Chapter 12
A T-Rex among Apples
The next morning, the land was still in darkness when Jason made his way down stairs for the morning shift. He made his way through the living room, and into the kitchen. Sitting at the table were Applejack, and Big Mac. Applejack was drinking her morning coffee, and Big Mac was finishing his meal.
“Mornin’ Jason.”
“Good morning, A.J".
He fixes himself some toast, and a glass of milk.
“Sleep well?”
“Pretty well. Though I feel kinda bruised from yesterday.”
“Yeah, things can get pretty rough in town. Right, Big Mac?”
Just then, Applebloom walks in, sleepily she grabs a bowl, and pours herself some cereal.
“Mornin’ Applebloom.”
The filly then ate up her breakfast, and looked to Jason.
"So, how’re ya doin, Jason?”
“I’ve been better.”
”Don’t trouble Jason. We were both caught in a small fight yesterday. Jason got pretty beat in it.”
"Yeah, I did, didn’t I?”
Applebloom, turned back to her breakfast. As she continued to consume the cereal,Applebloom looked over the calendar to see that today was marked with a large drawn circle with the writing, “Family Reunion” in the circle. This excited the filly with joy.
“Applejack? You know what today is, right?”
“Saturday. Another day of applebuck’in”
“No. Today’s the apple family reunion, silly.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Applebloom. It’s not until another month from now. Ain’t it Big Mac?”
Applejack was shocked to hear the words come from her own brother.
“Nope?! Whada ya mean nope?!!”
“Well, some of the family can’t make it next month. So granny move it up to today. Right big Mac?”
Applejack was now in a state of panic realizing that there was only a short amount of time rather than a whole month.
“Why in tarnation didn’t anyone tell me this yesterday?!!”
“Granny knew you’d freak out. So she’s outside with Pinkie Pie.”
Jason turned to the calm Big Mac.
“I take it Pinkie’s a relative of yours?”
The panicked Applejack began to calm down, and focus on the new task at hand. She looked to Jason, with the means to put him to good use.
“Well, What’re we wait ‘in for? We’ve got apples to buck, and Pies to make.”
Pinkie Pie suddenly pops in, out of no where.
“Ooooh, Did someone say pie?”
The red ranger was shocked at the sudden appearance of the element of laughter.
“Whoa! How’d you...”
“She’s just like that.”
Meanwhile, in the fortress of Rita Repulsa, and Chrysalis. The two begin their plot against the power rangers, and were finished designing a monster.
“So, the red ranger likes apples huh? Well, it’s about time we make dislike them.”
“Indeed. Finster, load this beast into the machine at once!”
“At once your highness.”
He takes the apple like creature sculpture, and loads it into the monstermatic, and throws the switch. The machine took few seconds to whip out a hideous apple like monster.
"Ha ha! Zapplicus, at your service!"
“Alright fruit for brains. I need you to go make some trouble at that dump called sweet apple acres. If you happen to see any power rangers destroy them.”
“Failure is not an option.”
“Don’t you worry. I’ll make short work of it.”
The creature then teleported to carry out his master’s task, along with a few putty patrollers.
Back at sweet apple acres, Applejack and Jason were enjoying themselves, meeting up with other members of the apple family. They were all intrigued by Jason. They kept asking if he were Applejack's coltfriend, or taking it slow. Of course they both would deny it.
“Well, you certainly were the highlight of the day.”
“No Kidding”
Jason. I’d like to thank you for yer help today.”
"It was no problem. It’s the least I could do.”
Their talk was cut short by a sound of screaming ponies. The Red Ranger, and element of Honesty could see a giant apple shaped monster was terrorizing the family farm. Applebloom, and her cousins hid under the tables, as the putty patrollers destroyed anything not moving.
“And one bad apple! No one comes to sweet apple acres, scares my family, and ruin pinkie’s hard party planning work.
“Yeah! I worked super-duper hard on this party.”
Her mane deflated, and she began to cry. Jason put his hoof on her shoulder, and smiled. He wiped the tear from her eye, as if he had an idea.
“What do you guys say about sending these guys back, with their tail between their legs?”
“Now yer talkin!”
“Yeah, Let’s do it”
"Alright then."
He then pulls out his morpher, and prepares for battle.
"It’s morphin’ Time!!!”
Her mane poofed up once more, and the three earth ponies raced into battle, in the process Jason morphed into his ranger mode, when no one else was looking.
Now, he was in his full ranger uniform as the ponies arrived to take on the putties. As the battle raged on, Putties tried to hit Jason, who manages to block or reflect their blows, and substitutes his own sending them back. Pinkie Pie blasts through the enemies with her party cannon, disorienting them, while Applejack bucks them away from the farm, and back to where they came from. Only Zapplicus remained.
“Hey, try this on for size!"
He then fires an electrical shot from his eyes.Jason, and the two ponies were hit by the electrical blast, sparking small explosions. They hid behind some of the trees, coming up with a way to take this guy down.
“Aw man! This guy’s tough!”
“What’re we gonna do?”
“I’ve got an Idea. It’s a long shot, but it just might work.”
“I’m all ears.”
"This here’s a bad apple. But, what do we do with apples, good or bad?"
“Smoosh them into Jam.”
“We can lure him over by the barn, and cut the ropes loose. Sending the wall right on top of this critter.”
“Alright. anything’s worth a shot. Let’s do this!”
“Pinkie, you lure in that monster, Me and Ja.."
She began to notice several apple family members observing the battle.
"..the red ranger will had to the barn!"
"Okie Dokie Lokie!"
The pink pony then ran up to the creature, and began to make faces at it. Zapplicus looked, at the element of laughter in confusion. He didn’t know whether to be upset, or humored.
“uh…What’re you…”
In that instant, an apple pie was thrown at his face by Pinkie.
This frustrated the monster, and as Pinkie had predicted, he began to charge after her. Now, using her Pinkie speed, Pinkie pie ran off to the barn leading the monster right into the trap. Once pinkie made it to one corner, the monster lost track of her, and stopped to look around. Jason and Applejack knew the time came to spring the trap. When Jason cut lose the ropes to the supports, applejack knocked down the wall, which fell over the monster. Before he knew what hit him, Zapplicus was suddenly crushed under heavy wooden planks with a loud squish, sending rainbow colored goop all over the place. Some of it even got the ponies faces. Applejack wiped some off her face, and tasted it. To her surprise, instead of being disgusting, it was rther sweet, and zesty.
“He may’ve been a bad apple. But, he sure tasted sweet.”
“What a “Shocking” Revelation.”
The apple ponies then gathered around to see who the red ranger was. Whispers, and side conversations went on. An amazed Applebloomwalks up to her sister, and the red figure.
“Woooaaah! The red ranger.”
The Red Ranger Looks to Applejack.
"I don’t think those guys will be back anytime soon."
"In that case, thanks for your help, red ranger."
"Anytime ma’am."
Jason then steps back, and prepares to teleport.
"I’m out of here. "
He then teleports out of the area, as the crowd applauded the success of the monster’s defeat. As they celebrated, Rita’s gaze ceased, as she threw a violent tantrum around her henchmen.
“GAAAAAAAH! That rotten fruit couldn’t even knock any bolts lose on that ranger, and those stupid midget horses!
"Calm yourself, Rita. Never lose your temper in front of your minions. It gives you the wrong kind of image."
"Bah, I don’t care what image I give these nit wits, they’ll have a lot more to fear than a tantrum. Besides, that apple was a last minute throw in. now, I need an aspirin. I’ve got a headache. Finster, I’ll deal with you later!"
The empress then leaves he room.