Chrysalis Always Wins!

by Garfield23

Chapter 5- Chrysalis loses, Hades....

“I swear this is getting old” a changeling guard said to a fellow guard as they sat by the cells of Canterlot castle “We have been here since her highness left for that small farm! How long does it take to capture a farm?!” he said as he turned towards the cells “I wish something exciting would happen”

“I can grand your wish, changeling!” a voice said from the shadows as the changeling turned all he saw was the flash of steel before he knew no more “Spike is this it?” asked Zulack as Zecora led the remaining Zebras through the castle, despite their worst fears the changelings hadn’t stationed many guards and the zebras had an easy time dispatching them.

“Yes this is where the worst criminals of Equestria were imprisoned so if Celestia and Luna were anywhere it’d be here” Spike explained as he retrieved the keys from the fallen guard and began to open the cell doors “Hey, Zulack do you mind if I ask you something?”

“So are you free late…Um yes Spike” Zulack said turning from freeing a unicorn “I was just seeing if these beautiful mares were okay”

Spike rolled his eyes “YYYYeeeaaahhh, so why did Zecora leave your homeland?” he asked as he unlocked a slave collar from a mare “I’ve always wondered why she would move to a place where she knew she would be ostracized from the start”

Zulack paused from chatting up another mare “Well that’s a tough question. I knew from day one what I wanted to do” he began

“You mean flirt?”

“Ye…No, I wanted to be a teacher” Zulack explained “Our mother was a teacher but we lost her after I was born. I became intrigued with learning after I began to train with a spear”

“Wow so you taught zebras how to fight” Spike asked as another set of cuffs clicked

“Yes but more than that I love to teach” Zulack stated as they left the cell onto the next one “Zecora however spend a few years not knowing, I watched her by the river a few times and she seemed so sad. Then one day a couple of ponies from Equestria arrived in our village and when they left Zecora expressed a wish to leave for Equestria”

“So what happened?” asked Spike as he released a small filly

“Our father, Zaeyoth refused, saying that she was a dreamer and ponies would never accept her” Zulack explained as he turned to Spike “Then a year later a terrible famine struck. Our father did not survive and Zecora left after that”
Spike sadly shook his head “I’m deeply sorry”

Zulack smiled “It is okay. I have long since come to terms with it” he said as they exited the cell and turned “What about you little dragon why do you wish to save this Twilight?”

Spike said “She’s my friend”

Zulack sighed “Is there more? You do know you can’t save every friend?”

Spike fumed fire from his nostrils before stating “Yes, I know but she hatched my egg and raised me!”

Zulack laughed “So that’s it. She is your mother” he said before patting the dragon on the back “It is a noble cause”

Spike frowned “She is not my mother, I don’t know who that is but Twilight isn’t” he said before turning to the last cell in the lower level. Inside the cell were the forms of Celestia, Luna and Cadence “Princesses are you okay?”

Celestia raised her head weakly she looked as if she had aged in normal pony years by sixty years “Spike is that you?” she asked in a raspy voice before her head fell back unmoving. Spike looked at the lock and slashed it with his claws before charging in and freeing Celestia “Spike, where is Twilight?”

“What?! You mean you don’t know?!” Spike yelled as he removed the collar, the effect was instant, colour returned to Celestia’s cheeks and the years that had passed vanished returning her to her prime “Twilight! Twilight!” the dragon screamed as tears started to stream from his eyes.

Zulack walked forward after freeing Luna and Cadence. “Spike! We’ll find her” Cadence reassured the dragon “We have to!”

Zecora suddenly entered the cell with a smile upon her face “Zulack my brother, we have secured Canterlot and we found Rarity. We also freed the royal Canterlot guard” she stated as she waved her hand as a tall stallion entered the cell.

“Princess Celestia your orders?” the guard asked.

Celestia’s eyes were filled with a deep angry flame “Rescue Twilight Sparkle!” she growled as she rose from the floor “”Leave Chrysalis to me!”


The doors of the stable were failing as Applejack charged up onto the second level of the barn. The archer ponies readied their bows aiming them at the door before there was an almighty bang as Chrysalis stepped into the barn.

“FIRE!” Sparks bellowed as the ponies loosed their bows at the changeling queen but the arrows bounced off harmlessly off a green shield “But How?!” Sparks was shocked.

Chrysalis smiled evilly “I decided to leave the house to my army, while I use the power of your princesses to paint this barn with your blood and after this no ponies will dare to defy!” suddenly ten of the archer ponies were pulled magically before being stabbed by Chrysalis’s evil sword and with a sickening thump they were discarded “Behold your doom!”

Iron Will roared as he charged forward “You make me lose, I blow my fuse!” he yelled as he brought his axe down and with an almighty crash a cloud of dust formed around the changeling “Ironwill doesn’t…oaf!”

Suddenly Chrysalis delivered a devastating kick to the Minotaur’s stomach, she smirked at the winded Minotaur before ramming her horn through his stomach “Doesn’t live!” the changeling cruelly finished for the Minotaur “Now who’s next?”

“I am!” Sparks raised her sword but she was enveloped by magic and dragged towards the changeling queen “What’s going on?!”

Chryslais cackled as she grabbed the foolish unicorn giving a small kiss to the unicorn’s lips “You’re going to die!” she answered as she grabbed the sword and rammed it through Spark’s chest before dropping the dead form of Sparks “Next, you know what never mind, I’ll pick!” with that she used the same spell to drag Pinkie Pie from the crowd and wrapped her arms around her “Now let’s show this crowd, your massive tits”

“NOOOO!” Pinkie screamed as her clothes were torn away. Her breasts flopped out from the remains of her top and Chrysalis raised the her high above her head “LET ME GO!”

“Now for your sexy little pussy” Chrysalis taunted as she tore Pinkie’s combat trousers away taking her panties with them, revealing Pinkie’s marehood and Chrysalis made her own dress disappear revealing a bigger cock than before “Now take note mares! I’ll be fucking all of you before I kill you!” and with that she rammed the cock into Pinkie.

“AAAAHHH!!!” Pinkie screamed as the massive member began to move deeper into her.

“Release her, you monster!” screamed Rainbow dash as she charged Chrysalis’s shield but she bounced off.

Chrysalis thrust her hips into Pinkie as she turned head towards Rainbow “Don’t worry I’ll get to you” she cackled as she tightened a hand around Pinkie’s neck “Now Pinkie, you have to die”

Suddenly a deep voice said “I think not!” Chrysalis turned her head but all she saw was the tip of a spike before it rammed through her head “Die now” the voice stated as it turned its attention to Applejack and pointed the weapon dripping green blood at her “You! I will return in a week from now to Canterlot and I want to see you there”

Applejack looked at the tall figure hidden in the shadows of the barn doors and said “O…Okay but who are ya?”

The creature paused before stating “Behold the waves as they crash against the shores” and with that the figure disappeared.

Sometime later…

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were sitting on a log hear the outskirts of the Everfree forest as they beheld the scene before them. When the ponies had left the barn the changeling army had been destroyed and the survivors of the battle were mulling around in a state of shock.

“What was that thing?” Rainbow Dash asked as she threw an apple core away “It was so much stronger than…I don’t know!” as she raised a hand to wipe her brow.

Fluttershy kept quiet for a long sombre moment “I don’t know either but did you see how it killed Chrysalis?”

Rainbow paused “No, I didn’t, Flutters but it was fast” she said before standing up from the log and raised a hand to her neck “But at least I finally feel free. Now we wait for Twilight and Rarity to join us from Canterlot. Soon life will be back to normal”

Fluttershy blushed as she thought about returning to her cottage and enjoying the feeling of freedom “Um…Rainbow what are you going to do when you get home?” she asked.

Rainbow chuckled happily as she stretched her arms into the air and smiled “I’m going to repay Twilight and Rarity the solid they did for me”

Fluttershy raised a hand and waved saying “Cheerliee, how’s Ironwill doing?”

Cheerliee walked towards them “His injuries were severe but Nurse Redheart is doing her best and he should recover” she explained before her expression saddened “I’m afraid Sparks wasn’t so lucky”

“Is she…dead?” asked Rainbow

Cheerliee nodded stating before the shock of Spark’s death shank in “The others will also be okay. The other victims of Chrysalis will make a full recovery, most of the archer ponies were glancing injuries and any serious injuries have already been seen to” Cheerliee said trying to sound supportive but the tears forming around the other two’s eyes told her “She was a brave mare”

Rainbow wiped her eyes “If it hadn’t been for her we may not have been freed” she bubbled as the tears wouldn’t stop “We owed her!”

Fluttershy’s knees collapsed from under her and her tears continued to pour “At least Twilight and Rarity will soon be free” she said numbly.


Rarity, Spike, Zecora and Cadence waited for word of Twilight from the now restored Canterlot guard who had fanned out to find clues of Twilight’s fate. Celestia and Luna had joined the search party determined to find the unicorn whose disappearance caused some to suspect the worst. Cadence paced the floor of the throne room, as Spike comforted Rarity who was inconsolable and Zecora sat unmoving. Suddenly came the sound of the hooves outside the doors.

A guard pony entered with a surprise guest “Shining Armour!!” all the ponies yelled in a surprised yell as the ghost entered the room.

Cadence was first to speak “We thought you were dead!” she cried out as she ran forward and embraced her love in a hug “I had lost hope!”

Shinning smiled “I would have died if not for a pony saving me” he explained as he turned and an grey coloured mare entered the room, Twilight Velvet “Mother spend days trying to heal me and yesterday I was saved”

“But Chrysalis checked your pulse” Spike objected “You didn’t have one!”

Twilight Velvet stepped in saying “I was able to cast an illusion around the room. Where do you think Twilight gets it? Chrysalis was feeling a chair”

Shining stated “She had many advantages but brains certainly weren’t one of them!” his tone suddenly taking a cold turn “You really think she could have seen through an illusion? The changelings were so arrogant that they underestimated Twily and that nearly cost them!”

Rarity stood up shaking “You know Twilight is still missing?” she asked through bitter words as tears splashed all around her.

Shinning nodded as he walked towards the curtain that sill covered the form of Night Light “Father. I’m sorry” he said as he bend down on one knee “I couldn’t protect Twilight and I couldn’t save you. I’m so sorry”

Velvet approached her son tears leaking down her face “Twilight will be fine, there aren’t many places they could have hidden her” she said as she shook with untold sadness “We need to prepare to bury your father”

All in the room walked over to help Shinning to his hooves as they were all saddened by the events of the previous fortnight.


“Who goes there?!!” an angry voice yelled from the top of the walls around Sweet Apple Acre. Applejack heard the cry and charged up to the walls surprised that there would be anything of a threat after the changelings were wiped out. As she peered out her eyes fell upon a pony clad in Gold Armour.

“Are ya a changeling?!” she yelled out as she picked up a spare spear.

“No, I’m from the Canterlot royal guard. I’m looking for Twilight Sparkle have you seen her?” the newcomer declared “Celestia is looking for her”

Rainbow Dash walked up “I thought Celestia was imprisoned by…Does that mean Spike and Zecora were able to liberate Canterlot?!” she yelled the last part.

“Indeed, we owe our freedom to the zebras and yourselves!” the guard declared as he walked up to the now open doors. As he entered the ponies of Ponyville and her allies prepared to celebrate the freedom of Equestria, some proposed toasts, while some prepared to return to their normal lives but four ponies remained away from the celebrations going on.

Applejack and Rainbow approached Fluttershy and Pinkie with sad looks among them “Does this mean…?” Pinkie began before grief overtook her and she broke down in tears.

Applejack stayed strong and stated “If she isn’t in Canterlot that really does make knowing where she is difficult” she turned to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash who both could no longer hold back the tears as the tears leaked down their faces “No matter where she might be we’ll find her, alive and well!”

“You don’t truly believe that?” Fluttershy asked as she walked off.

Pinkie nodded “You’re lying!” as she too walked off.

Rainbow looked after them before saying “You lying isn’t right” and followed after Fluttershy.

Applejack heard a cough from behind her turning she saw Big Mac leaning against a tree “That didn’t go well” he stated as he walked over and embraced his sister in a tight hug “Why’d you lie?”

Applejack felt a tear trickle down her face “I want to believe that Twilight is alright but after that thing killed Chrysalis. Ma gut tells me that she maybe too far for us to reach her” she said as her knees collapsed out from under her and she began crying into Big Mac’s trousers “I…I…don’t know how to say s…she…might be…” Big Mac’s hand placed itself over her lips.

Big Mac helped Applejack to her feet “At times like this hope is the only thing we have” he said as he turned away “Don’t deny yourself hope”

Applejack sniffed before crying aloud “It’s not that easy!”

Big Mac said in a low tone “I saw the changelings attack Canterlot from this spot and when I did I feared I would never see you again! At that moment I let my hopes die but thanks to Twilight you were saved” he turned tears streaming down his firm features “Hope is only constant if you let it. Your my sister and I’ll always be your brother, Twilight allowed my hope to return and so I’ll help you save her”

“You know you’re a big idiot!” Applejack said through a wopply smile.

“Eyup” Big Mac stated before turning away “But didn’t that creature give us a clue to who or what it is? If we figure that out maybe Twilight can be saved?”


Fluttershy walked towards her cottage her feelings a wreck as she thought about how Applejack had so clearly lied. How could she?! She was the element of honesty and she had sat there and lied. Suddenly a small voice in her head stated “Maybe the reason your upset, she lied was that your lying to yourself and cannot accept another lying? Especially if it’s somepony who you thought could never lie!”

Fluttershy thought to herself “No! Twilight can be saved and we’ll find her!”

The voice replied not giving her the chance to recover properly “You accused Applejack of lying but how can you so blatantly lie to yourself!”

Fluttershy suddenly screamed aloud “Nooooo!”

“Fluttershy what’s wrong?!” a voice said from behind her and as Fluttershy turned a concerned Rainbow Dash ran up “”Why were you screaming?!”

Fluttershy wrapped her arms around Rainbow “Can Twilight really be saved?” she cried into her strong friends shoulder.

Rainbow Dash pushed away before turning towards the cottage “Man your cottage defiantly has seen better days” she said calmly.

Fluttershy suddenly snapped “Answer the question!” angry her friend was dodging the question.

Rainbow turned with tears streaming down her face “I wish I knew” she said as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve “Before this I was strong but ever since Chrysalis forced me to…”

Fluttershy’s anger seeped away “B...But you’re the strongest of us all…how could you lose…” she weakly said as tears fell from her eyes.

Rainbow dash suddenly cried out “I was forced to suck some creature’s disgusting cock knowing that I was nothing but some breeding bitch!” she then placed a hand over her marehood “Before that I watched the same creature r…r….rape Princess Cadence!”

Fluttershy placed her hands on Rainbow’s shoulders before she leaned forward and gave her friend a light hug “We both suffered through hell but Twilight gave us a chance at freedom” she said as she turned away placing a hand on her neck “I was ordered by Chrysalis to kill myself”

“Wh...What?!” Rainbow stuttered as she looked at her friend a hand on her chest as she felt her heart threaten to break.

“If Big Mac hadn’t reached me…” Fluttershy explained as her feet gave out from under her.

Rainbow ran forward catching her “But he did…and I’ll thank him after…” she said using her hand to turn Fluttershy’s head and locked her lips with Fluttershy’s inviting lips. At first Fluttershy went rigid and then tried to pull away but then she relaxed enjoying her friends amazing lips. The kiss lasted for a few passionate moments “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that”

Fluttershy raised a hand and wiped the remaining tears away from her friends face “Took you long enough” she teased as she tangled her finger in Rainbow’s mane “How long have you been staring at my flank?”

Rainbow blushed as she turned her head away in embracement “I…I couldn’t help it your flank looked so…amazing” she said trying to hide her embracement as Fluttershy pulled away “What are you doing?”

Fluttershy blushed as she pulled off her top revealing her breasts “Letting my lover see what they’re in for” she said as she pulled her skirt down “I want to feel your hands holding me as I make you moan with pleasure”

Rainbow smirked as she stepped forward “Someone might see us” she said as she grabbed hold of Fluttershy “Let’s give them a show!”


Pinkie Pie was walking towards Canterlot determined to stay angry about...oh forget it. She couldn’t stay mad. Applejack had lied but was that any different from what she had been doing. She hadn’t even chuckled since being rescued from Chrysalis’s grip. Suddenly she heard a set of hooves behind her and she turned to see Princess Luna!

“You’re one of Twilight Sparkle’s friends?” the elegant dark blue Princess stated “We are looking for her have you seen any sign of her?”

Pinkie let tears leak down her face, her Pinkie sense informed her she wasn’t the only one shedding tears on this topic but it didn’t make the next part any easier “No we haven’t” she said as the elegant pony stared at her before stepping forward and putting a hand under her chin “I miss her so much!”

Luna sighed “I wish I knew how to comfort you but my knowledge of such things is still limited” she said as she looked into the pink ponies eyes “But I’ll tell you this there is a light in your eyes begging to get out”

Pinkie sniffed as she cried as the princess embraced the pink pony in a hug “I wish I could laugh, I’m supposed to be the element of Laughter” she said as the princess continued to hug her as a sister would.

“After everything we’ve all been through only a fool would ask laughter of you” Luna calmly soothed before pulling away “But you can laugh when we find Twilight together”

Pinkie nodded determination entering her mind as her Pinkie Sense picked up something important “There’s a living changeling over there!” she pointed towards a tree that was far back from the path “He might know something!”

Luna’s horn glowed with magic and pulled a badly injured Changeling from the tree “You were right!” she said a little surprised “But how?”

“Twilight tried to work that out. Its better you don’t question it” Pinkie advised as she approached the floating Changeling who at this point looked near death “Tell me where Twilight is and I’ll ease your passing!”

The changeling weakly stated “Beyond your reach….In the pits of the underworld!”

Pinkie felt her short lived composure give out as tears began to flood down her face “Twilight! NOOOO!” she screamed.

“Lier!” declared the enraged Alicorn as she focused all her magic into one spot on the changeling’s head killing it “That can’t be!”

Three days later….

Word had spread that Twilight Sparkle had died, the details were unknown but those who knew suspected after Twilight’s defiant act, Chrysalis had killed her but word had not spread to Canterlot and to Twilight’s hopeful family.

Cadence, Shining Armour and Twilight Velvet were awaiting word of their missing friend, sister and daughter at the old family home. The previous day Night light had been buried with full honours but that did little to help the family with their grief.

A knock came at the door of Twilight Velvet’s home as those within turned towards it. Shining armour walked to the door and unlocked it, as the door opened Rarity stood shaking tears leaking down her face and a note clenched in her magic. Shining recognised it as a report from a Canterlot guard.

“What is it Rarity?! Have they found Twily?” asked Shining hopefully hoping for the best news.

Rarity didn’t answer as she pushed past and handed the note to Velvet.

There was brief pause as Velvet took the note and read it, the note fell to the floor as Velvet shook but didn’t show any emotion. Instead she rose from the couch she had been sitting on and walked towards an old looking cabinet. Her magic opening it, as she pulled out a glass and poured herself a drink from an old looking bottle. Draining the glass, she turned and poured another.

“Mum, what did it say?” asked Shining as he walked forward.

Velvet pulled the bottle forward “I was saving this for the day you both found a special somepony” she said as she took another drink before she threw the hated bottle against the wall “Now that’ll never happen”

Cadence picked up the note and read aloud “We have found a source that states Twilight Sparkle was killed. The cause, time and place of death are unknown but sources point to the now deceased Changeling queen, Chrysalis being responsible. We’ll continue searching the area for her body but we are not hopeful” Cadence could see more text upon the page but she couldn’t read further as tears began to fill her vision “Twilight! It’s all my fault!”

Velvet shook her head “No dear, this wasn’t your fault, this was the work of a truly evil creature and there was nothing you could have done” she said as she too began to leak tears.

Cadence however screamed “NO! There is something I haven’t told you” she finished with a weak whisper.

“What do you mean?” asked Shining Armour as he wrapped an arm around Velvet.

“I fucked Twilight” Cadence stated as she placed a hand on her marehood “Chrysalis forced me to grow a penis. She meant for me to fuck her in the ass but Twilight guided the member into her vagina, telling me to come inside her and therefore guarantee that she would become pregnant with my foal rather than Chrysalis’s egg”

Rarity sighed “Chrysalis fucked me with the intend of making me bear changeling spawn” she said as she rubbed her belly “I can understand why Chrysalis would be furious about Twilight out witting her”

Velvet walked toward Cadence with a look of deep disgust on her face “I don’t blame you. You were doing what Twilight and you were forced to do” she embraced Cadence in a hug “It makes me happy to know Twilight was defiant to the end”

Shining however walked up to Cadence and sighed “I wish there had been another way to stop Chrysalis’s twisted plan but I always trusted Twilight’s judgement” he said as he then smiled “But you’re not to blame and I still love you!”

Cadence looked between the two shocked “But how could you ever forgive me? Chrysalis swore she would kill…” she paused before saying “The foal, she said she would re-impregnate Twilight after she gave birth and killed the foal…”

Rarity sighed “She may have changed her mind, darling” she said as felt her stomach “I talked to Celestia about Chrysalis while the doctors checked if I had been…”

“If you were pregnant” finished Velvet for the now upset mare “Are you?” she enquired.

“Yes but thanks to a spell devised by Starswirled the bearded. He developed it to allow ponies and non-ponies to conceive normal foals after the sexual act was committed” Rarity explained “I’ll give birth to a pony that’ll have half my DNA and Princess Celestia provided the rest. She said for the spell to work I needed to trust the other pony”

A relived sigh went out through the room “But what will you do after you bear it?” Cadence asked “And why didn’t you get an abortion?”

“The doctor said changeling magic is nasty, if they had tried to remove the egg, it would have drained me of all magic and life force” Rarity said “Causing it to fully develop and kill me. As for what happens after I give birth, I don’t know…”

Velvet took a step forward and placed her head on Rarity’s now exposed stomach “You’ll need help raising it” she said as she took Rarity’s hand in her hands “Please let me help you? After losing my husband and now my daughter, I don’t want to be alone…”

“But Mother you’ll have me” Shining said

Velvet shook her head turning towards her son “Shining you’re a grown Stallion and once things return to normal you’ll be getting married” she said as she stared at Cadence for confirmation, receiving a nod, she continued “And besides if I stay here, I’ll be reminded of Twilight and Nightlight but Rarity has to have somepony’s hand to hold and I need somepony’s hand to hold”

Rarity brightened “I’d be honoured” she said as she wrapped her arm around Velvet “but you’ll have to let me design you something special”

The four ponies all laughed, they all sat down to discuss their plans for the future and dream of tomorrow and the days beyond it.

The next day....

Princess Celestia sat on her throne staring out of a window depicting the defeat of Nightmare Moon by Twilight and her friends. Her focus stayed upon the features of Twilight before she felt a single tear leak down her face.

There was a knock upon the door before a small group of Zebra and Commander Sword entered “Oh my Princess you look more beautiful than after I saved you” Zulack said as he bowed low “You requested to see us but if you want the others can leave while I…oof!”

Zecora had elbowed him “Must you flirt?” she said in an annoyed tone.

Zulack sighed “I can’t help it. It just slipped out” he said as he brushed his Mohawk with his hand.

Commander sword groaned “Kids. Never know when to be quiet” he said as he turned to the Princess “Your Highness summoned me?”

“Uh…Yes, Zulack you and your zebras came to our aid. I would like to offer your warriors a reward for deeds beyond valour” Celestia declared formally “What do your warriors desire?”

Zulack smiled “We would like any reward you deem worthy” he said “But as for me; I don’t suppose I could get a date with you?”

Celestia stifled a laugh “Well, I would like you to each to have as many gems as you can carry. You may also spend a week within Canterlot being treated to whatever you desire” she said as she turned her attention to Zecora “Zecora, if it had not been for you none of this would have been possible, ask for any reward and it shall be yours”

“There is no reward you can offer. I only wish to see Twilight Sparkle returned safely” she said as bowed low.

Celestia sighed “Zecora, you haven’t heard the news, I’m afraid Twilight has been revealed to have been murdered by Chrysalis and our source has been supported by lack of any physical remains” she said as Zecora stifled a cry and Zulack embraced her in a hug “You shall receive the same reward as the other zebra”

Commander Sword suddenly yelled “Your highness, doesn’t the lack of any remains indicate she might still draw breath and you are giving up too easily!” the old unicorn stepped forward “I lost my daughter to the changeling but if I thought she still drew breath I’d hunt the deepest pits of the underworld to find her”

Celestia released a long sigh “I’m afraid my sister and Miss Pinkie pie found a dying changeling who declared that Twilight was in the underworld” she explained “That’s the only evidence we can find and the changeling’s last words can only have one meaning”

Commander Sword head dropped “I’m sorry your highness”

Celestia said “I have always admired your gritty determination, Sharp but this is the cost a horrible mistake I made” she let a tear leak out again before declaring in the Canterlot voice “Commander Sharp Sword of the house of Sword, you are here by promoted to the rank of Field Marshall of the armies of Equestria and all rights that go with it!”

Field Marshal Sword bowed low “It is an honour your highness but as of tomorrow I’m retiring” he said as he turned to leave “Can I promote my Daughter before her funeral to Field Marshal?”

Celestia smiled “Of course, I’ll have ordered a statue be constructed, commemorating the brave deeds of all who died to defeat Chrysalis and your daughter along with Twilight Sparkle will be at the top” she said as she pointed out the still broken window to a large base where many ponies worked on a great lump of marble “Nightlight, the two minotaurs and the many zebra who died will also be given a place of honour on the statue”

Zecora spoke after a long pause “May I suggest words for the base?” turning to the princess who nodded “The sacrifice of those we hold dear, only serves to make our determination all the greater and we shall never fail!”

Celestia nodded again “Those words will be engraved on the base so they’ll always be remembered” she said as she rose from her throne “If there is nothing more to discuss I need to go for a walk”


At Canterlot station Rarity and Spike stood awaiting the train from Ponyville. Suddenly they saw it the sight of steam and the sound of a train approaching. Rarity and Spike smiled as they saw the train come ever closer.

“They’re here!” yelled Spike in glee.

“Indeed, Spike but you better calm down” Rarity said as she placed a hand on the hyper dragons shoulder.

“Oops, sorry” the dragon said as he stopped jumping around “It’ll be nice to see the others without the fate of Equestria looming over us”

The train drew to a stop and the doors opened. Seven ponies disembarked from a door a few metres from Spike and Rarity. As the two groups turned to face one another a loud scream rang out “RARITY!” Sweetie Bell ran forward to embrace her sister and as the two met for a hug “I…I was sooo worried! I thought I was never going to see you again!”

“I’m alright, Sweetie Bell” Rarity said as the other six ponies joined them “You all look a little worse for wear. I have some fabulous news; Shining Armour is alive and well”

“That is good news” Fluttershy meekly said as she tried to get Rainbow’s hand off her flank without any pony noticing “So what about Velvet? How is she?”

Rarity smiled “Oh darling, she’s moving to Ponyville but at this moment she’s going to have her old home sold” she explained choosing to leave the part out about her pregnancy.

Applejack stepped forward “I suppose that’s just as well. She probably doesn’t want to be reminded of what Chrysalis took from her” she stated in a bitter tone “Anyway there are three days left till that thing comes back. We better spread out and find out where it intends to meet us” All present turned to her and nodded.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders ready for action!” Applebloom cheered as the CMC all high hooved each other. The others let out a small laugh as they prepared to leave the station.

Three days later…

The sun was rising as Celestia raised it from beyond the horizon and Luna lowered the moon. As they turned back to the castle they both exchanged looks of concern. They both knew today was going to be unlike any other.

“So do you think it’s him?” asked Luna as they began to walk towards the throne room.

“We have a very vague description to go on” Celestia said as she groaned “but if it is he, the situation is far worse than I ever feared”

“How so?” Luna asked as they stopped by a window.

“The gods left us to be the protectors of this land” Celestia explained as she looked out the window as life below began to stir “So for one to set foot here is unthinkable”

Luna suddenly looked very fearful “What if it’s one of the big three?!” she said fear adding to the look on her face.

Celestia turned her head to Luna “Then our worst fears may not even be the tip of the iceberg” she said in a voice that concealed the fear she felt within “I do not know who will come this day but what I will tell you is that we need to see Applejack and the others”


Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had gathered in the throne room waiting for the princesses. Suddenly the doors opened and the CMC with Spike walked in.

“What are you all doing here?” asked Pinkie Pie concern in her voice.

“Like we’re missing out on this! We followed our clues to this room” said Sweetie Bell as she pulled out a chart that showed all the “clues” they gathered.

Before any could protest Luna and Celestia walked in and all went quiet. As they walked towards their thrones and sat down while the ponies waited for them to say something.

“Applejack step forward” Celestia stated as she looked down at the Earth Pony who calmly stepped forward “Are you prepared to face the creature?”

“With ma friends, I can face anything” Applejack confidently declared

“Good because what’s coming maybe beyond anything you can imagine” Luna said with a look that Applejack could not read “We will…” BANG! The doors shook off their hinges as the figure of a powerful man entered the throne room. His features were hidden by some sort of magic that only made one thing clear; he wasn’t to be messed with.

“Who are you?!” demanded Rainbow Dash as she and the others got between the intruder and the princesses.

Applejack faced the intruder with the same determination as Rainbow “Ya have a lota nerve to interrupt a princess while she talking?” she said as she drew her sword “What are ya here for?”

“Applejack, you are as direct as Poseidon described” said the creature as he turned his head to the window that depicted the defeat of Nightmare moon. Raising a hand to it the creature seemed intrigued by the bearers of the elements of harmony “I assume this one is Twilight Sparkle?” it suddenly asked pointing at the image of Twilight.

Fluttershy meekly nodded “Yes that’s our Twilight” she said as she rubbed her arm nervously “Why does that matter and who are you?”

There was a bright flash and when it cleared a white pony stood where the man had, he had a long golden mane and his cutie mark was that of a sun. “I’m Apollo the god of the Sun!” the pony stated as he stared at the yellow mare “It matters because she is draws breath”


In her cell Twilight was alone, isolated from any concept of time and could feel the device drain her of her milk. She suddenly heard a knock on the door.

“Hello, I hope your decent” the voice of Pain said as the door opened “Hades as requested your presence for a private chat”

Twilight frowned saying sarcastically “And if I should refuse?”

Pain smacked his face “You really don’t get this whole slave thing do you?” he said not realising Twilight was being sarcastic “When I said requested I meant ordered”

“I never would have guessed” as her hands were freed from the shackles above her head and the milking machine “Wait! Why did you remove that?”

Pain smiled “Why you asking? Don’t tell me you were enjoying it?” he said before he gave Twilight a black bra and panties who quickly put them on as Pain explained “Well you won’t need to be milked for another three days and Hades wants company since Persephone won’t be back for another few months” he then handed Twilight a long black dress “Besides Hades has other needs of his slave, he needs some company”

“Then why doesn’t he have you keep him company?” Twilight asked as she put on two golden bracelets that looked suspiciously like cuffs without the chain “Why am I being punished for the actions of one pony, I’ve never met?”

Pain groaned “You’re not being punished, I’m sorry, you were just unlucky but if you keep wining you will be” he said handing her a necklace that looked like a gold collar “Listen you didn’t hear this from me but Chrysalis has been killed”

Twilight smiled as she followed the small red demon out of her cell and up the stairs. She could hear voices near the top and as she approached she heard the sound of wings beating could be heard. When she reached the top Hades was talking to a man in a black suit.

“Look I don’t care Hades! All I know is that Poseidon is worse than pissed off that you nicked a unicorn from his world!” the man said as he brushed his suit down while hovering in the air “And don’t get me started on how cross Athena is”

Hades raised his hands to his chest “Look, Hermes pal, I just took one and besides those two need to remember that it was one of their unicorns that intruded on Earth. Don’t tell me you’re okay with that?”

Hermes turned his head noticing Twilight “So this is the unicorn?” he asked as he hovered over to Twilight “Hmmm, I will say this you have good taste. What’s her name?”

Hades simply said “Twilight Sparkle”

Hermes eyes went wide “Oh shit. You idiot…no wonder Zeus is cross!” he screamed “You better hope he doesn’t find out she’s here!”

“What?!” Hades said shocked “She’s just a unicorn. Poseidon and Athena I understand but Zeus?!”

“The prophecy! You fool” Hermes screamed as he pulled out a beaten bit of parchment turning to face Hades “A Pegasus, Unicorn and Earth Pony shall be granted the rank of Alicorn by the crystal heart, sparkle of friendship and courage of old. This unicorn matches the description of that second one! The rest reads when one grows in their talent, their fate will be realised and more Alicorns shall rise!”

Hades smiled “Then maybe Zeus shouldn’t find out?” he said with a sly grin to Hermes “What’s it worth to you to keep quiet about her?”

Hermes looked at Hades with a mixture of confusion and anger “Why do you want to keep her?” he asked as he turned to her “She is beautiful and clearly powerful but only Zeus can create Alicorns!”

Hades said slyly “She’s pregnant with the foal of an Alicorn”

Hermes looked as if Hades had lost all his remaining marbles “Nonsense! No Alicorn can make another mare pregnant, not that they haven’t tried! Unless your changelings pulled some weird cra…!” he snapped but upon looking at Hade’s expression “Oh shit that’s exactly what happened isn’t it?”

Hades nodded saying “Unintentionally”

“Oh fuck me!” Hermes fumed as he took out a small hipflask before knocking it back and taking a drink “Alright, if you give me ten percent extra on all your all mailing transactions, I won’t say a word to Zeus but you should be grateful some of the other gods agree with you about this pony on Earth nonsense”

Hades smiled “Thank you and if you need anything else just ask”


Apollo had just finished explaining what had happened to Twilight Sparkle and all in the room were stunned. As Apollo finished explaining the how and why of Twilight’s absence from Equestria a question plagued Twilight’s mind. When Apollo had finished all stood silent before him “So yeah, I owed Poseidon a favour and so here I am, any questions”

“So what are we supposed to do with that information and why doesn’t Zeus do something?” Applejack asked anger in her tone.

Apollo rubbed the back of his neck “Yeeaahh! Despite popular opinion Zeus isn’t all powerful, he has limits and entering the underworld for him is a grave risk. So at the current time Poseidon’s word against Hermes word. No brainer for Zeus but he has been angry of late” Apollo said clearly annoyed “Hermes is the only other God who can enter the underworld realm and as such as always had a strong tie with him”

Celestia rose from her throne “What would Hades want with Twilight?” she asked greatly concerned.

Apollo turned with a smirk “Same thing your master wants” he said as he pulled out a scrap of parchment “This was a prophecy the fates foretold years ago. The time draws near an Alicorn to appear, Twilight is the best guess of Poseidon and Zeus but if Twilight is under Hades power when that happens…it’ll be bad!”

Applejack suddenly had a thought “So how long would we have?” she asked “If we could get to her before the time comes then…”

“That isn’t good enough…” Apollo said as he reached the window showing Discord’s defeat “The amount of time we’re talking is between a couple of weeks and a couple of years”

Celestia and Luna both sighed “She’s that close?” asked Celestia “I knew she would be ready before long but I thought she would have to create magic and I thought that would be years?”

“Hecate will decide when the time comes but we may have a bigger problem” Apollo explained as he crushed the parchment “Hades may choose to try something dangerous. Create an Alicorn in a different method and Twilight may have something we don’t know about”

Rainbow Dash growled “What makes Alicorn’s so special?”

Apollo laughed “I’m glad you asked. Alicorn’s can do something that no other creature can, not even a god. They can create magic from friendship and love” he said as he pulled out a textbook “Now all planets have a finite source of magic. Magic can be created by other methods but it’s either dangerous or costly. Alicorn’s are a great source of magic and the more Alicorn’s there are the more magic there is”

Celestia nodded “So what benefit is this to the gods?” she asked

“What do you think we feed on?” Apollo asked with a serious nod towards the sun “Also Zeus and the other gods are addicted to females and we’re not picky. However Hades was always looking for an excuse to take a pony since he was never able to obtain an alicorn”

Luna said fear clear in her voice “He’s got one?”

“A pony from this world intruded on the shared world of Earth!” Apollo explained “It’s the only planet all the gods can visit”

Rarity suddenly spoke up “So will we have to enter the underworld?”

Apollo sighed “Poseidon thought of that but the problems with that are too many to count” he said and with a smile he continued “But there may be a way, for the plan to work we’ll have to gather allies from other worlds and march to the gates of the underworld on Earth. For now I’ll stay here to assist in the preparations”

“Well it’s not as if we have a better plan” Applejack said as she turned to the others before returning her focus on Apollo “So when do we begin?”