//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The End of the Transfer // Story: The Real McCoys // by JusSonic //------------------------------// Chapter 4: The End of the Transfer The kids were getting ready to head inside the school. It looks like another usual day of...but then, an explosion is heard, getting everyone's attention. "Did you guys heard something?" Flash ask the others in alarm. "Sounds like an explosion!" Rarity exclaims in alarm. "But there weren't any plans fer fireworks today!" Applejack exclaims. "So what idiot would be doing so today?!" Rainbow yelps in alarm as another explosion occurred. Wheelie screamed in fear as his sensors detect something, "Holy Crap! Decepticon Incoming! Decepticon Incoming!" "What are you talking about, Wheelie?" Sunset ask in shock and alarm. No Decepticon would have any reason to attack the school. Then again, those robotic creeps need no reason to attack anyone AT ALL. "Are you saying there is a Decepticon here?" Fluttershy ask Wheelie in fright. She wants to hide in a bush and stay there for days. "Start talking, Wheelie!" Pinkie exclaims sternly to Wheelie. "I feel like bursting with less knowledge!" "I'm picking a Decepticon's signal! And they're attacking two students!" Wheelie explains to his new friends in alarm. Applejack gasps as she looks around, "Where's Twilight and Ben?!" "Oh, they don't have Gym class with us today." Pinkie explains to Applejack happily. She motions to the front, adding, "They say they were going up front to..." "THAT'S WHERE THE TROUBLE'S AT!!!" Rainbow exclaims in horror. Her two new friends are being attacked by the same Decepticon up front right now! "We have to help them now!" Flash exclaims in alarm. He isn't going to lose his new friends to some robot. Not today. ------------ The Main Six and their friends aren't the only ones alerted to the "Decepticon's" attack. An alarm went off in Shadow Dragon's room. The Dragon Strike Force team check the monitors which they connected their spy cams too. To their shock, they saw Boris, in his suit, knocking back Ben. Blazefist hissed angrily, "Crap! Ben, Twilight and our friends are in trouble! We've to help them now!" "Yeah! We have to. Rainbow and Scootaloo need me." Aqua said with a nod. Hidden agenda or no, her friends needs her more than ever! "So does Rarity and others." Shorty said seriously. The others will most likely be involved in this mess. Laxtinct interrupts the others before they try to make a break for it, "Guys, we can't just barge in and show our abilities. They may think we're the government black ops." It's true, as well as the fact that it will jeopardize the team's mission! "Then, we be the one. It's time for Dragon Strike Force to move out! Suit up, everyone." Shadow Dragon said sternly. The Dragon Strike Force member looks at each other and nodded. As long as they're in disguise, no one will ever figure out a thing. Burnblast whistled as he slams his fists together, "Oh yeah! We're back in the war." "Lord Burnblast, we have to rescue the children." Lightningblade said, reminding Burnblast of the task at hand. This isn't a war, it's a big rescue mission. As the Dragon Strike Force heads off on their mission, Saber spoke seriously, "Agreed. Hold on, guys. We're coming!" This mission may not be an easy one with a Decepticon, or a suit, involved! --------- Ben yelps as Boris knocks him right into the ground. Boris laughs wickedly, preparing to continue the assault. No one will help Ben this time. It will just be the two boys...with Twilight being forced to watch in the force bubble. Boxco and Dum-Dum watch the battle through the hole of the detention room. They laugh madly, having the time of their life. Looks like no one would ruin their show now... "What is the meaning of this?!" A familiar voice demands angrily. The two morons turn and yelps as they saw Chrysalis, who finally came back from what she needed to get. And trust me, folks, she isn't pleased at all! Boxco and Dum-Dum yelped and screamed in fear as they all charged and ran off at once. The evil Chrysalis groans as she unties Sombra, freeing him from the chair. As Sombra got up and got rid of the gag, Chrysalis growls angrily, "Of all the idiots, Boris had to ruin everything! This is unacceptable and annoying!" "Indeed... We must get that idiot back! He's going to expose us to the public and government!" Sombra exclaims in agreement. Boris will ruin everything unless he is detained! "Let them be." A voice spoke from a device that is on the desk. Sombra has forgotten that he left it on so that his mysterious boss would hear everything...especially as to what's going on! "The plans has been change. Leave this area at once... Drake will take care of Boris. He has some use to us..." "Are you certain, my lord?" Chrysalis ask seriously as she picks up the device in concern. "Go now.... Meet up with General Skull at once. Time is wasting..." Chrysalis and Sombra looks at each other and nod. The two begin to take their leave. They are planning on making it looks like they're taking a vacation due to the latest disaster...and come back when everything dies down...for now. ----------- Boris laughed manically and evilly as he tried to punch and fired his Decepticon's Armor Blasters at Ben, wo quickly dodged and avoided the attacks from him. But the Canterlot High's building got blasted and attacked during the madness. "Boris, knock it off! Why are you doing this?!" Ben demands frantically to his enemy. Boris roared in anger, "I want Twilight Sparkle! I want her now! Give her to me now!" "Never!" Boris slammed his punch on Ben but the latter rolled over to the front. He then punched on his enemy's back but exclaimed in pain. That armor is hard! Boris grabbed Ben's neck tight as he was ready to strangle him to death. Ben struggled in getting off from Boris's grasp, but the villain is choking him to the point of no return. A can is thrown right on Boris's head. The villain turned and found the Main Six, Sunset, the Crusaders and Flash standing before him. He chuckled evilly, "You'd think you can beat me? You honestly think kick my butt? I don't think so!" "Is that Boris?" Fluttershy whispers to her friends in surprise. "Well, so it isn't a Decepticon at all, just a wannabe in a suit." Rainbow remarks in amusement while cracking her knuckles. "This will make things much easier for us." "Hey, we took you an' yer goons on before an' dang it, we will knocked ya down again!" Applejack exclaims sternly to Boris. "And trust me, detention will the least of your worries!" Pinkie exclaims as she tries to pull out her cannon...but nothing came out. "Awww, what I wish for a party cannon right now." Boris was about to fire his blasters at them. But then more trashes and garbage are thrown on him. He looked up and found more students and staffs standing before him. They threw more stuff at him. "Hey, creep! Leave everyone alone!" Lyra exclaims furiously to Boris. "We already had to deal with one tyrant trying to hurt us, we don't need another!" Sweetie Drops exclaims. Sunset cringes a bit. She can tell that those words were directed at her. "Yeah!" Bulk Biceps exclaims, throwing some more stuff. "Boris, give up now and we promise the next punishment will move slowly for you!" Cheerilee exclaims as the staff exclaims eagerly. "You are nothing more than a bully, using armor to pick on students not!" Octavia exclaims furiously as she point an accusing finger at the villain. "Looks like you aren't scaring anyone anymore, Bor-jerk." Twilight said, smirking in her little force field bubble. "I had it! You'd think I'm just a bully. Wait till you try to test the Red Devil's Wrath." Boris exclaims furiously as he flew into the air, taking Ben with him. How dare these fools get in his way! "I may not have the power now, but I have the Dark Terrorists powerful weapon. I owe it to Chrysalis and Sombra. They all allied to Dark Curse!" Chrysalis, hidden behind the school walls, groans as she slaps herself for what Boris just said, "That idiot! He's ruining everything! We're so close to finding the portal so we can take at least one specimen for Guildenstern to experiment!" "It's like our agent had said - we have to leave now. Let Drake deal with this." Sombra said quietly. Hopefully everyone would think that what Boris just said is just talk! The two villains quickly make a run for it, escaping the battle just as Boris makes his next move. "Die!" The villain exclaims. Boris fired his Blasters at the Canterlot High. Everyone screamed in fear and worry as they all ran away from Boris's attacks. "Hey, leave everyone alone!" Sweetie exclaims, shocked and angry for Boris. "Yeah, what did they ever do to you?!" Scootaloo exclaims in agreement. "Give her to me, so I'll spare them alive! The Red Devil always gets everything!" Boris exclaims madly. He always gets what he wants and no one would say otherwise. "No!" Ben exclaims. Boris growls as he made some spike appears in one arm, preparing to stab at his opponent. VROOM! An old and broken silver car charged in and swung it's head onto Boris's legs hard, causing the latter to fell to the ground and for him to release Twilight. She fell but luckily the girl landed shortly to the ground. Ben, on the other hand, is let go by Boris but is falling high in the air. Ben was about to fell to his death but the car stopped at once while opening the top in allowing Ben to land on the seat. It then opened its doors to the others, much to their surprise. What is this about? A voice came from the car, "Come with me if you want to live!" "Wait, a talking car?" Rarity ask her friends in surprise. "I don't know, should we do this?" Nyx ask the others in concern. "It doesn't look safe." Pipsqueak said in concern. How would the gang know to even trust this car? "Trust him. He's the Autobot! Follow him now!" Wheelie exclaims, urging his friends to trust the car who is an Autobot. Well, if Wheelie said that he's an Autobot, then this car can indeed be trusted. The car attached the large wagon in allowing Twilight and her friends get in. They then drove off at once. As Boris recovers, he saw his victims in the car, making a break for it. The villain exclaims furiously, "Come back here!" Boris's armor transformed into a car as he then begin chasing after the mysterious car which drove off quickly and away from Boris, but the latter continued chased after him. Boris's car tried to knock the mysterious car hard and quick but he missed for some times. The mysterious car continued driving very fast and even passing through some traffic. It also avoided from hitting the cars as well. The gang got to get away from that crazy bully. Boris roared in anger as he push its full throttle in charging straight at them. He even knocked some cars at each other to get through the traffic jam. Upon arriving to a construction site, the mysterious car stopped at once. Boris had arrived to the area, along with Boxco and Dum Dum whom he picked up along the way. "No way out, pal. Time to die." Boris exclaims as he let his riders out. No escapes, no second thoughts; it’s payback! "Oh great, what are we going to do now?!" Twilight yelps a bit, looking worried and annoyed. "Come on, we outnumbered him!" Twist exclaims frantically. "Yeah, but outnumbered doesn't always work!" Apple Bloom points out to Twist in fright. "We're doomed." Fluttershy said meekly, feeling the worst has come. The voice however spoke to his passengers, "Not today... Wheelie, get the kids to safety. Time to beat this crap out of it!" "Got it, Sideswipe." Wheelie said in determination, much to the surprise of the others. "Sideswipe?" Most of the kids ask in surprise. "Wasn't he an Autobot who..." Sunset said in concern, amazed that she and her friends are being helped out by the same Autobot who is being hunted down by Cemetery Wind. "Escape first, ask questions later!" Rainbow insists to Sunset with a frown. Now is not the time to ask with a mad man targeting them! As soon as Twilight and her friends got off from the wagon, the mysterious car transformed into a broken form of Sideswipe. "Wow!" The CMC exclaims in excitement at the sight of the Autobot. "So 'dat's Sideswipe." Applejack remarks with a devilish smirk. "Hoo doggy. Boris is in trouble now." "Hey, bully. Last chance - give up before you get yourself hurt." Sideswipe demands sternly to Boris, preparing to fight unless the creep backs off. Boris scoffed at the threat, "With you being rusted bot, how can I lose to you. Go to heck, freak!" Boris transformed and charged at Sideswipe as he was about to punch at the robot. Sideswipe dodged down and swiped Boris's legs before kicking the latter off. Boris fell his back right onto the ground. The villain got up and charged at his opponent who blocked and deflected the attacks from the former for a few times while punching and kicking him hard and quick. Sideswipe gave a hard punch on Boris's face, but was grabbed by the latter before throwing him off to the walls. Sideswipe hovered and landed on the walls as he pushed himself hard and slammed Boris onto the ground. Sideswipe jumped and hovered off to the front. He turned and armed with his swords, preparing for another round. Boris roared in anger as he summoned his swords out. Both Sideswipe and Boris charged in and swung their swords at each other hard and quick for a few times while blocking and dodging them for a few times. They both had their swords clashed at each other for the moment while glaring at each other. Sideswipe smirked darkly. Before Boris could do anything, Sideswipe pushed the swords up as he gave Boris's Armor a cut. The Autobot kicked villain off before punching on him for a few times and kicking him as well. Before Boris could do anything, Sideswipe punched the glass and grabbed Boris, slamming him to the ground. Sideswipe glared at Boris and his gang while snapping, "I could kill you now. I wouldn't care how much you value your lives." Everyone looks shocked and alarmed at this. Ben mumbles, "Geez, I didn't think that guy would go that far." "Right, especially when it comes to people like Boris." Sunset said in concern. Would Sideswipe actually go in for the kill? Fortunately for Boris, Sideswipe then spoke sternly, "But I'll be no better than Decepticons. I let Humans decide your fates. You've cause lots of troubles for them." Boris huffed as he quickly got back up, "Fine by me. I'm gonna finish you off for good, Mare!" "Bring it on." Ben said in determination. He has had enough of Boris. Time to end this right now! Boris charged in and punched at Ben who dodged and backed away from his punches while punching him back for a few times. Boxco and Dum Dum charged in to help their boss but stopped by the Main Six, the Crusaders and Flash blocking their ways. No way are these two dimwits getting in the way! Both Boxco and Dum Dum charged in and attacked Twilight and her friends, both are determined yet stupid. They all dodged the attacks quickly. The Crusaders threw some rocks and trashes at them both hard, making Boxco and Dum-Dum yelp in pain. Rainbow swiped her legs on them before they fell before both Applejack and Rarity who punched their faces hard. Both Pinkie and Fluttershy tripped both to make them both fall down to the ground hard. As Boris and Ben continued punching at each other hard and quick for a few times, the good guy punched on his enemy's head but was blocked by the latter. Boris punched on Ben's head for a few times before kicking on his stomach hard. Boris grabbed and throw him onto his behind. Boris was about to slammed onto Ben's head. But then Flash pulled Boris back hard before punching on him hard for two times. The villain ended up head butting on him hard before kicking him off. Twilight punched on Boris's head hard before kicking his bottom hard. That will teach him! Ben jumped and kicked Boris off to the ground. As Boris struggled to get up, Sunset approached him and then she gave him a hard punch to the ground. "Don't mess with Sunset's punch, moron!" Wheelie cheers on wildly. Boris got up and fires lightning at Sunset and Wheelie, knocking them down. The villain snaps, "And don't mess with the Red Devil either! Now where's Ben?!" Suddenly Boris hears noises, turning to see Rainbow in a Bulldozer, ramming him to the ground. Applejack got to work on a crane and swing to hit Boris hard. The CMC, working a wrecking ball, knocks him back, sending him down further. As Boris got up, Pinkie hums as she turns on a Cement Truck, causing quick drying cement to be poured right onto Boris' feet, getting him stuck. "INCOMING!" Sunset exclaims as she pulls a TNT level on a detonator nearby. Everyone makes a run for it, except for Boris who is stuck still. An explosion occurs as the whole building is falling right onto him. As everyone else got out of the danger zone in time, they look at the remains. "Well, looks like that's that." Wheelie said with a smirk. "Looks like we brought down the house!" "Yep, looks like it's..." Sweetie said happily. But then the top of the wreckage blows open, revealing Boris who flew up into the air. "Oh come on!!!" Boris lands right in front of his enemies, a bit messed up but isn't down just yet. The villain is stubborn and determined to finish what he started! "You have stood in my way for the LAST time, Ben Mare. Unlike the last time, you had a magic sword that saved you that defeated me, but now with this newfound power....nothing can stop me!" Boris snapped off to say this in having prepared his Decepticon armor suit to lock sits weapons of the one target the jerk wishes to use...in defeating an enemy that stop him before even if that was Ben Mare from a pony universe. "Brother, ye still haven't learn a signal dang thing, Boris De Animal with a Bad Attitude!" Spoke out a red neck accent in getting some attention, especially with Boris. "GAAAAAUGH! It's Just Boris!" Boris groans off in making the suit react just as the user did from feeling upset. "And I know that voice anywhere." Boris snapped off to say as he began to look for the one that insulted him. Soon all eyes spot a familiar man walking out into the open between those that were trying to take on a giant Decepticon battle-suit armor wore by Boris. And the one who came was...Hoboken Joe! "Hobo Joe, what are you doing here?" Ben replied off shock to see this guy was here all of a sudden, but why? "Just thought I help stop a jerky boy from wrecking de place & stealing yer girl, Ben. Ain't dat wha a pal does?" Hobo Joe smiled off to calmly state this while never showing any fear against an evil looking over him in a giant bot. "You stop me, hah!" Boris remarked off in taking that as some kind of joke, one normal man against a Decepticon suit of armor, crazy doesn't describe the odds here. "But didn't he catch us by surprise before?" Boxco stated off in remembering what Hobo Joe did last time they were turn Demonic & worked under Sunset Shimmer before. "Yah, what do you think he's got now?" Dum Dum nods off in remembering that Demon Sunset Shimmer almost won in getting Ben, but Hobo Joe arrived in the nick of time. "This time, you old fool, you're going to learn what happens when you cross paths with Boris the Gunman!" Boris snapped off in turning his Decepticon armor suit & aim all weapons in about to eliminate this wreckage man from his sight. The others were worried, what was Hoboken Joe gonna do against Boris in his giant mechanical suit? "Well, let me introduce ta yah my pally, EMP. He's a real bomb!" Hobo Joe smiled off to say this in making a joke of having Boris meet someone. Then without warning, Hobo Joe threw a strange sphere that magnetize itself on Boris's Decepticon body. Then it was making were techno noises that were like a countdown or something. "Wait, doesn't EMP stand for....Electro-Magnetic Pulse that...?" Boris yelps off from realizing what this old fool was plotting to do here. "Yep, shuts down all electronics, including...Transformer type Armor Suits." Hobo Joe smiled off to comment in what he was gonna pull here that the guy never would see coming; that it's not all about brawn, brains are the next best thing to beat a really tough opponent especially an opponent getting power from an electrical suit. At that instant, the EMP Bomb let off an implosive surge wave that was effecting the Decepticon armor to react in a twitchy way. That caused it to suddenly lose power & then topple itself right onto the ground backwards; lying in defeat. The others were amazed, who knew that was also another way to beat Boris even without fancy weapons or in some folks cases...'magic' in the field. "No, no, NOOOOO! This can't be happening! Not again! My brilliant plan was supposed to be perfect!" Boris protest off to say this in trying to get his Decepticon battle-suit up and running, but it was no good, that EMP Bomb shorted out all the electronics, Boris was nothing but inside an empty shell for all this things was worth. Then at that sudden, the hatch was force opened in where Boris shut his eyes to stare up in seeing someone come for him...it was a seriously tick off Ben Mare that gaze down at the fallen bully. "Looks like your bright idea just came undone, lights out Boris!" Ben issued this off with a stern face, as he ready his right fist & punch Boris right in the face. "Gwuuagh!" Boris was hit hard to be knocked backwards & knockout; as now he was beaten & outwitted by his foes. Dum Dum & Boxco yelps in seeing their boss was defeated yet again and knew they be next to pay up for their act in helping Boris. But as the two turn to leave off without being seen, Hobo Joe had appeared before them, making them yelp. "And just where do ye think ye be going?" Hobo Joe asked off with a sly smile on his face here. "That way!" Boris's stooges pointed in the opposite direction of the other, then turn to ran. "GUUAUGH!" But both were not paying attention, and both Boxco & Dum Dum ran into the other in being knocked out. "Eh, barely had ta lift a finger with doops like these two." Hobo Joe shrug off to say this in being pleased that this was over before it begun. Soon Twilight rushed on over near Ben who climbed down from the cease function Decepticon armor suit, and the girl hug her boyfriend in a great big hug. "Oh Ben, I was so afraid of what would happen if you lost." Twilight spoke off in feeling so scared of losing this guy. "Eeehh.....yah, careful with the hugs Twilight, I'm still recovering a bit." Ben cringed a bit from feeling a slight bit of pain from the hug as Twilight backs off from remembering the guy was still lightly hurt from what Boris did with that giant suit. "Hobo Joe, how was it you came across an EMP Grenade, once more...finding us?" Flash Sentry asked off in how this guy here managed to know where they were & had something like that; especially for a janitor at their school. "Don't ask me, de grenade thing was something my assistant left on de desk this morning, I was just taking it ‘ta return it when I saw dat there hole in de school's wall. After dat, followed ye kids in thinking ye were in trouble with something fierce." Hobo Joe shrug off to say this that he had that EMP Bomb thingy that Laxtinct forgot to take & he was returning it only to see this group in trouble & just followed along and acted out in how the situation called it. "Thanks very much for helping us out there." Nyx smiled off to say to Hobo Joe, he helped out in that last minute to finally end the fight against Boris when the jerk had a huge advantage that was totally unfair. "Weren't nothing, but gotta say....stealing a dangerous Transformer Suit Armor will not look good on Boris's record, he'll probably be expelled & sent ta military school after this. Him and these two goofs." Hobo Joe smiled off to say this while notifying that from the illegal actions that Boris & his gang pulled off, being expelled is the least of their worries in having harbor a dangerous weapon out in public. "One thing I can be glad about is that Boris won't be bothering us every again. That, and being outdone by a janitor will hurt his pride even more." Ben smiled off to say this in seeing that Boris will have a lot to think about after having lost now & it'll shame his street credit. "I say it was already tarnish before we meant him." Twilight smiled of to make a silly joke that with Boris, he never had much of any credit for his jerky & bullying ways. That caused everyone to start laughing it up, as they found that joke very funny. Later on, the local authorities came over, handcuffed Boris, Boxco & Dum Dum before putting them in a SWAT car & having them taken off somewhere in where they won't be seen for a long time. Even the military authority were securing the stolen Transformer suit armor that was also somehow taken without their knowledge. At least for now, the Mane Six & their gang can feel relieved that this little event was put behind them now. The girls saw Trixie looking pouty, looking upset over the fact that the boy that she likes, Boris, is now expelled! Fluttershy comment, "Trixie does NOT seem to be taking it well." Nyx add, "And I have a feeling it will get even worse after Rainbow has beaten her in a 'shred-off', only to realize she likes her old guitar better and then leave Trixie stuck with a bill that she would have to rip off her mob boss father to pay. Unless she decided not to get the guitar but still…" "Good riddance, I'd say." Rainbow remarks with a shrug, remembering that event all so well. Trixie ask Celestia angrily, "How the heck does Boris get sent off to military school when you didn't do the same thing to Sunset?" "Simple. Boris stole something that didn't belong to him from a military unit. Sunset didn't." Celestia said to Trixie with a shrug. Trixie growls as she storms away, giving a look of hatred at the Main Six and friends. Something tells them that this isn't over yet, not by a long shot! Sideswipe stood near the kids, smiling as he spoke, "Nice work, kids. You all had me worried." "No problem, Sideswipe. Glad to have you on our side." Ben said to Sideswipe with a chuckle. "But tell me, what are you doing all the way out here?" Flash ask the Autobot puzzled. "Right, I mean, Autobots aren't exactly good superheroes nowadays." Starlight said in agreement, looking a bit concerned. "I was hiding on Optimus's order from any humans. And the last thing I remember is I was being attacked by the humans and Lockdown who is helping them." Sideswipe explains sternly to the kids as to the reason why he's here. "Who is Lockdown?" Sunset ask in concern, fearing her answer. "He is me!" A voice spoke up from out of nowhere. BANG! Sideswipe got his chest shot as he fell to the ground. Everyone was in shock and feared as they all turned and found some black ops soldiers, Lockdown and his ship were marching towards them. The Main Five, the CMC and Flash looks scared. Their appearance could endanger the portal to Equestria! "Who are these guys?!" Fluttershy ask frightened, hiding behind her friends. "An' what do they want?!" Apple Bloom ask terrified as she and her friends hug each other. Ben snarled in fury, "It's them. Cemetery Wind..." Lockdown nods, giving out orders to his troops, "Restrain the interlopers. I would like to have a word with my prisoner..." Cemetery Wind came and blocked Twilight and her friends from going and moving out. Humans or not, anyone who sided with the Autobots or Decepticons will be dealt with...just like what happened to the Autobots' past human allies! "Get out of the way, you jerks!" Starlight exclaims, trying to make his way. "You are making an escape! That Autobot helped us!" Pinkie exclaims in worry for her big robotic friend. "Move, move, move!" The kids exclaims but the Cemetery Wind soldiers push them down. The older students gasps as they help them up. Those creeps don't even care who gets in their way! Sideswipe groaned as he tries to get up, "Lockdown...." "You're my next prey now.... Wreckers, Mirage, Ratchet and now you..." Lockdown said sinisterly to Sideswipe, counting off the targets that are eliminated so far. "If you want to live, tell me, where is he? Where is Optimus Prime?!" "Forget you..." Lockdown smirked as if expecting this answer. The robot remarks, "Fine for me. I've always enjoyed the hard way anyway. Break him as hard as you can..." Some Cemetery Wind soldiers fired their machine guns and Lockdown fired his in damaging Sideswipe. Twilight and her friends were in shock. How could these soldiers who dare called themselves humans be so cruel?! "They can't do that to him!" Nyx exclaims in horror. "Leave him alone!" Pipsqueak exclaims. The boy yelps as one soldier kept his gun on him. "Move and you get dead for interfering!" The soldier snaps at Pipsqueak cruelly. "We already took out the freaks' human pals who get in our way." "You don't even deserved to be called humans!" Rainbow exclaims angrily and disgusted by this. "You are just monsters." "Take one to know one, brat!" Sunset groaned in determination, "Leave him alone!" The girl pushed some soldiers off as she rammed some off. She stood up and had her hands opened wide before Lockdown. "Leave him alone! Why are you doing this?!" "To collect my bounty. And I'll do anything to collect mine!" Lockdown snaps in annoyance by Sunset's interference. "Stay out of my way, human..." "Hey, pick someone on your own size." A familiar bot pops up, ready to defend Sunset. Lockdown fired his gun at Wheelie, causing him screamed in pain. He flew off and landed on Sideswipe's chest. Wheelie was damaged hard. "Ow... That really hurt...." Sunset gasped in horror, "Wheelie!" Sunset run over to help her friend. She is horrified that Lockdown would shoot Wheelie like that. How could he do that to him?! "Step aside...." Lockdown orders, pointing his weapon at the defying Sunset. He isn't aware to shoot the girl should she keep on defying him. Sunset however stood her friend, putting her arms up into the arms while saying, "Never. I won't let you hurt him or his friend." "What could a Human like you do? All you did is treat them as if they are machines. You don't need them. You have nothing." "She has us! All of us!" Twilight exclaims as she and her friends came and stood up against Lockdown and his Cemetery Wind. "As long as she has us, we're willing to help her stand up against you bullies!" Rainbow exclaims, raising her fists into the air. "Right, yew are worst as 'de Decepticons!" Applejack exclaims sternly at the enemies. "You are ruffians who should've been arrested for the crimes against innocent robots and humans." Rarity said with a deep frown at Cemetery Wind. "I'm disgusted to hear as to how far you are willing to go!" "Yeah! You guys are noooooo fun at all!" Pinkie exclaims with a scoff. "You are party killers, big time!" "Yeah!" The CMC exclaims, linking arms and preparing to fight even though it means their lives. "As long as Sunset has us, she has everything." Fluttershy said furiously. "We won't move!" "Neither will I." Ben remarks, crossing his arms in determination. "And me either." Flash said as he takes Sunset by the hand, making her smile a bit. Despite what she did to him before, the boy is willing to stand by her side. "And me too." Starlight comments as Spike and Phobos appears, barking furiously at Lockdown and his troops. "Even dogs hate you." Lockdown looks...rather amused than anger by the defiance of the humans. The robot gave out a cruel laugh while speaking, "Friends till the end. All for nothing. Then you'll die together!" "Stand down now!" A voice spoke from out of nowhere. Now who is it? Before he or his troops could do anything, some of Cemetery Wind soldiers got blasted and shot to their deaths. Thirteen armored and masked black warriors jumped and landed on the ground before them. Unknown to everyone, these folks are the disguised Shadow Dragon and his troops, determined to help out. Shadow Dragon spoke out in a disguise voice to Lockdown and his troops, "We are the Dragon Strike Force. Attacking the innocents and allies are not acceptable. By the Order by Secretary of United States, stand down!" A Cemetery Wind soldier protests in shock, "What is the meaning of this?! Out of our way! We have our duty to perform!" The Cemetery Wind soldiers were about to fire. But then Shorty fired his Twin Blasters at them. Both Blazefist and Aquastroke fired their Phoenix Flames in knocking them off. Saber Dragoon armed with his twin swords in knock his enemies off. Burnblast and Lightningblade launched their Lightning Dragoon Attacks at their enemies. Laxtinct was in stone and hardened armor as he punched and knocked them out. Tailtech fired his a typhoon Blaster and Icy fired her Frozen Beam at them. Flare Tiger charged in and battled against them hard and quick. Shadow Dragon placed his blade in front of Cemetery Wind Captain and held a grenade. In short, these bums don't have a chance and had fallen easily. "Leave now... Or be perished together. And you should know my reputation well. I don't joke on my life or battle." Shadow Dragon said sternly. He will risk his own life to help even his brother in law if need be. Lockdown and his minions remained quiet while glaring at the Dragon Strike Force, Main Six and others. They were about to attack at their enemies when the familiar voice of Attinger came from Lockdown's communicator, "Lockdown, we've found Optimus Prime and his army! They're escaping Chicago! I've sent both Galvatron and Stinger after them. Stop them! Now's your chance." Lockdown groans but smiles a bit. Looks like a change of pace is here. "Lucky for me... I've got a real bounty to retrieve. Keep this trash for now..." Lockdown said sternly to the humans. Next time though, no one will be lucky. Lockdown and his minions turned and headed off at once. Everyone sighed in relief. Looks like for once, Attinger did the right thing...but Optimus Prime and his pals may not be lucky. Shadow Dragon turns to the group, speaking in disguised voice, "Is everyone alright?" "Yeah, we're fine." Twilight said, brushing her hair in relief. She and Ben knew who these guys really are...but for the sake of their mission, not one of them will say a word...for now. "Yeah, good thing you show up when you did." Starlight remarks with a smile. "We would've been dead." "But friends to the end anyway." Dinky said, chuckling uneasily. Sunset looks at her friends, both of them are seriously harmed. She sighs sadly, "Sideswipe... Wheelie... Both of them..." Shorty put a hand on her shoulder, speaking to Sunset in an assuring tone of voice, "Don't worry. We'll help and fix them both. Don't worry, the Secretary will keep them safe as he did for the Autobots. Leave it to the War Phoenix Army and us to help him." "Wait, are yew sure?" Applejack ask in concern by the newcomers. "Sounds odd fer y'all 'ta show up like 'dat." "Can we be sure to trust our robot friends to the likes of you people," Scootaloo said skeptically. Twilight spoke up at this point, "Don't worry, they can be trusted." She can trust that Shadow Dragon and his group will get Wheelie and Sideswipe to safety and away from Attinger's forces. Ben nodded his head in agreement, adding, "They're right. Don't worry, they'll be fine. What about Boris and his gang?" "Since they revealed the clients they were working for, they'll be sent for investigation and military discipline until they learn to control their attitude." Shadow Dragon said sternly. He will make sure that Boris and his goons get what's coming to them, one way or another. And hopefully the mystery involving Sombra and Chrysalis will be revealed. "I understand. And thanks..." "Not a problem. Get the truth..." As Laxtinct picks up the damaged Wheelie, the robot groans, giving a smile to Sunset while saying, "I'll be fine.... Just take care.... Be strong, Sunset..." "Thanks, kids..." Sideswipe said as Shorty and the others work on getting him transport to get him off the battle field. Sunset looks down in sadness. Her friends came over, hugging and comforting Sunset. She just gained some new friends...and what happened today cost her them...maybe for good this time... ---------- Things are slowly getting back to normal...though for Sunset, things are getting a bit worst. The students found out that she was keeping Wheelie and hate her for the fact that Boris and Cemetery Wind attacked their school, which makes Sunset suspicious to them. Of course, the Main Six and Ben defended her, along with the Crusaders, insisting that she defended and protected the Autobots from corrupted black ops. They agreed to give her a chance. Sunset sighed in relief as the Main Six, the Crusaders, Flash and her agreed to tell Twilight, Ben, Nyx and Starlightthe truth about the event, AKA the last Fall Formal. Twilight, Ben, Nyx and Starlight are surprised to hear that their doppelgangers (except for Starlight's) are ponies from another universe! Maybe they aren't aliens after all, especially since the newcomers came to this world to get the crown back from Sunset. Hopefully this is enough to change Azure's mind about invading Equestria. Of course, when all is said and enough, the four exchange students ended up getting most of the credit for stopping Boris, which still didn't give Sunset much respect at all. But on the plus side, at least she's getting there... -------------- As Boris and his gang were sent off to the interrogation chamber, the gunshot was sounded. They all looked worry and scared. The small window hole opened revealing a face...belonging to a man named Drake. "Come with me, Boris. You all going to get to meet our great leader of the Dark Terrorists." Drake said with a cruel smile to Boris. "You want power? You'll get them..." Boris hesitates then gave out a cruel smirk. His last chance ended badly...this time, there won't be any foul-ups. --------------- Twilight reported to what she had learned to Azure Phoenix and Shadow Dragon. Ben was a bit shocked to find out that his girlfriend is reporting to Azure Phoenix...but at least it makes him feel better when he told her that Shadow Dragon has asked him to do the same thing. "Well..." Twilight ask Azure, getting concerned for what decision Azure will be making. Azure pauses then spoke up, "You did well... Well done. However, if those ponies return to this domain again, I wish to speak with her and them personally. I want to match yours, and Wheelie's with her story..." "Yes, sir. But you won't start a war, right?" Azure shook his head while stating to his student, "No... I want to know them..." Twilight and Ben sighs in relief. Looks like Azure did change his mind after all. Hopefully his mind will stay that way in case the ponies were to come back at some point. "Then, what about Wheelie and Sideswipe? Will they be alright?" Ben ask Azure seriously, hoping that Wheelie and Sideswipe are safe and sound. "It might take some times to repair them... But for not, Joshua request my assistance. He said that Galvatron is having some glitches. And I need your help." Shorty said to Ben and Twilight. Galvatron appears to be having...problems. "Something is wrong..." "Understood." Twilight said in concern. She suspects something off with that robot for some time now. "Then, after that - we can go back to our school." Ben said with a smile. He can't wait to continue attending school here again once his mission is over. Shadow Dragon however shakes his head, dashing Ben's hopes as he said, "I'm sorry, Ben. You and Twilight will return to Crystal Prep School now. Your mission is done." The two can't believe what they're hearing. Twilight and Ben are having great time, getting to know their new friends and the school of Canterlot High. And now? They gotta leave them? It's not fair! "But-!" Twilight begins to protest. Azure however cuts her off, saying, "Until I'm truly certain that I can trust these visitors, all of you are meant to return to your school. But you'll visit them only." "Understood..." Twilight and Ben said with sighs while shaking their heads. It will be difficult, explaining to their new friends that they must now remember to their old school. It's not fair. Even Ben felt that Azure and Shadow Dragon's decisions are unfair, even to him. Those two shouldn't control his life, no one should. It's time for Ben to do what he should've done in the first place. --------- Twilight, Ben, Nyx and Starlight asked their friends to come to Principal Celestia's office. They got an announcement to make which could decide the four's friendship with their new friends forever. Twilight comment, "This has, indeed, been an exciting few months, but the exchange program time period is over and now we must return to Crystal Prep. We'll write and call at every opportunity though." "You guys are leaving?" Pinkie ask in shock and sadness. "Awww, we were getting to like having you all around." Sweetie said in sadness, feeling sad that Nyx will be going for good. "I know, I know, but our transfer to here was only for a few months." Starlight said seriously, shaking his head in regret. "We will miss you once our vacation elsewhere is over." "Well, that won't be the case for most of you." Celestia said with a mysterious smile. Everyone but Ben, Luna and Nyx are pondering what she's on about. "I took a call to Crystal Prep, call in some favors." "So what does that mean?" Sunset ask the principal curiously. "My son Ben will attending Canterlot High after he gets back from his vacation, along with Nyx and Starlight." Most of the kids, especially a shocked Twilight, are surprised to hear this. Then they cheers on wildly...except for Twilight who looks confused. This permanent transfer seem to come from out of nowhere. "All right! Looks like you can stay, Nyxie!" Pipsqueak exclaims, nudging the girl a bit. "Yeah, that's great." Nyx said, giving out an awkward smile. Looks like her friendship with the CMC is closer than ever. "Wait, what about Twilight?" Sunset ask in surprise, realizing that Twilight wasn't mentioned in the last part of what Celestia said. Luna sighs, shaking her head while saying, "Principal Celestia tried to get Twilight here...but sadly, Crystal Prep would only agree for Ben, Nyx and Starlight to stay on at Canterlot High." "But..." "It's okay, it's all right, I will be okay, girls." Twilight said, giving a sad look while rubbing the back of her head. "I will survive." "Well...at least let's give a "Farewell Party", my treat!" Pinkie exclaims, trying to be brave in light of Twilight no longer coming here. "You girls and guy go away, we will catch up." Nyx said to the others with a smile. Most of the group nods, speaking as they head off, leaving Ben and Nyx with Celestia and Luna. They waited until the others are out of earshot. Celestia sighs, sitting back in her chair while crossing her arms, "It's a good thing you two told us what Ben and Twilight were up to. I am shocked that my ex-husband asked you and Twilight to try to pry information from them about Equestria." "I know...I hate to tell you behind Azure's back, but I don't want to leave my friends." Ben remarks with a sigh. The boy and Nyx told Ben's mother and aunt about what Azure Phoenix and Shadow Dragon was up to involving Ben and Twilight. "Also...I had enough of Azure and Shadow Dragon telling me how to do my life. I am my own man, mom, and Azure isn't my dad." "I'm glad to hear that, son." "I just wish you would've gotten Twilight to stay though. It's hard to see more of her after we get back from our "vacation"." "Well, I consider it karma, her doing this behind everyone's back, especially mine." Nyx said, still upset by the fact of what her sister just did. "I thought she told me everything." "She is just doing what she was asked to do, Nyx, that's all. You will learn to trust her again. For now, we can hope fate and friendship will lead Twilight back to Canterlot High in the near future." Celestia said, putting her arms together. "And nothing else happens before that can." Celestia has no idea how wrong her hopes are, especially with the showcase coming up!