Rainbow Dashes Short Term Memory!

by Isabella Mischeif

Spaced Out

Rainbow Dash stared at Twilight who had made a face so MEAN and so RUDE that it could make a filly cry. "I said enough with the pranks!" Twilight told leaving a confused Rainbow Dash in place.

"Listen Twilight i just a need a book on the wonderbolts! To learn what they are" Rainbow replied.

Twilight glared. "Stop pulling my tail Rainbow" Twilight answered back furious. She obviously wasn't happy...

Rainbow glared at the remark. "IM TELLING THE TRUTH! WHATS WITH YOU?"

Twilight grunted and her horn began to glow.

Rainbow Dash felt herself being pushed by Twilights magic out the doors.

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted but it became obvious that Twilight had made up her mind.

"I said no pranks!" Twilight yelled.

When Rainbow was finally out the castle completely the castle doors shut behind her.

"Geez" Rainbow huffed.