The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch 29. Revelations over-armor.

I don't know how to respond to that.

Lily went straight to bed after I took her measurements, pissed off to the moon. She was furious that I didn't have sex with her. A bad move for most guys, but I told her that I wanted to get to know her more before I did that. Still didn't help. And the other thing that made her mad was that I had her strip down only to wrap my tape around certain areas the let her go. I am not sure why she was so skittish while doing so. I had to explain to her that it was normal for diamond dogs to be naked, but that didn't help much. She asked for more clothes to wear, which sounded a bit stupid. Nevertheless, I shall do my best to get her to wear mini skirts! Because mini skirts is magic. Maybe some leggings too!

I got both of our sets of armor made out of white dragon scales were done by mid-afternoon of the next day, but something was missing. I needed fabric to line the sets I'll get them when I go out for costumes. So next on my to-do list is to go get some fabric. I left the Azura to Lily's care while I'm out of the house. I grabbed some cash putting it in my old satchel over my left shoulder and put on my pack of throwing knives on the right. 'Just in case.' and fled to Cloudsdale saying goodbye to Lily and Azura, and turning my eye into silver mode just in case.


Cloudsdale, the pegasi and weather capital of Equestria. Looking around in my new surroundings, admiring the roman style architecture. Every building and house was made of clouds and in various fashions symbolizing as to what the person does for a living. The feeling of fall was very prominent here. The weather teams must be getting ready for winter. The cold breeze that escaped from the factories flowed straight into the city, making me regret in not bringing a scarf or something to keep warm.

I decided to fly around for awhile to get warm and to search for a fabricator, or better yet. A costume shop. I flew around using my heightened vision to aid in my search, but there was one problem. This city was much bigger than the show had made it out to be. This city was about the size of Canterlot. Lengthwise. There are several layers of the city, making it three times the size rivaling that of New york. Plus the wind didn't help the search either.

I had to stop at a giant cloud building that was shaped like a coffee shop, and was a coffee shop. Stopping for a breather gave me some curious looks from the locals, and some spiteful ones. I was clearly not welcomed here, but I didn't let the negativity get to me. I went into the coffee shop poshly named; Wild brew, to get some java into my system so I don't pass out while flying.

It was a subdue establishment; not many ponies here. The lounge had calm grays and browns in hipster decoration with gentle music playing in the background, that was as rather comforting. I walked up to the counter to place my order. The mare taking orders had a light brown coat with her vanilla colored mane tied into a ponytail, light gray eyes and she had a cutie mark that was an espresso cup with steam coming out of it. I gave her a curt smile.

"Hello, welcome to Wild brew. My name is Chocolate Mocha, how may I help you?" spoke the smooth creamy sounding mare.

"High, I would like a large double-double please." she frowned trying to figure out what the hell I just said.

"Umm, I don't think we have that. Can you explain what a 'Double-Double,' is?" she asked confused.

"Argh. A double-double is a regular black dark brew with two teaspoons of sugar and two teaspoons of cream. Do you think you can do that?" I explained.

"Oh?! You should have said that in the first place." I face palmed.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Do you think you can give me directions to a fabric shop?"

"What for griffin," spat someone from behind. The mare taking my order gave me a look of concern like this guy was trouble. "Somepony owe ya cash?"

"Just a minute Mocha." I smiled turning around to see my fellow friends.

The ponies giving me a hard time looked like mobsters. Three stallions in matching suits and fedoras carrying baseball bats underneath their wings. The center one had a cigar lit up in his mouth stating to the world he was the boss of this group. They thought they were intimidating. Being all Italian godfather on me. I couldn't help but smile at how stupid this situation was.

"Listen here bub. Imma gonna make you an offer you can't refuse." I said beating their accent to dust.

"Oh ya. What'll that be?"

"You give me problems. I hurt ya bad."

"You threatening me?"

"I don't make threats you cheap ass mafia ripoff."

"Heh. Get em boys!"

After he said that, the entire shop got up and made their way towards me, except for Mocha. She hid under the counter. It was clear to me that this little gang was giving her a hard time. The boss fled to the back of the group giving his minions more room to beat me, but what they didn't know is that I beat thousands in this kind of situation. 'Never a dull moment.' I cracked my neck back and forth giving the little group of-ten a big wolfish smile. They all jumped at me all at once. 'Big mistake.'


It took me a second to bash all their heads in leaving the boss frozen in horror. I walked over to him careful not to step on my victims. He backed into one of the booths dropping his cigar. I swiped in up with my tail and with a toss, it landed back into the man's mouth. He fell on his ass unable to escape.

"So," I said. "You giving this mare a problem?"

"Nah my man. I don't know what you are talking about."

"I'd be careful who you lie too because a knight might be listening," I said coldly. Sweat trickled from his brow telling me he was nervous.

"I was just going to offer this mare insurance. That's it, I promise."

"I'm sure you were, but blackmail is punishable with life in prison or death. So You have five minutes to get lost or I won't be so forgiving."

"Yes sir," he bowed and left.

"Chicken," I spat, walking back to the desk.

"Mocha?" I asked to see if she was still alive over the counter.

"Yes?" she squeaked.

"It's safe now." She popped her head out searching frantically for any more trouble. Once she saw that all the badies were either knocked out of fled, she calmed down to a manageable degree. She looked at me in amazement, like taking down ten guys with a single scratch was something of a miracle.

"Why'd you help me?" she asked in disbelief.

"Because it was the right thing to do. Why?"

"But you're a griffin. Griffins aren't known for being helpful."

"Well then, call me a strange one. By the way. Can I get my coffee now? I was sorta in a hurry."

"Oh sorry." she snapped to.

After drinking my coffee and finding the shop I was looking for. I bought the fabrics I needed and went back home without another mob run-in. Azura welcomed me back with a hug telling me how her day was. She was a lot more happy than before, and she normally doesn't act this way. 'Maybe the sound of a treat gave her the cheer up that she needed.' In any case, I am glad there was a real smile on her face again.

I carried my rolls of fabric to the smithy talking to Azura about my day as well. Wehn I told her about the attack in the coffee shop and how awesome I was, she whined a bit because she didn't come to watch, but when I told her that she was coming with me next time. She practically jumped off the walls with excitement. I shooed her away from the smithy so I could work on her costume and finish the armor.

I left the fabric off to the side so I could prep Lily's armor first. While I did so Lily found her way into my workshop, still angry from last night. I cocked my head around after I finished prepping her set and went to go cut the fabric to line the armor. She gave me a curious look as to what I was doing. I was cutting the black fur from the fabric collection I bought into the shapes I needed to line with.

"Can I help you?" she asked. I stopped my cutting turning my head slowly to meet her eyes. "What?"

"Is the world coming to an end?" I replied.

"N...No." she said confused unsure how to react.

"Kay then. You can help by stripping naked so I could fit you to your new gear I made for you." I said going back to work.

"What? You made me armor?"

"Yes," I said finishing up my cutting going back to her armor.

"I...I don't know what to say."

"I do. It's called strip naked so I could properly fit you."

"Oh, sorry My lord." I finished lining her armor while she stripped naked. I grabbed her finished armor for fitting.

She stood in front of me covering her crotch with one hand and where her breast should be with the other. She was clearly embarrassed at being naked, but I don't know why. Cartoon physics didn't allow much to be seen unless you take out that mindset, which I assume she was doing. Shaking my head, I positioned her body for set her armor.

"So Lily. Why are you covering up? I thought I told you that you didn't need too. Plus when I get up to where you are covering, I'm going to need to touch there." I said putting the under boots that covered up her feets ridge up to her knees leaving her toes visible.

"It's humiliating."

"How? I am naked and you don't see me covering my stuff." I asked putting on the Sabatonover and Greave over the leather boot securing the plates so that won't fall off, ever. Then put on a leather knee guards.

"Well I...umm... Don't you find it disgraceful of me?"

"Why should I find it disgraceful. You aren't being shamed. I like they way you are, even though you want to fight me every time I tease you. It is only disgraceful if you don't like they way you look," I said putting on the rest of the leg armor securing the Poleyn and Cuisse to its leather and fur binding.

"But what if someone sees me like this, and with you?"

"Well then, do you trust me to touch you that way? Are you comfortable with me seeing you for who you are? And can you move your hand now, I have the crotch guard to set."

"Why are you asking me these things?" she whimpered. I finally realized that I was starting to cross a very private line of hers, but the questions that were welled up within my mind since the day I brought her aboard bothered me. I sat down on my haunches just a head length taller than her. She was getting really uncomfortable with me, something I really don't like seeing. If she was this way because of her self-consciousness, then I must do my best to get back into her comfort zone.


"I am asking because of the way you act towards me. When I tease you, you pull a weapon on me. When I compliment you, you shun me away. When I make you smile, you put yourself down. When you see Azura hug me, you get jealous, and worst of all. When I try to get to know you, you lie to me.

I am asking because you are uncomfortable around me, and I don't trust myself with someone like that. I know you don't particularly like that I leveled your home and killed your lady of light, but as much as I don't like being right. She was lying to you and her real goals were far from what she claimed to be. And if you can't find it in your heart to trust me, even after I found forgiveness in every time you threaten me and when you tried to kill me in the volcano, then it would be best if you leave and go our separate ways."

After I finished my little speech, I met Lilys eyes searching for an answer. After the month we spent under the same roof, I never got the chance to really talk to her. I wanted to know why she was a human when I met her. I wanted to know why her lady of light had the last three eyes of chaos. And most importantly. I wanted to make sure Azura was safe around her. I knew she has a sense of honor that she follows prevent her from her from doing something like revenge by killing the one I care most about, but then again. She probably knows I will level the earth if she does. I want to be her friend, she is one of the very few people I could like. I lost the others because I trusted them too much thinking that they could accept the fact I wasn't going to spare anyone who would compromise the very safety of those who I protect most. That being my daughter Azura.

She stared back scared on how to answer, but it wasn't the kind of fear that would lead me to kick her out. It was the fear of not being accepted for her actions thus far. I could tell in her eyes that she was putting herself down again in her own mind. She didn't believe that she deserved to be spared, not then and not now. I knew I had a powerful gaze, one that if you were to look into long enough, your heart will melt or stop. It came with age and loneliness, but the more she stayed fixated the more she put herself down. I broke from our lock before it was too late, and continued putting on her armor while I wait for an answer.

"Winter?" she choked causing me to stop from grabbing the next piece of armor.

"Yeah," I whispered softly.

"Why do you care so much about Azura?"

"I care about her because I am her father."

"I..I thought...I didn't know."

"Really? I thought you would make the connection."

"I thought she was an orphan and you were just taking care of her."

"Anything else?" I asked softly meeting those silver eyes of her's. She grimaced pulling herself back into a mental corner.

"Why," she squeaked. "Why do you care about me? All I do is get in your way and try to hurt you. Yet you make me happy. I don't understand."

"I care because I like you."

Lily didn't speak again after that, but she did let me continue fitting her armor. She was less embarrassed at me touching her privates so I could properly fit the armor comfortably. Though right know I couldn't tease her about it, it would just push her away from her deep thought that enveloped her mind.

It took some time to put the rest of Lily's armor and mine. Fitting them like a glove against our bodies. The silence didn't help with the mood though. 'But I got to say we look awesome.' I teleported a big mirror so we can check ourselves out. I made sure our sets were not matching so that we don't look like a couple, but I enjoyed my work.

My set started out at the four extensions of my claws, I purposefully shaped the sabaton to resemble a white wolfs paw along up to the poleyn on both side. The cuisse was a bit harder to shape that way, but it worked out. I had to modify the tasset to match my shoulder guards. of the set leaving a small section of hid visibly, but my black fur made it look like a streak of epic.The plackart was a series of multiple overlapping white plates that moved with my body like cloth. The breastplate had ne diamond plate cut from the top to fit my neck and under that plate was four main plates that followed down to the plackart giving me the chest of a dragon. I had two big pauldrons covering my shoulders making it look like I had two small diamond cut in half shields. The gauntlet, vambr, couter, and rerebrace was also shaped to that similar to a white wolf. From the gorget down along my spine and the armor covering my tail the tip was like a dragon's neck. The helm followed the theme of the wolf shape, but I kept out the visor and the comb out leaving the helm to follow from the crown to the gorget in overlapping plates keeping to the dragon like shape.

Lily's armor was the same but different. I kept the overall design as close to a dragon as possible, but making the shoulder plates small and no helm. She moved around feeling very comfortable in her set. I made sure that the armor was lined with fur to keep us warm in the colder seasons. I could change the lining for the summer. Happy with the fitting, Lily took her's off with ease, but I had an appointment to get to. She gave a solemn thank you before she left. I told her to tell Azura that I will be out for a bit. She did so happily. I sheathed Nix and Lumen along my sides opposite from each other, and I sheathed Lupus carefully on my back. With new armor and reforged weapons, and Lily rethinking her life. I went to Canterlot to talk to Celestia.