The Story of 3 Hearts

by Flutterbat276

Chapter 9: Friends Share Secrets

It had been two days since Doctor and I were engaged. I had told all my friends that Docy and I were getting married and I gave them details.

"My my, that quickly? You've only dated for a year, Derpy," said Tavi, a bit teasingly.

"Wedding huh? Sweet! Can I bring my wubs! I can make the music!" said Vinyl excitedly.

"Vinyl, we both know who'd be in charge of music and that'd be me."

"Tavi, come on. No pony listens to that classical crap anymore! Dubstep is the shiz! Right Derps?"

I laughed and said, "Why don't you team up and make a song like at the gala a year ago? Remember that day girls? You two played a perfect song for me and Doctor to dance to on that balcony! I'll never forget that night," I said, reminiscing that day. I sighed then smiled. I glanced at Carrot Top who was being unbelievably quiet.

"What?" she said.

"Oh nothing. Just that you're being awfully quiet over there CT."

"I just don't know what to say but congrats Derpy!"

"Thanks...I hope that Doctor will be fine doing this wedding pony style!" I said, half giggling. The girls looked at me funny, like I was talking in a foreign language. I forgot that they didn't know about the Doctor's being a timelord from a humanoid universe. "Should I explain something now?"

Bon Bon stared at me for a moment, then glanced at Lyra who was already wanting to know more about this. I sighed and started to explain the Doctor's past, how he was humanoid and all.

"He lived on Earth for a long time, met many wonderful human compa-" I was cut short by Lyra.

"H-h-humans! They are REAL!"

"Yeah...why?" I asked. I knew Lyra had an obsession with humans, but to interrupt my story like that was a bit sketchy to me.

"I-I thought they were an old mares tale! I can't believe that your soon to be husband was one of them!" Lyra squealed. I could tell she was nearly about to burst from the mere thought of actual humans, much less my husband being humanoid for nine hundred years. He'll be bombarded with questions!

"Actually, he's not human, so to speak. He's a timelord. He has two hearts and he works a little differently than humans and/or ponies. He cant have children, sadly. But we got an adopted child, so...not a total loss for family opportunity."

We chatted among ourselves and Doctor came up to me with Jack and Dinky close by his side.

"Ah, hello!" said Doctor as Lyra suddenly ran over to him and started asking questions faster than I ever thought possible.

Doctor just stared at her, then at me. I mouthed, "I told them."

Doctor looked back at the babbling pony in front of him and pushed her off. "I just trust that you'll stay calm throughout this Ms. Heartstrings," he said so formally, like he did the night we became a couple.

"So, anypony want muffins from Sugar Cube Corner? I gotta feeling Pinkie got a good batch today," I said, mostly trying to distract Lyra, who was still asking small questions to the Doctor, bouncing all around him in excitement. He answered a few and disregarded a few, so Lyra would get quiet after some time.

Bon Bon nodded at me. Vinyl and Tavi both exchanged glaces and said "yes" in unison. Carrot Top said, "Sure, I could go for some muffins right about now."

With that we trotted off to see Pinkie Pie at the counter at SCC, and as if she knew what happened, she had a special cake for me and Docy made. The words "congratulations Doctor and Derpy Whooves" were written in blue and yellow frosting on the top of the ice cream cake, similar to our eye colors.

I laughed and said, "Pinkie sure does know everything that happens here in Ponyville, doesn't she?"
We started eating the cake together. Dinky and Jack ran in and got a few slices themselves. I thanked Pinkie Pie and we went on our way, since the cake was on the house.