If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

by overlord-flinx

Another Story: Every Time She Gets Undressed...

Two years... It's been two years since I spun you all the super hot yarn of how Octavia and I got hitched. I also said about two years ago I was gonna tell you another story... Hey, I'm working on it. It's hard to remember what you were doing so long ago. I forget to put the toilet seat down sometimes too, you wanna start something about that too? Why do I put the seat up? Air dumps...

Anyway! You're not into that. Unless you are. In which case, you're really weird. Eh, who am I to judge? Who's anyone to judge? And speaking of judging, I was just judging an old story I heard. It was a crazy story, and -well- it was a great time now that I think about it. See, Lyra forgot to get this shaz together for her and Bon Bon's anniversary. Personally, I didn't think it was that big a woop... But Lyra's real anal about messing up stuff. So was in this total drama zone, going off the walls, running around town, flipping cars, smacking women. Alright... Some of that didn't happen. But you know what I mean, right? You've been there.

I don't do the story justice. Only Lyra and Bon Bon could tell you every detail. But, knowing them, you're probably gonna end up reliving a lot of their childhoods... They REALLY like to talk about that. That's cool by me and all; but I get dizzy trying to keep Bon's sister's names right. And Lyra? Don't EVEN get me started. But you should get started. Go on and check out their story. It'll be pretty damn cool... And there'll be sex! You like sex. I mean, you watched me fuck my fiance you weird fuck.

I'm just foolin'. You know I love ya. See you real soon.