//------------------------------// // Healing // Story: The Shimmer In Her Eyes, And The Sunset On Her Body // by MyLittleGeneration //------------------------------// And so, it just came around. Time flew by as my wound was healing while laying on the bed. I laid there, stuck in this white room. It sucked because yet I loved to be healed and would like to feel well, but I just wanted to sing. Sing at the concert. The school concert I had to skip, considering I was going to be healed and released from the hospital a couple of days AFTER the concert. There was no way for me to get away from this place. I was stuck here for a while. But thankfully, I had friends by my side. Sunset, Arin, and everyone else stuck by me at the moment. It made me pretty happy to have friends actually show and be by my side during the course of trying to heal my bullet wound. It still stung and hurt then and there when I move and turn at times, but it was getting more better and comfortable. During the while, Sunset would just usually have some time with me where we would have a nice, little chat. She would just give me a little hug afterwards, and then leave. Arin would do like the same, with Dash by his side of course, except he wouldn't do a hug, for like obvious reasons. He would start talking about how him and Dash are settling in. It sounded pretty nice to see how well the two are doing, like just hanging out and having a sweet time. Like me and Sunset. I felt pretty happy for Arin. Though, I still wanted to be at the concert. Sing for everyone. Everybody at the school was talking about me and was supporting me. I became a popular kind of guy over there all of a sudden because I got shot. I was kinda thinking about it as bizarre, until the real fact was told that they were supporting me, like sending me some get-well-soon cards and things like that. Never thought it would be like this actually. Matter of fact, I never thought I'd make it this far. Perhaps I should bring my confidence up more. Believe in myself some more. Anyways, it seemed like a pretty dreadful wait though. It seemed to take hours until something eventually happened, like my friends doing a fellow check on me. Hours and hours it would feel like, though in reality, an hour has passed. How terrible it was to kinda skip school, because I was actually liking the book we were reading, I did have some other friends I wanted to talk to in my classes, and between you and me, I literally find school fun. Yeah, fun. Though, during this one time, I was thinking deep about the concert. About who would take my position, how it was going to be, and I just wanted to hear Sunset sing 'Blank Space' ever so dearly. Gavin entered the room one day, giving me a little chat about what's going on and stuff. He does mention about his band concert and how psyched he is about it, and the concert was a day before mine. He asked about my concert, but he kinda trailed off. "So," he said. "What about your concert? Oh..." He felt bad for asking, but I didn't mind. "Well, I was really pumped to sing in front of a crowd," I said. "But now I can't go, simply because of this." I pointed at my chest where the bullet wound was. "Sucks so much. Just wanna see it, but I really can't. Can't leave this place until I get fully healed and get the pat on the back from doc." Then, I thought of an idea. "Hey, Gav," I told him. "You have a camera or something?" He pulls out his phone, which had a silver case, and he turned it on and went to the camera. "Let me guess." he said. "You want me to take footage of the concert and put it in a movie for ya?" I nod. "Well then, I'll record it, and put it in some better quality, even if my phone quality is pretty spectacular, and I'll give you my laptop to use to see the concert. Just like that?" he asks me. I nod again. "Hehe. Easy. I'm good at doing stuff like this, so expect the movie to come the day after the concert." "Alright." I said. "Thanks, man." As he got up and left, he stopped at the door, and looked at me. "You want Sunset's part to be special?" he said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "And trust me, Rayne, everyone really misses you in that class. Believe me, I might not be there, but like everyone seems to show some care for you. You stood up to the school fear, and you conquered it away and banished it. You stood up to it again, and you got shot, but you still won and survived." Gavin smiled, and closed the door on his way out. Nice, well I can now see the concert. That's awesome. Though, had to wait more. And then more. Strangely then, when the day of the concert came, it just passed on by like a shooting star. Very quick, which I seemed to enjoy, considering that I moaned completely for like the entire wait for some fast day to come. Still, wondered about how the concert went. Sunset did come by and I wished her good luck on her singing. She did note that she'll miss my singing at the concert. But, I didn't have to really miss her singing, since Gavin is gonna record and make it into a movie for me to watch. Besides, everyone else in choir is great at singing, too, so I was all giddy and couldn't wait. After that fast day, the next day went back to the usual, long days. Waiting for Gavin to make the movie, but I was very patient. It wasn't until later I finally had someone come through the door. "Hey, got your movie!" Gavin said, popping into my room. He had a laptop, and handed it to me. I opened it up. "There you go. The movie is right there." He pointed at the screen where the movie was. I clicked on it, and the concert showed up on screen. "Thanks, man." I told him. "Damn never thought it would be just like that." He punched my shoulder. "Hey, man, this is what you get from a guy who's an ace at digital technology." he said. "You can hold the laptop until tomorrow, then I'll come and get it back. Have fun, I guess." With that, he let me keep the laptop until next time, and left the room. I focused my attention towards the screen. There everyone was. Everyone wore a dress, well, the guys in the class wore black suits, which made them look like gentlemen, but anyways, I spotted my friends immediately. Even Arin, for he sat in a seat next to the stage, more likely next to Rainbow Dash, since she sang on the edge of the stage. I did nothing but watch everyone sing the songs we were practicing over time. It sounded like true music to my ears. Especially at the point where 'Blank Space' was sung. By that special someone, Sunset Shimmer. I couldn't help but literally replay that part three times, and it just got stuck to my head, just like that. But soon, I just didn't wanna waste more of my time before I was told to sleep, so I continued to watch the rest of the concert. A tear jerked from my eye as 'We Are Young' was playing, but before that, Ms. Filly told the crowd about my absence, you know, me being gone and not at concert since I got shot, and told them that I was a school hero, and that she surely wished that I was there to sing. You and me both, Ms. Filly. You and me both. It finally came to the conclusion, and then the movie just ends. I close the laptop, and set it to my side. "Well then, Rayne," I said to myself. "You surely watched something." I then sleep and enjoy the sleep. Tomorrow was going to be my last day being here. Gotta say, I was lucky to have short time here, it could have been longer, but it isn't. Tomorrow I would be out of here. Tomorrow I would hang out with my friends. Tomorrow I could return to my life and rest at home.