The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 28. Solstice.

Death of one, life for another. Light is corrupt and dark consumes. Normalcy is a lie, an illusion to safeguard the sort and file of those too afraid to take off their mask they come to accept as their own identity. And those who do choose to go the other way, is lost in a torrent of hate for trying to be an individual. Those who stayed in the line see themselves as good and everyone else is bad, but if one falls in the line. They are replaced and forgotten, but the ones who looked the other way, are remembered till the end of time for the lie of something they didn't create. - Wise words from somebody.

Work, that was all I could think of. Making plans to defeat Starlight glimmer, turning my winter wasteland of an island to a taiga forest paradise, supplying for my only two companions Azura and Lily, making a port for my island, random chores to keep busy, and much more things that mostly concerned magic.

Lily and Azura kept their distance from my endless work routine, and if they came to close, I shooed them away, telling them I was fine and I didn't need help. But I wasn't nor were they, Azura mostly. She was hit hard. The fact that all those she came to like, died trying to kill her father in utter betrayal. She spent a week hiding from me, crying her little eyes out in her room. I should have been there to sooth her pain like a normal father should, but I was having problems of my own. It took me less time to accept that the people I trusted hated my guts. Even the ones I saved multiple times. I still should have been there for her, to comfort her, to soothe her tears away. But all I did was work my ass every day till I passed out. Leaving her alone in solace. I am glad she understood why I kept my distance from her, making the whole ordeal much easier.

Lily, however, did manage to lift my spirits up a bit during meals, even though it was conveyed as death threats and failed attempts for my life. I knew how she felt about me. She feels that she is inclined to be in my service, to make amends by doing everything I tell her to do. I believe she is doing this to tell me that she is grateful for freeing her from the lie she was following. Even if she hates the fact that I destroyed her humanity, and possibly her entire home. I still find her school girl cuteness to my liking. I kept the recent past from her till she was ready. I didn't need another six-hour long fight on my hands.

Walking from my room through the quiet halls of my ship, made me feel lonesome, more so than ever. The clean bright metal halls, the odd sound of the metal setting and the constant hum of the various machinery keeping this place warm. Today was my last day ill need to finish my project, and all I have to do is push a button. I got to the bridge after a while of walking. I saw Azura eat breakfast with Lily on the way there. I also saw the calendar, then a thought came to mind. Nightmare night was two days away. Once I'm done I will make it up to Azura and Lily by taking them trick or treating. It's a start to make up for neglection I placed on both of them from my own self-loathing. I know they will be like it. Even if it will be for a short time. "I guess I'm going to need to get some costumes."

The bridge of my ship had a new addition to it. An addition which ill be testing. It took me one month of making the schematics, testing for the best materials, and teleporting all over the continent, but it is done. My Three D mapping system is done. My ship has this kind of tech for use but in small scale. 'A perfect way to find Starlight glimmer without the need of hunting down all her supporters.' MY hand loomed over the button I made at the main console and pressed it. The table map light up like the fourth of July. thousands of new locations, the entire continent was in full three D and best of all. It took only a second for me to find where she was hiding.

Starlight glimmer was hiding at the one remaining human-made base hidden away in Gem fido. The same one I found back at the island. 'Or was it the dominion. Bah, I couldn't remember.' The map showed me that it was a dead zone. A zone in which magic is negated from all external sources, preventing even my eye from finding it and also a dead give away. Now that I know where you are, I can finally have some down time until I decide to butcher you. A very demonic grin was plastered my face, happy with my invention and the results I got from it. Jumping with joy, I decided to go get some breakfast myself.


Azura was reading a book in the crew lounge while Lily was meditating in her full suit of armor. Rolling my eyes as I passed by to the smithy to make something for the two, I received a call, or rather. Another letter. 'Wha...?' Shaking my head with the letter I puked up. I picked it up with my tail to read it later.

"My lord?" Lily asked.


Turning around to confused Lily clearly wanting answers about things. I gave a bright smile. Lily crossed her arms not buying what I was trying sell. With the time I spent with just Lily and Azura, I got to learn a bit about them. Lily was one of those people that didn't like to be lead somewhere off topic, nor like to be flirted with. 'My usual method of cheering up a girl.' So trying to run away after she probably saw the letter burst into existence, wouldn't be a good idea. 'Maybe I can get her to come with me so I could get her measurements afterward.'

"How may I help you?" I replied.

"What is that?" she pointed to the letter held by my tail.

"That would be my ass. Why, you interested? Do you like what you see?" Her eyes lit up with shock and her face went into blushing mode. It was easy to make her flustered, then again. It is easy to for me to make any girl flustered. Not wanting to break from embarrassment, she drawed her crystal katana, holding it to my face in defiance.

"No, no, and no. You will tell me what is in that letter, or I will kill you," she growled. 'Time to mess with her. I got to cheer her up someday.'

"This letter is from...erm... I don't know." I said bring it up to my face for further inspection. "Maybe from the only person that can send a letter via dragon magic?"

"And who would that be?"

"Meh. Princess Celestia." I shrugged. Her sword dropped in disbelief like I said something out of this world. Though it is most likely that she did send this one. The last one was from my ex-dragoness Saphira saying that if she ever saw me again, every dragon would be on alert for my head. Kill first no questions later. And I could further guess that this letter was about the magic pulse that I sent through her land.

"That's not possible!" she proclaimed.

"Yes, it is."


"Well, you see. I saved her ass from a small army that was using dark magic, and I am going to be knighted one and a half months from now because of it. Tia and I have a bit of history together. I helped her in many ways, like creating a town in her country, which I have the deed for, and that I am the only one she can rely on for a little while in terms of intelligence and power."



"Opps. I should have probably caught her. Oh well, nice talking to you."

I picked up the fainted Lily placing her on my back and sheathing her sword. I don't know why she faints whenever I say something cool or impossible. It's like she cannot comprehend what I say or show her, or rather, her brain won't let her try. No matter, I'll take her with me so when she wakes up I can take her measurements. 'Poor thing. I bet you would have a heart attack if I show you that I can make exploding chocolate milk.'

I took her with me to the far end of the crew deck to the smithy section to begin making proper armor for the both of us. While I walked in strange comfort of having a passed out diamond dog ride me like a horse, I levitated the letter for reading. The letter now wrapped around my magical aura, I opened the letter to see what it is about.

Dear Winter.

It has come to my attention that a fluctuation of magic passed through my realm. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, it is a common occurrence that happens every now and again, but the source of the flux came from your island and it had some unwanted effects. I would like to ask as to what you did if you did anything. I know you have an abnormal affinity for the use of the arcane, but if you are doing experiments of such a scale that almost made half of my court orgasm unnaturally. Please inform me before hoof so that you don't make another mess.

That aside, I would like you to come and visit on a much more personal matter that has been bothering me for quite some time. It is not related to you in any which way, but since you will be a knight in the coming months, I could use some input regarding the security measures that has been used for the past millennia. After the attack, all my higher guards except Captain Shinning armor, perished. Thus making it hard to effectively to keep order amongst the lower ranks.

In short terms. I need your help as soon as possible.

From; Princess Celestia of Equestria.

PS. If you did cause that pulse, consider your wallet to lose some bits for the clean up of my castle. Thankyou.

I dropped Lily and the letter in a spontaneous burst of maniacal laughter. "I can't...HAHAHAHA...believe...That I... made almost every girl on the continent cum...HAHAHAHAHA... Screw guns and roses. I made an orgasm canon!" I laughed hysterically rolling on the ground.

It took some time for my episode to end. But hearing that I technically had sex with several hundred thousand girls with one finger, just made my day. Lily woke up to my hysteria. I pointed to the letter for her to read to understand why I was dying from laughter. Once she read it, she fainted again. Causing me to laugh harder. Thankfully, I did manage to get to the smithing room, eventually.

The smithing room was a unique section. It hard a much more modern setup than what I saw during my teleportation thought Equis. The normal smithy had only a few things; A common smelter, an anvil, hammer, oil quencher, several kinds of hammers, an apron, and moldings of various kinds. My forge had all that, but much more effective. This forge was over-killed outfitted to make everything from simple swords and shields to guns and bullets from scratch. I don't know half the names for the machinery that is used here, but I do know what they are meant for. Making me more awesome.

I laid Lily down on an apron off to the side so she wouldn't get in they way and collected several white, purple and gold dragon scales, as well as their bones. I knew how to smith from the use of my green eye. All I had to do was read a book and become a master of it. A cheap way to learn, but I was not going to spend twenty years taking up the art from the beginning. I knew what I had wanted to make. Sure I could just use magic to make it in an instant, but the spell makes what I made much weaker than it should be. So first on my list was to reforge Nix and Lupus.

I went to the forge turning golden-eye on so I could use the hellfire spell as my flame for reforging. I knew that this kind of fire is cold, you can't feel it unless you place properties on the material you were using. Though when golden-eye is on I can't be burnt by hellfire, in order for me to reforge Nix, I have to pump magic to the very core of the blade. A risky tactic with the chance of killing myself, but it will be worth it. I unwrapped the leather grip and took off the wood handle and gem throwing the blade into the hellfire smelter while I waited for the dragon metal that I was pumping with my neutral magic to melt. I turned myself into my dragon only for several more dragon scale throwing them in with the blade, then went back into griffin mode to let my scales to re-grow in the background. With hammer in hand and blade transparent with an aura of black flame. I struck the first blow of many in my upgrade session.

Twelve hours. I spent twelve hours reforging Nix. I knew it would take a long time, but not as long as twelve hours! But, after all that work with the side of burning my tail a couple of times. I finished the reforge of Nix making her better than before. Though come to think of it, I think making her a twin with white dragon scales from scratch, added more time than it should have. I lifted Nix for inspection of my work.

Nix change to the point that it couldn't be recognized from before. She was still had a four-foot long two inches wide straight edge blade, but the white flame inlay was gone to a mystical wisp of midnight, making the blade look like a shadow void of color and light. The cross guard was changed too. The cross guard uniquely changed from cheap dragon wings to elegant black angel wings with a ruby connecting the wings to the blade and the handle, giving the sword a red eye slit. The handle was slightly extended to fit two hands more comfortably but kept it so that one hand wasn't hindered by the shape. The pommel took the biggest change. I took out the rosario cross and made something else. The new pommel had a tree inch black crescent moon with the curve facing away from the hilt. Just like my scythe, it had a miniature two-foot blade resembling half the size of the main one in its entirety. I made her new twin Lumen in the same fashion, but with minor differences. She was made of white scales, the gem in the center of the wings was a sapphire and she, like her sister, gave off a presence that felt like the sword was made out of the season winter itself. It even looked like it was snowing within the blade. Happy with both swords, I sheathed them in their sheaths and proceeded to reforge Lupus, but with changing it. It doesn't need it.

Once I was done reforging I ate the food Lily brought me. Sitting at a makeshift table waiting for the forge to reheat with normal fire so that I can make me a proper set of armor. Lily and Azura got curious after I finished my scythe for the second time. Both of them sat quietly eating their super giving me time to think of how I wanted my armor that I will be using from now on to look like.

"Winter?" asked Azura cutting of my train of thought.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Do you mind if I stay and watch?"

"Yes. it will be bedtime after you finish eating."

"Awww. I'll be good. I promise!" she whined. Lily gave me a cheeky smile waiting for my response.

"Tell you what. If you help me hold down Lily so that I can strip her naked, then you can stay up."

"EWW NO! I don't want to see that. I'd rather go to bed. Or hug a cactus!" she pouted. I looked over to Lily to see how she was responding. Her eyes were lit with terror, afraid of what naughty things I could do with her. Though I was just going to take a measuring tape to get her proportions just to make her new armor set since her current one only protected her chest, thighs, forearms, and shins. Good for mobility but lacking in practicality.

"Suit yourself, but if I catch you sneaking in during the night. I won't give you a treat I'm working on."

"A treat?!" she perked up.

"Yep, but you won't get it if you are up."

"Fine." she smiled.

"I should get some rest too." Lily chimed in.

"Nope. I need you here for a little while yet."


"But nothing. You are going to strip down so I can work with your body." I cut her off giving her a wolfish smile. Azura quickly finished her food and bolted out of the room saying good night on her way out, leaving me and Lily alone. I finished just after Azura and got up to grab the tape with Lily thinking I was going to have my way with her. I heard her finish as well and she began to slowly make her way out of the room.

"Where are you going." I purred snapping the tape over my palm. I walked over to her slowly causing her to back against the wall blushing like a little school girl.

"M...master," she stuttered. "I..I.."

"You have been a bad girl." I smiled pushing her against the wall, placing one hand against the wall. This made me tower over her in size giving her a good look of my muscles. "And do you know what happens to bad girls?"

"," her tail was wagging a mile a second. She was clearly liking they way I was treating her, but it was a shame that I didn't like her that way. 'Yet.' Even though, I could tell from the growing smell that she wanted it. I didn't have the time, and I didn't use girls that way.

"Bad girls get," my voice deepened coming up to her ear. I delicately caressed my free hand with one finger down from her neck towards the center of her chest ever so slowly, making her more excited.

"ah­~" she moaned" Wha..what do bad girls get My lord?"

"Bad girls get to help me with smithing."

. . .


"I can't believe you are getting off by this." I laughed letting her go.

"You...You were just teasing me?" she said dumbfounded.

"Yep, but I got to say. I didn't think you actually liked me that way, or that you were into bondage."

"I..I...I...NO! FUCK YOU!" She snapped, putting me back into giggle fits confirming what she liked to do in bed.