Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Friendship is Magic

by Werewolf Cheetara

Chapter 4 - An Apple meets a Red Ranger

Chapter 4
An Apple meets a Red Ranger

At the gates of Canterlot, the elements of Harmony were approaching the front doors. Where to guards nodded their heads at one another, and pushed the two doors in, allowing the girls, and spike to pass through. Once they were all inside, the doors were then shut behind them. They continued towards the thrones, where Princess Celestia, and Luna sat. Awaiting their fellow royalty to approach them. Twilight was about to reach the first step when Celestia got up from her throne, and made her way down the stairs.

“Twilight, it’s so good to see you again.”

The white Alicorn ruler, embraced her violet student, as if she were a long lost sibling.

“I’ve missed you, too. Princess.”

“Please, call me by my name. We are both Alicorns after all.”

“Sorry, I’m still getting used to the title.”

“Don’t worry. These things take time.”

“Now, princess, I mean Celestia. About your letter.”

“Yes, well. I’m glad you brought that up.”

Celestia turned to the elements, and cleared her throat.

“We’ve been receiving reports of changelings, roaming about Equestria. They’ve all been discovered heading towards Canterlot. Although those few have been caught, and are being held. I fear there may be more out there. Right inside the city, as we speak this very minute.”

“Yah don’t suppose Chrysalis is planning’ on taking Canterlot again, do yah princess?”

“I’m not sure. From what our forces say, some of the changelings have deserted their queen, while few others regrouped with her in outer territories.”

“What would you have us do, Celestia?”

“Yeah, we take on bug face. Just say the words.”

“While I admire you fighting spirit, Rainbow Dash. I must advise you all to heed caution, for the mean time. Now, I want you all to go out, and enjoy the city. I will summon you here again, once I have any word on Chrysalis, or a potential invasion plan.”

“Are you sure that’s the wisest decision, Princess?”

“There’s nothing more we can do but wait, and see if she strikes. Since you’ll be staying here for a while, I thought you all could do something to pass the time. Other than being stuck in this empty room, waiting for who knows what.”

Much to Twilight’s fondness of her mentor, she would have liked to stay beside her. But, she knew Celestia was right. There was no point in waiting for war to knock on the door.

“Alright princess. We’ll try to keep a low profile. Come on girls.”

Bidding her teacher farewell, Twilight regrouped with the other elements, and made their way towards the doors. Once they, cleared the door way, the massive doors shut. Celestia looked to the stain glass window to her right.

“Be careful, my faithful student.”

At the gates of the castle, Twilight, and her friends were discussing their plan of action.

“Alright. The princess wants us to keep low. Spike and I are heading to the library, to catch up on some reading.”

“Actually, I was planning on going with Rarity. She said that she needed some help picking out some new outfits. So I…”

“Alright then. I will be at the library.”

“And,I’llbeatthebakery. There’s so many tasty treats I’ve got to try.ThisonetimeIsawahugepancakethatwasthesamesizeofacartwheelandMmph!”

Twilight had placed her hoof on Pinkie’s lips, in order to calm down.

“Okay. Thank you, Pinkie Pie.”

Flutters, and I’ll be checking out the pet shop we passed on our way up here.”

“I’m sure we can find something for Tank and Angel.”

“Yeah, I’m in need of restocking on Tank’s food.”

“Okay. Now Applejack…”

“I’ll just be wanderin’ around. Maybe check on some of the competition ‘round here.”

“Okay. We’ll all meet back at the palace around sunset. If anyone runs into trouble, like changlings. Regroup where ever you can. Do not engage, unless you have no other option. Keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.”

They all nodded, and went their separate ways, with a sharp eye, and a steady hoof.

Meanwhile, Just outside of Canterlot, the six Rangers were approaching the main gate to the City of Canterlot. The continued into the city, observing the architecture, marveled at the unique detailing, and made their way to the established visitor’s center. The others held back, when Jason made his way up to the counter. The Receptionist notice the young stallion approach, and noticed how attractive he looked.

“Hi there. What can I do for you, sugar cube?”

“Yeah, Hi. Do you guys happen to have a map of the city? My friends and I are new around here.”

“Oh, sure. Here. This should help you and your friends.”

The young mare hands over a common fold out map of Canterlot to Jason.

“I’m Lemon drop. Come back if you need anything else.”

“Thanks. I’m Jason.”

He waved his hoof, and left to regroup with his comrades.

“So, do you have a map we can use?”

“Yeah, Here.”

He hands Billy the map. Who then unfolds it, revealing the layout of the entire capital.

“Okay so we’re here at the visitors’ center, and the castles on the other side.”

As the other rangers continued to study the map, Jason looks over for a second, and notices an Orange pony with blonde hair, and a cowboy hat. In all his years, he had not seen a girl of such beauty before. Then a sound caught his attention. The sounds of screams coming from his left. He turned to see a runaway cart approaching uncontrollably. He saw that the cart was heading straight towards the young mare. He had to act fast, without a word, Jason quickly walked from the group to warn the girl. The others looked away from the map, and saw Jason moving away from them.

“Jason? Jason, Wait!”

Without responding to Tommy’s call, Jason continued his path towards the pony. His pace quickened as he saw the cart approach faster and faster. As if time had slowed down, the red ranger called out to the cowgirl.


The young mare turned to see the cart approaching her in its high speed. Her eyes widened, as if death stood right in front of her. For the first time, in this very moment, Applejack was scared stiff to the point where she couldn’t move. As she braced for her fate, she felt a heavy force pressing against her, moving her from harm’s way. As she fell out of harm’s way, Applejack saw the cart crash right into a brick wall, stopping the cart dead in its tracks. She looked back to find the source of the forceful push out of danger. To her surprise, she found a young colt in his prime on top of her. The two made eye contact, and Applejack began to blush a bright red.

“Um, I, ah think you can get off me now. Partner.”

“Hmm? Oh! Sorry.”

Jason lifted himself of the ground and back on all four legs. He held out his hoof to the young apple girl. She grasped his hoof with hers, and pulled herself up from the cobblestone road.

“You okay?”

“I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t showed up. Thanks.”

“I sure you would’ve done the same thing in my shoes.”

“I’m sure of that two.”

“My name’s Jason.”

“I’m Applejack. It’s nice to meet a fella like you.”

Their attention was then drawn to a loud shout up on the hill where the cart came from. The cart’s owner was yelling at a pony, who saw him push the cart down on purpose. When he threatened to call the guards, the pony threw a punch at the owner, and dashed up hill.

“I recon that’s the creep who launched that cart.”

“What do you say about finding out?”

“Fine by me.”

“Come on.”

In an instant, the two ponies made haste up hill, and hunt down the would be assassin on Applejack’s life. Tommy and Kimberly saw Applejack, and Jason run past them.

“Jason, wait! Come Back!!!”

Seeing that Jason did not respond again, Kimberly started running after them. Tommy shortly followed, along with Trini, Zack, and Billy. The hunt for the attempted assassin was on.