//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: Poor Little Rich Pony // by Ugly-Duckling123 //------------------------------// In the barn, the filly was walking around showing herself off to the girls that were looking at her enjoying the attention. Applejack came into the barn and walked up to Nutmeg. "Am I too late?" she asked Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. "No, we were just about to ask her," Apple Bloom said reaching out her hand to be met by the filly's nose. "So girl," she said "Would you rather be called Paprika, or Honey-Crisp?" The filly looked confused and started licking Apple Blooms hand. "I got an idea," Diamond Tiara said. "Does your spice cupboard have any paprika?" "Possibly," Applejack said wondering where she was going with this. "And do you have any honey-crisp apples?" "Somewhere... in orchard three I think." "Go get them and bring them here." Tiara ordered Applejack, then she turned to Apple Bloom. "Do you have some flower pots?" "Yep," Apple Bloom was giggling at the feeling of the filly's tongue on her hands. "The next barn over." She left to get some. After a few minutes, both sisters were back and handed the things to Tiara. Diamond Tiara showed the spice, and the apple to the filly, then placed them on the straw bench on top of the flower pots. Then she pointed to the paprika. The filly still looked confused then shook her head, then Tiara pointed to the apple. This time the filly nodded. "Looks like she wants to be called Honey-Crisp then," Applejack said. "But what if she's just hungry?" Apple Bloom said. "Foals don't have solid food right away remember Apple Bloom?" Applejack said. "Besides didn't you want her to be called Honey-Crisp in the first place?" "Well.... Yeah..." "It's settled then," Applejack said lifting Apple Bloom. "Her name will be Honey-Crisp." Back in the forest, Mac and Fluttershy were sitting under the shade of one of the trees. Fluttershy in the arms of Macintosh. "It sure is nice here," Fluttershy spoke up. "Yep," was all Mac said looking around at the scenery. "Do you think we should be getting .... back?" she asked yawning and making herself comfortable on Mac's chest. Mac looked at his watch, reading 12:45. "We can stay here a bit..." But Fluttershy wasn't listening, she had fallen asleep, turning Mac's ears pink again. Appleseed looked towards the two and reared up in joy, that things were going fine. Mac just smiled and held Fluttershy a bit closer. "Thanks dad." was all he said before nodding off himself. * The sun was beginning to set when Appleseed decided to wake up his owner and Fluttershy. He started by gently nudging Fluttershy on the arm and tickling her with his tail. "Wha..." Fluttershy asked rubbing her eyes, then seeing who had awoken her, smiled and reached up to pat Appleseed. But then she noticed she was lying next to Mac. "Ohmygoodness, Ohmygoodness, Ohmygoodness," she said getting up and backing away. "Have I been sleeping next to him this whole time?" she asked getting a nod from Appleseed who turned to Mac and started nibbling at his hair. "Hello Appleseed," Mac said stretching a bit then he saw Fluttershy. "You ok there Fluttershy?" "I'm .... fine," she said hiding behind her hair. "You sure?" "Yes," Mac could scene something wrong but didn't want to put it on Fluttershy, so he just got up and walked to the opening in the trees they had come through that morning. "Do you want to ride back, or should we walk?" he asked. "I'm happy with walking, if it's alright with you," she said blushing. And they all set off back to the farm. The clock on the wall was reading 7:15, and Applejack was beginning to get very worried. "Where are they?" she asked again head in her hands. "If they're not back in ten minutes I'm going out after them." "Sis, why are you so worried?" Apple Bloom asked helping Granny Smith with the washing up. "I don't know Bloom," Applejack said returning to placing her face to the table. "Mac's a gentleman, child," Granny Smith said happily. "He wont be doing anything like that. I'm sure." "It's not that Granny," Applejack said looking up. "It's just we already lost someone to that forest, and I just don't want to lose anyone else." "Good thing you didn't then," Mac's voice said from the door. "Mac!" Applejack said getting down from the table hugging her brother, then... 'PUNCH' "Ow jees what was that for?" Mac asked rubbing his arm. "For scarring the hay out of me!" Applejack said fighting back tears. "And where's Fluttershy?" "Fluttershy's saying goodbye to the horses before I drive her home." Mac said going to get his keys. "So where were you all day then Mac?" Apple Bloom asked. "And why did you stay there that long?" "Appleseed took us somewhere in the woods," Mac explained. "And we were there for the whole day, because we fell asleep." Then turning to Granny said. "Did he really take her out at night Granny?" "Yes he did. Right after you two were asleep." Granny Smith smiled. "What?" Applejack and Apple Bloom said together. "Mac," a small voice said from the door, everyone spun to see Fluttershy with her bag and waiting to go. "Coming," Mac said grabbing a coat and leaving. "What was that about Granny?" Applejack asked now coming to help with the dishes. "I'll tell you when you're older," was all Granny Smith said, still smiling.