The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 37. Welcome to Griffinstone.

I awoke just outside of Griffinstone in a bush by the train station. Once I arrived just outside of Griffinstone, I immediately passed out. I didn't know why at first, but after trying to cast a simple lighting spell with my chaos magic. I quickly found out that I ran out of chaos energy. Frustrated, I got out of the bush and found my way to the train station to see how far off I was from my original destination.

While I stumbled to the drop-off, I tried to figure out why I ran out of energy. The last time I made a jump like that, I had enough to do it again hundreds of times over, but why all of a sudden I couldn't? It's not like I used up most of it before I made the jump. I made sure that I did before hand. But the more I thought about it, the more aggravated I became. I couldn't figure out why I ran out of energy.

"At least I still have my neutral magic to use if I get into a jam." I thought shaking my head, slightly annoyed of my loss of chaos magic.

Sitting at the train station in the middle of the night wasn't too bad. The night was fairly quiet. The cool evening breeze was pleasant against my fur and the bright moonlight lit my way. Griffinstone was just beyond a row of mountains, a few miles away from the station. I contemplated on going there right now, but if I remembered from the show correctly. The city was a very sketchy place.

"Umbra pallium," I said casting a spell I haven't done in a long time. It was a strange feeling, using my wings as a catalyst to focus my magical energy. "At least I have enough energy to keep my shadow cloak active for the night," I muttered settling in for the night.

Dreams. How long has it been since my last dream? A few days? A week? It was the same void I always wake up in. The pure black emptiness that is always there each time I return. The last time I dreamt was when I passed out after the fight with Brimstone. It was a dream where I met up with Luna and fought my pride. I changed the scenery to something more comfortable, but during the change. I was re-directed to somewhere else.

Once my vision clear from the teleportation, I took a quick survey of my new surroundings. I was in a castle... On the moon. I could tell I was on the moon from the sudden gravity change and the fact that I was looking up to the earth. I moved my attention to the pure white castle coming closer. It was a beautiful castle, much more alluring than Celestia's in Canterlot. But why was it moving? I began to walk to the castle, but my first step instantly placed me inside to the throne room.

I looked around trying my best not to lose my mind to the best of my ability. The throne room itself didn't help that effort though, because of the gothic style architecture. Black lace banners, a black with a white mystical rug to the throne, and various statues of bat-like guards lined the walls really made me feel at home.

"Do you find my hall to your liking?" spoke a rather seductive sounding voice. I looked up to the grand throne knowing whose voice that was, but why did she bring me here?

Nightmare Moon sat in her menacing gothic throne head held high, glaring at me with venomous curiosity. I reluctantly walked up to the throne like a trained dog, till I stopped myself from looking like one.

"Well, answer me!" she shouted in the royal voice. 'I'm really not in the mood for this right now.' I thought.

"Shut up," I said.

"What?" she asked confused that I just told her to shut up.

"I said shut up."

"You insolent MORTAL!" she erupted descending from her throne. "How dare you silence me! Do you know who I am?!"

"I thought I told you to shut up." Just as the letters left my mouth. Nightmare Moon launched a spell at me, connecting before I could react.

I was sent flying through the castle and back out to the barren moon wasteland. Nightmare Moon was quick to follow, landing in front of my path just as I was beginning to slow down from my flight. Without thinking, I corrected my path mid-flight, making sure I didn't grind my dream-self against the surface of the moon. As Nightmare Moon was about to cast another spell, I teleported right behind her. Before she could comprehend what had happened. I karate chopped her neck, knocking her out cold.

"Well, that was easy," I sighed picking the moon princess up and carried her back to the castle.

I sat down by the window in Nightmare Moons room wondering how she must be feeling up here all alone. Then again, if she has the power to break through the barrier and bring someone up. Then there must be people she could talk to, but why me? I didn't bother to think about it. I was more concerned with my lack of chaos magic. At least she has a nice view of the castle in Canterlot from here. She must have plotted many a days from this chair, staring upwards to her failed goal.

Well, since I'm here. I should try to get some information about her little base in Gem Fido, and if she decides to throw me across the moon again. I'm going to make her my new waifu. Now, why the fuck does she have so many video games? That shall be my next question.

"Argg..." Nightmare moaned from behind.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I said. "Did you have fun last night?" She looked my way aggravated that I was still alive or at least still here.

"It's you! How dare you invade my private quarters!" she bellowed charging her magic to cast another spell. " I will cast you out with eternal nightmares if you don't leave immediately!"

"Can you please be quiet! Jeez. And I can't leave because you brought me here. Baka!" I said sticking my tongue out.

Nightmare couldn't reply or say anything in general. I could tell just by looking into her eyes that she was too confused on how I was acting towards her. She couldn't understand that a mere mortal was treating her like another mortal. Her face scrunched up for a second before she gave up on trying to figure it out.

"Have you no respect for me, mortal?" she growled. Okay, I'm starting to hit a dark spot, time to ease up a bit.

"I only have respect for those who deserve it," I said. "I had great respect for you, but bringing me here without asking and ordering me around like a tool. Quickly lost all of it. And losing my respect is something you don't want to do."

"I am royalty!"

"I AM TOO!" I boomed back causing her to flinch. "So be quiet and start getting my respect back before I leave you here. Alone."

"But it's my right."

"You can't expect anyone to just freely bow down to you in obedience. You have to earn it. That's what makes a good leader. You say you're royalty, then prove it. Show me that I should bow down and do whatever you say." I cracked a grin. "Besides, the real Nightmare Moon wouldn't be acting this way anyway. Right Lulu?"

Luna's eyes went wide in shock when I figured out that she was faking the entire time. I knew it from the start when I was first brought to the moon. The fact that she was able to break through the barrier without any trouble was a big clue to figuring it out. That, and the spell she used on me was a telekinetic kick. Not a necromantic pulse that I thought she would use. The real Nightmare Moon wouldn't be so careless, nor able to break through the barrier. But why wasn't Luna Nightmare Moon?

I guess it could be from the Elements of Harmony when she was first brought here, but in the show she was Nightmare Moon when she returned. Was she faking then too? If so then the Elements didn't have any effect on her other than to change her appearance. But the question remains. Why me? Does she recognize me from somewhere? If so, then where? The only place I could think of is that one dream we shared... Damn it! I thought I time traveled that day! Well, that explains a bit. She knew me from the start, but how did she know about the future? Arrgg... I am going to go insane with all these questions!

"You figured us out," Luna said, changed into her original form. "We thought you wouldn't notice so easily."

"Before I say how I figured it out, I want to ask you a question," I said.

"You might as well. Please ask away. We are sure you have you things that you need answering."

"How do you know about me? The Luna I know was from the..."

"The future," Luna cut me off.

"Yeah, can you answer that for me?"

"We'll try. You see Winter We hath known you since our first encounter many nights ago. The night you turned into a dragon." I nodded slowly piecing it together.

"Well, in thy dream realm, time can become distorted. I can visit anyone at any time to relieve their nightmares. This is how we knew about the events yet to come."

"I understand," I said slightly disappointed that I didn't time travel. "But how did you come across me? I must have been hard to find."

"You were quite easy to find actually. That abnormal barrier guarding your mind was a big give away, and very troublesome to try to break through," she frowned.

"Okay. Since you couldn't go into my mind and thus you decided to meet me in person instead," I said rubbing my chin. "But I still don't know why?"

"We thought you were a necromancer or worse, but after our talk. We come to the conclusion that further discussion was needed to say otherwise."

"So you thought it was a good idea to scare me when I got here as Equestria's most feared being? And when I didn't respond they way you thought I would, you threw me across the moon." I deadpanned. Luna blushed hiding her giggles behind her wing.

"Sorry, but it was quite a sight seeing a you flying like a ragdoll."

"Ha, ha," I frowned. Since she was smiling now, I should begin making her waifu. Hey? is that Dark Souls in the corner? "Well laugh it up Lulu, at least I beat Dark Souls one and two without dying or using a bonfire," I smirked.

Luna's eyes went wide in shock. She looked back and forth between me and the game rack in the corner of the room. She hid the rack under a blanket with telekinesis. "Dark Souls? What's that?" She chuckled nervously. Luna is getting skittish. She doesn't want me to figure out that she has been to Earth, but the evidence is all over her castle. Time to make her rage.

"I also beat Demon souls, bloodborne and every Hallo on the hardest difficulty without dying too."

"THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!" she boomed in the royal Canterlot voice before realizing that she fell into my trap.

"You've been to Earth, haven't you?" I smirked.

"I-I," she stuttered.

"You've been to comic con too and saw the show at one point too." She nodded in shame.

"Tis not a lie. We hath been to your world, and it is amazing, except the wars."

"Well, I won't pry right now, but I'm still better than you at Dark Souls."

"Tis not a lie. We hath been to your world."

"Well, I won't ask about it right now, I don't think I have enough time anyways."

"Indeed, so what do you want to do now?"

"I don't know. Maybe beat you in all your favorite games?" She threw me a controller, turning on her giant self-powered T.v.

"Bring it on noob!"

'She's awesome.' I thought. I grabbed the controller and joined in.

(Six hours later.)

"There is an enemy on your right Lulu!" I warned killing several enemies with a single shot of my Barret 50 cal.

"Got him! Two coming from below!" She warned back.

"Come on only thirty seconds left," I said, quickly taking a swig of Coke.

"I know! But We are almost out of ammo!"

"Shit! I ran out!"

"Here!" she said sending me a clip.


"Your welcome. But we aren't out of it yet!"

"Yep only ten seconds left," I groaned taking down five more enemies.

"We're out!"

"Me too! Just run till the timers ends!"


"Shit! They're gaining on us!" she yelled jumping over to the next building.

"Two! Go on almost there!"

"There in front!"


"Winners!" the T.v cheered.

I and Luna let go a sigh of relief placing out controllers down to take a break. We have been playing video games for the past six hours. Eating munchies, drinking pop, and shooting noobs. Six solid hours of gaming. A life well spent. I wished I could stay longer and play some more, but the night will end and I will soon wake up from the dream. Luna knew this and made sure that we could play as long as possible.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go," I sighed feeling my mind being pulled back into my body.

"Unfortunately, but there will be another night to play," she smiled.

"And I look forward to it," I said giving her a thumbs up before I was sent back to my body.

I woke up in my same spot that I feel asleep in, untouched. I cracked a smile knowing that I just made friends with a gamer Luna. All the pent up stress of finding a bunch of items and the day terrors left, leaving me a fresh mind. I wasn't too mad that I forgot to ask Luna about the Moon Presence, I could get it later, but after I woke up and broke free from my spell. I noticed something I didn't like. I was a kid again.

"Fuck me," I growled annoyed. I tried to cast the same spell I used to make me a grown up, but it didn't work.