//------------------------------// // Friends Forever // Story: The Legend of Korra Book 5: Chaos // by Epicdiscord214 //------------------------------// In Republic City, after everyone was returned to life, a great crowd stood sat in front of the Presidential Office wearing mourning outfits. The Power Ponies' Princess Celestia stood at the front first. Next to her was a large object bigger than her and covered by a sheet. "I... was one of the first to know Anar D." Princess Celestia said. "He used to be a unicorn named D. He had his whole future ahead of him. He was going to be one of the next Heroes of Harmony. It was tragic that he let his own temptations get the best of him. Now, he has realized the value of friendship and changed his wicked ways. Now, he is with his loving sister, Pandora. May he rest in peace." After she got off, Discord took the stand. "This is a sad day. Normally, I'd do something to bring the fun here, but I'm not. I only knew the guy for a week, but I already understand him better than anyone else. He knew that there was a good level of chaos and a bad level of chaos. He and I often do our best to stay on the good level. See, all of us, not just draconequui, have a lot of chaos to provide. Chaos is an embodiment of our imagination and our will. Anar D was always enjoying those kinds of moments, because that's what I'd do." Discord stepped away and Raiko took the stand. "Everyone, human and Equestrian, I stand before you in tribute to our fallen friend. I swear, this is not a promotional address or anything else that will get me re-elected. The old me would have done that, but after everything I've seen, that's not me anymore. And so, I give you this as a promise of my changed will." Raiko pulled off the blanket behind him and revealed what hat been under. It was a painted statue of Anar D, down to every last detail of his body and superhero costume. the sight of it was getting many photographs. "Behold," Raiko exclaimed, "This is our tribute to someone who reminded us that friendship can come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. I give you... the Element of Chaos." For the first time in this whole ceremony, all of Anar D's friends smiled. The Mane 6, Team Avatar, the Power Ponies, and the Mighty Machines were laughing as the last of the minor heroes who fought with them returned to their world. "So, wait." Twilight chuckled. "Anar D did what?" "The first time he left Maretropolis, he asked us to get him something." Radiance said. "He said he just wanted a teeny-tiny glass of water. Then, he started to sing." "That's exactly what I did when I pretended to be sick." Discord said. "Of course, that was also the time Iris tried one of her schemes of getting me kicked out of Equestria." "I apologized for that a dozen times." Iris said. "So Iris," Korra said, "What's going to happen with you and Zaheer?" "Oh, I'll be fine." Iris said. "As for my father, well, he's going to try to play it straight. If not, well, I'll be there to straighten him out." "And I'll be right at her side." Miles said. "Look." Derpy gasped pointing by the portal. A familiar pony stood by waiting for them. "Welcome, my little friends." the Doctor said. "Doctor." Twilight said. "What are you doing here?" "Just wanting to say good-bye for now." the Doctor said. "You mean we'll see you again!" Derpy asked. "I'll see you again!" "I'm always with you." the Doctor said stroking Derpy's hair. "I have already been to your futures and I'm still going to. You've also already seen my older self in your pasts. You'll definitely see me again." "Wait." Korra said. "If you know our futures, do you think you can tell us?" "I can't divulge too much." the Doctor said. "Right now, I let you choose which timeline to join in. However, I can tell you this: Varrick and Zhu Li will have a creative, independent, and innocent girl named after Varrick's Grandma Tak. But right now, I suppose you already have your future covered, Avatar." "What?" Mako asked. "It's just an idea." Korra said. "I... I've been thinking of seeing the other worlds. Until a week ago, I had no idea that there was entire world populated by ponies and other creatures. I want to know what other worlds are out there with new possibilities." "WHAT?!" Lok shouted. "AFTER ALL WE'VE BEEN THROUGH?! Iris, you can't possibly go along with this!" "Actually, that's a good idea." Iris said. "I've been hidden away from the rest of the world trying to turn it upside down. It's time I do something else. What do you say Miles?" "I'm up for some adventure." Miles said. "I'd like to come too." Mako said. "It might be a good time for us to repair our relationship." "Well, if Mako's going, then I'm going!" Bolin declared. "And I'd like to come too." Asami said. "HAS EVERY HUMAN GONE INSANE?!" Lok shouted. "THIS IS WHY I PREFER BIRDS!" Everyone ignored Lok. Korra and Twilight stared at each other and hugged. They stepped away and looked again. "So... this is good-bye, huh?" Korra said. "Maybe, maybe not." Twilight said. "Either way, I'm glad to have you as my friend." "Me too." Korra said. "I never thought I'd have a pony for a friend." "Hey, you're a first for us as well." Rainbow Dash said. "You're all my first friends, even though I'm too different to be anyone's friend." Discord said. "I guess chaos isn't too much of a curse." "I just want everyone here to know something." Twilight said. "Even though we're different, it doesn't necessarily make us disagreeable. Take me and Korra for example. "I... never thought we would Be a friendly pair Even though we're two different girls You... always seem rough While I'm more aware But together, we are two lovely pearls I'm a pony I'm an alicorn" "I'm the Avatar," Korra sang, "Since I was born We are different, but we're still the same" "We are driven," Twilight sang, "We are clever" "We will always," Korra sang, "Stand together" "You and I are one," both sang. "You... are my very best friends," Discord sang, "Couldn't ask for more I'd give up my chaos for you" "We... will always save the day," the Masked Matterhorn sang, "Like we did before As long as we're brave, honest and true" "We are heroes," the Power Ponies sang, "We are radical" "We're wirewolves," the Mighty Machines sang, "We're mechanical We have plenty of stories with legends" "You will know them," everyone sang, "You will hear them You will love them You will cheer them You and I are one" For a moment, the Doctor turned away from the heroes and turned to the reader. He said to him/her... "And that is how all of our legends managed to find a way to coexist. It started with different ways. Princess Twilight Sparkle was the only one that found out about NightMare Moon. The Masked Matterhorn met your team by accident. Avatar Korra went to Republic City of her own choice. Discord had to wait thousands of years trapped in stone just to learn how to be a friend. But the truth is, it was all perfect. If those legends hadn't started that way, we would never exist for they all led up to their meeting... and their friendship." The Doctor turned to the Spirit Portal and saw everyone in all three worlds cheering and singing along. "DON'T YOU KNOW YOU ARE... DON'T YOU KNOW YOU ARE... DON'T YOU KNOW YOU ARE... DON'T YOU KNOW YOU ARE... DON'T YOU KNOW YOU ARE... MY VERY BEST FRIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEENDS WE ARE HUMANS WE ARE PONIES WE ARE SPIRITS" "MACARONI," Derpy sang. "WE ARE PIECES OF A PUZZLE THAT SEEM TO FIT," everyone sang, "WE ARE FREAKSHOWS WE ARE CANINES WE ARE DRAGONS THAT ARE REFINED WE HAVE ALL THE POTENTIAL WE NEED FOR FRIENDSHIP WE ARE DIFFERENT BUT THE SAME TOO ALL THROUGHOUT THE MULTIVERSE YOU AND I ARE OOOOONE YOU AND I ARE OOOOONE YOU AND I ARE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE" "EVERYONE..." Varrick declared, "DO THE THING!" "THEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND"