The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 35. I'm a psychopath from a filler chapter of my life.

I opened my eyes to wake up in a familiar room. I didn’t recognize it at first from the pain caused by the light, but I quickly discovered that it was my room. This is the room that I have been calling my home for several months now. It is a comfortable little nook in the bowels of the ship, quiet and secluded. Whenever I have an idea for a new spell or weapon, I would come here if I had the time to write it in my journal.

The spells that I have created over the few short months were nothing special. Most of them were just fanboy experiments from my favorite shows back on earth that I proved possible. Other than the spells, I had many ideas for weapons; Swords with guns, more powerful grenade hammers, sniper scythes, clubs with hand cannons as the core, and a quiver that dispenses beer. Yeah, I had too much time on my hands with that book.

If I had just a little more time, I could have used my creations to aid in the battle with the flying-fire-breathing-tank, but, of course, I didn’t have the time to do so. When my battle with the dragon ended, and the dust had settled from the crossfire. I somehow found the strength to repair the entire town from the damage I caused. I know the citizens went through hell, and the impression I left wouldn’t be so easily forgotten. I decimated their entire town within a few hours with my very own hands. And at the end of it all, I barely had enough strength left to return us home.

Thankfully, after I passed out from over exerting myself, Lily managed to drag my ass from the bridge to my room. Lily probably didn’t have a hard time carrying me through the ship. I knew she had the capability. She is a good girl, always thinking about me, usually in more ways than one. I should give her my thanks when she returns to check up on me, and if I’m not so sore, I’ll give her a treat. Maybe a massage or I’ll cook her something nice. It’s the least I could do.

But why my room of all places?

The amount of magical energy I spent during the fight put me on a fine line to a coma. Lily should have known that if I pass out without explanation, then I’m in real danger. I ran the risk of being put out of commission for several months, and I relied on Lily to ensure my safety unless… Unless she didn’t believe that I was in any trouble and that my condition could be remedied with only a few days bedridden. I guess it was my fault for running the risk I should have paid more attention to. Oh well, what’s done is done.

Lying on my bed, I got a full view of my room. Usually, I don't take a detailed account of the rooms I stay in, then again. I didn't have time to do so. Even though this room was small despite it being the captain quarters. Thankfully I didn't mind the space, it's not like I needed it to be too comfortable. I have everything that I need; a bed, shower, closet, dresser, and desk.

Aside from all the usual things found in an average room. I had amassed a variety of items that I made or found. Leaning against my desk was my three main weapons; Nix, Lumen, and Lupus. In my closet were my two sets of armor and my black trench coat. Everything else that I had since day one was in my chest at the base of my bed, mostly bullets and pocket change.

From the smell emanating from my pits, I must have been here for a couple of days. I tried to move from my bed to go have a shower, but my body wouldn’t let me. It was like every muscle was frozen solid. Well, it serves my right to pick a fight with a dragon using a railgun.
"Fuck me I’m stiff,” I complained trying to get out of bed. The effort was unfortunately stopped by a familiar sight making her way in focus. A sight I really didn’t want to see so soon.

“Erg. You’re still here?” I groaned failing to get back up, again.

“Yep,” she cheered, finding a comfortable place beside my bed.

Deep down inside, I knew leaving Lust behind while I went to capture the zebra, would not get rid of her. She is a creation meant to test me in some way but having her pop up just like Beetlejuice without my say so, didn’t help my current mood. I was too sore and mentally drained to be physically effective against her, but I guess sooner rather than later is they way she would want it.

“Yep,” she replied, popping a chessboard into existence for us to use.

I tried to get up for the third time, this time with painful success. She jumped onto the bed and sat at the base, setting up the game, also making me lose my balance. While I got back up from my fall and went through my usual morning routine; arch spine till every disk pops, flex wings, and then a yawn cleaning out my eye crust.

“So we're playing chess?” I asked, taking my place at the opposite end of the board. She set up the white pieces on her side and black on mine.

“Not just any game of chess,” she said. “Reality chess!”

“So, how do we play?”

“Simple. The pieces move on their own based on the answers we give each other as a response to a question. The harder the question we give to each other, the easier the win and the more we learn.”

So it’s a game about truth and not about sex. Just when I had the upper hand, reality slaps me in the face, but how am I going to beat her?
The only I could possibly beat her is with questions. So I have to very careful about what I ask, but if I have the liberty to ask anything. Then I should go with things that could help me with whatever troubles that I have been having early on in the game.

“Ready for your first question?” I asked.

“Go for it.”

“Okay then, let's go. What is Starlight glimmer after in her little hiding hole?” She frowned for a moment, knowing fully well that I asked for an advantage over my enemy, but this enemy is hidden away behind a barrier that cancels out magic. Lust can’t use magic to cheat her way out, so now she has to go with her own intuition alone. And she can't read my mind either because I don't even know what Starlight is after.
An evil smile grew on her face after a while, giving me the feeling that she has something up her sleeve, but that is not possible. “So?” I asked through a yawn ready for a long answer.

“Starlight glimmer is after an ancient demon created by the seven eyes of chaos millennia ago. This demon was the very reason that Tartarus was built. Long ago, an old user with his version of the seven eyes of chaos completed the tests. He hoped to gain full power of this kind of magic to become a god, but in the end, he just became the very thing he sought to destroy. A monster of absolute evil.
Starlight hopes to free this beast and release it into the world so that she can rid the world of all that oppose her and from the ashes. She will start anew, making the world in her own image. A utopia of equality under one banner. But, you're almost done your set of tests too, are you not?"

My heart stopped, that is not what I thought Starlight was going after. I thought she would gain control of an old war bomb created a thousand years ago meant to end the war between Nightmare moon and Celestia, but not a demon that… That I am slowly becoming. Oh god, what the hell have I got myself into? I must get her to give me an answer on how to stop it. To stop me from becoming the destroyer of worlds and not get locked up forever for all eternity.

“What’s wrong, Winter? Petrified?" Lust said as her knight moved in front of the pawn to the right side of her bishop.

Am I terrified? No, I'm afraid not. Or rather I can’t, and I didn’t know why. Why am I not terrified? Why am I not scared of being alone? Something like that should at least make me feel something for my safety, but nothing is stirring within my mind, not even the regard for the safety of others. What the hell was wrong with me?

“No, I'm afraid not. I know I should be, it is the normal response, but I just can’t. My brain won’t let me and I want to know why, but I can't find the answer.”

“Is that your question? We’re just starting the game you know?” Lust ad right, if I don't get the answers that I'm looking for. Then I won't be able to stop myself from becoming something worse than Satan.

“Sure. Why am I not feeling any concern about my new reality of becoming a super demon?”

“Are you sure, you want to know something like that?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Okay then. You're acting this way because you're a nighty-eight percent psychopath. The other two percent is meant for your ability to feel love and have sexual arousal. So if an author were to write about you, the readers would think you are a Marry Sue. You believe you are perfect; that everything you do is perfect, and whomever you kill deserves it, and that you can’t fail even if it cost thousands of lives.

You can’t be scared because you are incapable to be scared. You throw yourself into situations that would make you look like the perfect killing machine, then again. You took the time to become one. You know how to predict every attack; you know how to make every type of weapon, you know how to cause the most and least amount of damage to anything, and most important of all. You enjoy it.”

It took me some time to fully understand what she just said, that I am a perfect psychopathic killing machine. That out of all my intelligence I have used up to this point was to cause harm to others.

Looking back on this new fact about myself, I cannot deny it. Every confrontation that I was in, I didn’t take a single scratch. I took every step I could ensure that I had a flawless victory, and when I did take a hit, I went into overdrive, making me near impossible to beat me by normal means. Celestia was absolutely right. I am the prince of darkness, the bringer of the end. She will do everything in her power to keep me on her good side, not out of respect for my ability’s, but out of fear of what I can do.

I watched my pawn in front of my king move forward two spaces finishing my turn. I was at a loss; I didn’t think I would end up this way. That I would end up being a; sadistic, edgy, overpowered Marry Sue in a fucked up version of my favorite show. I deserve to be cursed with this eye to atone for my sins.

“Your move, Winter. Or should I say. Deus sǽculum, the god of the apocalypse. Well, you’re almost there anyway. The eye is just the start, but Deus Ex Machina told you that, didn’t she?” she said breaking my train of thought. But she was right. Dexter did say something like that in the letter she gave me.

“Yeah, I believe so.”

“So what is your question? “What now, she asks. How can I go on knowing that I am just a means to an end? I don’t think nobody can stop the thing that I'm becoming. I don't even think I could come up with a way... Can't I? Maybe if I get Lust to tell me, but she won't, won't she?

“Can I stop it from happening? Can I stop myself from becoming the destroyer of the world? I know Deus told me that I have a higher purpose than to be the God of space and time, but I don’t believe it's to end the world! There must be something else?” Her brow rose with a devilish smirk.

“There is, but I don't think you will like it.”

I don't care, I must know, even if I have to kill Celestia, I will not become my destiny!

“Then that’s my next move.”

“Well, let's see here. You know how this eye of yours is giving you a test for each of its different attributes? Well, you do believe there will be seven in total, but in actuality, there are eight. The eighth test will give you seven choices to choose from; each with their own unique outcomes, but there is a secret one. The seven normal ones will turn you into a demon no matter what, but the secret one will not. The cost, however, is substantial. You will lose everything; your family, your weapons, even your memories, but I am sure you will find a way to combat this, and as for your higher purpose than to be a god? Well, it was to become the great destroyer of worlds but of course you want to give that destiny the big fuck you.”

“Yes,” I nodded in disappointment.

“Well, we should continue our game, so it’s my move. Are you ready?”


I couldn't move, for I was terrified. It's the first time I felt this emotion, to be scared beyond belief. It was thanks to Lust that I get to have this new experience. Everything she told me from our game, sent tremors throughout my body. Something’s I didn’t want to hear, while others I was forced to realize, but the game went on like none of it mattered to her.

Our game went on for several hours till we both had one move left each. Question after question that she gave me, made me sick of myself. At first they were honest and innocent like; how do you cope with stress? Why didn't you exercise? But they gradually got worse to; Why are you a psychopath? Why do you take the lives of the innocent? Why don't you just get rid of Azura? She is useless!

The only good thing that I got out of my own torrent was answers. Answers as to how to beat Malice, the super demon that Starlight glimmer wants to release. Answers about as to why I'm so emotionless. Answers about the future yet to come, and all of them made my quest longer than it should have been.

Beating Malice is a tough task if Starlight were to release him before I stop her. I would need several things; the sunlight of Celestia, The presence of the moon, the elements of harmony, the taint of cursed hands, and the pride of griffins. The first two are very simple; all’s I have to do is gain a small portion of both Celestia and Luna’s magic. The last three will be much tougher. It was thanks to a few more moves that I was told how to acquire all of the items that I need.

To gain the elements, I have to go to the tree of harmony and harness its power with the eye of greed. In other words, learn everything about it. The taint, however, requires me to go back to earth to kill someone that should be dead. My brother. Aside from my initial reaction of fear-inducing terror from the answers Lust was giving me. As soon as I heard that my brother was still alive after he was supposed to be crushed by an anti-matter bomb. I lost it, but I didn't let it take me away from the game.

The pride of griffins was the last thing that I needed from the list. Lust told me it was something lost millennia ago, just after the fall of Nightmare moon. I didn’t get much else about it, only that it was in a city within the griffin dominion called Griffinstone, the old kingdom of griffins.

At first my brain told me that there was an actual kingdom of griffins, but after that reaction was confusion. If Griffinstone was indeed the kingdom of griffins then why is there a dominion? But of course there was a dominion. The remaining part of the old kingdom was uninhabitable dew to all the horrors created after the fall of Nightmare moon. I should be able to learn much about my culture there, if there is anything left, that is if I win the game.
Lust was still lying happily on my bed waiting for my last question. This question will determine if I win or lose. Sitting upright tired and aggravated, I thought through my clouded mind for a way to win. The things she told me didn't help me in any way and were meant to hurt, to cause pain that I have not felt for a long time; Anger, terror, fear, misery, grief, and loss. I quickly learnt about what Lusts test was meant to put me through. It was to force me to accept the truth about who I am, who I really am.

To beat her after all that I have been through. It didn't help that learning that I am a psychopath with a sadistic obsession with murder and only having a pawn left while she still had all her major pieces one move away from checkmate. How? Everything that I learned to ensure the lives of millions will be safe. Was it all for nothing? Was being put through the torment of truth worth it? There has to be a way to beat her with only one question, but what is it!

"Having trouble Winter?" Lust asked. "You only have one move left till you die."

"I know!" I snapped, gritting my teeth looking for a way out, which was hard having your mind being read by your opponent.

"Well, I don't have all day you know."

It took me some time ripping my hair out, but I think I finally have a way to beat her with just one pawn. She is testing me with the truth, then the truth she will get, but this last question of soul memory work if it doesn’t exist?

"Ready?" I asked.

"Sure," She replied.

"Okay then. Tell me, Lust. What happened to me when I drank that potion Moonlight gave to me to fix my soul?"

"Oh, that's easy! You..." she stopped, unsure of what to say. Yes! She can’t read the subconscious!

"You what?"

"You fixed your soul."

"That is not what I asked for."

"Well, I don't know. I can't answer that and neither can you!" she spat in frustration.

"Yes I can, but it will cost you the game, remember? If I can answer a question that can't be answered, then I automatically win."

“Hmpf, but if you can’t then I win and you die!”

“That is a risk I am willing to take.”

“Then due tell.”

“Alright. When the potion Moonlight gave me to fix my soul, various things happened to me. Most of them are the cause for everything that I chose to forget till you put them back into light. The reason as to why I am a psychopath is because when my soul was in two-- one light half and one dark half – my dark half that had all the things that I shunned was absorbed into the light half. And all my emotions that I always put aside for everything except love and sex, was erased, and you help give back some of them to me.

The other most important thing that happened was my ability to use chaos magic. Normally, only dragons can use this kind of magic without any problems like the corruption effect, but the merge made me immune. It was only a matter of time till I fully had that ability thanks to my ex goddess and her affection towards me.

Other than that, it was one of the requirements to gain this eye, but you didn’t know that now did you?”
Lust was pissed after my explanation. Her face was replaced from her usual lustiness to absolute anger. I saw my pawn moved past her knight straight to the edge of the board on her side turning into the queen. Then it took out one piece after the other. This just added fuel to the fire, causing her to scream in defiance.

“What’s wrong Lust?” I smirked through my depression, happy that I get to live another day. “Did you just lose?”
“FUCK YOU WINTER! YOU WILL NEVER BEAT GREED! YOU WILL DIE AND WELL ALL WILL LAUGH AT YOUR FUNER….” She couldn’t finish the last of her raving sentence because my new queen killed her king, ending the game and Lust’s stupid test, but just as she left. The fact that the test of greed is much harder than the torment of truth bothered me, but right now, all I could think of doing is grabbing hold of Azura in an embrace and never let go, until she starts biting me to let go.