The Real McCoys

by JusSonic

Chapter 2: The New Students' Second Day

Chapter 2: The New Students' Second Day

Twilight and her friends laugh in the present. That first day was the one that she and her friends would never forget, especially when Shadow Dragon and his pals came and be teachers, mostly to figure out what's going thanks to the events involving Sunset Shimmer.

"Hey, do you remember of how you girls told me that you knew the Dragon Strike Force personally?" Twilight ask her new friends with a smile.

"Oh yeah, sure. You wouldn't stop bugging us about it until we told ya everything." Rainbow admits to Twilight with a light chuckle, rolling her eyes a bit.

"Right, and you even told us how Shadow Dragon is Ben's brother-in-law since he married his sister Iris Crystal." Fluttershy said meekly while smiling. "Our other friend didn't know that before the incidents involving Fafnir and the Dazzlings."

"That was a surprise. I didn't know that all of you girls knew them so much like they've been in your life before." Ben said in observation, recalling what the girls told him, Twilight, Nyx and Starlight before.

"Yeah... Aqua was the best sister and coach I could ask for." Rainbow admits. Suddenly, much to the surprise of her friends, she sniffed before the girl cried a bit. "She's the best I could ask as 'Daring Do'..."

"Are you crying?" Fluttershy ask Rainbow in surprise. She barely see her friend cry like this.

"Yeah... Never seen you crying before." Scootaloo said in surprise. She hasn't seen her honorary big sister cry before.

"No! I'm not!" Rainbow insists. Of course, the tears from her own eyes kept giving her away.

Applejack scoffed, waving a hand while saying, "Come on, Rainbow Dash. Yew know yew cry because ya miss her so much since she left Canterlot High since graduation an' some incident."

Rainbow sighed, looks like the jig's up, "Fine... I did miss her. I thought she would chose that hothead guy over me. But as it turns out, she and him are actually spies. And they... care for me too." The girl turned to Applejack, giving a suspicious look. "I don't supposed that you haven't missed Saber?"

"Of course, Ah do. As Ah explained before, he was like an older brother 'ta me like Big Mac. Apple Bloom an' Ah've always visited him when we're on spare time."

Apple Bloom nodded, adding in, "Yeah. It was fun 'ta play wit' his cousins: Rogue, Sparkheart, Terrastrike, Kindy and Heavy. Those guys are fun 'ta play wit'." The little kid sighs, she misses those guys.

"Unfortunately, Saber wasn't there after graduation." Applejack said in concern, recalling what happened afterwards.

"Well... I was having fun with Uncle Terrorcreep. He was the best. He was like a father to me. I'm glad to have him be there for me. He's always buys something that I want, and he allows it. He wouldn't mind it, even for Angel." Fluttershy sighed, recalling her Uncle Terrorcreep. "I'm just upset to see him off to Europe for some work."

"Well, I'm just glad that he didn't make you his Dracula's Daughter." Rarity scoffs a bit. She doesn't approve of Terrorcreep like Fluttershy does. "I just hate his repulsive smell of his. It smells badly."

"Rarity! That wasn't nice!"

"Sorry, Fluttershy. I didn't mean it. I'm not comfort with some... Halloween stuff since your uncle told is about some Jiangshi Vampire."

"Jian-what?!" Rainbow ask a bit startled and freaked out.

"Jiangshi Vampire." Fluttershy said, correcting her freaked out friend about what Terrorcreep was talking about. "The hopping and possessed Vampire. It's very different than a European Vampire."

"Sounds the same... And you, Rarity? What's yours to Shorty? Got crush on him?"

"Yeah, come on, share." Nyx teases Rarity a bit.

"Come on, Rarity, you can tell us." Starlight said to Rarity with a light chuckle.

Rarity blushed as she spoke her thoughts, "Well, well, well... That was a long time ago when Shorty came to my father's business company for some works. And I was amazed by his technology. I wasn't very good at it though, but he was there for me to solve it. I admit one thing - I do have crush on him." The girl sighed, shaking her head. "Alas! He was being transferred to work for KSI."

Applejack huffed while remarking, "'De very same company 'dat tried 'ta kill' de Autobots, especially helping Megatron in becoming Galvatron? An' not 'ta mention, trying 'ta use 'de Seed to destroy 'de whole planet!" Word of what happened in the Autobots' previous battle last year in Hong Kong sure spread quick since that event!

"Let's not forget what those stupid Cemetery Wind did 'ta Sideswipe!" Apple Bloom exclaims, a bit upset. "That poor Autobot..."

"Applejack! Leave Shorty and his assistants out of it!" Rarity exclaims, upset by what Applejack is saying about poor Shorty and his assistants.

"Yeah! They didn't know it! They just got... messed up by that stupid CIS!" Sweetie snaps in agreement with her sister.

Rarity cleared her throat, adding, "That's CIA. And Sweetie Belle's right. It was their fault, not the KSI! And above all; Shorty, Tailtech and Icy have nothing to do with that event!"

"'Dat doesn't make any differences o' what they did fro' last year - almost getting everyone killed fro' Hong Kong till now!" Applejack exclaims a bit upset over the incident.

"Well... I can think you're getting more bad influence from Saber Dragoon! A very bad accusation for nothing!"

"Says 'ta a girl's best friend fer trying 'ta git everyone killed!"

Apple Bloom joins in the argument as the others are watching, getting a bit worried, "Yeah, at least ours got kindness an' never helped those stupid Cemetery Wind vermints!"

"Ours is generosity, not being a liar!" Sweetie snaps angrily at the Apple siblings. "I guess you've forgotten that, stupid Cowgirls!"

"What did yew call us, Spoiled Princess?!"

The Apple Sisters and the Fashion Sisters glared at each other for the moment. Twilight decided that it's best to intervene before this argument ends up ruining a friendship between both sides.

"Stop it! Stop involving your friends' involvement or history to this!" Twilight exclaims to the four who stop glaring, looking to the egghead newcomer. "This has nothing to do with it! Okay? That is the past. And this is now! The KSI are repairing and fixing the damages to what happened. No harm done."

The Apple Sisters and Fashion Sisters looked at each other, feeling ashamed for their petty argument. They all spoke at the same time, "Sorry..."

Nyx nodded as she spoke in agreement with her sister, "Yeah... Seriously, isn't this becoming your habit to argue? Coz it would be funny to see that happen for our pony counterparts." The girl can imagine Applejack doing arguments with Rarity right about now, with their siblings as well.

"Wait?! Did she learn from..." Rainbow asked surprised to hear that from Nyx. How the heck did Twilight's sister knew about that?

"Don't ask. I don't know what Lax and Pinkie taught her." Twilight remarks, rolling her eyes at the randomness thing. "I sure wish that could have been removed from a long time."

"Yeah! Thanks for taking sweet time for arguing." Pinkie exclaims happily bouncing up and down. "Anyway, for both Blazefist and Laxtinct, they are my best buddies I ever had. Thanks to Laxtinct's help, I got inspired and helped in making the best birthday parties everyone could have!"

"What about Blazefist? He's a cool guy, from what Shadow Dragon told me." Ben said, recalling Blazefist. "Wish I could be more like him."

"Yeah... He's one cool guy, but sure wish he stopped being a so bossy police guy. He really needs some chill. Ooh! Did I ever tell you girls about Aquastroke and Blazefist getting married?! That is so romantic. Feeling like I want to start a party!"

Rainbow sighed, rolling her eyes as she said, "Yes, you did. You said that about... 200 times. Seriously. Stop repeating it." The pink girl has been telling her friends about that so many times, it's not funny. The girl then squealed happily. "Oh my GOSH! I can't wait for that to happen!" The girls glanced at her causing Rainbow to blush and cleared her throat. "Just want to wish Aqua and Blaze a happy marriage. That's all."

"Speaking of friends, why didn't you tell us about them being military agents? And not to mention, you knew all of them well." Sunset said to Twilight, Ben, Nyx, and Starlight in concern.

"Yeah... What's the big deal of keeping that secret?" Flash ask his friends in concern.

Twilight sighed as she spoke up, "I am Azure's Prize Pupil. And as part of Military Intelligence, I'm not supposed to reveal anything or everything to anyone. It is classified information."

"Wow, that's shocking." Pinkie gasps a bit in amazement.

"Yeah, I can see why you want to keep that a secret." Scootaloo remarks as she works on her scooter.

Ben chuckled a bit as everyone turned to him, "Remember the very day we got in, we've been 'taught' by Dragon Strike Force.""

"Oh yeah, we've been taught big time by those guys." Rainbow remarks, joking a bit.

"Yew got it, sugar cube. We've never forgot that day fer a moment." Applejack said, making the others nod with her.

"Yeah... Who wouldn't forget?" Flash ask, sighing as he continues stinging his guitar a bit.

"Let's not forget of what happen to Boris when he mess with Burnblast-Sensei." Nyx said with a smirk, recalling that day that Boris the Animal will never forget, even if he tried to.

"Oh yeah...I can remember it was a flashback!" Pinkie exclaims happily as the gang remembers the past as well...


It was the first day for the new students as they hang out, deciding on some activities to talk to their new friends about, especially involving the matter with Sunset Shimmer. They met up with their friends as the latter helped them to get used to the school.

Just then, the group saw a couple of girls bullying Sunset, mocking and teasing her. Even when she claims to be reformed, not everyone believes that she is.

"Well, well, looks who's being bullied for once, monster." One of the girls sneers at Sunset who is doing her best to ignore them.

"Why bother pretending? Everyone knows you are a jerk, always a jerk." The second girl remarks with a laugh, making Sunset cry.

"Look! Even her tears are soooooo fake!" The third girl taunts Sunset cruelly as well. Twilight frowns a bit. The poor girl has been through enough.

Twilight came over to the girls, shouting angrily, "How dare you speak to her that way!" The mean girls look surprised as they glare at her. "You three are cowards! Picking on an innocent girl like that!"

"She isn't..."

"Just leave, leave Sunset now or I will get Shadow Dragon out here!"

The girls look nervous. They know of Shadow Dragon and his ways of "disciplining" the bad students. The trio quickly took their leave, allowing Sunset to sigh and look guilty. Didn't she use to act like a jerk like that?

"Can't believe this." Ben said, groaning as he shakes his head.

"Well, Ben... Get used to the New School." Flash said seriously as he pats Ben on the back. "Coz it's gonna be a bumpy ride."

Ben sighed, responding, "Don't tell me twice, Flash; been there, done that. It's not a pretty one too."


The students walk through the halls, preparing for a new day at school. As the Main Five and their new friends begin their next day, putting their stuff away in their lockers, a voice spoke through the P.A.

"Good Morning, students. And welcome back to Canterlot High." Terrorcreep's voice said through the P.A. "For furthermore security and safety rules, come to me and I shall reveal everything. And above all, make sure that you follow the rules of Canterlot High. Or there will be some consequences. And now... Those who do not return to the class in time will be honored to taste the early detention class from Mr. Simmons. You have 10 minutes to get to the class."

Ben groaned as he recognizes who it is, "Let me guess... Terrorcreep?"

"Yes, that is indeed him." Rarity said, rolling her eyes a bit.

"Fluttershy's uncle or daddy - if that's what she wants to call him." Rainbow remarks, elbowing Fluttershy while making her nod timidly a bit. "That guy is a freaking Vampire Rule Freak. He's always caught me when I tried to sneak out from Science Class."

Rarity groaned as she comments, "At least be appreciate with Mr. Shorty's treatment than that vampire's. No offense, Fluttershy."

"None taken." Fluttershy said. She knew of Rarity's distaste towards him but knew she doesn't always meant anything by it.

"To be honest, Fluttershy, I didn't know you had an uncle." Sunset said. She is amazed that Fluttershy never brought up her uncle until now.

"Terrorcreep is my adopted uncle. I'd prefer to call him daddy because he treated me like his daughter. He's like a father to me. And I'm happy to have him."

"Well... If he was at your age, you and him would have been a couple by now. That would be great to hear that." Pinkie said being random and silly per usual.

Rainbow chuckles, rolling her eyes while remarking, "Random... Be glad that he didn't suck her blood for daily routine."

"I just hope he doesn't kill me for... for bullying you before." Sunset said, gulping nervously. If Terrorcreep finds out that she bullied Fluttershy long ago, the former villainess fears of what he must do.

"It's okay. I've talked to him about the past. I told him you've change for the better. I promise he won't kill you." Fluttershy assures Sunset, patting her on the back gently.

"Hopefully, he doesn't try to get my blood again." Ben remarks, shuddering a bit while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Say what?" Flash ask Ben startled. Did he heard right?


"To Miss Fluttershy Jia - report to Security Room for a pickup." Terrorcreep said through the P.A. must to the surprise of Fluttershy's friends.

"Again? Seriously? Is he still treating you like a baby?" Rainbow scoffs in disbelief. All these years and Fluttershy is still treated like baby? Unbelievable! "Come on, you're a teenager now!"

Fluttershy sighed, "I don't mind it. After all, he hasn't been there for me since last year. I can't blame him for not spending time with me. I'd better go."

"Right, see you later." Starlight said to Twilight as he and his Siblings heads off to their classes.

"At least try to act mature...for once." Rainbow said to Fluttershy as she and most of the others right off.

"Say hello to your uncle for me! Squee!" Pinkie giggles as she bounces off to...who knows where.

Fluttershy smiles as she heads to the Security Room. Hopefully her adopted uncle got something good for her today.

As Fluttershy enters the room, she smiles while speaking up, "I'm here for my lunch pickup."

Terrorcreep dressed in his white Security Uniform spoke to Fluttershy in concern, "I'm not here to give you lunch. Just want to see if you're fine or okay."

"I'm okay, daddy. If that's okay, Uncle Terror."

Terrorcreep sighed at this, "Fluttershy, I told you before. You can call me daddy if you want. You and I are family. Listen, I just want you to be careful on the class, especially with Sunset and Boris. I don't trust them."

"Yes, daddy. But Sunset is okay, she can be trusted." Fluttershy said to Terrorcreep calmly. Despite what must folks think, Sunset has reformed; hopefully in time, everyone, besides the Main Five, the CMC, Hoboken Joe, Flash, as well as Celestia and Luna, will trust her again and forgive the former villain for her actions. "Please believe in me. I'm not a little girl. If it's okay for you to trust me."

Terrorcreep sighed, giving in, "Okay, Fluttershy. Just want to make sure. And one more thing." Terrorcreep kissed on Fluttershy's forehead calmly. "Take care."

Fluttershy blushed, saying happily to her adopted uncle, "Okay, thank you, daddy." It's good to know that Terrorcreep can at least try to accept Sunset for her sake.

As Fluttershy left the security room, Terrorcreep sighed, speaking quietly to himself, "I'm sorry, my dear. I have to know what's going on here..."

It may not be long before any evidence of what happened can be found.


Twilight, her friends and some students gathered at the gym, preparing for their next class. Most of the students are excited, though some are glaring at Sunset...who is pretending that she doesn't exist to them.

"Oh yeah! Welcome to my world!" Rainbow laughs as she gave a V for Victory to everyone. "The best period to play with. Nothing can stand in my way coz I rule it!"

"Oh! Why now?! Can't I be with Shorty?! Why now?!" Rarity groans a bit, not believing this.

"So what's going on with that?" Twilight asked her friends in concern.

"And what sport are we doing in this class?" Ben asked the others curiously. "I am not prepared for this."

"Oh yer're gonna love 'is one." Applejack said with a smirk on her face. "An' Ah hope yer're prepared fer de worst, Twilight; 'Dis one is gonna be one big pain 'ta our butts."

A whistle is heard sounding loudly yet wildly as all of students stopped and stood in each line of their own. Their teacher is here. Aquastroke, dressed in her sleeveless cyan shirt with navy pants, brown sport boots and had a black jacket around her waist, whistled wildly as she and Blazefist, dressed in his black and red Soccer Shirt and black shorts with black sport shoes, came into the gym.

"They're here! The Athlete Couple is in the house!" Pinkie exclaims, bouncing up and down excitedly. "Didn't I tell you all that Aqua and Blaze are in love?"

"Pinkie, you've already said that for nearly... 100 times..." Fluttershy said, reminding Pinkie that she kept telling her friends that info so many times before.

"It's her! She's here." Rainbow squealed happily. "I can't believe she's here! The Awesome Aqua's in the house!"

"Yeah, baby! The Crazy Coach is in the house!" One athlete cheers on wildly.

"Yeah, man! Can't wait to start one." Another athlete remarks in agreement with his fellow student.

"I like Blazefist. He's so cute and handsome." Naomi said with a sigh. "Wish I had a boyfriend like hers."

"You and Me both." An athlete girl said to Naomi with a smirk. Most of the girls at Canterlot High definitely like Blazefist.

"Ah... Did I miss something?" Twilight ask her friends confused. Why are the students acting crazy towards Aquastroke and Blazefist like that?

"Aqua is Rainbow Dash's Personal Coach an' a sister too. An' trust me, Rainbow Dash gone crazy fer 'dat coach." Applejack explains to Twilight with a light chuckle. Rainbow sure goes crazy big time when those two are around. "Both o' them is 'de best team fer any sports. One wrong insult, Rainbow could gone a Berserker."

"Yeah... I wouldn't want to mess with her." Ben said with a shudder. Last thing he wants is to get on the bad side of someone like Aquastroke.

"Okay, everyone! Glad to see everyone up and running! Coz today is gonna be great!" Aqua calls out to the students in determination. They wait as the teacher continues, "And I hope everyone is ready for this kind of action." She then took a red dodge ball out, spinning it on one finger. "Who's ready for Dodgeball?!"

The students cheered wildly and happily. Rainbow cheers on, "Yeah, awesome!"

"Oh boy, this is going to be great." Pinkie exclaims squealing.

"All right, bring it, sugar cube!" Applejack calls out to Aquastroke, ready for Dodgeball.

Of course, Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight aren't as keen of the sport like their 3 pals are. They hate Dodgeball, mostly because it is a brutal sport, and Twilight isn't good at some sports.

"Glad to see anyone like you ready for the breakfast. Coz I don't want to hear some complaints and yelping noises from any of you." Blazefist said to the students with a chuckle. If he hears any complaints or yelping noises from anyone, the teacher is going to lose it.

"Without any complaints, we get started now. Split into two teams - Awesomeness versus Lamos. My favorite and awesome pupil: Rainbow takes the lead for Awesomeness! And Boris take the Lamos!" Aqua said, picking the captains for the teams. "Start your picks!"

"YES! Aqua, I so owe you for that!" Rainbow laughs eagerly, rubbing her hands in determination. She can't wait.

Rarity raise her hand, looking worried as she spoke to Blazefist, "Excuse me, sir. I was wondering if we should go through some... safety guide limits about it."

Fluttershy nodded while admitting, "Yes. I wish to withdraw."

Blazefist sighed, rolling his eyes as he reminds the two girls of what he said earlier, "Rarity and Fluttershy, what did I just say about complaints?"

"But we didn't-!" Rarity begins to protest but Aqua interrupts her.

"Since you insisted so badly, I'll give you a hint of safety guide limits, Dramity and Little Shy. Get dodge or get whacked!" Aqua snaps to the two girls, making them yelp in alarm. "DODGEBALL TIME!"

"You have to ask..." Twilight groans as she prepares to get into whatever team of what captain choose her.

Rarity muttered in annoyance, "I hate that coach!" Why must she put up with that?

After the teams have been chosen, Aqua blew the whistle and things go nuts with both sides throwing dodge balls at one another like mad, Fluttershy ducks nervously. Rainbow chuckles as she hits one kid that Fluttershy hid behind.

"Eeep!" Fluttershy yelps as she rushed to hide behind another kid who also got hit. "Oh my!"

Applejack and Pinkie move, dodging the dodge balls, though Sunset, who isn't even playing or participating in this class, got hit by a bunch of them in the stands. The girl screams in annoyance and pain, "Now I know you all are doing that on purpose!"

"Trixie doesn't care!" Trixie exclaims to Sunset in amusement.

Twilight yelps as she quickly dodges a dodge ball quickly. Caramel manages to knock three away from himself, laughing...only for them to hit the walls and roof before one each hit him on the head, knocking Caramel right out of the game.

Boris chuckled, "I may not be on the Awesome Team, but I can still kick those butts, especially that brat. It's payback time for getting the girl away from me!"

"Boss, you do realize that isn't the same one." Boxco said, reminding his boss that Twilight isn't the Equestrian one.

"Yeah. So, you wanted her?" Dum-Dum ask his boss confused.

"That's what I'm here for, ladies." Boris remarks to his bosses with a cruel smirk. He won't rest until either Twilight is his, no matter what!

Boris laughs cruelly as he and his boys grab the dodge balls, throwing them at Rarity and Fluttershy, causing them to scream as they got hit like mad. That really hurts...especially since Fluttershy is on Boris's team!

It took a few minutes or so, but Dodgeball is finally over. Aqua whistled her whistle, calling out, "Not bad. Good job, that's some serious improvement." The teacher sighed, giving a look of disapproval to Rarity and Fluttershy. "I'm still expecting some guts, Dramity and Little Shy."

"Easy, Aqua. They did their best." Blazefist said, calming his love down. "Alright, get some shower. And Boris, to the Discipline Room! You've got some serious attitude problems again!"

"Yo, Rainbow Dash - That's some awesome moves you've make! Proud of you, girl. You're so in for the Equestria Games!"

Rainbow squealed, jumping up and down while exclaiming, "Oh yeah! Thank you!"

"Wow...And I thought I was a crazy fan." Scootaloo said in amazement at how her idol is acting towards Aqua. Then again, she knew this already.

"Guess yew an' Rainbow Dash share 'de common-like." Apple Bloom remarks, giving a jokingly grin towards her friend.

"Fan Crazy for the awesome girls." Sweetie giggles, doing her best not to fall to the floor laughing.

"Now that's funny!" Nyx laughs, agreeing with her friends. Seeing Scootaloo acting like a fan girl is sure funny!

"Hey!" Scootaloo exclaims, not impressed with the comments towards her.

So she acts like a fan girl. It's nothing for Scootaloo to be ashamed about, right?


Later, the gang was entering science class after finishing gym class was over.

Shorty, dressed in his white lab coat, greeted the students, "Greetings, everyone. I'm glad to see that everyone is here. And hopefully, Rainbow Dash won't try to be tardy for this one. Because if she did, she won't have a chance to take Physical Education again."

Rainbow huffed, "Lame..." Everyone had to be a spoilsport.

"Rainbow Dash, your manners, please!" Rarity scolded Rainbow for her lack of matters, as usual. "He's a friend of mine."

"Didn't know you and him had a connection." Twilight said, arching an eyebrow at this.

"Well... Shorty is my dad's personal assistant. And he's the best guy I could ask for. He's way better than that stupid Blueblood." Rarity said, looking a bit disgusted at the reminder of the principal's nephew and Ben's horrible cousin. "But he left for KSI as a scientist until he came to Canterlot as a Science Teacher. I really like and admire him so much. He may be a nerd, but he's a handsome scientist."

Ben couldn't help by chuckle at this. He nudged Flash while saying, "I didn't know that Rarity had a crush on Shorty."

"Yeah, me too." Flash remarked, amused by this.

"Wow... And I thought my dog had gone crazy for another dog he likes." Twilight said in amazement.

Shorty sighed, overhearing the conversion. Why is he not surprised? The teacher then cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention, "Now... without any further ado, we should proceed for an experiment. Let's start with Chemical Reaction Energy. And no to any athletes, we're not going to test some dangerous mixing chemicals. Each team must have two scientists."

Shorty gave a look to Rainbow, who frowned while demanding, "Why does he keep looking at me?!" She hated it when he does that. Very disturbing!

"You did make Rarity sick in making up a story about going into...a human body." Fluttershy said meekly. Rainbow did do something like that one time.

"It was just a joke!" Rainbow protested to Fluttershy in annoyance. Why must folks get in her face about that?!

Shorty spoke up, "Now, can someone tell me what the safety measures are, involving kinetic energy experiments?" Twilight raised a hand, getting his attention. "Yes, Twilight?"

"Is it all right if I choose a lab partner?" Twilight asked Shorty with a smile. "You know, just so I can get a closer experience with this?"

"Yes, you can." Shorty said with a smile.

"Good. Rarity, you're with me." Twilight said to Rarity with a smile.

The kids picked their own partners as Shorty give out the instructions as to what to do. Fluttershy was paired with Applejack, Flash with Ben, Rainbow with Pinkie, and so on and so forth.

"Remember to follow my instructions. I don't want some accidents, and I especially don't want to have some troublemaking students to mess things up." Shorty explained sternly to everyone.

As everyone was working on their chemistry, Shorty kept his eyes sharp on them in making sure that they don't make a mess on their chemistry projects.

Fluttershy was scared as she struggled in lifting a heavy crimson flask up. Applejack helped her up as they both poured it into a greenish big flask. POOF! The greenish color of flask remained stable for the moment. They both smiled. That was good.

Flash smirked as he tried to pour the black colors of test tube on the greenish test tube. Ben stopped him as he explained about using the right chemical. Flash smiled as he and Ben worked carefully on putting the right chemical mixture. So far, so good.

As Rainbow Dash tried to understand what Shorty had instructed, she yawned as she struggle to keep her eyes up. Pinkie randomly poured all kinds of chemical into the flask before firing the burner up in burning the flask. BOOM! Both of them were covered with burnt marks. Ouch!

Shorty groaned in annoyance. Pinkie smiled innocently while Rainbow glared at her.

"Rarity, are you sure you can handle it? Chemistry is the delicate masterpiece of science." Twilight said to Rarity in concern.

Rarity smiled as she assured Twilight, "I certainly can."

"Are you sure? You were keen on fashion than science as I remembered." Twilight said, recalling what Rarity prefers to do most of all.

Rarity smiled, saying to Twilight, "Twilight, I assure you of one thing; I can handle it well. I've done this before in my life before you came here." Hearing that surprised the egghead. She'd never would expected that.

Twilight hummed, "Okay, then. Let's get started."

Twilight and Rarity carefully followed Shorty's instruction as they poured one-by-one of the chemical tubes and flasks into the greenish flask for a few moments. As the green flask shook hard for a moment, it popped as the flask revealed the colorful liquid within the flask itself. They both smiled in success.

"Well done, Rarity and Twilight. I expect no less from you. I wish I could say from both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie." Shorty said, giving a glare at two certain students.

"Thanks a lot, Pinkie." Rainbow remarked bitterly to Pinkie. Shorty was already calling them out as failures for this.

"Can't help it. I did what Maud told me. Pour everything into it. And I did." Pinkie admitted to Twilight, squeaking a bit.

"I didn't know you were good at science.” Twilight said to Rarity in amazement.

"Well... When you have a personal tutor, you get admired and interested on him." Rarity admitted. She then cleared a throat as if correcting herself, "Science."

"I bet she wanted to impress that egghead doctor." Rainbow remarked, rolling her eyes as if suspecting what Rarity was really after here.

"Well... It did happen before in Power Master's Universe. She and him got together." Pinkie said to Rainbow, much to her bewilderment. "It even happened with Twilight and Shadow Dragon."

"I wish you could get experimented on why you're so random." Rainbow said to Pinkie, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Boring! Try me! Now this is how it works!" Boris boasted wickedly.

Boris and his gang randomly poured all the chemical tubes and flask into a greenish flask. They turned the burner on to begin the progress of burning the flask. Its color turned into dark black colors as it shook very hard. And as if it was expected, the flask exploded. Once all is clear, the science lab was a mess. Everyone was covered by black marks.

"Is he always like that?" Ben ask the others in bewilderment, preferring to Boris’s habit.

"Unfortunately." The girls remarked dryly to Boris.

"And with Sunset now a good guy, Boris is just a plain bully." Flash admitted to his friends, shaking his head in annoyance.

"You know... I've seen him somewhere. Can't put it how." Twilight said in concern. She had a feeling that the girl had seen Boris somewhere before.

"Hopefully, he doesn't try to pull that again." Ben said with a frown.

Shorty gave an anger glare at Boris, snapping, “"Boris! To the Disciplinary OFFICE!”


With that incident over, the gang tends their next class: Kendo. Burnblast and Lightningblade are there, dressed in Kendo Robes/Uniforms. Everyone, dressed in their Kendo Uniforms with their helmets on the right, was sitting down on the floor without any shoes on.

“Welcome to Heck, kiddies.” Burnblast said to the kids with a devilish smile, freaking most of the students out.

“What Burnblast-Sensei meant was 'Welcome to Kendo Class'.” Lightningblade said, correcting the students to explain what Burnblat meant otherwise.

“LB, there aren't kids.” Burnblast snaps to Lightningblade in irritation. “Okay, rookies. Hope you're ready for the next lesson. Coz this one is gonna be your pain of your butts if you're so not ready!”

“Today, we'll train you the ways of Kendo from our old home: Japan. We expect no disobedience or aggressive to each other. We shall begin the lesson before we proceed to practice.” Lightningblade said, giving out strict instructions to the students.

"Well, this oughta be interesting." Sunset sighed a bit. She hasn't done Kendo before, but this was a first for her, since the principal enroll her in this class.

"They maybe 20% cool, but nothing beats my coach." Rainbow bragged to her friends.

"Be careful o' what yew just said, Dash. Ah heard those two are good at Kendo an' some sword fighting." Applejack said, giving out a word of warning to Rainbow to watch what she said.

"Trust me, A.J. They're no joke." Ben said seriously to Applejack in agreement. He knew those two and their ways of fighting weren't anything to laugh at.

"I'm taking Ben's word for it." Nyx remarked with a nod.

During the next few minutes or so, the students practiced with their Kendo, waving sticks or swords at each other, doing their best not to harm one another. In Kendo, you have to do self defense, not to make fights.

While some of the students were doing better, sometimes Fluttershy is having trouble. Mainly because she is not used to sword play.

"Not bad, rookies. But Shy Girl, you seriously need to work on that. I'm not expecting some weakling in my class." Burnblast said to Fluttershy, making her whimper meekly at those words.

"Do not be discouraged by those words." Lightningblast said, patting Fluttershy in assuring. "Use them as the gift of motivation. With that, you will keep on practicing until you mastered courage. We wish you well."


It's lunchtime at Canterlot High. Students head to certain tables, mingling and talking, eating while enjoying themselves. Icy and Tailtech joined the CMC as they sat with the Main Five and friends.

"Wow, what a day so far, huh, Rainbow?" Scootaloo asked Rainbow with a smile.

"Well, yes...I did have a few...problems with some classes." Fluttershy admitted to her friends meekly.

"It’s okay, Fluttershy. I'm sure you will do better at some of them." Tailtech said to Fluttershy with a smile.

"Right. I mean, not everyone gets Kendo right the first time." Icy admitted to Fluttershy. After all, one can't do Kendo properly the right time. It takes time.

"Ugh, that Shorty is a pain in the butt." Rainbow groaned a bit. "I nearly survive his class."

"Well, if you have been studying or paying more attention, you wouldn't be having those kind of trouble." Rarity remarked to her friend with a scoff.

"I'm just glad I survived Kendo." Sunset said, drinking some juice while sighing. "Some of my opponents look like they want to kill me!"

"Don't worry about it fer now, sugah cube." Applejack said to Sunset. "Not everyone forgot what happened."

"Out of curiosity, what did happened?" Twilight asked her friends curiously, remembering her friends. The ones who knew kept quiet, looking worried. Although the newcomers saw the “Helping Twilight Win the Crown” video as well as the humiliating one of Equestrian Twilight and the Main Five and their pals did promise to explain about it later, the concerns over the Autobot-Decepticon thing forced everyone at Canterlot High, well mostly anyway, to keep quiet.

"Right, actually, why was everyone upset at Sunset?" Ben asked, curious as well. "Did something happen here?"

"Let's just say it's a prank that gone wrong." Rainbow said quickly, giving out a nervous look.

"Right, I mean, something happened, the kids took it waaaaaay out of proportion." Pinkie said in agreement while looking nervous as well. The girls can't let their new friends know what happened.

"And are you certain?" Twilight asked, making Starlight look at her oddly.

"Why the sudden interest, Twilight?" Starlight asked Twilight curiously.

"Just curious." Twilight admitted to her brother. She couldn't give him the true reason, though.

"Listen, it was just a prank, nothing to worry about." Sunset said to Twilight. The girl just wanted that chapter of her former life to be closed, never to be opened again. "Please. Let's change the discussion."

Twilight and Ben wanted to press further but they decided for their friends' sake as to not press it further for now. They decided to wait for the time being.

Laxtinct, dressed in his janitor suits, came out and found that the floor was covered with footprints, and near the table where Twilight and her friends are sitting at. Needless to say, he isn't happy with this at all.

"Are you kidding me?! Darn it! I thought I told you kids not to mess up with the floors!" Laxtinct scowls angrily as he got to work on cleaning up the footprints. "I swear if my brother were here, he's gonna kick your butts for making the mess!"

"Wow, calm down." Starlight calls out to Laxtinct in concern. "Just a little mess."

"Right, Hobo Joe doesn't give us a hard time when that happened, why should you?" Sunset ask Laxtinct in agreement.

"I got to agree though. One shouldn't leave messes." Rarity remarks, looking a bit annoyed by the footprints too.

"Out of curiosity: who's Laxtinct's talking about?" Scootaloo ask the others puzzled by this.

"Guys... Do I remind you again?" Pinkie ask her friends, disbelief that her friends would forget so easily. "That buddy of mine Laxtinct's older brother is Blazefist."

"What, really?" Fluttershy ask, ducking down in her chair a bit.

"Uh oh." Most of the CMC girls said in worry, feeling a bit worried.

"Aw man! If Blazefist found out about this, Aqua's gonna get screwed!" Rainbow exclaims, slapping her head as she is worried that Blazefist would be upset by this.

"Yeah, no kidding! No thanks to you!" Laxtinct snaps to the girls' group as if they are responsible for the mess that he has to clean up now. The boy is sick of it!

"Sorry about that, I don't think it's our fault." Twilight apologizes to Laxtinct, not wanting him to get upset further. "Even if we did make that mess, we're still sorry."

"Right, sorry about 'dat." Applejack remarks, giving a sheepish chuckle to Laxtinct.

"Come on, don't be mad! Be glad!" Pinkie exclaims happily, blowing a steamer in her mouth while throwing confetti into the air.

"No worries. I wouldn't be angry now if it weren't for pinky girl's special party gift to me. I'll excuse you for now..." Laxtinct said with a shrug as he cleans up the confetti mess too. Those kids are so glad that Pinkie is their pal.

"How'd you do that, Pinkie?" Twilight ask Pinkie, pondering what Laxtinct meant by the last part.

"Simple - Laxtinct asked me every year of his birthday to make a best and coolest birthday party for him. Whenever he gets a best one, he would forgive and forget the problem. After all, he and I are best buddies." Pinkie explains happily while giving out a big squee. "Did I ever tell you about how I met Lax and Blaze?"

Rainbow roll her eyes at this and remarks dryly to Twilight, "Just say yes. It's a long story..."

As Laxtinct was preparing to take his leave, Hoboken Joe stops him, pointing to some spots on the floor that he mess while scowling, "Laxtinct! Did you forget to clean that mess?!"

"Yes, I forgot..." Laxtinct groans to the old janitor in chagrin.

"Get it done now!"

Laxtinct scowls as he goes back to cleaning duties once more. If it weren't for his mission, Blazefist's brother would've been out of here a long time ago.


It is now time for Bakery Class. Saber, dressed in his greenish shirt with brown pants, was dressed in his apron, along with Granny Smith stood before the students.

"Is he wearing an apron?" Lyra ask Sweetie Drops in amazement while chuckling.

"Could be." Sweetie Drops remarks, shrugging while giggling a bit. "I just chose not to bother asking."

"Cute!" Derpy exclaims, laughing happily as she gets ready to make some muffins in this class.

Rainbow could help but laugh a bit at the apron that a certain cowgirl is dressed just like Saber. Applejack glares at her friend while asking, "Ah supposed 'dat Ah dressed like 'dis, one would make yew laughing?"

"You bet." Rainbow remarks as she calms down from her laughing.

"Sorry about that, Applejack. I guess Saber is your special friend." Ben apologizes to Applejack sheepishly.

"More than a friend, he's like a brother to me. An' trust me on 'dis, he and I go way back when I was a kid. He taught me everything. Ah'd appreciate it very much." Applejack explains her connection to Saber of when he and her were once kids.

Saber notices some of the other students chuckling as well. He spoke, "Well... students. If you think what I'm dressing is funny, wait till your turn to try one. Because all of you are gonna dressed in one. We're gonna start to cook."

Granny Smith chuckled, "He's right about that. Now I know that some of you didn't want to cook because rich folks got chefs to cook or some kids want to buy some foods from other places. Well, let me tell you something, kids. If you don't learn to cook, you don't get to eat. So, you'd better listen well to Saber, or you'd be in deep trouble."

"Alright, then. Let's start with the bakery. I hope you're ready for it."

The kids forcingly got to work, wearing aprons and cooking/bake the cakes, sweets, cookies, etc. Derpy was doing great with her muffins. Pinkie, basically she can get her hands on. Some of the students' food either blew up in their faces or are wasted.

For the students who did get their treats done properly, Saber and Granny Smith taste them. The old woman smiles as she spoke, "Well done. Baking is an easy task. Well, I was expecting some of ya to do a better cook."

"Yes... Rainbow Dash, you really need to work on your cook." Saber remarks, cringing at the bad cake that she tasted from Rainbow.

Rainbow groans and slaps herself. To her, it isn't easy to cook...EVER!


It was the end of the day for the kids. As the students leave to go home for the day, Twilight commented happily to be here. Of course, there is one other thing and that she didn't get much information than the girls gave her about what happened at the last Fall Formal at all.

Twilight sighed, "I didn't get anything. If I ask too much, they will get suspicious. Just glad Pinkie didn't suspect a thing. Well, I'd better report back to Azure."

Ben sighed in worry, "Shadow Dragon is so gonna kill me."

"Guys?" Nyx ask puzzled upon hearing what her sister and her boyfriend just said.

"It's nothing." Twilight and Ben said quickly as they rush off, leaving the girl's siblings to look at them suspiciously.

"Weirdo..." Starlight remarks dryly while shaking his head. Even Nyx is suspecting that Twilight and Ben are hiding something.

Inside the school, Shadow Dragon and his friends were in discussion at the security room. Blazefist groans while shaking his head, "It looks like Twilight and Ben didn't get any info."

"Don't worry, everyone. They'll get it next time. I receive the new order from Secretary Azure Phoenix. It has something to do with some... unexpected teachers' recruitment." Shadow Dragon said, adding that Azure Phoenix has given him some new orders involving some new teachers that got hired without explanation.

"Why do I get the feeling that things are about to get worse?" Burnblast ask, slapping his head in disbelief.


"I am ticked." Boris said sternly in a room as Boxco and Dum-Dum watches on. "That idiot Shorty send me to Shadow Dragon's office. My butt is feeling sore from the whacking he gave me!"

"Tell me about it." Boxco remarks with a groan, feeling his behind. Both he and Dum-Dum got send to Shadow Dragon’s office as well. "Well, whatcha gotta do, huh?"

"Well, I know one thing: it's time we get enough with the delaying."

"Indeed, no more delaying." Sombra said as he and Chrysalis came into the room, much to the notice of the three bullies. "Sorry, boys, couldn't resist butting in."

"What do you two want?" Boris ask, groaning to see Sombra and Chrysalis.

"We know you want Twilight...either one...and wish to give in our little help." Chrysalis said, giving some sort of hiss as she sat on a table. "I believe Sombra and I can help."

"Uh, last time we got help, we got into trouble." Dum-Dum explains to Chrysalis in worry.

"Right, and Sunset got pals, we're still the threesome." Boxco remarks, nodding in agreement.

"Tomorrow is the next day of school for the new kids...Chrysalis and I can help arrange so you can take Ben out of the picture...for good!" Sombra explains, giving out an evil smile to the three bullies.

Boris pauses, this could be his chance to put his new equipment to good use! The bully said with an evil grin, "You got my attention..."