//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 The pact and the boss battle // Story: Twilight ends with you // by Neptune //------------------------------// Twilight and Joshua ran inside the caves and the father it they went in the darker, and more difficult for them to see. Thanks to Twilight she as able to use her magic to illuminate the cave. "Huh," said Joshua. The pinging of the tracker has gotten louder and more rapid. "According to the tracker she should be around here." "If she's around here, where is she?" asked Twilight. They look around the room and Twilight accidentally drop the skull pin. As she grab it she suddenly pour Mana in and the pin psyche was activated. Her background turn blue and she heard Joshua's mind, "(sigh) I told her not to go through the wedding because of that guy." As she continued she heard a new voice, somehow familiar "(sigh) why i didn't listen to Joshua, I hope he could find me." Twilight recognized the voice, she knows that it's Cadence's voice. The voice was pointing towards behind a thin wall of crystal. "Hey I think i know where she is" said Twilight. "Really?" asked Joshua "I tried the tracker, but somehow it lost the signal." "Cadence is behind the wall, but i don't know how to break it." "Hey do you remember the pins I gave you?"" asked Joshua "Yeah" said Twilight, "Oh will I could use the pin with the lightning bolt to make a path way." Twilight grab the lightning pin and point her hand at the wall, she then channel Mana into the pin and a bolt shot of her hand. As the bolt hit the wall an explosion and the caves shake, even the people in the castle shake. As the smoke cleared out a person fell through. The person was a woman with pink hair, with a tattered wedding dress, and wedding val, she has bruises on her face and arms and legs. The woman saw Twilight and Joshua checking up on her she stand and brush off the dirt of her dress. She looks at them and said "Next time a little warning. Jeez I could have die." "Sorry, but are you alright Cadence you look like hell." said Twilight. "Yeah I'm find," said Cadence "but I'm so happy you found me." "Just in time too," said Joshua "because we need to move the wedding is about to start." "We need to move, now!" yelled Twilight All three started to run out of the crystal caves, and towards the castle, but as they tried to get through, a bunch of royal guards block the entrance. "Hey move we need to go through!" yelled Cadence. "Wait, something's not right," said Joshua "look at their eyes, anything diffrent?" As they look closer their eyes are green and glowing, giving them a possessed look. "There under mind control," said Twilight "what do we do?" Joshua stared to think: he couldn't pass them, and if they did their may be more possessed servents inside. So by all odds there is only one solution. "Twilight" said Joshua. "What do you have a plan?" asked Twilight "Yes, but you have got to trust me." Twilight was wondering about Joshua, she knew that their could be more inside, and she looks like she doesn't have any choice. "Ok," said Twilight "I trust you." As she said that a light blind her and Joshua, and then she found herself alone with three possessed guards. "What the heck!?" yelled Twilight. "Hey Twilight can you hear me!?"asked voice. She looks all over from that voice, but calm down as she reconized the voice. "Joshua," said Twilight "what the heck is going on!?" "Listen," said Joshua "we need to work together, use the pins I gave you." Twilight then use the slash pin and the sword appeared, then she started to slash and block the possessed guards. As she was fighting she felt Joshua working hard, he gotten hurt and she felt the damage. "Hey lets finish this." said Twilight "Ok, your move." said Joshua Then the both closed their eyes and a bunch of items swirl into a storm, apple carts, signs, chairs, and cars. As when everything was over, she amd Joshua went into the real world and the possessed guards was unconscious. "Joshua," said Twilight "what the heck was that?" "That Twilight means that we created a pact," explained Joshua "it means that we created a bond." "Ok now we know can we please go already!?" yelled Cadence. As they went inside the castle they encountered a few possessed servents along the way to the ballroom. Meanwhile The fake Cadence a.k.a Chrysalis queen of the changlings was mentally smirking. She gotten the meddling girl away, and gotten rid of the real princess. Now she was up into the reception with the brainwash Shining Armor. As Celestia was about to said the final degree, the doors slam open and revealed Twilight and an unkown male. "Wait stop," yelled Twilight "I gotten proof that she is a fake." Her friends groan and some face-palmed at her friends action. Chrysalis was seething about not finishing the job, and must go along with the act. "Oh why you must do this?" asked Chrysalis "Why you must ruined my special day?" "Because it is not your special day it's mine!" yelled Cadence. Everyone was suprised that their were two Cadence. "She's a changling a creature that feeds on love and can mimic the one you love." The fake Cadence started to laugh and then she transformed into a tall black woman with scars along her legs and had insect wings of her back, and she was dressed with a tattered gown with a bone crown on her head. "Haha, you are cleaver, but you are too late!" yelled Chrysalis. She then controlled Shining Armor to drop the sheld spell, then many changling solders went into Canterlot to steal all the love. "Enough you may trick me and many people," said Celestia "but there one thing you should know." As she draw her staff, Chrysalis asked "Oh and what's that?" "I won't let you hurt my subjects!" yelled Celestia. As they duel they didn't notice Cadence freeing Shining Armor. As she got to Shining Armor she then slap his face, and then his eyes went back to normal. "Huh is the wedding already over?" asked confused Shining Armor. A explosion camed and Celestia was sliding across the room with a broken sun staff. She look at the couple and scowl at the results. "Hmph your too late the invasion has already begun!" yelled Chrysalis. "Sorry, but we won't let you do that!" yelled male. As she look she saw Twilight and the male in front of her. Celestia woke up and saw the male that was near Twilight. "Joshua?" asked Celestia "What are you doing here?" "I'll tell you later right now we got a bug to squash." said Joshua. As Chrysalis look she started to draw her staff a bone stick with a green jewel on the top. "Hmph I never thought the composer would interrupt my plans," said Chrysalis "but I do wanted to take your power." As all of them blind in a light Twilight stood in front of Chrysalis. She then charged with the sword in her hand. They parry, dodged every of their attacks, Joshua taps some numbers from his phone and some stuff fell on top of her. Twilight then throw fireball, thunderbolts, and levitation objects at her. She felt her are bleeding, and she use the pin with the soda can to heal all her injuries. "Twilight, lets kick up a notch." said Joshua. "Ok I'll follow your lead." said Twilight. As she said they concentrated and now metors fell from the sky destroying every changling. Some have survived and run back to their hive, and Chrysalis was down, tried, and low of energy. Then the light came back and saw Twilight, Joshua, and a defeated Chrysalis. "It's over Chrysalis, " said Twilight "give up, and maybe will let you go." Chrysalis then did an odd reaction, she started to laugh a little, then it grows to a chuckle, than a manic laughter. "You fool you think you won!?" asked Chrysalis "I maybe powerless, but I will send you, the composer, and your babysitter, away from this land!" As the staff glow a bright light, fills the room and then a magical flux happen, after the light was gone, there was no sign of Twilight, Joshua, and Cadence.