to catch someone's eye but not so bright that they'd stop and gawk. Within a few days, she was doing much better and had already hit it off with Bon-Bon."

"So that's what you do? Help people improve themselves through personal style?"

"Now you're getting it." She grinned and spread her arms out. "Rarity Belle, changing the world by changing your clothes. That new ensemble was just the confidence boost she needed. And I didn't have to defeat a raging she-demon in the process."

For the first time that morning, Twilight smiled. "I get it. You just do what you can to help out whenever. Even if it's just little things."


"OW! OW! Rarity, don't hug me. I'm still sore--OW!"

"Oops. Sorry about that. But you see my point, right?"

"Yes I do. Thanks."

"You're very welcome. I'm just glad I got the chance to help you after all you've done for us." A beeping sound made her glance at her watch. "Good grief. It's already noon? Really sorry to have to dash out like this, Twilight, but I have to help design team uniforms for an upcoming sports competition. The other girls will be coming by in shifts once I tell them you're awake. Listen, I'll see you later."

Ever so flustered, she quickly gathered her things and departed, leaving Twilight to settle down for a nap. Once more encouraged by a friend.

The sound of a ringing phone awoke Twilight Sparks from her doze. After staying up all night on Sunday trying to figure out Substance X, she'd been way too exhausted to head to school on Monday. Even now, after a day of rest, she was still a little groggy. So, she just let the cell phone go to the answering machine.


"Hello, you've reached Twilight Sparks. Please leave a message."


"Hello Ms. Sparks. This is Vice-Principal Luna. You might not be aware, but your first day of classes was scheduled for yesterday afternoon. I realize adjusting to a new school can be hard and organizing yourself can be even harder. So you were not marked tardy today. But I do encourage you to try and be more punctual in the future. Thanks, and I hope your enjoy your classes."

Humph. Typical. She thought with a yawn. Principal's always trying to play catch-up. But I should probably head in today anyway. Don't want to draw attention to myself by missing classes. Not if I want to find and test Substance X.

She checked the time. More than an hour to go. She had plenty of time. But right now, the little symbol at the bottom of her phone meant there were more messages.

Welcome Twilight Sparks. You have two new messages. Message 1: new from 8:23 PM on Sunday.

"Hey Twiley. It's your brother. I just called to see if you wanted to come see my track meet next weekend. Don't worry about Ms. Harshwhinny, I got a ticket with your name on it and everything."

He paused for a moment, as if figuring out the right words to say.

"Look...Twilight. I know things have been awkward since you withdrew from Crystal, but I really miss the two of us hanging out together. I don't know if you left because of the incident or for something else, but I really wish you'd come back. Call me back when you get this, okay? Bye."

"Big brother." A pang of guilt crept its way into her heart, but she quickly forced it back out. She missed him too; but no matter what happened, she could never go back. Even going near the place was too much. Angrily, she shook herself and checked the next message.

Message 2: New from 9:43 AM Monday.

"Hello Twilight. It's me. I was wondering if your recent school transfer would interfere with our trip to Peacock Grove on Friday. I know we go there every year, but I'm not sure how long it would take for you to adapt to your new studies. Anyway, if I don't hear from you by then, I'll just assume we're still on and swing by to pick you up. How's the new school? Met any new friends? Can't wait to see you again.

Your former teacher,
Professor Solaris."

Sparks never understood why he always put a signature on his phone calls; but at least, it was a consistency she could count on. She immediately sent him a message confirming she'd be there. Regardless of her studies, that trip took top priority. She'd go up right after school let out.

Speaking of school.

Yeah, it was probably a good idea to start heading in now. After all, there could be other transformations to witness. Getting her things together, she headed out the door. Off to her first day at Canterlot High.