//------------------------------// // Who needs college when you have a- // Story: The lovely life of Emerald Isle // by SweetyBelleluvsu //------------------------------// "Chaos," Emerald said in surprise, "What... what was that for?" "Well," Chaos started, "It's just... throughout the year and with all the studying... I've fallen in love with my best friend. You know what, I'm sorry; I'll just go." "Um, Chaos," Emerald said while rubbing her hoof on her leg, "Wait. Don't go; I mean can you- I mean- Ugh." Emerald just grabbed him and kissed him again. It, of course, surprised him but he fell into it. They kissed until they needed to come up for air; when they did, somepony coughed. "Excuse me," Rumble said in the doorway, "But is this a bad time?" "Oh," Emerald said awkwardly, "Uh, hi dad!" Rumble just stared at them; this made it feel more awkward for Emerald. "Counter Chaos," Rumble said as he stared at him, "Can I speak with you alone?" "Dad please don't let this turn out like it did with grampa when you came back!" Emerald exclaimed. "Don't worry honey," Rumble said to her, "I won't. Now can you go pick your sister up from school so I can talk to this stallion?" "Um," Emerald said as she started to go, "Ok, bye Chaos; I guess I'll see you later?" "If I'm not dead later," Chaos mumbled. Emerald left to go pick her sister up; Rumble closed the door behind her. When he was sure she had left he walked over to him and asked a simple question. "Do you love my daughter?" "What?" "Do you love my daughter; it's a simple question." Chaos was surprised, he had expected to get yelled at. "Sir," He started out, "I do, and I would do anything for her." Ruble put a hoof on his shoulder, "Smart lad." He chuckled, "You know what my father-in-law did when I came back? This was after he chewed me out and then asked me how much I loved her." "I have no idea," Chaos said as he grabbed his books to put in his saddle bag. "He told me," Rumble said as he helped Chaos, "To go buy a ring and propose." Chaos choked, coughed, and laughed. "That must be one special stallion." "Well," Rumble started, "When he is the father of the most beautiful mare in the word, what do you expect?" "I don't know," Chaos said. A thought crossed his mind and he almost didn't even mention it until Rumble asked, "What's on your mind?" "Oh," Chaos said as he put his saddle bag on, "It's nothing really; I mean we just got out of high school and we aren't even graduated yet but-" "You may," Rumble said cutting him off. "What?" Chaos said in disbelief. "You may," Rumble said again, "You love her, I can see that. But you have one rule to do it; wait until graduation." "Consider it done." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "RUN AWAY!" Raven was running from Chaos who was holding water baloons filled with soap, a cream pie, and a pillow in his magic. Emerald was right behind him with a bucket of water and a back brush scrubber. "YOU WON'T TAKE ME ALIVE!" Emerald rolled her eyes as she took a short cut past the table and cutting in front of Chaos. "THERE IS NO WAY THAT YOU CAN MAKE ME DO THIS!" Emerald rolled her eyes once more and decided to stop the fun and just picked Raven up with her magic. "NO!" she exclaimed kicking this way and that, "Put me down!" "I wan't you to look nice for my grauation!" Emerald exclaimed as she put Raven into the pail of water, "And i don't want any buts." Raven sat in the water with her arms crossed; she hated baths. When she was finally was nice and clean they dried her fur and started to do her mane; she hated that more than the bath. After a half an hour of doing a simple bun Emerald went to do her own mane while Chaos when home to get ready as well. Emerald struggled to do her hair but finally decided on a messy bun. When she was finished she grabbed Raven and ran to the school. She got there just in time to put on her gown and get to the stage; The school was having a pep rally/graduation. When the graduation was over Emerald, her family, and Chaos' family went to the tree castle. "Wow," Emerald said as Chaos showed her some new additions to the castle, "You guys manage to build and ad fast!" "When you have the Lord of Chaos for a dad," Chaos said as they reached the door to his room, "These things don't take long." "So I see," Emerald said as they went into Chaos' room. Well, they would have if their younger siblings hadn't ran down the hall by his room. "NO!" Raven yelled, "YOU GET THAT EXPLODING POPTART AWAY FROM ME!" "Never!" Strawberry Poptart said as she threw another one at Raven. Emerald and Chaos shared a laugh at the sight and went into Chaos' room. Emerald decided to tackle Chaos onto his bed, surprising him, and kissed him on the nose. They ran around the room like little foals until they laughed so hard their sides hurt. When they finally stopped laughing Chaos did something unexpected. He got down on one hoof, made a small box teleport in front of him, and said four words that all fillies and mares dream about. Well, five including her name but you get the point. He looked into her eyes and said the four five special words... "Emerald, will you marry me?