//------------------------------// // Dinky's story // Story: The love of a mother // by waterflame //------------------------------// Love of a Mother Dinky’s story It all started out to be a perfect day in Ponyville. Everypony was busy with preparations for the wedding of Derpy Hooves and Spice Trikkle. “Dinky!” Twilight Sparkle knocked on Derpy’s door. Twilight would foalsit Dinky that day till the evening. “Dinky! Where are you!” Twilight searched for the little filly. “Twilight, I’m right here, in the bed,” a faint voice came from the other room. Twilight entered the room. “Why are you still in bed?” Twilight asked when opening the curtains with her magic. “I don’t feel so well,” Dinky said as she shivered under her sheets. Twilight walked to Dinky’s bed and measured her fever. “Oh my, you got to go to the doctor right now,” Twilight said, worried. Dinky tried to stand up from her bed, and fell down on the floor. “OW,” Dinky tried to stand up again. “Don’t move Dinky, I’ll go get the doctor.” “I want my mommy,” Dinky said. “I’ll get your mommy right now,” Twilight stepped through the door. “Hey Dinky, do you want to come out and play?” Sweetie Belle shouted from the window. Twilight opened the door winking at Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle, go get Derpy as fast as you can,” Twilight went back to Dinky, to take care of her. “I think you might need to go to the hospital,” Twilight was worried as she said this. “I want my...” Dinky fainted. Dinky woke back up seeing Twilight’s face twisted in concern. Derpy and Sweetie came scurrying in. “Dinky!” Derpy walked up to Twilight Sparkle who spawned a stretcher for Dinky. “We need to get her to the hospital right now,” Twilight used her magic to put Dinky on the stretcher. The two ponies trotted to the hospital being careful, so that Dinky didn’t fell of the stretcher. “Mom?” Dinky murmured before losing consciousness again. The hospital nursemares took Dinky inside for examination. “Will she be ok?” Derpy asked in concern. The doctor shaked his head. “I’m afraid without the proper cure,” the doctor paused for a second, “She sure will die.” Derpy looked at Dinky, afraid of losing her too. “What about Zecora?! She must know of a cure,” Twilight said. Everything went black for Dinky as she lost consciousness again. “How...she, doctor” A voice said. “Is...I...do?” the voice continued. “There...much...warn...hurry,” another voice joined in. “Derpy...Ever...est” the other voice continued. “MOM!” Dinky suddenly woke up. “Dinky, please stay calm,” the doctor tried to comfort her. Dinky was panicking, trying to get out of the bed. “MOM! Where are you!” Dinky cried. Some nurses trotted into the room trying to calm Dinky down. The doctor gave Dinky an injection to make her sleep. “The disease is progressing much farther than I expected.” The doctor walked away to his office. Dinky woke up. “Quickly, Derpy, no time to lose,” came from a voice nearby. “Mom?” Dinky mumbled. “Hush now, my little muffin,” Derpy stood infront of her stretcher. Dinky lost consciousness once more. “Go...left,” Dinky’s illness had taken control of her mind. “I should have taken more care of what way we were running to Zecora.” Derpy went to the right. The blackness returned... "This is a problem I’ve seen plenty a time Your worrying being at a steady climb The ailment for which you seek Inside yourself you need to peek Thoughts of horrors keep your mind entranced A cure for your daughter must be enhanced." A brilliant white flash occurred. Dinky woke up. “What happened?” Dinky asked confused. “Mom? MOM?” Dinky saw Derpy lying on the ground, her eyes closed. “Your mom did a wonderful job, you should be proud of her.” “But now your time of strength has come to stir.” Zecora smiled upon the little filly. “What do you mean, Zecora?” Dinky was confused. “What she means is, you need to be brave now,” Twilight answered. “Why is mommy sleeping?”Dinky started to poke Derpy’s motionless body. Twilight spawned a stretcher and then used her telekinesis to put Derpy on the stretcher. Dinky tried to use her magic to help, but nothing happened. “Why can’t I use magic,” the little filly asked. “You will learn someday how to use your magic, Dinky” Twilight looked upon the small filly with a smile, as she tried to hide her worries away. The two ponies were running through the Everfree Forest. “What’s wrong with mommy?” Dinky looked at twilight. “I...I don’t really know,” twilight tried to supress the sadness in her voice. This day has been a bit too much for the lavender pony. The evening has fallen over Ponyville. The first stars of the night started to show up. “We have to hurry up Dinky,” Twilight used her telekinesis to put Dinky on her back. The lavender pony trotted to the hospital. “Somepony help my mommy,” Dinky cried. The nurses brought Derpy to a room A few minutes later a doctor walked into the room. “She is going to be alright, she only needs some sleep,” The doctor lowered his head to the same level as Dinky. “Come on Dinky, you need to sleep too,” Twilight winked at the confused filly. “Maybe we can get another bed here for her,” the doctor spoke to Twilight. The nurses brought in a second filly sized bed into the room and put it next to Derpy’s bed. “Don’t worry mom, I’m here to look after you.” Dinky yawned. The next day Dinky woke up hearing the sound of hooves running down the hall. “Wha...what’s going on?” Dinky stood up and walked to the door. Twilight woke up from her slumber seeing Dinky peeking through the keyhole. “Dinky, why are you up so early?” Twilight still tired after being awake the whole night. “Something is going on outside,” the little filly was scared. Derpy woke up. “Where is Dinky,” as she looked around for her little muffin. Zecora was standing next to Twilight looking relieved as Derpy has woken up. “Phew, I thought you were never going to wake up,” Twilight said, clearly relieved from her worries “Thank you Zecora," Derpy said while she hugged the smiling zebra. "It's my honored to help young one to see you live a life with so much fun." Celestia walked into the room as the four ponies were talking about what happened and how brave Derpy was. “You were very brave, Derpy,” Celestia begun, ”but I am afraid you need to be a lot braver now,” “Fluttershy found him near her cottage,”Celestia started. “He’s barely alive, I'm afraid he isn’t going to make it,” she continued. Derpy jumped out of her bed, ”Where is he, I want to see him.” “They are busy trying to save his life as we speak,” “Hurry up Derpy.” Derpy bolted away to Spice’s room followed by Dinky. “What’s going on mom?” Dinky asked, clearly panicking. When the two of them arrived at Spice’s room they saw the doctor shaking his head. “I’m sorry Derpy,” “We failed to save him.” “NO!" Dinky shouted, “It’s impossible! He can’t be dead.” “He isn’t...yet.”The doctor said as he stepped aside. “Dinky...take care...of your mother,” Spice said before coughing up some blood. “No...no, no, no no!” Dinky cried. Tears rolled down her cheek and onto Spice’s dying body. A splendid light filled the room as Dinky cried. “Dinky you...your horn!” Derpy said as she stepped back from the bed. Twilight and Celestia entered the room followed by Zecora. “This magic...”Celestia said while covering her eyes against the light.