To find a lost Sister

by Smrrt

Chapter 1

Life has its ups and downs. But if you're obsessed with one task you know it is impossible, but still try, you really start appreciating the few times people manage to get you off from it. Considering the burden I put on myself, it may seem cold, but even I could think rationally enough to know that one sometimes needed to take a break. My sister always taught me to keep a cool head. She disappeared ten years ago without a trace.

I guess you guys now know my obsession: finding my goddamn sister. I even became the underling of a private detective. I have to add I'm not good with puzzles or putting facts together, aside from the obvious things. Yeah and someone like me wanted to become a defense attorney at first.

It didn't take much for me to give up this dream. My sister always had been my motivator. We loved playing a certain game, but I didn't touch it in ages.

My I should tell you how I look, before I go on. I have black hair, short, green/brown eyes, pale skin, wore a black leather jacket over a grey vest, it was a cold day, dark blue jeans and blue sport shoes. I also wore a t-shirt with an arrow pointing at my head with the writing: 'This space is unoccupied.' It is an A-Team reference, from their crazy pilot who always wore such a thing.

But I'm getting off topic.

I was totally lucky being taken under a good private detective as Mr. Brown, 'cause I wasn't really cut out for the job. But then again, I wasn't really cut out for anything. I could already feel the pain on my head, although my sister was missing for ten freaking years.
What you guys should know is that I got adopted by my sister's parents. I never knew my own my parents and after I met my sister's I stopped caring.

She was 20 when she disappeared. Despite her age and being occupied with her friends and studying and all, she still made some free time extra for me. Every Saturday was reserved only for me. Now you know why I'm so obsessed with her. At least partially.
Today was my nineteenth birthday, but especially on those days I was all up for work, you know, days that you normally spend with your family. I still loved my parents and all, but I just couldn't get over it. NO ONE DISAPPEARES WITHOUT LEAVING A FUCKING TRACE!
I was walking down the street towards the office of my boss. Business was going low the last month, but my boss didn't complain. When no one needed his help, it meant that there were fewer problems in the world.

Or they just don't want your help, dude.

"Morning boss." I entered the office, putting my jacket over the chair. Mr. Brown raised an eyebrow at me being there on my birthday, although he gave me the day off.

"Seb" my nickname. I'm from Germany and my full name is Sebastian Silvers. Not a German last name, but remember, I got adopted.
"Don't mention it boss." I put my bag on the ground and took my laptop out. Next I walked over to the shelves and took out a file, one that only I handled. You know what kind of file that is, right? My boss shook his head. He still was getting used to my antics. I only worked for two years there, but I've known him for longer. Not really personally, he just was the one who took the case of my sister, after the police gave up searching. I gave up my pocket money for this, even though my parents were totally against it.

"*sigh* This is your birthday. I'm sure your sister wouldn't have wanted this." Mr. Brown said sternly. I didn't even look up from the file, although I knew it inside out. Every word, every picture, every ink drop that got accidentally not where it belonged, the small ketchup stain, I memorized everything.

"My parents got no time anyways for the next two weeks." I replied. I didn't really have many friends. A lot of acquaintances back from school and childhood friends, but nothing too deep. And all of them knew how fast I got pissed on special event days, just because I couldn't spent them with my sis. Yeah, I'm THAT obsessed.

My boss only sighed again and shook his head. He stood up and put a package in front of me. "Happy birthday. Since you're here, I might as well give it to you now."

"Thanks, boss-man."

I opened it and smiled. A new mp3. My old one got busted, while we examined some old sewers. Please don't ask for any details. Not only was it disgusting, but we found things....well, I don't want to rate it M, so I leave it to your imagination.

"Wow, thanks dude."

"No problem."

I immediately got distracted from my work, because I wanted to put all of my music on that thing at once. Good thing I have made backups on my laptop. The whole transmitting process would take a while, so I might as well recharge my laptop at the same time. After putting the cable into the socket, I noticed my boss didn't have any coffee, so I walked to the machine in order to make him new, but Mr. Brown stopped me in my tracks.

"This is your birthday, Seb. You don't need to do anything. In fact I should be the one to bring you coffee." he smiled a little. I took out a coke can from my back. "As prepared as always, I see." he chuckled.

Yeah, I may be sucking at deduction and all, but I always carry a lot of shit with me around. My back was always busting with stuff, thus making it difficult to carry. But I'm a little stubborn when it came to my stupid behavior. Like drinking milk and coke at the same time. It hurts my stomach, but I'm doing it anyways. Plus it grosses people out, so double win for me.

I sighed. This was pointless, but by the time I would give up, I knew I would commit suicide. Everyone knew that, that's why everyone supported me or tried to get me to a psychiatrist. Well at least he knew what he was doing, I gave Doc that much.
I opened the explorer and got to Google Earth. Boss always said, when you're stuck with something, it might be wise to return to the beginning and go through everything step by step.

Sis had been on a party with friends. From what I gathered it went a little out of hand with the alcohol, but that was still pretty normal. Besides, Sis was the one who was driving, so no alc for her. And I knew she wouldn't drink when she was supposed to drive, at least not on her own accord. But I had no evidence that someone made her drunk or drugged. It was still pretty high on the list of what might happened.
Afterwards Sis was supposed to stay with a friend for the night. I secretly believed he had been her boyfriend and my gut feeling turned out to be right. He had been there for me the first year, when I cried myself into sleep every night. I saw him as a cousin, not a brother. We weren't that close. According to him they were supposed to meet at their special place. She went there first, because he had stuff to do in town, before he followed. But she never arrived there. Of course everyone, including me I have to add, firstly believed he was behind her disappearance. But then a witness appeared, saying Sis really went into the woods on her own. So he-

It hit me.

"I'M SUCH A DUMBASS!" I exclaimed smashing both hands on the table, startling my boss in the process. I walked around the office, ranting how I could overlook such an obvious thing, hitting my head against the wall and biting myself in my arm, before I finally calmed down.
"Are you alright?" Mr. Brown asked concerned.

I supported myself on the table and took a few deep breaths in order to calm myself down.

"Of course the police searched the area..." I mumbled.

"Seb? Did you found something?" My boss asked, clearly interested in my sudden outburst. I nodded slowly. "There's a place I never bothered looking. I know the police already searched the entire area and after ten years I doubt I'll find anything, but-"
"-it's always worth a try." my boss smiled. He picked up his key cars and put over his jacket. It was one of those cliché detective jackets. I wanted such a thing too, but I always forgot to buy myself one. The download was finished anyway, so I plugged everything off and put it away in my bag a bit hasty.

We walked outside, my boss closing the office. His car was....okay I admit it. I'm a guy and the only thing I know about cars is how not to drive them. Don't ask how I got my own drivers license.

"Where to?" he asked, once we were both set and ready to go. "My old hometown. There's someone I need to ask something." My boss knew the way, so he didn't need any instructions. I looked outside the window the whole time. This was a lost cause and I knew it. Man, what was I thinking? Oh right, about her, because I was totally obsessed with her. Not on the outside, I still had enough brain left to not to show it.
I blocked out the flashbacks that almost came up, when we entered the all too familiar landscape. I was pretty good at this, years of experience. Helps me keep track of what is important.

We arrived at that out in nowhere place half an hour later. I couldn't belief the dude was still living here of all places. "Next to the right." I told him. We were there. Same old two story house. Except they planted new flowers in the front.

"Nice little town." My boss commented as he looked around. "Nothing special here." I waved off. "The internet is pretty shitty." My boss chuckled, while I stepped up the stairs and rang the bell. I wondered if he even was at home or would recognize me at all, hell maybe I wouldn't recognize him. I should have at least called before rushing over.

When the door opened, I found out he didn't change much. He looked a little older and had a beard now or just needed to be shaved, but the rest, still the same old guy.

"Can I help you?" he asked. Yup, didn't recognize me at all. I didn't blame him at all. "I'm the guy who crashed into your car with the bike, thus my sister thought you crashed into me and almost killed you. Well she did send you to hospital."

His eyes widened. That story never gets old. By the way, Sis used a knife.

"Seb?! Haha, didn't recognize you there. Man, you've grown." We shook hands. "Come in little bro."

"Thanks dude. Oh, by the way, that's my boss Chris Brown, a private detective."

"Really? Nice to meet you sir."

"Likewise." The two shook hands. We entered the house and walked straight into the kitchen. If I had been famous of something in the little place here, than it was for a sister who was ready to murder anyone who hurt me and my coke addiction. So Jake, the name of the guy we were visiting, already gave me a glass with cola, when I placed myself on the table. Boss asked for coffee.

The kitchen was a newer model; everything looking like it's made of metal. There was a rose in a vase next to the window. After everyone had his drink, Jake placed himself on the table and started talking. "So, private detective? What happened to the whole defense attorney thing?" he asked teasingly. I smiled in a nostalgic way, looking down at my glass.

"Things changed. And honestly, I only took this job, for the hope to find her one day. You know, like in those books and movies." I laughed dryly and the other two joined in eventually. "So you're here because of her?" Jack looked over to a photo, which showed the two in their teens, the time he had been in hospital.

"That's right." My boss took over. "We hoped you could tell us where this place is you two were supposed to meet."
Jack flinched visibly. "Why? I doubt there's anything you'll find."

"I know it's pointless, least I want to see what she liked about that place." Oh man, why didn't I just tell him I wanted to make peace with myself? Meh, he saw through it anyway. He knew how messed up I was in the head, even though the two of us didn't know each other that good. He looked with pity at me and then let out a sigh.

"It's up the dog way, to the right of where the wild strawberries grow. The bench where you can overview everything."

"Where that old staircase is?" I asked with a deadpan expression and the same voice. Jake nodded. "Yeah, that place."

"Oh god..." I hit my head on the table. Jake and Mr. Brown looked at me confused. "I rolled down that staircase a few times. Hurt a lot. Bad childhood memories."

The two chuckled and I didn't even bother complaining. I acted pretty stupid back then and slipped over the same spot, while playing the same game. I'm a genius alright. Did I mention I broke my right arm all four times it happened?

"Oh shit." Jake looked at the clock in the room. "I gotta go somewhere. Nice seeing you again. Nice to meet you Mr. Brown. If you'd excuse me. Gotta go."

"See ya around."

"Thank you for the coffee."

Mr. Brown and I left, while Jake hurried upstairs, to change clothes. Boss and I were walking to the forest path, when we heard the sound of a horn. Jake drove away and we all waved to each other, before Boss and I proceeded.

"Why is this path called 'dog way'?" he asked out of curiosity, when we entered the forest from the west side. "It just got that name, 'cause a lot of people go on a walk in a regular basis on this path. And there had been sightings of wolves every now and then. Actually, I saw one myself one time. Pretty cool, but I didn't have a camera at that time."

"Ah, so that's why there's a wolf statue in the middle of the village."

I nodded. "Wolves are to us like cows to the Hindus. Hurt one and we'll burn you."


I laughed. It may have been a bit extreme, but we in my place never feared wolves. We were always fascinated by them and hell in the kindergarten here it was forbidden to tell fairy tales where wolves are the bad guys. Am not kidding. There's some kind of background story behind this. Man this is my home, I should know about it. I should ask Jake another time, he most likely knew it.

"Okay, this way boss." I still knew my way around.

"Shouldn't we follow the path?" he asked as I started climbing my way around. "There's none. They never bothered restoring it after it got grown all over. Now it is a little special place."

"This town is weird." Boss commented. I laughed. "Three cows come to one human."

He carefully followed me. I instructed him to grab the same tress as I did and we quickly made our way up. Then we simply needed to go through a few bushes aaaand...

...wait for it....

"Wow." My boss was in awe as he saw the sight. You had a pretty good overview over all the villages around and the landscape. "Looks even better on a sunset, especially in spring when everything around here is blooming." Man now I felt like a tourist guide. Mr. Brown enjoyed the view a little more, before he adjusted his coat. He looked around and found my personal unlucky stairs. There was moss grown all over them and the metal railing was totally rusted. "Why are they here?" he asked.

"There's an old bunker under us, back from the second world war." I informed him. "One of the reasons I wanted to come here. I know the police searched every room down below that was still accessible, but know the outcome." I sighed.
Mr. Brown nodded, his hand resting under his chin. "Does it belong to anyone around here?" he asked. I shrugged. "The last dude was pretty old. I think he's already dead. If he didn't sell it to anyone, it might belong to the government again." I chuckled. "We used to sneak in there a lot. But then they installed this new door."

Mr. Brown nodded and started to take notes. Normally I would do that too, but I grew up in this place. That stuff is common knowledge to me.
"So, only townspeople know about this place?" he asked. I shrugged and crossed my arms, looking down the valley. "Dunno. We all had one or other friend from outside who was brought up here at some point. Sorry, it goes to at least 50 suspects in total." I informed him.
"I guess that is only natural. Hmm, let's take a look downstairs. We might find a number on a sign, which we can dial to ask the owner for permission to get inside."

"Hopefully it's not that rusty old dude. I pissed the guy off more than one time." I admitted. Mr. Brown smiled and shook his head. We both walked downstairs, very carefully I might add. When we got to the fence, there was one thing that jumped into my eye immediately. I took out my own notebook.

"That's strange. They put in the old door again."


Mr. Brown inspected the door. Clear enough, he could see the rusted old door behind the fence. A good kick was enough to get it open. "It's already open." he noted. "There's a hole in the fence." he also said.


He showed me the place and sure enough, there was a hole. We could easily fit in. "Why the hell would they change the door again?"

"Because the old one was stolen, brat!"

Urrgh...that voice.

Boss and I turned around. "Mr. Rogers..." I bent over sweating, although it was pretty cold.

"Heh, if it isn't the little junky brat." he spat, although I swore for a second I saw a hint of amusement on the old man's face. His face had even more scars and he had a full body tattoo of a dragon. Yup, we got all kind of weird people around. Plus he wore his old military uniform. Why was that? I knew he did it on special occasions.

"Junky brat?" My boss asked. I gave him a wry smile. "Me being a cola junky and all. It started pretty early."

Mr. Brown nodded slowly and turned slowly to the man in front of him. "If I may introduce myself, my name is Chris Brown, a private detective."

"Hmph, I see. Looking for the little brat's sister?" he asked in a ruffed voice. We both nodded. "Hmph, good luck with that. She's been missing for ten years." I flinched. Thanks for the reminder sucker, as if I don't push myself through this enough.

"You said the door was stolen?" asked my Boss.

"That was originally my idea." I admitted sheepishly. "But he caught us in the process, thus the fence. It's attached to a little alarm system."
"Hmph, same as always. Only good for burglar and stealing."

I wanted to tell him that I never stole anything, but the old guy knew that already. He was just taking his revenge on me for making him so much trouble. He did it with everyone. "I was about to change the battery, when I found some brats sneaking in. Hmph, they get worse with each generation I tell you. No respect for the elders. I tell you, we need to send them to Afghanistan! That way, they'll learn their lesson."
That's Mr. Rogers for you. Mr. Brown cleared his throat. Oh, you haven't seen anything yet.

"I brought the kids to the police."

"Oh dude..."

"Hehe, so you do remember."

"How could I forget?" I deadpanned. "You don't want to know the details. Trust me boss." I interrupted Mr. Brown before he could state his question.

"Boss? Whatever. So, you wanna go inside?"

"You'd actually let us?" I asked in disbelief. "It IS your birthday, brat. 'Sides, I still need to change that battery and take out a new fence. I'll let you snoop around as much as you want, 's long 's you help me."

"Thank you, we appreciate your help." Mr. Brown said.

"Thanks man. Owe ya a lot."

"Tch, at least you got the heart in the right place sonny." That meant a lot, coming from him. Back then, we were all pretty mean to him. I heard rumors he lost his entire division in one fight. He had the rank of a commander, by the way.

It was the first time I was inside legally. The walls on the upper two levels were all newly painted with white paint. A few buckets were still lying around, along with some used brushes. The air conditioning was modernized on all levels that were accessible. Truth to be told, the guy was a little paranoid and thought we were just one step away from getting into the 3rd world war. And honestly, considering everything that was happening I believed him more and more with each passing year.

Getting the fence up was no easy task, considering there was no elevator in this place. After Mr. Rogers put in the new battery for the fence we were all gathered in the first hall.

"Sure brings back memories." I remarked more to myself.

"Did your sister snuck in here as well?"

"As well? HA!" Mr. Rogers started laughing and I smiled dryly. "She taught us all the tricks." I informed him.

"Sneaky brat would have easily made it pretty high in the army. Had all the other brats under her wing, like she was a general." Mr. Rogers laughed and I couldn't help but smile. "Now that you mention it...oh man, were we that messed up?" I asked.

Mr. Brown shook his head. "Do you think she would run away?"

That question had to come, I knew it. It still hurt hearing it. I unconsciously made a fist.

"No way in hell." Mr. Rogers responded. "One day, there was another brat making fun of that brat over there."

Fucking great, bring out more memories I buried and kept buried for all those years. "It was in the middle of the street. They were both 7 at the time. She's 10 years older than him."

...! He said she IS. So he too believed that she was still out there, alive.

"The brat was always overprotective of him. Beat the shit out of the other brat, making him stay in hospital for a month." Mr. Brown was shocked in hearing that. I never really told him more than he needed to help me investigate her case, so yeah.

"Instead of going to those places for insane kids, she went straight into jail. Haha, you should have seen the show she pulled off."

"I'm going investigating." I didn't bother asking for permission. I just couldn't stand it when other's talked about her. As you just heard, she'd done a lot for me and got angry over the smallest things.

I walked downstairs into the lowest level accessible. I always mentioned accessible, meaning a few of those tunnels either collapsed or the vent was malfunctioning. I know a bunker ain't supposed to collapse just like that, but I heard Mr. Rogers complain on how the company who built that thing messed up everything.

In the war days there had been a lot of ammo, weapons, food and all the stuff you need for war being stocked in here. Today most rooms were empty. I didn't know what I hoped to find. A body? A skeleton? Heck, even if she turned out to be dead, I just wanted to know what happened to her.

I walked pretty much aimlessly around, but kept myself in the area were the old lights still worked. I tried to keep my mind up and managed to get back on track. I almost would have gotten a little insane there, but luckily the sudden cold was enough of a shock to bring me back.
It came literally out of nowhere and made me wonder what was going on. Sure it was cold in here, colder than outside, but the sudden cold was what was odd. I took out my notebook and immediately wrote it down. Maybe something was malfunctioning.

My mind was clear again and looking at my watch, I realized I had been wandering for almost half an hour. "Seb?" I heard a voice.
"Over here!" I shouted. Mr. Brown came down the stairs. "Seb, you had me worried!" he almost shouted. I crossed my arms and looked at him sternly. Hey, I can't help it when I lose it.

"*sigh* Anyways, Mr. Rogers is occupied with some repairing. He gave me a map and marked the areas we could look around freely." I took a look at the map. Huh, the bunker was simpler structured than I thought. My memory must be a little hazy.

"Since we're here, we might as well look around. I take the rooms to the left and you to the right."

"Got it, boss."

He knew it was useless. He only helped, because else I'd do it on my own and screw up at some point. The rooms at this level used to be storage rooms and some of them even had still some canned rations. I remembered there's stuff in some cold regions which would probably last forever due to the cold temperatures and everything being canned. From what I could read, you still could eat the stuff here. You have to consider it's almost 70 years old.

After some looking around, we meat up at the stairs. "Found anything?" he of all people asked. I simply shook my head and walked one level up. The barracks were here. I had been once in Berlin in a bunker on simple beds made of metal nets. Haven't ever slept that good, no joke. I was tempted to try them out, but kept my focus on looking around. The only things really notable in the first rooms were that there was almost no dust for some reason. Must have been the work of old Mr. Rogers.

Inside the last room however I found something. Nothing special actually, only a few marbles. I picked them up and walked outside. I met the Boss outside at the stairs again. "Found some marbles. Probably from one of the kids Mr. Rogers caught." Mr. Brown raised an eyebrow. "That can't be. According to Mr. Rogers, he found them shortly after they entered the bunker."

"Then maybe he missed one."

"No, don't you remember? He had to open up the way down, so we could get the fence up."

Now that he mentioned it, he was right yet again. "I know Rogers; he ain't the man for toys. And I know there's no other way down, I've been here often enough."

"The vents?" Mr. Brown suggested. I shook my head. "Suicide, they had to call fire patrol in order to get one kid out one day. It just goes straight down."

"Hmm...judging from the information at hand, either someone stole some spare keys or someone is still here right now."

"Couldn't someone have forgotten them here a few days ago?" I asked.

"No, else the alarm system would have reacted. Mr. Rogers assured me no one entered the last few weeks."

"So, someone is here? Right now? Hell if that's the case, the kid might be starved!"

Mr. Brown nodded. "I'll go upstairs and get Mr. Rogers. You look around, but stay at the places we're allowed to be."

"Got it, boss. I'll start downstairs and work myself up. There're plenty of places to hide between the shelves."

Boss-man ran upstairs, while I ran down and took out my flashlight, just in case I'd need it. I had two with me. The better one, which ran on batteries and the one that wasn't that good, but could be recharged anytime with the dynamo being attached and all.

"Hello? Anybody in here?" I shouted, whenever I entered a new room. There was never a reply. I looked around every neat and corner, but couldn't find anyone. What took Mr. Brown so long? I was almost done with the floor, when in the last room something caught my eye. It was a glowing red marble.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled. The hell was that? My heartbeat increased on a dangerously high rate and I breathed a little bit too often, so that I almost lost consciousness, just by looking at this thing. The air was a little thin, aside from the vent.

I tried to calm myself down, but failed miserably. It didn't help, that the lights went out all of the sudden. "Well fuck."

I activated my flashlight and searched for the exit. "That's how a fourth of the horror games start that I play." I mumbled to myself, while looking for a way out. Cue my paranoia struck in.

"Keep calm, look for the exit, go to the stairs...maybe I should listen to some music." No, in case Mr. Brown found me, I'd get a heart attack. I finally managed to get outside. It looked like the entire building was shut down for the time being. I didn't even hear the vent, meaning I needed to get out. Luckily all I needed to do was to go forward and-


I swear I saw a pair of red eyes for a split second. Must have been my imagination or some emergency lights, I just couldn't make out anymore, 'cause I was stupid. It did happen before, so I was pretty much convinced.

That was until I felt a touch on my shoulder, making me stop. "Boss? Or maybe Mr. Rogers?" I asked, almost squeaked like a mouse. Next I felt something heavy hit the back of my head. That was the moment my life got pretty fucked up. In a crazy way.

"Ow, maaaaaaaan~" I groaned, rubbing the back of my head, when I woke up. I was totally confused and had a hard time to remember what just happened. Slowly it all came back to me, the moment I woke up until the moment I passed out.

"Right, must have been that kid. Probably wanted his or her toys back." I concluded. I searched my pockets and noticed that the marbles were gone alright. Everything else was still there. Well at least the kid wasn't a thief.

Using my light I flashed ahead and now it got really disturbing. I wasn't inside a man-made tunnel anymore. "This is a freaking cave. A CAVE!!"
Luckily this wasn't the first time something like this happened. I was working with a private detective and it got a little exciting at one point: I got kidnapped. We were looking for a lost teen and those guys mistook me for him. Belief me, one time is enough to make you immune to such things as waking up in random places. Hey this time had been better: I hadn't been under drugs, but was knocked out cold. Sure I had a headache, but waking up from drugs was way worse, belief me.

Plus I had all my stuff and wasn't tied up or anything. My explanation was the one who owns the marbles was a little insane in the brain and brought me here, wherever here was. Most likely some cave connected to the bunker. I could breathe clearly, so I must either be pretty close to an exit or close to the bunker.

Calming myself down as much as possible, I started walking ahead, with my heart clearly trying to break my rips. Yeah, I calmed down.
I could now describe in every detail just how afraid I was and every time I stumbled and all. But no. All I say is that I walked for five minutes (I still had my watch), when I arrived in a dimly lighted room. There was a hole in the sealing and the sun was coming through, shining down on a sword in the stone.

"What the fuck? Did I get dropped in a film trailer or something? At least the sword is cool." I commented. It wasn't your typical King Arthur Excalibur sword. It looked like a flame came out of the handle. It was a little crooked and completely black, no shit.
"Might as well..." I mused. Putting the flashy to the ground, I walked ahead and put both hands on the handle. "One...two....three! Whoa!" I shouted as I fell to my butt, because it was really easy to get it out. The weight still put me down. "Ow~" I whined.
I got up and supported myself on the sword. I tried to hold it up and noticed, even if it seemed to weight something, I could swing it around like a madman. I wondered if that thing was even real. My bleeding finger was proof enough.

"That is awesome and disturbing at the same time." I told myself. Nevertheless, I felt a lot safer with that thing in my hand. I picked up the flashy into my other hand and walked into what seemed to be the next hallway. Whatever was going on, I'd have something to tell my parents back at home. The sword I could give some museum or sell it to one. Nah, I'm not in the mood in being an ass today.
When I saw light at the end of the tunnel, I don't belief in heaven, thank you, I turned off my light and walked straight ahead, shielding my eyes, until I got outside.

GOD, when did it became so HOT!? I immediately threw the sword to the ground and took off my jacket, somehow managing to stuff it into my back, which was full now. I opened my vest too. What the hell was wrong with the weather? First totally cold and now hot as in the summer?!

"Something is totally wrong. What da...?!" The sword was gone. I looked down at my hand and noticed again something disturbing. Since when did I have a freaking tattoo on the back of my hand?! It looked like the mini version of the sword.

I was still baffled on the sword that disappeared, when I suddenly heard the sound of wolves growling. I'd recognize that sound everywhere. Only I didn't recognize the wolves.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed. In front of me out of the bushes came three wolves out. Wolves made of wood and with sick green glowing eyes!

"Screw logic Seb! You already know this ain't a dream, since you felt pain! Get the fuck out of here!" I commanded myself. In the back of my head I had the faint idea that I was on drugs, but right now I was running. I was an idiot. I was running from wolves! Wolves are faster than humans! I thought I could make it out, if I run between the trees. What an idiot I was at that time. I didn't come that far anyway.

One of the wolves jumped in front of me and now I was surrounded. Now came the real panic with the breakdown, curling up in a ball and whimpering. Yeah, thinking back even NOW I feel way too embarrassed to describe it in further detail. Let's skip to the next interesting thing. Remember the tattoo? Well that thing was burning! BURNING! Literally speaking. In black flames!

I think I should tell you now, so I don't have to repeat myself. In the following moments I was disturbed, confused, scared and overall freaked out. I'll tell you when I calmed down.

Don't ask me, but it kind of reminds me of pokemon. Only slightly, don't worry.

Three small balls of dark flames jumped out from the back of my hand and landed on the ground, right in front of the three wolf thingies. Now we come to the really disturbing part and also the part where I found out under which section of my fanfiction account I would put this story, once I got home, if ever.

Three freaking PONIES appeared out of the black flames! I knew they weren't horses, because on our Saturdays my sis and I watched our favorite shows together. She is a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic sucker, while I'm more into anime than cartoons, mainly One Piece.
Anyways one earth pony, a pegasus and a unicorn were facing now the wolves, I'll just call them that for now, until I remember what they're actually called.

The ponies basically had dark fur and red eyes. Their manes however were ash grey. Yeah, luckily there isn't much to describe much on ponies. Oh yeah, totally forgot the cutie marks. Like my tattoo, only in white.

Now I wasn't really a brony or anything, but I did remember some samples of the show. Mainly earth ponies focus on strength, unicorns on magic and pegasi on agility. It was easier for me to comprehend to put it under RPG logic.

The wolves howled up in surprise, giving the ponies a chance to strike. They almost acted like robots, programmed to fight. The earth pony kicked his or her target (I was too baffled to check out for that detail) and it shambled. The unicorn zapped the thing with electricity, while the pegasus flew up and charged down.

In all that mess my brain was currently trying to get through, it remembered one thing. Those stupid wolves regenerated. My survival instincts took over and I ran away from the place as fast as possible, which was slow. My bag got caught up over and over in the bushes and all the crap a forest had to offer.

I tripped over a rock at some point and landed ungracefully on the ground, luckily on moss. I breathed heavily and pretty fast. I was listening to my surroundings carefully. I knew what kind of sounds wolves made back from at home, but luckily I only heard birds and other stuff. All of the sudden the three black flame-balls returned into the back of my hand and it felt like I touched a hot plate. I bit my arm in order to not scream.

'CALM THE FUCK DOWN!' I shouted mentally to myself. I thought of my sister. I got sad and the wish to be with her took over. It also meant I got totally depressed and needed to suppress my tears. A nasty trick to get myself back on track, but the best that helped me. Let me say it this way: if you're insane (I'm obsessed with my sister, not totally, but enough) you learn how to keep that insanity hidden and in the process you learn some mind tricks on yourself.

I was still confused and scared as hell. I just realized how dark that forest really was and I had a pretty good idea what the name of said forest was. My brain told me over and over that it was impossible, that I was under drugs, but heck I already knew how it was to be under drugs! I could easily conclude I was not! Plus I already experienced pain!

"Calm. The Fuck. Down." I growled at myself. Sometimes I wished I had a split personality, so that the other one could take over at some points in my live. Would have been damn useful at that point.

"This is nuts! This is TOTALLY nuts. Know what? If I wake up tomorrow and am still here, I'm gonna accept it."

Satisfied I tried to get up, but collapsed. I didn't feel too well and something was wrong with my vision. It was blurring from time to time. Oh hell, I recognized that symptoms: I was dehydrating. Last time that happened I needed 1 liter of water in order to get back in shape. I had been late for my part time job.

I tried to forget the fat about the ponies and wolves and everything else and dragged my bag next to my face. After opening it, I took out my jacket and all the other stuff until I finally found another coke can. I had 3 left that one in my hand included. Coke wasn't the best thing, but it was the only thing I had at the time and I needed something inside my system. Plus I was getting hungry. And as good (and unnecessary) as I always prepared, I didn't have any food with me.

After my brain got back on track and the coke can was empty, I got up and started walking into a random direction. There was supposed to be a path somewhere. Still that forest crept me out. Doesn't look that dangerous in the cartoon. Or maybe I was just overreacting, I was simply totally scared by that all other world and magical tattoo shit.

I should really stop describing how freaked out I was and start describing my surroundings. I didn't recognize most of the trees. In all honesty it looked like a mixture of a typical forest from middle Europe with one third of it being jungle trees.

I found some strange plants on my way, such as blue glowing flowers. A lot of the flowers were glowing and I avoided them as good as possible. The mushrooms looked even weirder than the once from my old school book. Different colored dots, some of them were zebra like striped and one huge red one looked like it was breathing!

I avoided those plants as good as possible and sometimes even stopped breathing for a few seconds because of the spores. I didn't know if I was going the right way. I could have gone deeper or actually walked into the right direction. I found myself at a clearing again and sighed in relief when actual sunlight hit my face. I decided to make a short break and placed myself on a not so comfortable rock. I heard some rustling behind me, but that happened ever since I entered the forest.

My stomach told me it was time for dinner, but I didn't have anything with me. Trying out some of the local fruits? Yeah like I was that stupid or rather that desperate. I was still in danger though.

Three more of those wolves appeared and I was surrounded. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUUUCK!" Yeah, I lost it again. The predators smiled wickedly at me and came closer and closer. Why wasn't my freaking tattoo reacting?!

"Come on, come on!" I rubbed it like it was a lamp with a Jeanie inside. The wolves were only a few inches away, before my tattoo finally started burning again. But instead of the ponies, I felt something inside my hand and a split second later I had that sword in my hand. I looked at it in disbelief. The wolves luckily didn't cope well with something appearing out of nowhere.

When I looked at the sword, I felt some confidence rising inside me, like when I firstly took it out of the cave. I looked at the wolf in front of me and swung a few times, making the creature back away a little. And I just made it angry.

Something inside me changed and I took some sort of fighting position. I charged at the first wolf and he charged at me. I swung the sword pretty unprofessional and hit the thing straight on the head. You expect an epic battle? Get real people. I was surrounded and I had been idiotic enough to just charge ahead. Before I could even see how much damage I did, I felt pain going through of my legs. I was still in shock, screaming, when I was hit to the ground and bitten in the shoulder. I screamed in pain and then the third wolf, which was still alive, came into the whole mess. I wasn't so sure whether I was lucky or unlucky that they didn't bite my neck. They shook their heads, obviously trying to rip my limbs apart from my body. I really thought I was done for at that time, if it wouldn't have been for the three shadow ponies deciding now of all times to appear and help me!

Now my memories of what transpired are totally fuzzy and not reliable, because my brain was way too occupied with the pain. I do remember being carried for what seemed like for hours.

I lost quite the amount of blood and I could feel my pulse increasing.

From there on my memory really isn't reliable anymore. I felt had closed my eyes and even got slightly used to the pain. With any luck the bleeding would stop before it got too severe, but I doubted that. I started having strange visions of my sister and moments of my life. At some point I lost consciousness.

I didn't know how much time passed since I last woke up. When I did though, I wasn't outside anymore and luckily not in a cave. I was actually in a bed, a very comfortable one at that, meaning definitely not at home. I couldn't possibly afford a mattress as comfortable as the one I was lying on. Whoever found me, bandaged my legs up, without getting rid of my clothes for some reason.

Curiosity was bigger than my laziness for once and I opened my eyes, only to close them again a moment later. The sunlight had blinded me. I did it a little smarter the second time, raising one of my arms and shielded my eyes. I opened them only slowly in order to get used to the light bit bye bit until I opened them completely. I could already tell by the smell that I wasn't in any kind of hospital.

The room I was in was a large bedroom. It looked quite comfortable, even if it lacked any kind of electricity equipment. Actually scratch that. Because there was no radio, alarm clock or even a freaking desk lamb that ran on electricity. There was a candle instead of a proper lamb.

The floor was wooden and to my left was a chimney. I didn't get any further of checking out the room, because the door on the other side opened. It was at this point, when the butter colored pegasus entered the room, that I remembered the situation I was in. Or rather fully realized it.

I really was in another world. I was in a world that should not exist at all. And that pegasus over there was way too cute to be allowed to exist.

I got my upper body up, only for it to slump back down. I didn't even notice how exhausted I was.

"Oh my." The pegasus, I kinda forgot her name, made some strange whinny and neigh sounds, before flying up to my side and putting her hoof on my forehead, as if checking for temperature. As far as I could tell I had none, but hey, who was I to talk? Right in front of me was a mythological creature. For all I knew, I could be lying in the hospital, unconscious from getting not enough oxygen, back at the bunker. At least that's what I told myself until my legs started to hurt for some damnable reason. As we all know, pain means no dream.

'Well fuck.'