The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch 27. The middle of the beginning.

The fourth order.


Sitting criss cross on a little platform slightly above a lava lake, looking into the eyes of my livid friend. Earlier, I was overjoyed that I gained a dragoness girlfriend, which only lasted about one day. 'A new record that will make forever alone guy be proud of.' It wasn't my fault, mostly. I just fought a human turned boobless she-wolf diamond dog for six hours straight, incinerated a random chick with the last three eyes of chaos,' which I gained by doing so,' and spared the person who was once human. Then again. That is probably the reason why.


The girl that almost kick my ass was frozen from the waist down, but that didn't stop her from yelling at me. She went on and on at how much of a fool I was. But after going through her head to get an idea of that chick, I came to a strong conclusion that she was bat shit crazy. As to why she had the other three eyes of chaos...I got nothing. 'At least I have the complete set now, but what will happen if I have them all?' This girl believes that her, 'Lady of light' could bring back the entire human race to this world, but judging how fast I could beat her. 'That wasn't happening.' I felt some pity for her, the only reason as to why I saved her was because she was being used of her strength in skills long forgotten.

It was not my place learning of her private life, but how she was able to fully change her body and the fact she was a full on human, made me curious. Her last interchangeable blade came from a single place long ago. 'The crystal empire.' Before the time of Sombra's rule, back when his black crystal magic was more common. The blade itself was modified from a much older one. Unfortunately, she didn't know how her sword came to be, only that it was passed down for generations. The blade, from my own assumptions, pushing me to believe that it was enchanted by her lady of light using the eye of avaritia, ' the black eye of greed.' It makes some sense for her lady's desire for power and promise to give it willingly to whom was willing to lay their live's for her.

The change was permanent, and my friend knew it. She gave up her humanity for the power to defeat me, a small price in my eyes, but a big one for her. On the side note of humans in their natural form, I want to ask Celestia how that came to be. 'Now then, what to do with my loud friend?'


I turned her ability to talk, off for a moment so I could think. This didn't make her too happy about it. She kinda looked cute glaring at me with though's soft silver eye's of her's. I reached over with a hand, petting her for being a good girl for being quiet. This action turned her soft gray fur a new shade of red. Speaking of change. What happened to her breast? I knew she became a very feminine diamond dog, but where did they go? Did they just vanish altogether, or did they shrink? I have seen a couple of she dogs before, and they didn't show any signs of having them, but being a guy that has to get used to new things. I don't think this would be one of them.

The girl caught me staring at her chest, causing her blush to deepen. I decided not to embarrass my temporary prisoner too much, 'but where was that banging sound coming from?.' I stopped petting her to check where a fast thumping sound was emanating from. I snaked my head around to her back side, finding a tail wagging happily, also finding other nice things. 'Curse my dirty mind.' I sat back into my original position crossing my arms giving her a cheeky smile. I gave her more head mobility, pointing to her tail. Her anger towards me turned to shame, with her blush reaching maximum redness.

"What's wrong?" I asked giving her back control of her mouth.

"You!" She spat going back into glare mode.

"What did I do?"

"You killed my lady of light!"

"Oh. You mean that weak little liar?"

"YES!...Wait. What do you mean by, 'lair' dragon!?"

"Hmm. You don't know? Well, let me clear that for you." I said. "After going through your head about her, I came to the conclusion that your lady lied to you about promises she couldn't keep. Like really? Bring back the human race. Do you know how much power that would take?! Your lady would never even get close to tasting that kind of power!"

"And how would you know dragon!"

"Because she isn't a god now was she? She may have special eyes that could do some crazy things, but that's about it. Your lady was a fraud, you were used, and your life was wasted."


"How dare I?" I cut her off. "As much as I admire how you almost beat me, a feat no one has come close to in a long time. I dare because she was beaten so easily. That is the only proof I need, that, and the fact being burnt by hellfire is something you can't recover from."

"That doesn't give you any reason for your insolence!"

Well, I tried. This girl wasn't going to change her mind anytime soon. 'So what to do?' I could just kick her into the lava river surrounding us, but that would be mean. Then again, if I release her back into the wild, she would hunt me down for the rest of her life, or I could bring her with me. Welp, I will bring her with me, give her a collar, and turn her into my pet dog. 'Wait... What the fuck brain!' Well, in any case I should at least learn her name.

"What's your name, my new furry friend?" I smiled.

"None of your business!" she growled. "And I am NOT your friend!"

I reached over again, petting her until she told me. She tried to fight me, moving her head around from my attempts, but to no avail. She gave up her dignity knowing fully that her tail was wagging happily.

"I'll stop once you tell me your name." I teased scratching behind her ear.

"Never!" she pouted. 'She was pouting now? Hmm, is she starting to break a bit?'

"Tell me or I will bend you over and scratch your tummy."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me."

The events of the day were rather enjoyable; I got dumped, I got back to my ship with Lily, my new diamond dog pet, I got the materials I needed, my crew got to my island without a problem, I got a letter from Celestia, and I have a bunch of pissed off crew members wanting my head on a pike.

It took me awhile to break Lily in telling me her name, I am unsure why she hate's it, but at least I know what to call her when she isn't locked up in the brig. Speaking of which, that's where I am now. After I returned from dragon hunting, I found out that my entire crew set up a mutiny and took over my ship.

Sitting in one of the cells with Lily, who stills want's to kill me was entertaining. I don't know how they think they could just, capture me without a fuss. I played along, even though I could end all their lives just by thinking it. I might as well let them have their fun, but one thing bother's me. I knew Heather and the gang would eventually try something, but not as soon as I thought. Having Heather lead the charge wasn't what I was expecting, nor having Rose, Brownie, and even Moonlight support her. 'I wonder how Azura is doing.' Having her father being betrayed by his friends must be having some effect of her. Then again, I told her before hand that it was inevitable. Know I must make a choice I didn't want to make in the first place.


The cell was mostly empty; gray walls, a bunk bed with paper cotton blankets, a toilet bolted to the ground, and a light to prevent us from killing ourselves by tripping over nothing. Lily was at a non-stop glare session with me on the lower bed, reminding me of how Rose was like before I left. Though, having to keep her detained with magic was taking up a lot of thinking I could be using for figuring out how to make a DOPLAR radar system to map out the entire world with a click of a button. I have the money, and the plans for how my ship does it.

Lily was sitting criss-cross up against the wall while I sat on the toilet still in dragon form. Contemplating on my situation was all I had the energy for. I knew very well that my baby griffin self was a major hindrance. So I must decide whether or not to make it to were it's suppose to be. I have the power to do so, but this was a chance at having my childhood back. Looking back on it now, from the first moment I was here. I caused more harm than good. My little identity was soaked in blood, tainted in the eyes of whoever witness the trail I left. I did the spell while still a dragon, sealing my fate. I should look like the way I was when I entered Silent hill, an older form based on how I should have turned out to be.


"Stop sighing so much, you're giving me a headache," Lily growled in annoyance to my inner complaining.

I snapped my fingers turning myself into my new form. A grown up griffin; black cat half, snow white eagle half, one eye an azure blue, the other seven different colors interchangeable. The tip of my tail was like a white flame with the heart of darkness, wild anime like hair slightly over my eyes the tips splashed black, and rough at the back. I had a crest in the center of my chest. It looked like a black crescent moon upside down with a black star in the center. My body grew up to be stronger than I thought. My average muscle build was more appealing, but not enough to make me look like an over-kill body builder. A perfect balance of wolfish cuteness and strength. Happy with my new body, I check to see how Lily was doing. Just as I thought. Jaw dropped, eyes wide, and tail wagging. 'What is wrong with her?'

"What? Is something in my fur? Do I have a bug in my teeth?"

"You're a GRIFFIN?!"

"Yeah. Why?"

"But I thought you were a dragon!?"

"I'm half dragon, and half griffin. I just use my dragon half for its natural armor."

She fainted...

"Heh, lightweight."

Walking to my execution wasn't what I was hoping for. Then again, most of the people in attendance were those whom I have wronged. By wronged, I have almost killed them many times. Not because I was just in the mood for slaughter but in the need for trust. I gave them a chance for redemption, to right the wrongs of their past, but to no avail as it seems. This wasn't going to be my execution, but theirs. I would give four whom I came close in friendship, one last chance, but if they were to stand by their decision. Then I will give them a running start. Harsh, but necessary.

I stood before everyone in the cargo bay of my ship. Lily was brought out too, as was Azura. I was hoping for Azura not to be included in the charade, but then again. I bet someone thought it would be a good idea to witness her only family die, which will never happen. I won't let it. Heather stood to my right making a claim to everyone that my abusive control was over, and that for all my misleading was at an end. First off, I wasn't abusive, second I was honest and told the truth, even if it wasn't what you wanted to hear. Moonlight's solemn silence, Rose's complacency, Brownie's prideful demeanor, and Heathers absent mind for any reason gave me the final answer to how their roles played out.

Azura couldn't look away as my head was placed down and a gun aimed at my head. Just as Heather said her final words and the sound of the gun cocking, I quickly turned on the eye of dreams again and froze everyone. I teleported Azura back to her room and killed everyone but Lily and the four I came to know most. I burnt all the bodies and cleaned up the mess placing their ashes in a nearby volcano, then I cleaned the ship of the missing spots making the ship looked like it was fresh out of port. I put all weapons back to the armory and sat disappointed looking into the eyes of my betrayers, releasing their heads for communication.

They all looked my way and what they saw terrified them; an untouched griffin, an empty room, held captive by an unknown force, and worst of all, guns aimed at them via telekinesis. They tried to move, but couldn't from my iron grip. They tried threats. I tightened my grip around their necks making it harder to breath.

"So. Can you tell me why all of you are doing this?" I asked cocking the guns. I could have looked into their minds for the answers, but I needed to hear the truth from their own mouths. If they can't give me that liberty, then I can't reason with them, or plead my case without being told I am the lair.

"Because you are a piece of shit!" said Brownie. I shot him first, killing him instantly. I had no use for someone without respect.

"You're a monster!" cried Rose.

"How so?"

"Because all you do is kill innocent people like their lives are worthless!"

"I don't, Rose. If I did, then Lily frozen over there would have died as well." I said pointing to where Lily was standing still.

"Bullshit!" Rose died just as Brownie. Two left. The weeping zebra and the livid griffin.

"Heather, you have been quiet. Can you tell me why I was going to be killed in front of my daughter?"

"I have nothing to say to you. You may have saved me and that you believe you have a task you must complete, but so do I. "

"Oh. Care to explain?"

"Gladly. You made promises you cannot keep. And after seeing a bunch of dead dragons pop into a section of this ship looking like they were dead before they even had a chance to defend themselves, claiming you have to beat this cult you have shown no proof of, and worst of all. Those eyes of yours. They are the very representation of evil itself. You have no moral and I bet you don't even care about Azura!"


"Is that all?" I said trying my best not to fucking do worse then an instant kill. How FUCKING dare she claim I don't care about Azura! Sure I have more control about how my heart is affected in certain situations, making me look like I have no moral code of any kind. I didn't ask for these eyes, the dragon hunting was a bit over-kill, but the cult is more of a threat then she even can comprehend.

"Yes," was her reply.

"Tell me Heather. Do you know how much this hurts? Having to choose between life or death of someone you trust? Having an eye you didn't ask for? Being alone for most of your life because you had to make all the hard choices since day one? I may seem insanely calm about this, but I a, having a hard time holding back the tears of loss and betrayal. I have done nothing but tell the truth and nothing but the truth. And the cult is called The new order, lead by Aqua marine or from my quick research in lava land. I learned her real name was Starlight glimmer, and how she looks now was just a good disguise." I said. "But if you still believe I am a monster, I will end you, and if you say one more thing about me not caring for my little girl, I will do much, MUCH worse."

"You don't deserve a child Winter!" she spat. I teleported her to a diamond dog sex slave warren I found from searching through one dragon I studied from. She will spend many years giving up her body to other dragons and diamond dogs who what nothing to do but fuck her. No one insults me that way! I looked over to the petrified Moonlight.

"Anything to add?" I growled.

"You are a DEMON!" was her final reply before I sent her to where Heather was now.

All they had to do was trust me, but that didn't happen. I gave them; food, shelter, water, and much more. I did my best to stay truthful, but all they heard was lies. Now all I have is a lunatic she-wolf named Lily, and my daughter Azura, in a ship over my island off the east cost near the crystal empire.

Was I right to do what I did? 'No.' It was a choice I didn't want to make. I had to choose whether or not I could trust them with the information of things that shouldn't even exist. Let alone the fact that they themselves were associated with a cult Celestia wants to remove from this world. Azura will be sad that Heather will be gone, and that the ship will be empty for a long time. I let Lily go from my spell and walked away to go sulk somewhere. Pushing aside my heart for what was needed to be done, is over.
The first order; Begin making a settlement. The second order; No one set's foot of the island till I say so. The third order; Map the island and prepare it for terraforming. Four simple task I laid out, none of them were completed.

Lily Charge from behind, her sword trailing behind her. Shouting made it easy to tell. I didn't bother stopping from my path to start my tasks by myself. Lily stopped her assault confused. She walked right up in front of me, causing me to halt my stride. I looked up from starring at the ground to see an angry Lily wanting to fight.

"What?" I asked.

"You will pay for ruining my life!" she proclaimed pointing her sword at my face.

*Sigh...* "Not now Lily, if you want make me your new master just say it and get it over with. I have work to do."