Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

We shall prepare!

I wasn't going to write, but, I decided to do a tiny chapter for all of you.

Chapter 6 (Chapter 131)

Four hours later
Spark's POV

I ran towards my house, a large smile on my face.

I can't believe it! I'm going to get to hang out with Spitfire! All day!

I've been waiting all day to see her! And now I'm only seconds away from my house!

After a second, my house came into view. This sent my excitement over the edge, causing me to shoot towards the house.

I burst through the door and tumbled into the living room.

"Ow..." I moaned, standing up slowly. That landing could have gone better...

"You okay?" Someone asked, instantly making me stand straight up.

I heard dad chuckle behind me, "He is my son for sure after a stunt like that!"

I turned around and forced myself not to faint when I saw Spitfire sitting on my couch.... MY COUCH!

"Uhhh, I'm fine..." I said with a sheepish smile. Seriously, I still can't believe Spitfire's here... without her suit!

Dad stood up and rumbled up my mane, "You better behave yourself today, Spark."

I smiled up at him, "Don't worry dad, I won't cause any trouble!"

A smile formed on dad's face as he bent down to give me a hug, "Yeah, I know you won't Spark. Just have fun."

I stepped back and nodded, "I will!"

"So, when do you want to go?" Spitfire asked as she stood up.

"NOW!" I yelled before I caught myself, "I mean.. we can go now."

Spitfire laughed and trotted to the door, "Hey Spark, how fast can you fly?"

I gulped, "I... don't know."

She smiled back at me and spread her wings, "Well, lets find out. I've got a few tricks to teach you."

A large smile formed on my face as I galloped towards her.

Best. Day. Ever!

Seven minutes later
Lance's POV

"Okay... just one last card.." I muttered as I tried to put the last card on top of the card castle I was building. What? I'm bored!

Spark's with Spitfire, Fawn's... I think at a sleepover, Twilight's still not back from New Ponyville, and, for once, Kara is leaving me alone and sleeping on the couch.

I refocused and slide the last card into place, "Oh fuck yes..."

[Oh man! We did it! Years of practice on earth really paid off!]

Now, all I have to do is take a picture with....


"Lance!" Twilight yelled as she swung open the door, sending in a blast of air.

The blast of wind slammed into my newly build card castle and sent it in every direction.

"Oh..." I muttered hanging my head, "You know... I actually saw this coming..."

Twilight swiftly maneuvered her way past the furniture and stopped in front of me, "Uhh, hey honey..."

<She's guilty of something, I can tell!>
[She better not be pregnant again!]

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

She smiled sheepishly and gave me a quick hug, "You know that I love you right?"

My eyebrow arched higher, "What's going on, Twi?"

She chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her neck, "You see... I kinda forgot to tell you something...."

"Which is?"

She gulped and made a motion with her hoof, "Let's just say I forgot what happens next week..."

Okay, now I'm worried...

"And what happens next week?"

"Uhhh, it's that time of the year when us mares go into heat..."

I did a double take and facehoofed, "Oh come on! I should have been watching the date more closely! We haven't even prepared!"

Twilight smiled nervously, "What are you going to do this time?"

I sighed and looked out the window, "I don't know Twilight... But, I do know I'm not getting rapped this time around.... Oh fuck." I said, shaking my head, "What am I going to do about Spark? There is no way I'm letting him get rapped. What do you usually do for the colts during this time of the year?"

Twilight gulped, "Well, umm, the father usually has to watch over the son while the mother goes through her heat."

"Oh that's just fucking great. Any suggestions?"

She shrugged, "Only one: Don't get rapped."

I facehoofed, "Even though that is helpful... I need more helpful info, Twi."

She sighed and shrugged again, "I just don't know Lance..." Then, a large smile formed on her face, "I got it!"

"What?!" I yelled back, hoping she had a good idea.

"You know how the other bronies always play pranks on you?" She said, waving her hoof.

I nodded, "Yeah, so?"

She smirked, "Well, how about you gather all of them again, but this time use them as a means to escape. Like, you see a group of mares running towards you, and there's no way to out run them. All you do is trip one of your friends and boom, you and Spark are safe."

I returned her smirk, "Ohh, Twilight, you devious mare you."

She chuckled happily, "Hey, this way you can get them all back, and, keep you and Spark safe."

[Best plan ever!]

I then struck a pose and picked up a hammer, "We shall prepare!"