//------------------------------// // ACT 2 PART 6 // Story: The Great Fandom Man! // by Jake Witt //------------------------------// "Cortana?" I asked, binge watching some Anime. Currently I'm watching the good Yu Gi Oh, basically I have some shows on shuffle. "Yeah?" "Do you remember the time I met a depressed Sora?" "Yeah...? Why?" "TV is boring and I want to remember the prestone times." There was some silence until Mew hovered in, "Um... Can I listen to your story?" "Sure, in fact, the was my prepokemon times-" I summoned my pokemon, except for Mew Two, who hovered into the room. "-and maybe they would like to hear a good tale... I guess." *SSSSSSHWOOOOOOOMMMM!!!* I was awoken from the sound of a meteor crashing into the ground. I got out of my sleeping bag, putting up my campsite with my increased speed. Once my stuff was in my bag, I transformed into Fast Track and ran after the smoke trail. I slid to a stop after dodging some trees, looking down at a crater with a ship. "Cortana? What kind of ship is that?" "The components are of a space metal called... loading... loading..." I beat my omnitrix. "Gummi. This is a poorly customized Gummi ship. It was made for multiverse travel rather than space travel, but ran into some enemies. Only two weapons are attach, one of the two was destroyed in- what you call -a "dog fight"." "You're getting better," I mumbled as I slid down the walls, reverting to normal at the bottom. I was startled off balanced by the sound of steam as the dome top of the ship opened. What I didn't expect was Harley Quinn popping her head out, "Oh, hi there!" She stuck her head inside, but I still heard, "Hey, Oracle, a local is here!" "Maybe he can fix our ship." A familiar voice said. Climbing out, was an all-black and grey wearing KHII Sora with black shades and a dark vibe to him. Gut feeling, ya know? "Damn, its a displaced..." I didn't know how to respond so I just waved at him, "W- welcome to Equestria-" "I know that this is an Equestria. White Woods or whatever the place's name is... the only few redeeming factors of an Equestria." Sora stopped looking around, still no smile on his face. "Tell me, what season are we in?" "The years before Nightmare Moon's banishment." Cortana said, in her lifeless voice she always used. It still sounded like Halo's Cortana so I don't complain. "Good. Are you the only displaced?" He asked as Harley leaned on him. "What's a displaced?" "Our origin is Earth, we wore a costume, met a merchant, and got sent here with the costume's ability?" "In that case, no. There's a ginger minecraft guy, two faced doctor who, and Groot. Though he did mention others..." I rubbed my chin in thought as Sora frowned hard. "Hmm? What's wrong?" Harley took out a pooly-made sign from nowhere, pointing at it. It showed Peter Griffon from "Family Guy", Mrs. Jetson from "the Jetsons", and KH1 Riku with a picture of Sora with "Oracle" pointed at him. Oracle was oblivious to that, saying, "Non of your concern." She changed signs, "They treat him like crap, abuse him, and when he thought he was free from them they followed. Peter Griffon with Han Solo's gun, Mrs. Jetson with a robot butler, Riku with an Organization XIII cloak, and Oracle with the Oblivion Keyblade. He lives like Harry Potter in the Equestria we left and was shunned for becoming friends with the ponies. In fact, they killed Twilight Sparkle and let them watch." Oracle looked between the empty handed Harley and the tearing me. "What? Why are you crying?" "Do you care about your family?" "Harley and Seph are the only ones who I can call family, so yeah." I stared at him, "And the others? Peter, Jetson, Riku?" He took out the Keyblade of People's Hearts, "Who are you and how do you know them?!" I never had a weapon pointed at my throat before, but I stood my ground. Soaked pants, but brave. "I-I am the Great Fandom Man!" Harley looked panicked, grabbing a seriously long sword from the ship. Following her came in Kingdom Hearts incarnation of Sephiroth! "Thanks for the weapon." He was about the ask something when I knocked him back with something in my hand. "I-It actually worked?!" I asked myself as an odd keyblade formed in my hand. It looked like the barrel of a tank with two knives sticking out of the bottom, resembling a crude key. The hilt was a simple handle with a metal guard with spikes and the chain was a cute little chibi me. I held it up, "I have a keyblade!" After Sephiroth calmed us down, I learned that they barley escaped Tirek's attack in their world. The last thing they saw there was the beast chasing Oracle's family to their doom. "Why are we talking about them, again?" Oracle asked, holding Keyblade to People's Hearts and Oblivion, staring at the later. Harley pouted as Sephiroth shouted, "Because you need help! I swear, you're either angry or acting like emo Peter Parker." "No I don't." Harley raised an eyebrow, "Monologueing to Riku and holding one of the darkest Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts isn't?" I was about to get up, when a long blade ushered me back down. Sephiroth glaring, "We need a fresh opinion on this." "No signs of depression besides- what you call -"keyblade watching" that he's doing." I shrugged, "I'm a dense guy. Though he was acting the opposite of Sora... more like a bomb waiting to blow. Though, his hair isn't hanging down." Oracle started pulling on his hair, "It doesn't change its appearance!" He deadpanned. Harley grabbed my hand, "Do you know who can help? He has nightmares of his past that will never end!" I suddenly smirked, "Are they actual nightmares?" "Sometimes, why?" she asked. Oracle tried to run off, but "Seph" caught him. I rolled my eyes as I looked over my omnitrix, slamming down on it. I transformed into a fairy-like creature that put him to sleep, entering his dream... Mew raised his hand as if we were in school, I asked 'yes' and he spoke, "What did you see in his mind?" "Not much. Princess Luna thought that I was causing the nightmares and drove me off." I replied, shuttering at the memory. "In his mind Ponyville was turned to rubble, Peter Griffon bathed in unicorn Twilight's blood as he barbecued her, flipping the meat with a spatula with a handle made of her horn. Tirek loomed over us with a demonic Riku face." I sighed. "You know, I actually met Oracle at the party." Eevee Mon asked in surprise, "You did?!" "Yeah. He looked much happier and was floating around in a constant final form with the Oathkeeper and Ultima Weapon Keyblades." I smiled, "I don't know what Luna did, but it worked. Sort of a Deus Ex Luna Machima, in my opinion." Mew smirked, "I wonder if we can visit?" "Probably not. World tour stuff going on," I informed.