My Little Homie

by Lock Target

The Aquabats cometh...To Equestria...If that wasn't clear...

SOMEWHERE, IN A PEACEFUL-LOOKING MEADOW...! I mean, one day, Fluttershy is setting up for an outdoor lunch for her and her friends in her yard. Angel shows up with some paper plates.

"Why thank you, Angel Bunny" she said taking them. As she was setting the plates, a flash of light startles the poor Pegasus.

When the light disappeared, in it's place was a strange, black, armored cart with rubber wheels, strange markings and an equally strange insignia on it's side right at the edge of the Everfree Forest.

Quivering with fear, Fluttershy slowly approached the cart. Just as she made it to the spot, the cart opened and out came a strange creature sporting a moustache that looked like it was drawn on his upper-lip with a marker and a black tooth wearing a blue long-sleve shirt with an A in a white circle as a logo, black shorts, black sneakers, a belt with the insignia on it, a silver-colored aviator-like hat and a black mask.

The creature looked around not noticing the panicy pony as he is distracted by the scenery. As he takes in a deep breath and exhales, two more similar-looking creatures exit the cart. One of them with metalic hands and a weird sound coming out of his joints and the other a big, burly fellow both wearing the same outfit as the first creature with the metal-handed creature having a chin guard.

"What's your assessment, Commander?" asked the metal-handed creature to the first creature.

"I'm not sure, Jimmy" replied the Commander, "Scan the area for any intelegent lifeforms"

The big creature notices Fluttershy and picks her up to show the other two. "Look, guys" he said approaching them, "I found a pink-haired, yellow horsey with wings and picturres of butterflies on it's butt!"

"Hold her still, Crash" requested Jimmy as a grid-like light comes out of his eyes onto Fluttershy's face.

"Whatcha got, Jimmy?" asked the Commander.

"According to these readings, Commander, this horse-like creature has the ability to talk among other things" replied Jimmy.

At this, Crash and the Commander couldn't help but laugh. As the Commander immitates a horse, Fluttershy finally calms down enough to ask "What's so funny about talking?" Shocked at her asking, Crash drops her and joins the others in backing away from her.

"Astounding" Jimmy said.

"It's not gonna eat us, is it?" asked the Commander. As Jimmy nods no, a wirey creature in the same outfit with long, black hair exits the cart looking as if he just woke up from a nap.

The long-haired creature yawns asking, "What's all the commotion out here?"

"TALKING PONY!" replied Crash as Fluttershy looks from behind him.

"EagleBones" said the Commander, "Go find Ricky so we may properly introduce ourselves to our equine homie here" EagleBones reenters the cart as Applejack and Spike show up.

"There you are, Fluttershy" said AJ before noticing the creatures.

"The girls and I have been looking for you" added Spike. AJ nudged him making him notice the group.

"Who in tarnation are these guys?" asked AJ.

"More importantly" added Spike, "WHAT are they?"

"I don't know" replied Fluttershy, "When I said something to them, they backed away from me"

EagleBones comes back with one more creature with braces. Jimmy, still spellbound, says "Commander, I think that strange cloud we drove the Battletram through must have sent us into an alternate reality where the sapient race is that of horse-like creatures" He then walks over to AJ, kneels to her hand picks up her right front hoof continuing, "Gentle beast, we are but mere ambassadors of another world" before kissing her hoof.

"Ho-ho there, lover-boy" said AJ as she pulls back her hoof. Jimmy then stands up walking back to the others. "Tell you what" said AJ, "Why don't we head back to the rest of our friends and we can sort this out?" Moments after making it back to the cottage, Rainbow Dash, wearing a chef's hat and an apron, flies over to Spike, AJ and Fluttershy who have beaten the creatures there.

"THERE you guys are!" Rainbow Dash said. "We need you to help settle an argument"

"That'll have to wai-" said AJ before RD interrupted.

"See, I brought hot dogs and a grill and was getting ready to cook them, but Rarity said I should've cooked them at home"

"I can't help it if I'm concerned about everypony's safety, especially when it comes to my friends" Rarity added.

Rainbow then says "I tried to explain how a barbecue worked, but then Pinkie Pie tragically suggested using a blowtorch to cook them. And to make matters worse, Twilight decided to stay out of it"

AJ does a facehoof, sighs and says "I'd like to help you deal with Rarity, but right now we have another issue to disguss"

"UGH, IT'S THE TICKET INCIDENT ALL OVER AGAIN!" cried a hungry Twilight as she begins munching on the flower display next to her.

Just then the Commander and his friends show up. The other ponies stare at them.

Rainbow flies over to them asking "Who are THESE guys? WHAT are these guys?"

"That's what we've been trying to tell you" said Fluttershy.

AJ continued "These here fellas wound up here in their strange cart they call a Battletram. They said they were from an 'Alternate rality' of some sort"

The Commander and his group are equally silent until Crash points out, "Commander, there's more of them and they're having a barbecue!"

Regaining his composure, the Commander walks up to the ponies saying "Greetings locals, we are the Aquabats. We come in peace. I am the MC Bat Commander and these are my homies; Crash MacLarson, Rickey Fitness, EagleBones Falconhawk and Jimmy the Robot" Each of them in that order greet the girls as their name is called.

Twi then does the same. "Well then...Welcome to Equestria. My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends; Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and I see you've already met Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike. Would you like to join us for lunch...? Or in this case, WAIT FOR SOMEPONY TO COOK IT!? UGH!"

Rarity looks at Twilight whining "But what if the table cloth catches fire?"

Twilight groans saying "Great, now I'M involved"

While everypony except Pinkie and the Commander tries to sort out this issue, Pinkie waves at the Commander. The only intelegable phrases in the conversation are as follows;


AJ saying "Now let's everypony calm down and put this in a vote"

Spike saying "Rarity's just looking out for everyone's safety! What's wrong with that?"

Crash saying "You can't have a barabecue without a grill, that doesn't make sense!"

The Commander notices Pinkie holding a blowtorch. "I have blowtorches stashed all over Ponyville" she said, "In case of blowtorch emergency"

To this, the Commander scoots 10 feet away from Pinkie. Moments after resolving the grill issue, Spike, the Aquabats and the girls all sat round and the Commander gets ready to explain their situation, being as far away from Pinkie as possible.

"Well, my little homies, it all started a while ago..." SOMEWHERE, ON A PATCH OF ROAD IN THE DESERT A WHILE EARLIER...! Sorry. "We were just riding along in the Battletram when all of a sudden, we see a motorcycle with one of those baskets a passenger could sit in. In it were two of our enemies; Bones' melevolent brother, EagleClaw Falconhawk and Crash's rogue Genie wish, ManAnt. We wound up trying to evade them. Suddenly, this strange rainbow cloud comes out of the sky and covers us"

"The next thing we knew, we wound up here" added Jimmy.

"Uh-oh" Crash said, "Commander, I just realized something!"

"What is it, Crash?" asked the Commander.

"If WE'RE here, that could mean Manant and EagleClaw are here too!" continued Crash

The Aquabats gasped. "Wait...I just realized something too" said Ricky, "...I LEFT A CHOCOLATE SOUFFLÉ IN THE OVEN!"

He rushes off soon followed by the others once again leaving the Commander with Pinkie Pie.

"Aw, come on you guys, don't leave me with the crazy one again!" he said following the rest of the group.

When they got back to the Battletram, they run into a creature that seems to be a cross between the Aquabats' species and a Griffin.

"EAGLECLAW!" shouted Bones, "Where's ManAnt!?"

A creature with a giant ant's head for his own comes out of the Battletram eating the soufflé.


The Commander falls to his knees in distress.

"It's a soufflé, darling" Said Rarity, "He can make another one"

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" replied the Commander, "IT WASN'T HIS!"

Rarity ponders this and says, "Well I guess I can understand. If somepony came into MY home uninvited and ate something I prepared for myself, I too would be upset"

ManAnt then says, "Oh, how RUDE of me, why not have a taste...?"

"Okie-dokie" replied Pinkie.

ManAnt places the soufflé on the ground and runs to a nearby rock and lifts it. As Pinkie makes it to the soufflé ManAnt shouts "OF MY POWER!" before he tosses the rock at Pinkie completely missing her. "WHAT!? DARN THE LUCK" a frustrated ManAnt shouted.

"YOU TRIED TO HURT MY NEW FRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND!" cried Crash as he grows to a great size. He walks over to the Battletram, picks up the rock and shouts "STUPID ROCK!" as he chucks it into the Everfree Forest.

The other Aquabats proceed to battle EagleClaw. Fluttershy reaches her boiling point and charges toward ManAnt.

After a series of punishing blows from Fluttershy, a frightened ManAnt says "EagleClaw, LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" He then runs to the back of the Battletram and grabs a trash can. "Grab the soufflé and follow me, I'm not finished with it yet!" ManAnt said running into the Everfree Forest with the trash can for some reason.

EagleClaw grabs the empty pan from Pinkie as she licking it following ManAnt and then shouts "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAGLLLLLLLLLLLECLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!"

After a few seconds, ManAnt shouts "YOU IDIOT! IF THE PAN WAS EMPTY, WHY DID YOU BRING IT!?" EagleClaw reutrns and beans the Commander with the pan. He then does a scratching motion in the air saying "EagleClaw!" before rejoining ManAnt.

"We can't let them escape!" said the Commander recovering from the blow. As Crash goes back to normal size, everpony goes after them.

Sighing as she and Spike enter the forest, Twilight says "Just my luck. All I asked for was a nice, quiet lunch with my friends and what do I get to go with it? Some weird creatures, a robot, a giant ant in a suit with a trash can and A MUTANT GRIFFIN!"

Was that the Aquabat's trash can? What was that weird cloud that brought them to Equestria in the first place? Where did Crash throw that rock? Tune in to the next chapter of My Little Homie to Find out!