//------------------------------// // Dear Diary // Story: The Special Observation // by RebelliousKuno //------------------------------// Secret Observation : Entry 24 : October 25 : Library "I've been keeping a closer eye on him now. I'm calling it a him since he seemed to have changed into a stallion rather than a mare when he turned into his pony form. After that small attack he had on me, I couldn't bear to give him the freedom once more. I can't really call it an attack, because he never really did any physical harm to me. Mentally maybe, but nonetheless he won't be charged for it. Bringing him back to the library without suspicion was quite easily surprisingly. Nopony raised any questions, and none of my friends seemed to have noticed. He's sleeping right now, which gave me the time to get some more observations in. There is a small mark just above his left eyelid. It seems to be a scratch of some sort, and it looks as if it's been there for a while. My only assumption is that it was from the changeling attack and how he landed when the love forcefield Explosion thingy 'love-blast' hit. It's not a very large thing that caught my eye, but it's there if I need it any time soon. Whatever for the reason, I don't want to delve into right now. I've asked Spike to try and cook something up to see if the changeling will eat it. We don't exactly have any source of love here in the library or anywhere in Ponyville for that matter. I'm somewhat disappointed that Princess Celestia hasn't written me anything asking about how the task was going. Was she just so entrusted in me that she didn't have to ask? Perhaps she's waiting for me to give feedback on how everything is going. I'll have to write something to her soon regarding the recent events. My main goal right now is to have him speak to me. It's obvious that he knows exactly what I'm saying and he responds to it non-verbally. Once I can get him to talk, this will make everything easier. I just doubt that it will happen anytime soon. If I were in the same situation as he was, I don't think I would enjoy being strapped down onto a table. I would let him out every so often to move a limb or two, but after that, I don't think I can do that anymore. I'll write more entries in the future. Until then, everything is going as planned, and hopefully I'll be able to get more information once he regains consciousness, and we'll see how this communication thing works out." End Entry Twilight sighed as she placed down the quill and notebook on the desk next to her bed. Was everything going as planned? For the most part it has been, but she felt like she had been lying to herself as she wrote that entry. It was starting to bug her slightly. The unicorn looked over, seeing that Spike was snugged into his small bed, snoring ever so softly. She gave a smile at that. A good night's rest will help her think straight. And tomorrow is going to be a big step if Twilight wanted any real information. One can hope. One can hope. ~~~~~~~~~~ Authors Note: As of January 6, 2018, I am officially cancelling this fanfiction. It's been a fun ride from the years, but it's quite obvious that I lost interest in remotely writing this. Thank you all for the support and critique to help me grow as a writer! If I ever, for whatever reason, gain my spark to write this again, then I shall! Again, thank you everyone for the support. Until then; RebelliousBrony