Chapter 15
Party Crashers, and Ponies
On the other side of the palace. The element of Generosity was escorting the yellow ranger around the party. They were conversing with one very popular pony, who was familiar with Rarity’s work.
"As you can see, Mr. Fancypants. I’ve decided to draw my inspiration from rather…primeval origins."
Fancypants inspects the dress.
"I do say. This theme…does say ferocity, and yet balanced by such grace."
"Why thank you. Kind sir."
"My dear, you never fail to amaze me with your work. But, there is one thing I’ve noticed."
"What is that?"
"These designs are rather similar to those new heroic chaps from Ponyville. Those…power Rangers?"
"They did save her boutique from being burnt to the ground, by those..changelings."
"And I’d thank them. If your shop were to be desimated..who’d I turn to for the latest fashion?"
" you."
"Good evening, ladies."
He then leaves the two.
"Well, that went well."
"Yes..It did. Didn’t it?"
"Why wouldn’t it? You’re a terrific designer Rarity. You should be proud of your work."
"Oh, you’re too kind, darling."
Just then Rarity noticed a very familiar shape just a few feet behind trini, a white unicorn, with blue eyes, and golden blonde hair.
"OH! Not him again!"
Trini looks behind to see the same unicorn conversing with two mares, both giggling at his remarks towards them. He then turned his attention towards Rarity, and Trini, and smirked a bit before making his way towards them.
"It’s him. Blueblood. Don’t make eye contact."
The two look away, in the hopes he doesn’t bother them. Alas, Prince blueblood cleared his throat, presented himself before the two.
"Well. If it isn’t …you."
"That’s prince blueblood to you, commoner.."
"Hey, don’t be so rude."
The prince turns his attention towards Trini.
"Well…my...who do we have here?"
"A friend of mine."
"A friend? Other than Princess Twilight, and those other commoners?"
"They have names, you know."
Blueblood kisses Trini’s hoof.
"Prince Blueblood, of Canterlot. My auntie happens to be Celestia herself."
Just then Trini’s communicator began to go off.
"Is your watch.."
"Excuse us."
With that, Trini, and Rarity departed, and went around a corner. Where Trini responded to her communicator.
"What’s up?"
"Rangers! This is bad! Goldar, and sphinx have been sighted in Canterlot."
At that moment, a violent explosion occurred on the other side of the palace. It could be felt from where they were. When the vibrations settled, the sounds of whispers began to grow into shrieks of terror. Rarity, and Trini looked to see that Kimberly, Rainbow dash, and the Wonderbolts were fighting off the horde of Changelings, and putties.
"A little late on that, Alpha darling."
"Kim, and R.D’re gonna need help."
"Hurry! We’ll meet up with you guys A.S.A.P."
With that said, Trini signed off, and the two made their way out of hiding to Kim, and dash’s side. As the Wonderbolts fought off the changelings, bucking them, and knocking them off their feet. Kim, Trini, Dash, and Rarity managed to hold their own against the simple minded putty patrollers. Although the putties were many in number, Trini’s tai chi, and Kim’s acrobatics prepared both minds, and body for any possible confrontation. As the battle raged on, the room emptied off everyone else. Giving Trini, and Kimberly their chance to morph.
"Ready Trini?"
Both rangers pull out their morphers.
"It’s morphin’ time!"
The rangers activated their morphers, and called out the names of their dinosaurs.
"Saber Tooth Tiger!"
In a flash, the two morphed into their ranger modes, and drew their power weapons. Now putties with sword arms came charging in. the rangers, and elements continued their fight with fierce determination. Blocking each blow, returning each strike, and simply sending putties, and changelings running. Kimberly fired each of her bow shots, right into specific parts of Changelings, and putties,. Which sparked after being hit by each power arrow.
"Now this fight’s 20% cooler!"
"Where’d these things come from?"
"Allow me to answer that!"
As his blades sliced spitfire, the cut let out a spray of sparks as she was knocked over to the side. Kimberly, and Rainbow dash rushed to her side, and helped her up.
"You okay?"
Meanwhile, Trini upper cutted a putty back away from her. As she fought, she heard a familiar voice cry out for help. She turned to see that prince Blueblood being lifted into the air by changlings.
"Aaaaah! Unhand me you vermin! Assistance, please!!!"
Trini looked to her wings, and quickly thought of a way to rescue the unicorn. She readied her dino dagers and threw them right at the changelings, knocking them out of the air as the blades sparked on them. Forcing them to drop the prince. Fearing his demise, Blueblood covered his eyes. But to his surprise. He felt two hooves catch him. When he uncovered them, he saw that the yellow ranger held him in her arms. He looked into the black visor for what seemed forever. In all his years, he’d never had anyone risk so much for his safety. His eyes widened, his cheeks blushed, and a small smirk came over him.
"Uh..thank you."
Trini let go of him when he had his feet to the floor.
"You’d better get to safety, blondie. We’ll handle them."
He nodded in compliance, and made off to the nearest safety point. At that moment, Trini, Kimberly, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and the Wonderbolts found themselves trapped between the changelings, and Goldar, Sphinx, and his putties.
"Ha ha! It all ends here rangers, for you, and your horsey friends too!"
"Any last words, power dweebs?"
"Not that you’d wanna hear, you creeps."
"Very well..Putties, destroy them."
As the putties, and changelings moved in, they were struck with several blasts, forcing them, and their commanders back. When the smoke cleared, the two monsters saw that the Alicorns, Shining, and the other elements and rangers arrived.
"How dare you attack my ponies!"
"Thu art nothing more but mere beasts, and thus must be vanquished!"
"Alright, rangers, and ponies. Time to bounce these creeps out!"
"Ah second that motion!"
"Then let’s give them something worth crying about!"
The reinforcements charged in as the putties, and changelings made countered their move, led by Goldar, and Sphinx. The battle raged as magic was fired, hooves knocking into each other, utter anarchy was laid out. Zack and Pinkie, switched from Zack whacking the enemy with his axe, to Pinkie blowing them away with her party cannon. Kim, Dash, and Trini took to the air, as well as the Wonderbolts. Using flight coordination, and sheer force. They fought off any air born changeling that managed to take flight. Twilight, and Billy were assisting Cadence as she was being over whelmed by the changelings trying to drain her power. As the changelings became to much for her, Billy was just in time to smite them off her, with his power lance. Sending them off into the night.
"You alright?"
"I’m fine. Thank you."
"Those changelings were rather drawn to you. But why?"
"She’s the Alicorn of love. Changelings feed off of emotions like love."
"Good to know that."
"That witch, Chrysalis will pay for this."
Goldar, and sphinx were caught between the green, and red ranger, and captain shining Armor.
"Give it up Goldar!"
-"You two have got no where to run".-
"That’s where you’re wrong, butt faced halfwit!"
"Who is that?"
"It’s Rita."
"This can’t be good."
"We’re not thought here! We’ve got a whole city to go through!"
In a flash the two disappear.
"Where’d they go?!"
Back in the palace, Rita readied her staff, and cast her enchantment.
"You can’t be serious."
"I am my bug faced friend."
Rita readies her magical staff.
"Magic wand, make my monsters GRRRRRRRROOOOOOOW!!!"
She then casts the staff into the air sending it mile up, and quickly landing it in Canterlot where the earth part, as the two monsters grew in size.
Back inside, the ponies, and rangers could feel the vibrations coming from outside.
"Uh oh. This isn’t good."
"Come on! It’s only getting worse!"
With those words, the two made off outside followed by everyone else.