The Amulet Of Desidmareium

by Joshiba1

Chapter: Sweetie Belle Part 1

"Sweetie, make fast you're late for school." said Rarity as she walked towards the room of her sister. When she reached the door she knocked and asked: "Are you still asleep, darling?"

"No," answered Sweetie Belle from within her room, then she added in a more quiet tone so that her sister can't hear her: "Not anymore."

Turns out Sweetie Belle was late for school. Her friends probably were already waiting for her and she didn't even ate breakfast yet.

As always her sister didn't wake her up until it was already too late.

As she walked out of the house a few minutes later she mumbled: "I wish I wouldn't have to go to school today."

"What was that?" her sister asked.

"I said: I wish I wouldn't have to go to school today.", Sweetie Belle of course didn't say that, she just wanted to. Instead she said: "Nufin'" and started walking towards the place where she usually meets her friends. But after a few steps she stopped and thought to herself "ah who cares" and answered her sisters question correctly.

Her sister didn't hear the answer. She already continued working and didn't listen anymore. Sweetie Belle continued her way towards the school.

She didn't know that between her first and her second wish Rainbow Dash made a certain wish that would make her wish come true.

On her schoolway she met with her friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They were indeed already waiting for her and so was Miss Cheerilee outside of the school. The three made their way to the School so fast that they didn't notice the 3 cupcakes that appeared infront of them while they were still running and left them behind.

"You're late" Miss Cheerilee said.

"It's my fault" Sweetie Belle admitted, "I overslept and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were just waiting for me. I'm sorry."

"Oh, but Sweetie Belle, " Cheerilee said "You didn't even have to come too school today."

"WHAT?!" screamed Sweetie Belle in surprise, "Why?"

"Strangely I don't know the reason myself. It's like some kind of magic is telling me. But you two," Miss Cheerilee was now talking too Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, "You better get inside quick."

Suddenly Sweetie Belle remembered her wish from before. "Well, here goes nothing," she whispered, "I wish Scootaloo and Apple Bloom wouldn't have to go to school today either."

Just as she finished the sentence Miss Cheerilee hit her forehead with her hoof. "What am I saying. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, you of course don't have to attend today's class either."

The three fillies cheered and walked away. They got a free day and they had to spend it wise.

They were gone so fast that they didn't hear Cheerilee saying: "I wish those three would learn at least something today." before she headed inside the school, inside she repeated the wish wispering to herself, thinking about if there is any way she could teach those ponies something without having them to go to school.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were all together at their clubhouse. Not long ago they got told that they have a free day from school and they gotta spend it wisely, but first they had to find out why they didn't have to go to school, and Sweetie Belle already has an idea.

"I told you at least ten times already, I wished for us not to go to school, and then Miss Cheerilee said we don't have to."

"You think she heard your wish?" asked Apple Bloom.

"There's gotta be more behind it," said Scootaloo, "I mean, Miss Cheerilee is really nice and all but she isn't the type of teacher that lets you miss a class just because you wish for it."

"Hmmm..." Apple Bloom was thinking, "Have you tried wishing for anything else?"

"No, but I can try it, what should I wish for?" said Sweetie Belle.

"Try wishing for our Cutie Marks!" suggested Scootaloo and Apple Bloom agreed.

"Alright, here it goes..." Sweetie Belle took a deep breath before she continued to speak: "I wish that we, the Cutie Mark Crusaders get our Cutie Marks."

Nothing happened.

"Did it worked? Do we have our Cutie Marks now?" asked Apple Bloom before she started to walk in circles, chasing her tail, to get a good view of her flank. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were a bit smarter and looked at each others flank.

None of the three found any Cutie Mark on the flanks they were looking at.

Sweetie Belle let out a sight of disappointment and Apple Bloom asked: "Why didn't it work?"

"Maybe it was just a one time thing? And only that one wish got fulfilled?" said Scootaloo.

"No..I made two wishes to get us out of school, the first one only for me the second one for you girls."

"Then maybe it was like in those stories where you get three wishes?"

"But i only had two wishes..."

"Maybe you just don't remember the third wish anymore?"

Sweetie Belle thought about it for a moment and then remembered, she repeated the first wish when she left home. "Or...does this wish fulfilling thing fulfill the same wish twice when you say it twice?"

"I don't know," said Scootaloo, "I didn't even think that wish-fulfilling was actually possible in the first place, but I guess that could work that way."

"That'd mean I wasted one of my wishes..." said Sweetie Belle in a depressed tone.

The three talked a while about how wish fulfilling works and how Sweetie Belle got the three wishes. At some point they started talking about what they'd wish for if they had three wishes - and knew about it.

"Well, I most certainly wouldn't use up all wishes to get us out of school." said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo didn't have to think long about what she would wish for: "I know exactly what I'd wish for: 'I wish that i can fly!'"

To demonstrate her wish she jumped up into the air and flapped with her wings as if she wanted to soar up into the sky. None of the three expected her to actually fly.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom then watched as Scootaloo jumped higher than any flightless pony could ever do...

...and hit her head on the ceiling.