Chrysalis Always Wins!

by Garfield23

Chapter 4- Divided, Now and forevermore?

As Chrysalis laid back in a lawn chair watching the attack she was supremely confident victory would soon be hers, then her revenge would be served. Soon all of Equestria would be hers and then her master would be pleased but no harm in enjoying herself till then.

“Your highness, we brought the slave you requested!” a changeling guard stated as he dragged Rainbow Dash by a chain attached to her neck “What about the other slaves?”

Chrysalis snarled “Do you dare to question my orders?” she grabbed the foolish guard by the neck and looked into his eyes with untold fury “Our master chose me for this mission, question my command and face the flames that await traitors!”

“No….Never….I’m sorry your highness!” the changeling guard screamed fear overtaking him “I wasn’t meaning any disrespect, I thought if I brought more than this slut then you’d be happier and our take over could become more secure!”

Chrysalis relaxed her grip on the guard “Oh, well did you bring me an extra toy?” she asked as she began to stroke the mane of the guard “Because if you did…you can have double rations for such brilliant thinking”

“I…I…brought the pink earth pony” he said nodding towards another guard who gave the chain he was holding a tug.

Chrysalis had forgotten all about Pinkie Pie as she released the guard she sighed and said “Well done you two. Take a break and get yourself your rewards”

Both guards passed the chains to Chrysalis as they bowed and yelled “Thank you, empress of domination!”

Chrysalis gave a wave of her hand as she dismissed the guards and pulled her two slaves forward “Behold the end of Equestrian resistance!” she said to them as she pointed to the walls of Sweet Apple acre “Soon all your friends within will be dead or enslaved!”

Rainbow couldn’t help but release a small laugh “You think you’ll win this battle…ha, you changelings are losers and…AH!”

Rainbow was interrupted as Chrysalis pulled her so they were staring each other face to face.

“Such defiance, but it’s all for not. My forces are about to achieve the victory that we have waited for since we were created!” she taunted as she forced Rainbow to her knees “Now suck my cock!”

Rainbow’s collar forced her to open her mouth as Chrysalis pushed her regrown member forward into Rainbow’s waiting mouth. Chrysalis then gave the other chain in her hand a quick tug and pulled Pinkie into her arm. She then began to feel the pink pony’s large breasts.

“LET ME GO!” Pinkie screamed as she squirmed in Chrysalis’s grip.

Chrysalis loved it when her victim was in such distress “Ah, your resistance is lovely…Keep sucking bitch!” she snapped staring down at Rainbow who’s attention had been drawn to the wall, following her gaze Chrysalis was horrified by what she saw.

Atop the wall the ponies were raining hell down upon the attacking changelings; many changelings were being cut to ribbons before they could even got to the wall. Those that made it onto the walls were fighting off the massively powerful Minotaurs, who were hitting them with heavy weapons like double headed axes or hammers. The archer ponies behind the walls were cutting down any changeling who flew over, the advantages the changelings had were accounting for very little and the battle was quickly turning into an organised rout.

Applejack, Sparks and Ironwill were fighting upon the wall as Ironwill crushed a changeling under his hoof “You laugh at me, I wrath at you!” Ironwill roared as two more Changeling warriors charged him “Ironwill is supreme!” the minotaur made this point felt as he brought his axe down crushing both attackers.

“Hey, no need to brag so much!” Applejack joked as she finished off a changeling with a swift kick.

“Ironwill thinks these guys are jokes!” Ironwill stated as he too kicked a changeling off the wall “When some changeling tries to block, show them that you rock!”

“You know…advertising your assertiveness classes like that is in terrible taste” Sparks stated as she brought her sword down on a changeling’s head “Still they’re funny”

Ironwill smiled as he yelled after punching a changeling through the chest “NO MEANS NO!”

Sparks laughed “That’s new!” she high fived the minotaur “I don’t remember that from your class”

Ironwill smiled “Miss Fluttershy, taught it to me and it’s my most helpful tip!”

Applejack couldn’t help but laugh as she too gave another foolish changeling another kick “Well that’s good!” she said as she threw a spear over the wall and struck a changeling that was readying a crossbow “Take that!”

A changeling then charged Applejack while her back was turned but Ironwill was having none of it “Cut in line, I’ll take what’s mine!” he declared as he grabbed the changeling and threw it over the wall “AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT!”

Applejack smiled up and the blue minotaur “Thanks!”

Ironwill blushed “W…Well…Ironwill can’t stand wimps!” he stated trying to sound tough “Besides Ironwill still has apples on his shopping list and you sell apples!”

Sparks giggled as she loosed an arrow “Ironwill, I’m sure after this there’ll be plenty of apples for your Apple and rhubarb pie” she said as she turned to the minotaur

On the eastern wall Big Mac, Cheerliee and Zecora were fighting furiously. As Changelings were climbing onto the wall, Mac was fighting with a massive hammer, while Cheerliee kept the changeling back with her bow and Zecora kept her covered as she fought with a spear and shield.

“Their numbers are on the rise and despite how many we fell, there is no end in sight!” Zecora stated as she thrust her spear through a changeling’s throat.

“We can’t give up!” Cheerliee yelled as her arrow went through a changelings eye “There’s too much I haven’t done yet, to die here and I haven’t let had the chance to thank the cutie mark crusaders”

“Yep!” Big Mac stated as he crushed a Changeling with his hammer “I’ve still got more chores to do!”

Zecora then smiled as she kept fighting off more changelings saying “I’ve got to rescue my friends!”

Cheerliee and Big Mac both nodded with a united “YEP!” they brought down a changeling each.

Chrysalis watched all this with disgust “We should be in already!” she screamed furious as she stepped forward, leaving Rainbow and Pinkie “Destroy their defences or heads will roll!”

Suddenly a group of twenty Pegasus ponies flew over the wall, they were knocking the changelings out of the air and they were heading straight for Chrysalis. Chrysalis’s horn glowed with magic ready to defend herself but the Pegasus shot over and picked up her slaves! Moments later their collars fell to the ground in pieces. As soon as the attack had begun it was over and the Pegasus ponies were safe behind the defences.

“RAINBOW DASH! PINKIE PIE!” Fluttershy quietly screamed as she ran forward and embraced her friends in a hug. Tears of joy leaked out of her eyes as she said happily “We were waiting for Chrysalis to get overconfident!”

Rainbow however looked furious “Get me a weapon!” she snarled “That bitch used me as a toy, Twilight and Rarity are still in her grip!”

Pinkie Pie also didn’t smile “That meanie, humiliated Twilight and Rarity! I won’t party till they’re saved!” she said as her face formed into a cold scowl “Get me a weapon!”

Within five minutes the two freed mares were dressed in combat gear and charged to the top of the walls. Rainbow Dash armed with two swords and Pinkie had grabbed a mace. As they arrived on the wall, they turned to see Applejack and her group pinned.

“For Freedom and Friendship!” they cried as they crashed into the changeling group.

Applejack and Ironwill both smiled as they were now better able to swing their weapons but suddenly the sound of a trumpet went out. The changelings on the wall jumped off the walls and flew away.

Applejack turned to Rainbow and Pinkie “Rainbow, Pinkie your safe!” she said relieved to see them “I see commander sword’s plan worked!”

Rainbow and Pinkie both smiled as they embraced their friend in a hug “It won’t be over till we save Twilight and the others!” Rainbow said with a grim nod towards Canterlot “If it wasn’t for Twilight and Rarity’s sacrifice we wouldn’t be here”


Chrysalis had pulled her forces back to what was left of Ponyville. The loses had been terrible, what the changelings had in number they lacked in quality. Chrysalis was furious, her army had failed to take Sweet Apple Acre, they hadn’t even managed to take the wall and now she was going to have to wait till reinforcements arrived.

“The master is not pleased!” a voice said from behind her, as she turned and saw a short thin blue creature with two long horns “He demands victory and nothing less!”

“Victory will be obtained” Chrysalis stated as she turned to the creature.

“Well as motivation. I demand you hand over one of your personal slaves for the master’s… enjoyment!” the small creature stated “Hand over the one called Twilight Sparkle!”

“Understood!” Chrysalis said as she motioned to her guards to get the pony “Anything else?”

The chain was placed in the small creature’s outstretched hand and his claws took a firm hold “Yes, either take sweet Apple Acre by the end of the month or Master will take away your power!” it said simply as he took his leave with Twilight Sparkle “Oh and Chrysalis, he told me if you’ll be my slave so good luck!” With that the creature disappeared in a puff of dark blue flame.

“Get out of my sight!” Chrysalis bellowed as she felt her legs give out from under her. She was left alone as she felt her hands creep down to her stomach “If master finds out that that unicorn is…well maybe I should send another?”


Sweet Apple Acre was busying itself with repairing the damage that had been done to the walls. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were discussing what options were open to them as they sat at a table with some food.

“If we attack Canterlot now, we might be able to force them to retreat!” Rainbow Dash huffed as she shook a fist “Besides Twilight and Rarity are still there”

“Face it, Dash, we don’t have the forces needed to both defend Sweet Apple Acre and attack Canterlot!” Applejack stated as she shook her head “Don’t you think I want to save our friends?”

Pinkie Pie then stepped in and said “Chrysalis has a master”

“Wh….What?!” the other three said in horror.

“When I was being brought to Chrysalis, I overheard the guards talking about her master’s power and how it out powers her by an untold amount!” Pinkie said

Rainbow nodded “She seemed angry when a guard questioned her decisions. Yes, she mentioned a master!” as she turned towards Canterlot “But who could have that kind of power?”

Fluttershy meekly whispered “Maybe Celestia would know?”

“Ah, buck!” Applejack said “But Celestia is still in Chrysalis’s grip”

“What if we could try an infiltration attack?” asked a voice from behind Fluttershy as the ponies turned they saw the zebra commander, Zulack “My forces are trained at being unseen during a night attack!”

“You would need a guide” Sparks said coming up to the group “Maybe that dragon could be of some use then. I was talking to him earlier and he mentioned he used to live in Canterlot”

“That’s right, he did but Spike isn’t really a fighter” Pinkie stated as she rubbed her chin “What about one of us?”

“Face it, Sugercube, we’ve only been there a few times and Spike would know the castle and routes in better” Applejack said sadly as she shook her head “But Zecora could go with him to keep him covered!”

Fluttershy raised her hand “Nightfall is only a few hours away, you’d have to hurry”


Twilight was being dragged by a chain deeper into an underground kingdom, deep below Equestria her guide suddenly stopped and stopped her. As it turned a skeleton approached and raised a decrepit finger towards her.

“The living are not permitted to pass!” it said as it drew closer “Die and come back”

Her chains holder suddenly snapped “Watch your tongue! This is the master’s new toy!” as it gave Twilight’s chain a firm yank, forcing Twilight to her knees so her tormenter could grasp her left breast and began to play with her nipple “This slut will be master’s prize after years of planning and the prophecy of old! Do you dare question the lord?”

The skeleton bowed low “I’m deeply sorry! Just doing my job, sir!” it shook as the words were said in a deadly serious tone.

Twilight noticed a faint green glow in the distance as they continued to walk on towards the light but curiosity got the best of her “Where are you taking me?” Twilight asked as her tormenter as they turned a corner and they came to a stop.

“So you talk. You know I was beginning to think you were a mute” the creature said as he snapped his fingers “This is the underworld where the dead of many worlds wind up. The master of this domain is his lordship, Hades. Hades watches the worlds for beings of power and your one such being”

Twilight’s mind raced “So conquering Equestria was to get me?”

The blue creature began to laugh “You think your worth that much? No, there were other reasons but since Chrysalis clearly won’t be able to hold Canterlot but she was never suppose to, Hades send me to retrieve you and this” the creature pulled out a book and smiled “Another reason was to strip Poseidon’s world of its best defender!”

“Poseidon?” Twilight asked

“The god of the sea but also the god who created ponies in the first place. Other gods contributed to the creation of Equestria but my master was forbidden from helping” the creature said in a bitter tone “Poseidon and Hades are two of the main three, they are rivals and your world has even managed to anger the greatest of the three, Zeus”

Twilight was horrified “B…B…But how?”

The creature licked his lips cruelly “A pony intruded on the shared world of Earth. They’re still there but everyday they’re there causes anger to build among the gods!” as the creature raised a hand and placed it on Twilight’s cheek “Sooo your forced payment, Hades doesn’t want to fight Poseidon so he sent his own pony creations the Changelings to capture Equestria, so payment for the intrusion on Earth could be secured and three days ago Hades picked you!”

“What will happen to me?”

“Look I don’t know. You’re the first pony to enter the underworld alive” the creature said as he caressed finger across Twilight’s cheek “You could be his dinner for all I know!”


The changeling army approached the walls of Sweet Apple acre with Chrysalis determined to take the farm and demolish the last of pony resistance. She was going to lead the assault this time around, settling the pony’s pathetic attempts to resist and claim the kingdom she had been promised. Despite the sky growing dark, Chrysalis was undeterred and felt confident that she could defeat any army now that her master had raised the stakes. As they arrived at the walls of Sweet Apple Acre she turned.

She stared at the remains of her tired army and yelled “I‘am your master! Behold the walls these weak ponies have erected to stand against our might, we’ll tear these weak defences down and show them the mercy of hell! I have no interest in prisoners or slaves kill them and allow our master’s realm to fill with the damned!” she grabbed a changeling by the neck and continued “Weakness will be punished! Any changeling not coated in the blood of these ponies will share in their fate!” as she finished she thrust her hand through the changeling’s chest.

A changeling stepped forward and raised his sword “CHARGE!” it yelled and with that a tidal wave of roars spread through the changeling ranks as they all swept forward.

The pony defenders were on the walls launching a constant stream of attack but with the Zebra already gone their defences were weakened. The archer ponies kept firing but soon the changelings were on the wall and overwhelming the defences with Chrysalis leading. A Minotaur tried his best to repel the changelings but was swiftly felled by multiple sword strikes to the head and as he fell the ponies fell back to the barn.

Chrysalis walked over the bodies of the fallen, she was pleased by the success of getting onto the wall and seeing all the dead and dying ponies only improved her mood “It has been too long since I’ve seen a more beautiful sight!” she said as she stuck her fingers into the open head wound of the Minotaur “After tonight we’ll have Equestria for his lord Hades!” she then licked her fingers.


Within the now barricaded barn of Sweet Apple acre, Applejack was tending to the now wounded Sparks who had been cut across her back leaving a horribly deep cut “Now hold still!” she said in a worried voice as she applied more of Zecora’s medicine to the affected area and began to bandage her body.

Sparks sat up after Applejack finished “How bad were our causalities?” she asked as she felt around her stomach “I was pulled out by that Pink friend of yours”

“Pinkie Pie. I’m afraid to say our here loses are worse than our worse expectations. We lost two Minotaurs and more ponies than I care to count!” Applejack said as she turned to the others, their numbers hadn’t just been cut they were now trapped within the barn and their forces were in two pieces, one force inside the barn and the other inside the Apple family home “We may be trapped in here”

Sparks got up on shaking hooves “What about Commander Sword? What about my…father?” she said clearly worried.

Fluttershy stepped up saying “He was in the house when the changelings attacked”

Sparks screamed “Buck! The changelings have separated us! Now they’ll probably focus on one and leave the other for later!” she then paused “And with most of our fighters in here…they’ll probably attack the house first….it’ll be a massacre…!”

Rainbow Dash landed next to Applejack and said “But Scootaloo and the other crusaders are in there!” tears began to roll down her face.

“Applebloom….Granny Smith!” Applejack whispered tears also leaking from her eyes.

“What about Sweetie bell?” Fluttershy mumbled “If she’s killed, it’ll destroy Rarity and she’s already been through too much!”

All present were distraught as they prepared for a long night of fighting.


Twilight beheld the looming structure before her, it was a dark black building that looked like Chrysalis had literally sprouted from it and it disgusted her. The creature pulled her towards stairs that led up winding around the building’s base, as they climbed ever higher Twilight could sense that the magic within the area was increasing with every step but so too was the darkness.

They came to a door to which the small creature shakenly raised a hand to but gave it a firm knock. From the other side of the door came a voice “Enter!” the creature opened the door and they entered. Inside was a tall blue creature wearing black clothing and his mane was made of blue flame “AH! Panic, you have brought what I asked you to but you’re late!” he said in a dangerous voice.

Panic dropped to the floor bowing low “I’m sorry my lord! Chrysalis failed to take Sweet Apple Acre! She wouldn’t se…” he said visibly shaking.

Hades raised a hand to silence his servant “Oh relax, hey you have brought the pony! This is Twilight?” he said as he approached Twilight “Well my dear?”

Twilight realised that he was addressing her “I’m Twilight Sparkle”

Hades began to move around her taking in her curves before sighing and said “Panic get something appropriate for my new slave to wear!” as he turned to her “Now onto why you’re here”

“I’m here to be your devoted slave!” Twilight snapped as she stared daggers at her captor.

Hades groaned “Sadly I take no pleasure in this. I’m simply taking what is mine, after you ponies went where you’re not welcome but if you behave I promise you’ll enjoy your time here” he said as he turned towards the wall “I’m sure you know that Poseidon created ponies but two other gods gifted gifts to create new varieties. After that Zeus wanted his turn and created a fourth kind, Alicorns. Poseidon created the earth ponies, Pegasus were granted existence by Apollo and Unicorns were meant as insult to Poseidon as Athena granted them knowledge and magic”

“What has this got to do with anything?” Twilight snapped

Hades turned “I wanted to contribute and create a kind of pony to rival the others” he said as he drew closer to Twilight “So I asked Poseidon unlike the others and he told me to piss off”

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle “Ha!”

Hades ignored her “I thereby waited for a chance at revenge. It came three years ago, when one of your unicorns entered the human world!” he cackled as his face was now inches from Twilight’s face “So I started work on my new group of ponies and two years ago Chrysalis was born. The beautiful thing is that they grew quickly”

“But why me?”

“Oh you are the most powerful unicorn for a thousand years. The fates foresaw your destiny and I want your power for myself!” Hades finished before he placed a cold hand on Twilight’s belly before he recoiled in rage “YOU’RE PREGNANT!”

Twilight was stunned “But how?! I won’t be showing for months!”

Hades yelled “PAIN! GET IN HERE!” before he calmed down and turned to her “I can sense new life but I need to be close to it. You’ve been with foal for two days! Chrysalis must have disobeyed my orders”

“Actually my lord she was impregnated by Princess Cadence. Chrysalis got careless, giving the princess a cock and this one expected it. During a fun session she exploited the opening” a small fat red creature explained.

Hades calmed down before smiling and said “Oh. A foal created by an Alicorn and the most powerful unicorn would be of great value!” he placed his hand on Twilight’s belly again and began to rub.

Twilight felt magic seep in and moaned “What are you doing?!”

Hades smiled “Alicorn’s have never been male, Zeus created them that way so he could be the only one to create new ones but I’m pouring a little of my power into you. To guarantee that it will be male and an alicorn. It’ll take a lot longer but you’ll give birth to my conquest of Equestria and maybe more”

Twilight was horrified as she watched Hades continue to rub her belly and the magic continued to seep in as Hades moved behind her “P...P...L…please stop!”

Hades hand moved upward and grasped a hold of her breasts “Now, let’s get a taste of your milk! I’m going to enjoy milking you every day! Pain get the milking device on her!” he snapped at the creature.

Twilight actually let out a laugh “You do know I won’t produce milk for a while?”

“Oh that’s what you thought? A side effect of my magic on females is that they start to produce a lot of milk. We need to milk you before you pop!” Hades laughed as two glass cup like devices were placed over Twilight’s nipples, they were connected to a clear tubes that led into a storage unit “Now Twilight left or right?”

“Right?” Twilight asked closing her eyes.

“Left it is!” Hades laughed as he began to squeeze Twilight’s left breast. Twilight opened her eyes hoping her feelings were wrong but she was right, milk was traveling through the tube and going into the storage unit. Hade’s other hand began to squeeze the other breast “This milk will be stored for your son. Since I will raise him. What do you think of the name Deathnight?”

Twilight moaned and panted “Does my opinion matter? I hate that name”

Hades gave her breasts a cruel hard squeeze “No but since you and I will be spending the next two years together, I might as well ask your opinion but what name would you choose?” he asked as he went back to gently squeezing Twilight.

Twilight paused as Hades continued to squeeze her now far more sensitive breasts, if she came up with a good name maybe she could…Twilight didn’t know but she had to do this on principle “Night Light!”

Hades hands relaxed for a moment and he said “Perfect. The name of your father if I’m not mistaken?” he laughed and then gave Twilight’s breasts one final squeeze before realising her “You have quite the sense of humour. Perhaps if you were to have twins we would name the other after your brother!”

Twilight smiled “Thank you”

Hades snapped his fingers “Take this one to her accommodation, Pain, Panic and ensure the device remains attached!”

Pain and Panic dragged Twilight to a room a few floors up and locked her inside with her hands suspended above her head. The devices continued to take milk from her breasts. Now she was a god’s toy and she had the terrible feeling she would never see her friends again.